542 research outputs found

    Untersuchung eines Zusammenhangs zwischen Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/HyperaktivitÀtsstörung (ADHS) und StraffÀlligkeit

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    Bisher wurden monokausale ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen StraffĂ€lligkeit und ADHS hergestellt. In der Arbeit erfolgt ein Vergleich zwischen delinquenten und nichtdelinquenten ADHS-Patienten. Die Kindheit der Delinquenten war signifikant hĂ€ufiger von Missbrauch, VernachlĂ€ssigung und Vorleben sĂŒchtiger Verhaltensweisen geprĂ€gt, es lagen vermehrt komorbide Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Suchterkrankungen vor. Dies ist als Ursache der Delinquenz anzusehen, ADHS ist nur ein weiterer Baustein. Um die Defizite auszugleichen, muss bereits in der Kindheit protektiv eingegriffen werden

    Milk, Meat, and Fish From the Petri Dish—Which Attributes Would Make Cultured Proteins (Un)attractive and for Whom? Results From a Nordic Survey

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    Cultured meat, fish, or dairy produced in vitro are discussed as one of the most substantial disruptions the food sector might encounter in the coming decades. These cultured proteins are proposed as a potential solution to the detrimental effects industrial food farming and fishing have on the environment and animal welfare as they would allow people to continue consuming meat, fish, or dairy products while at the same time substantially reducing the burden for the planet. For most people, however, this technology is still unknown, and it is largely unclear how they position themselves toward it. This paper presents the results of a representative survey (N = 3,864) in three Nordic countries (Norway, Denmark, and Finland). After briefly introducing the technological background, respondents spontaneously assessed their general attitude toward cultured proteins, their willingness to try them, and the likelihood that changes in 24 features of cultured protein would improve the respondents' attitude toward cultured protein products. The results showed that people in the studied countries have a neutral to a slightly positive view of cultured protein products. More familiarity seems to improve acceptance. Males, younger people, and vegans/vegetarians are particularly positive. The anticipated attitude change profiles showed that meat-eating identity, social norms, environmental concern, and country yielded the clearest profile differences, whereas health identity, age, innovativeness, income, education, and gender have smaller effects. People on a vegan or vegetarian diet cared less about most of the positive and negative aspects of cultured proteins compared to meat-eaters, with the exception of environmental and ethical aspects.Peer reviewe

    Curvature recognition and force generation in phagocytosis

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    Background: The uptake of particles by actin-powered invagination of the plasma membrane is common to protozoa and to phagocytes involved in the immune response of higher organisms. The question addressed here is how a phagocyte may use geometric cues to optimize force generation for the uptake of a particle. We survey mechanisms that enable a phagocyte to remodel actin organization in response to particles of complex shape. Results: Using particles that consist of two lobes separated by a neck, we found that Dictyostelium cells transmit signals concerning the curvature of a surface to the actin system underlying the plasma membrane. Force applied to a concave region can divide a particle in two, allowing engulfment of the portion first encountered. The phagosome membrane that is bent around the concave region is marked by a protein containing an inverse Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs (I-BAR) domain in combination with an Src homology (SH3) domain, similar to mammalian insulin receptor tyrosine kinase substrate p53. Regulatory proteins enable the phagocyte to switch activities within seconds in response to particle shape. Ras, an inducer of actin polymerization, is activated along the cup surface. Coronin, which limits the lifetime of actin structures, is reversibly recruited to the cup, reflecting a program of actin depolymerization. The various forms of myosin-I are candidate motor proteins for force generation in particle uptake, whereas myosin-II is engaged only in retracting a phagocytic cup after a switch to particle release. Thus, the constriction of a phagocytic cup differs from the contraction of a cleavage furrow in mitosis. Conclusions: Phagocytes scan a particle surface for convex and concave regions. By modulating the spatiotemporal pattern of actin organization, they are capable of switching between different modes of interaction with a particle, either arresting at a concave region and applying force in an attempt to sever the particle there, or extending the cup along the particle surface to identify the very end of the object to be ingested. Our data illustrate the flexibility of regulatory mechanisms that are at the phagocyte's disposal in exploring an environment of irregular geometr

    Navigating the energy transition: Identifying critical success factors for ancillary services provision and sustainable energy solutions in Germany

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    The provision of ancillary services (AS) is subject to changes associated with the energy transition. Due to new requirements, the power supply quality, reliability, and safety must be achieved by simultaneously complying with technological, economic, and environmental constraints. To mitigate these challenges, we derive factors responsible for a successful venture of all stakeholders, referred to as critical success factors (CSFs). In a Design Science Research (DSR)-based approach, twelve specific CSFs are deduced from expert interviews with transmission-, plant-, and distribution system operators. These CSFs are evaluated in a focus group discussion with academic experts afterward. We summarize practical results and findings from failed and successful projects concerning energy trading strategies, asset portfolios, grid expansion, and communication technologies. We contribute to AS knowledge and derive recommendations for further research and practice

    Monolithic integrated light-emitting-diode/photodetector sensor for photoactive analyte monitoring: design and simulation

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    : We present the simulation and design optimization of an integrated light-emitting-diode/photodetector (LED-PD) sensor system for monitoring of light absorbance changes developing in analyte-sensitive compounds. The sensor integrates monolithically both components in a single chip, offering advantages such as downsizing, reduced assembly complexity, and lower power consumption. The changes in the optical parameters of the analyte-sensitive ink are detected by monitoring the power transmission from the LED to the PD. Ray tracing and coupled modeling approach (CMA) simulations are employed to investigate the interaction of the emitted light with the ink. In highly absorbing media, CMA predicts more accurate results by considering evanescent waves. Simulations also suggest that an approximately 39% change in optical transmission can be achieved by adjusting the ink-deposited layer thickness and varying the extinction coefficient from 10-4 to 3×10-4

    Observation of the Emperor penguins Aptenodytes forsteri in the Prince Gustav Channel related with unusual sea-ice decline in north-western Weddell Sea

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    A pair of juvenile emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) was observed in the northern coast of James Ross Island, the north-western sector of the Weddell Sea, Antarctica, in January 2017. The penguins originated from the colony located on Snow Hill Island, 120-130 km far from the observation area. Despite the emperor penguinÂŽs ability to migrate over long distances, when they are well-known from different areas in Antarctica, this was the first observation of this species in the north of James Ross Island. In this short paper we discuss the environmental factors which allowed the penguins to reach James Ross Island northern coast, especially significant sea ice variability in this area during last decade

    Optical control of 4f orbital state in rare-earth metals

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    A change of orbital state alters the coupling between ions and their surroundings drastically. Orbital excitations are hence key to understand and control interaction of ions. Rare-earth elements with strong magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) are important ingredients for magnetic devices. Thus, control of their localized 4f magnetic moments and anisotropy is one major challenge in ultrafast spin physics. With time-resolved x-ray absorption and resonant inelastic scattering experiments, we show for Tb metal that 4f-electronic excitations out of the ground-state multiplet occur after optical pumping. These excitations are driven by inelastic 5d-4f-electron scattering, altering the 4f-orbital state and consequently the MCA with important implications for magnetization dynamics in 4f-metals and more general for the excitation of localized electronic states in correlated materials

    Long-term validation of ESA operational retrieval (version 6.0) of MIPAS Envisat vertical profiles of methane, nitrous oxide, CFC11, and CFC12 using balloon-borne observations and trajectory matching

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    MIPAS-Envisat is a satellite-borne sensor which measured vertical profiles of a wide range of trace gases from 2002 to 2012 using IR emission spectroscopy. We present geophysical validation of the MIPAS-Envisat operational retrieval (version 6.0) of N2_{2}O, CH4_{4}, CFC-12, and CFC-11 by the European Space Agency (ESA). The geophysical validation data are derived from measurements of samples collected by a cryogenic whole air sampler flown to altitudes of up to 34 km by means of large scientific balloons. In order to increase the number of coincidences between the satellite and the balloon observations, we applied a trajectory matching technique. The results are presented for different time periods due to a change in the spectroscopic resolution of MIPAS in early 2005. Retrieval results for N2_{2}O, CH4_{4}, and CFC-12 show partly good agreement for some altitude regions, which differs for the periods with different spectroscopic resolution. The more recent low spectroscopic resolution data above 20 km altitude show agreement with the combined uncertainties, while there is a tendency of the earlier high spectral resolution data set to underestimate these species above 25 km. The earlier high spectral resolution data show a significant overestimation of the mixing ratios for N2_{2}O, CH4_{4}, and CFC-12 below 20 km. These differences need to be considered when using these data. The CFC-11 results from the operation retrieval version 6.0 cannot be recommended for scientific studies due to a systematic overestimation of the CFC-11 mixing ratios at all altitudes

    Distinct Functional Connectivity Signatures of Impaired Social Cognition in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Objective: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by impairments in basic cognitive functions such as information processing speed as well as in more complex, higher-order domains such as social cognition. However, as these deficits often co-occur, it has remained challenging to determine whether they have a specific pathological basis or are driven by shared biology. Methods: To identify neural signatures of social cognition deficits in MS, data were analyzed from n = 29 patients with relapsing-remitting MS and n = 29 healthy controls matched for age, sex, and education. We used neuropsychological assessments of information processing speed, attention, learning, working memory, and relevant aspects of social cognition (theory of mind, emotion recognition (ER), empathy) and employed neuroimaging of CNS networks using resting-state functional connectivity. Results: MS patients showed significant deficits in verbal learning and memory, as well as implicit ER. Performance in these domains was uncorrelated. Functional connectivity analysis identified a distinct network characterized by significant associations between poorer ER and lower connectivity of the fusiform gyrus (FFG) with the right lateral occipital cortex, which also showed lower connectivity in patients compared to controls. Moreover, while ER was correlated with MS symptoms such as fatigue and motor/sensory functioning on a behavioral level, FFG connectivity signatures of social cognition deficits showed no overlap with these symptoms. Conclusions: Our analyses identify distinct functional connectivity signatures of social cognition deficits in MS, indicating that these alterations may occur independently from those in other neuropsychological functions

    Heterogeneity of quality of life in young people attending primary mental health services

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    AIMS: The utility of quality of life (QoL) as an outcome measure in youth-specific primary mental health care settings has yet to be determined. We aimed to determine: (i) whether heterogeneity on individual items of a QoL measure could be used to identify distinct groups of help-seeking young people; and (ii) the validity of these groups based on having clinically meaningful differences in demographic and clinical characteristics. METHODS: Young people, at their first presentation to one of five primary mental health services, completed a range of questionnaires, including the Assessment of Quality of Life–6 dimensions adolescent version (AQoL-6D). Latent class analysis (LCA) and multivariate multinomial logistic regression were used to define classes based on AQoL-6D and determine demographic and clinical characteristics associated with class membership. RESULTS: 1107 young people (12–25 years) participated. Four groups were identified: (i) no-to-mild impairment in QoL; (ii) moderate impairment across dimensions but especially mental health and coping; (iii) moderate impairment across dimensions but especially on the pain dimension; and (iv) poor QoL across all dimensions along with a greater likelihood of complex and severe clinical presentations. Differences between groups were observed with respect to demographic and clinical features. CONCLUSIONS: Adding multi-attribute utility instruments such as the AQoL-6D to routine data collection in mental health services might generate insights into the care needs of young people beyond reducing psychological distress and promoting symptom recovery. In young people with impairments across all QoL dimensions, the need for a holistic and personalised approach to treatment and recovery is heightened
