1,246 research outputs found

    Recientes hallazgos sobre el campamento de la legio VII Germina en León: la situación de los principia y la configuración de los latera praetorii

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    Recientes trabajos arqueológicos en un solar situado en el cruce de las viae decumana y principalis del recinto amurallado del campamento de la Legio Vll Gémina han permitido identificar restos de una construcción con muros en opus vittatum, asociada a hallazgos epigráficos -entre los que destaca una inscripción honorífica dedicada a Antonino Pío-, que, en una primera interpretación, parece que debe identificarse con los principia del campamento de la Legio VIl. De confirmarse tal hipótesis, dicha construcción ocuparía una superficie de, al menos, 7.000 m2 y, gracias a poseer sus límites septentrional y meridional, su implantación, junto con los datos que se poseen de otras excavaciones próximas, permite esbozar alguna propuesta de configuración de los latera praetorii del último campamento legionario.Recent archaeological work located in the crossing of viae decumana and principalis of the walled enclosure of the fortress of Legio Vll Gemina have uncovered evidence of a construction in opus vittatum, associated to epigraphic findings -an honorary inscription dedicated to Antoninus Pius-, that, in one first interpretation, seems that it must be identified with the principia of the camp of the Legio Vll Gemina based at León. To confirm such hypothesis, this construction would occupy a surface of, at least, 7,000 square meters and, thanks to have its limits northern and southern, its implantation, along with the data of others excavations situated in the surrounding area, allows to outline some proposal of configuration of the latera praetorii of the last legionary camp

    En torno al descubrimiento de la hidroquinona

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    Fernández Encinas, JL. (1944). En torno al descubrimiento de la hidroquinona. Cine experimental. (1):9-12. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/42586.Importación Masiva912

    Algunos comentarios sobre la rapidez de las emulsiones cinematográficas

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    Fernández Encinas, JL. (1945). Algunos comentarios sobre la rapidez de las emulsiones cinematográficas. Cine experimental. (2):107-110. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/42602.Importación Masiva107110

    Index analysis of semistate systems without passivity restrictions

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    In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on semistate models based on differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) for the analysis and simulation of non-linear electrical circuits. Modelling techniques such as Node Tableau Analysis (NTA), Augmented Nodal Analysis (ANA), or Modified Nodal Analysis (MNA), the latter used e.g. in the circuit simulation programs SPICE and TITAN, set up network equations in differentialalgebraic form[48, 59, 60, 139]. The index of a DAE circuit model becomes a standard measure for the analytical and numerical difficulties faced in simulations [16, 60, 65]. Roughly speaking, the notion of the index can be thought of as the number of steps that are necessary to split the original differential-algebraic systemin to two uncoupled systems: an algebraic one, and an explicit differential one. In particular, index zero systems amount to explicit ODEs, while for index one DAEs the aforementioned splitting can be obtained in a relatively simple manner. Differential-algebraic systems with an index higher than one, usually called higher index systems, are more difficult and specific approaches are necessary for their simulation (see e.g. [65, Chap. VII]). In this direction, the topological characterization of low index (index less than two) circuit configurations has become increasingly important, and it is performed by current circuit simulators [46]. Characterizations of this type do not only place analytical conditions on the circuit devices but they also demand the existence or absence of certain configurations on the circuit digraph, which retains the electrical nature of the circuit elements but not their specific constitutive equations. In previous works, passivity assumptions on circuit devices have been very helpful to simplify the characterization of the index for the resulting models [48, 131, 139]. These assumptions amount to the positive definiteness of the incremental conductance and reactance matrices, this being equivalent to demanding that all conductances and reactances are positive in uncoupled circuits. Restricting the coupling effects allowed in the circuit, the present work introduces novel tree-based methods allowing us to characterize the index of common nodal models in a more general framework, based on algebraic assumptions on certain trees within the network. This tree-based index calculation generalizes previous results, making it possible to characterize the index of uncoupled circuits including both passive and active devices. Our results focus mainly on the augmented nodal analysis and the modified nodal analysis formulations. While modified nodal analysis models have been widely studied froma non-linear DAE perspective [45, 48, 95, 130, 139], the augmented nodal analysis formulation was presented in [131] as an intermediate step between MNA and NTA, preserving the index one conditions of node tableau. In the present work, we employ different types of trees for the characterization of low index configurations in the different models. Index one ANA systems are characterized by certain conditions on the proper trees in the circuit. In turn, index one conditions for MNA are stated in terms of normal trees. Proper and normal trees were introduced by Bashkow [11] and Bryant [21, 22, 23], respectively. A key step in our proofs is the factorization of the matrices describing index one for ANA and MNA, where the Cauchy-Binet formula allows us to split the topological component of the circuit from the characteristics of the devices. The study of the above-mentioned matrices, in particular of those describing index zero for MNA and index one for ANA, leads to the notion of an augmented nodal matrix. In the abstract terms of a coloured digraph, this type of matrix allows us not only to characterize low index configurations but also to analyze other problems in circuit theory, such as the DC-solvability condition for equilibriump oints of well-posed circuits [31, 46, 54, 55, 130, 137, 138]. In this context, the characterization of proper and normal trees in abstract coloured digraphs defines a result of independent interest, which allows us to delve into the kernel of the augmented nodal matrix. Regarding this problem, we prove that the normal trees of a green/blue connected graph are defined by all possible combinations of a forest of the green subgraph and a tree of the so-called blue-cut minor. Similarly, for three-colour connected graphs, we show that normal trees can be characterized in terms of red-cut minors and normal forests of the green/blue subgraph. Finally, in order to study the rank of augmented nodal matrices for problems including couplings or controlled branches, we present the novel notions of a balanced tree and a regular tree pair. Although they are introduced in the simpler and more general context of coloured digraphs, both notions can be directly transposed to a circuit theoretic setting. This allows us to examine networks including coupled capacitors or Voltage-Controlled Current Sources (VCCS), which are present in most integrated circuits [5, 87, 136]. Specifically, we present here characterizations of the DC-solvability problemand index one configurations in ANA models of circuits including controlled sources. Additionally, index zero configurations in MNA models are examined for circuits including coupled capacitors

    Ajuste de estructuras metálicas coladas o fresadas sobre implantes de conexión externa e interna

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    [ES] La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el proceso de fabricación de la prótesis dental. Se considera que la estructura metálica es un elemento fundamental en la prótesis porque será la que entre en contacto directo con el implante, primero en el modelo de trabajo y posteriormente en la boca del paciente. Por ello, es necesario realizar un estudio comparativo para determinar la exactitud del ajuste entre el pilar/prótesis y el implante dental. Por esto se realizó un estudio en el que se comparaban la adaptación de la prótesis con dos sistemas de fabricación; tradicional o colado vs digital o fresado, para los dos tipos de conexión universal; conexión externa e interna. La finalidad del presente estudio es tratar de esclarecer dudas que se plantean al clínico. Tanto por el grado de adaptación como por el la decisión de incorporar nuevas formas de trabajo (tecnología CAD/CAM) al devenir diario. Cualquier resultado obtenido dará gran información para valorar y o modificar nuestro trabajo cotidiano. Los objetivos fundamentales que se plantean en el presente estudio de investigación in vitro son: a) Determinar la discrepancia entre la estructura metálica fabricada mediante la técnica de colado o mecanizado sobre implantes de conexión interna y externa. b) Determinar la rugosidad de la estructura mecanizada o colada sobre implantes de conexión externa e interna

    Consideraciones sensitométricas en el registro del sonido

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    Fernández Encinas, JL. (1945). Consideraciones sensitométricas en el registro del sonido. Cine experimental. (5):289-291. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/42650.Importación Masiva289291

    Radical Titanocene Promoted Coupling of Epoxides and Vinyl Sulfones

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    [EN]A radical coupling reaction of diverse vinyl sulfones and epoxides was mediated by Cp2TiCl (Cp = cyclopentadienyl) to provide a straightforward synthetic pathway to hydroxy sulfones. The reaction was successfully achieved by using either an excess or a catalytic amount of the TiIII reagent. The scope of the reaction was studied for several different functionalized and substituted epoxides and vinyl sulfones

    Radical Cyclization of Epoxy Vinyl- and Allylsulfones Promoted by Titanocene Chloride

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    [EN]A titanocene-mediated intramolecular radical addition of different epoxy vinyl- and allylsulfones has been achieved. Five- and six-membered ring products were obtained in good to excellent yields in the presence of both 2.2 and 0.2 equiv of Cp2TiCl. A novel double-activation strategy allowed us to achieve small-size rings such as cyclobutanes and cyclopropanes

    Tercer ejercicio resuelto del proceso selectivo para el acceso a la Subescala de Intervención-Tesorería, categoría de entrada de la Escala de funcionarios de Administración Local con habilitación de carácter nacional (turno libre)

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    Caso 1. Presupuesto, liquidación del presupuesto, estabilidad y sostenibilidad financiera, morosidad y periodo medio de pago. Destino del superávit de la entidad local. Caso 2. Fiscalización. Reconocimiento de obligaciones. Contratación. Caso 3. Contabilidad. Liquidación del IVA, cálculo y registro del IS, cálculo del resultado y balance de situación. Caso 4. Tesorería, recaudación, operaciones de crédito, gestión tributaria. Liquidación de una plusvalía municipal