122 research outputs found

    Alterations of podocytes in a murine model of crescentic glomerulonephritis

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    Recent observations suggest a central role of podocytes in crescent formation. In experimental glomerulonephritis podocytes disrupt the parietal epithelial layer and attach on its basement membrane, thus forming bridges between the tuft and Bowman's capsule, and they are a major constituent of crescents. In order to explain these findings we hypothesize that inflammation triggers motility in podocytes. In the present study we asked whether podocytes display alterations which suggest a migratory behavior in glomerulonephritis. Glomerulonephritis was induced in mice by injection of a rabbit serum against the glomerular basement membrane. The kidneys were perfusion-fixed 6days later and examined by light and electron microscopy as well as by immunohistochemistry. In glomerulonephritis the apical cytoplasm of podocytes displayed numerous actin-containing microprotrusions. Cortactin, a protein involved in the regulation of actin polymerization, was predominantly expressed in foot processes of podocytes in control mice. It was redistributed to the cell body in glomerulonephritis. In untreated mice β1-integrin was restricted to the foot processes. In glomerulonephritis it was additionally found in the cytoplasm and in the apical cell membrane. Recycling of integrins is a crucial event in initiation of cell migration. ICAM-1 and CD44, the ligation of which induces migratory behaviors, were absent from healthy podocytes but expressed by some podocytes in glomerulonephritis. Thus, in glomerulonephritis podocytes display some characteristic features of migrating cells. This might explain their ability to break through the parietal epithelium and to become a constituent of early crescent

    Forschung zu Seltenen Erkrankungen in Deutschland - Mit kleinen Fischen und Superresolution-Mikroskopie auf den Spuren einer seltenen Erkrankung

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    Hintergrund: Die fokal segmentale Glomerulosklerose (FSGS) ist eine seltene Erkrankung bzw. Schädigung der Filtereinheiten der Niere, der Glomeruli, über die es bisher nur begrenzte Kenntnisse und wenig Behandlungsmöglichkeiten gibt. Das STOP-FSGS-Konsortium hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, das Wissen über diese Erkrankung zu vertiefen und neue Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu entwickeln. Projekt: Durch intensive Forschung und den Einsatz modernster Techniken wie der Superresolution-Mikroskopie, KI-basierter Bildgebung und Einzelzellforschung, arbeitet das Konsortium daran, ein tieferes Verständnis der Mechanismen von FSGS zu erlangen. Dies ermöglicht es, die Krankheit exakter zu diagnostizieren, um so eine gezielte und effektivere Behandlung der Patientinnen und Patienten zu ermöglichen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Suche nach Medikamenten, die die Erkrankung verlangsamen oder sogar heilen. Ergebnisse: Durch die Etablierung eines schnellen Tiermodells, der Zebrafischlarve, wurden potentielle Substanzen/ Medikamente identifiziert, die die FSGS abmildern können. Daneben wurde die Superresolution-Mikroskopie eingesetzt, um die strukturellen Veränderungen in der Niere präzise durch die Bestimmung der sogenannten „Filtrationsschlitzdichte“ (FSD) zu quantifizieren als auch ein Markerprotein identifiziert, das eine personalisierte Prognose und Verlaufsbeurteilung der Erkrankung ermöglichen kann. Schlussfolgerungen: Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, das Fortschreiten der FSGS besser zu erkennen und die Behandlung optimal anzupassen, um die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen zu erhöhen und Nierenersatztherapien zu vermeiden

    Novel Microscopic Techniques for Podocyte Research

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    Together with endothelial cells and the glomerular basement membrane, podocytes form the size-specific filtration barrier of the glomerulus with their interdigitating foot processes. Since glomerulopathies are associated with so-called foot process effacement—a severe change of well-formed foot processes into flat and broadened processes—visualization of the three-dimensional podocyte morphology is a crucial part for diagnosis of nephrotic diseases. However, interdigitating podocyte foot processes are too narrow to be resolved by classic light microscopy due to Ernst Abbe's law making electron microscopy necessary. Although three dimensional electron microscopy approaches like serial block face and focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy and electron tomography allow volumetric reconstruction of podocytes, these techniques are very time-consuming and too specialized for routine use or screening purposes. During the last few years, different super-resolution microscopic techniques were developed to overcome the optical resolution limit enabling new insights into podocyte morphology. Super-resolution microscopy approaches like three dimensional structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM), stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) and localization microscopy [stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM)] reach resolutions down to 80–20 nm and can be used to image and further quantify podocyte foot process morphology. Furthermore, in vivo imaging of podocytes is essential to study the behavior of these cells in situ. Therefore, multiphoton laser microscopy was a breakthrough for in vivo studies of podocytes in transgenic animal models like rodents and zebrafish larvae because it allows imaging structures up to several hundred micrometer in depth within the tissue. Additionally, along with multiphoton microscopy, lightsheet microscopy is currently used to visualize larger tissue volumes and therefore image complete glomeruli in their native tissue context. Alongside plain visualization of cellular structures, atomic force microscopy has been used to study the change of mechanical properties of podocytes in diseased states which has been shown to be a culprit in podocyte maintenance. This review discusses recent advances in the field of microscopic imaging and demonstrates their currently used and other possible applications for podocyte research

    Studying the role of fascin-1 in mechanically stressed podocytes

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    Glomerular hypertension causes glomerulosclerosis via the loss of podocytes, which are challenged by increased mechanical load. We have demonstrated that podocytes are mechanosensitive. However, the response of podocytes to mechanical stretching remains incompletely understood. Here we demonstrate that the actin-bundling protein fascin-1 plays an important role in podocytes that are exposed to mechanical stress. Immunofluorescence staining revealed colocalization of fascin-1 and nephrin in mouse kidney sections. In cultured mouse podocytes fascin-1 was localized along actin fibers and filopodia in stretched and unstretched podocytes. The mRNA and protein levels of fascin-1 were not affected by mechanical stress. By Western blot and 2D-gelelectrophoresis we observed that phospho-fascin-1 was significantly downregulated after mechanical stretching. It is known that phosphorylation at serine 39 (S39) regulates the bundling activity of fascin-1, e.g. required for filopodia formation. Podocytes expressing wild type GFP-fascin-1 and non-phosphorylatable GFP-fascin-1-S39A showed marked filopodia formation, being absent in podocytes expressing phosphomimetic GFP-fascin-1-S39D. Finally, the immunofluorescence signal of phosphorylated fascin-1 was strongly reduced in glomeruli of patients with diabetic nephropathy compared to healthy controls. In summary, mechanical stress dephosphorylates fascin-1 in podocytes in vitro and in vivo thereby fascin-1 may play an important role in the adaptation of podocytes to mechanical forces

    MDM2 prevents spontaneous tubular epithelial cell death and acute kidney injury

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    Murine double minute-2 (MDM2) is an E3-ubiquitin ligase and the main negative regulator of tumor suppressor gene p53. MDM2 has also a non-redundant function as a modulator of NF-kB signaling. As such it promotes proliferation and inflammation. MDM2 is highly expressed in the unchallenged tubular epithelial cells and we hypothesized that MDM2 is necessary for their survival and homeostasis. MDM2 knockdown by siRNA or by genetic depletion resulted in demise of tubular cells in vitro. This phenotype was completely rescued by concomitant knockdown of p53, thus suggesting p53 dependency. In vivo experiments in the zebrafish model demonstrated that the tubulus cells of the larvae undergo cell death after the knockdown of mdm2. Doxycycline-induced deletion of MDM2 in tubular cell-specific MDM2-knockout mice Pax8rtTa-cre; MDM2f/f caused acute kidney injury with increased plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen and sharp decline of glomerular filtration rate. Histological analysis showed massive swelling of renal tubular cells and later their loss and extensive tubular dilation, markedly in proximal tubules. Ultrastructural changes of tubular epithelial cells included swelling of the cytoplasm and mitochondria with the loss of cristae and their transformation in the vacuoles. The pathological phenotype of the tubular cell-specific MDM2-knockout mouse model was completely rescued by co-deletion of p53. Tubular epithelium compensates only partially for the cell loss caused by MDM2 depletion by proliferation of surviving tubular cells, with incomplete MDM2 deletion, but rather mesenchymal healing occurs. We conclude that MDM2 is a non-redundant survival factor for proximal tubular cells by protecting them from spontaneous p53 overexpression-related cell death

    Comparative Analysis of Podocyte Foot Process Morphology in Three Species by 3D Super-Resolution Microscopy

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    Since the size selectivity of the filtration barrier and kidney function are highly dependent on podocyte foot process morphology, visualization of foot processes is important. However, the size of foot processes is below the optical resolution of light microscopy. Therefore, electron microcopy has been indispensable to detect changes in foot process morphology so far, but it is a sophisticated and time-consuming technique. Recently, our group has shown that 3D structured illumination microscopy (3D-SIM), a super-resolution microscopy (SRM) technique, can visualize individual foot processes in human biopsies. Moreover, we have developed a software-based approach to directly quantify the structure of podocyte foot processes named Podocyte Exact Morphology Measurement Procedure (PEMP). As shown in patients suffering from minimal change disease (MCD), PEMP allows the quantification of changes of the foot process morphology by measuring the filtration slit density (FSD). Since rodents are frequently used in basic research, we have applied PEMP to quantify foot processes of mice and rats. Comparative analysis of nephrin-stained kidneys from humans, rats, and mice showed significant differences of the FSD. The highest FSD was measured in mice (3.83 ± 0.37 μm−1; mean ± SD) followed by rats (3.36 ± 0.42 μm−1) and humans (3.11 ± 0.26 μm−1). To demonstrate that PEMP can be used to determine foot process morphology also in affected animals, we measured the FSD in palladin-knockout mice on a 129S1 genetic background compared to wild-type littermates. Taken together, we established a method for the quick and exact quantification of podocyte foot process morphology which can be applied to diagnosis and basic research

    ExprEssence - Revealing the essence of differential experimental data in the context of an interaction/regulation net-work

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Experimentalists are overwhelmed by high-throughput data and there is an urgent need to condense information into simple hypotheses. For example, large amounts of microarray and deep sequencing data are becoming available, describing a variety of experimental conditions such as gene knockout and knockdown, the effect of interventions, and the differences between tissues and cell lines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address this challenge, we developed a method, implemented as a Cytoscape plugin called <it>ExprEssence</it>. As input we take a network of interaction, stimulation and/or inhibition links between genes/proteins, and differential data, such as gene expression data, tracking an intervention or development in time. We condense the network, highlighting those links across which the largest changes can be observed. Highlighting is based on a simple formula inspired by the law of mass action. We can interactively modify the threshold for highlighting and instantaneously visualize results. We applied <it>ExprEssence </it>to three scenarios describing kidney podocyte biology, pluripotency and ageing: 1) We identify putative processes involved in podocyte (de-)differentiation and validate one prediction experimentally. 2) We predict and validate the expression level of a transcription factor involved in pluripotency. 3) Finally, we generate plausible hypotheses on the role of apoptosis, cell cycle deregulation and DNA repair in ageing data obtained from the hippocampus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Reducing the size of gene/protein networks to the few links affected by large changes allows to screen for putative mechanistic relationships among the genes/proteins that are involved in adaptation to different experimental conditions, yielding important hypotheses, insights and suggestions for new experiments. We note that we do not focus on the identification of 'active subnetworks'. Instead we focus on the identification of single links (which may or may not form subnetworks), and these single links are much easier to validate experimentally than submodules. <it>ExprEssence </it>is available at <url>http://sourceforge.net/projects/expressence/</url>.</p

    BDNF: mRNA expression in urine cells of patients with chronic kidney disease and its role in kidney function

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    Podocyte loss and changes to the complex morphology are major causes of chronic kidney disease (CKD). As the incidence is continuously increasing over the last decades without sufficient treatment, it is important to find predicting biomarkers. Therefore, we measured urinary mRNA levels of podocyte genes NPHS1, NPHS2, PODXL and BDNF, KIM-1, CTSL by qRT-PCR of 120 CKD patients. We showed a strong correlation between BDNF and the kidney injury marker KIM-1, which were also correlated with NPHS1, suggesting podocytes as a contributing source. In human biopsies, BDNF was localized in the cell body and major processes of podocytes. In glomeruli of diabetic nephropathy patients, we found a strong BDNF signal in the remaining podocytes. An inhibition of the BDNF receptor TrkB resulted in enhanced podocyte dedifferentiation. The knockdown of the orthologue resulted in pericardial oedema formation and lowered viability of zebrafish larvae. We found an enlarged Bowman's space, dilated glomerular capillaries, podocyte loss and an impaired glomerular filtration. We demonstrated that BDNF is essential for glomerular development, morphology and function and the expression of BDNF and KIM-1 is highly correlated in urine cells of CKD patients. Therefore, BDNF mRNA in urine cells could serve as a potential CKD biomarker

    Brain dysfunction in tubular and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases

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    Kidney function has two important elements: glomerular filtration and tubular function (secretion and reabsorption). A persistent decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), with or without proteinuria, is diagnostic of chronic kidney disease (CKD). While glomerular injury or disease is a major cause of CKD and usually associated with proteinuria, predominant tubular injury, with or without tubulointerstitial disease, is typically non-proteinuric. CKD has been linked with cognitive impairment, but it is unclear how much this depends on a decreased GFR, altered tubular function or the presence of proteinuria. Since CKD is often accompanied by tubular and interstitial dysfunction, we explore here for the first time the potential role of the tubular and tubulointerstitial compartments in cognitive dysfunction. To help address this issue we selected a group of primary tubular diseases with preserved GFR in which to review the evidence for any association with brain dysfunction. Cognition, mood, neurosensory and motor disturbances are not well characterized in tubular diseases, possibly because they are subclinical and less prominent than other clinical manifestations. The available literature suggests that brain dysfunction in tubular and tubulointerstitial diseases is usually mild and is more often seen in disorders of water handling. Brain dysfunction may occur when severe electrolyte and water disorders in young children persist over a long period of time before the diagnosis is made. We have chosen Bartter and Gitelman syndromes and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus as examples to highlight this topic. We discuss current published findings, some unanswered questions and propose topics for future research

    Drugs with a negative impact on cognitive function (Part 1): chronic kidney disease as a risk factor

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    People living with chronic kidney disease (CKD) frequently suffer from mild cognitive impairment and/or other neurocognitive disorders. This review in two parts will focus on adverse drug reactions resulting in cognitive impairment as a potentially modifiable risk factor in CKD patients. Many patients with CKD have a substantial burden of comorbidities leading to polypharmacy. A recent study found that patients seen by nephrologists were the most complex to treat because of their high number of comorbidities and medications. Due to polypharmacy, these patients may experience a wide range of adverse drug reactions. Along with CKD progression, the accumulation of uremic toxins may lead to blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption and pharmacokinetic alterations, increasing the risk of adverse reactions affecting the central nervous system (CNS). In patients on dialysis, the excretion of drugs that depend on kidney function is severely reduced such that adverse and toxic levels of a drug or its metabolites may be reached at relatively low doses, unless dosing is adjusted. This first review will discuss how CKD represents a risk factor for adverse drug reactions affecting the CNS via (i) BBB disruption associated with CKD and (ii) the impact of reduced kidney function and dialysis itself on drug pharmacokinetics