57 research outputs found

    Evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of innovation drivers: a comparison between GWR and GWPR

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    In studies focusing on innovation activities, the potential spatial heterogeneity in the relationships between innovation and its triggering factors is an unexplored topic. On this ground, this paper aims to a twofold contribution. First, we verify the existence of spatial variability in the relationships. We evaluate the estimation gains due to local regressions, such as geographically weighted regression (GWR) and geographically weighted panel regression (GWPR), with respect to the classical global methods (e.g., OLS, Fixed Effects panel regression). Second, we compare the GWPR with GWR and global models to evaluate if the joint consideration of time and space dimensions allows for the rise of new insights. We resort to official data on 287 NUTS-2 European regions in 2014–2021. The results confirm that GWPR estimations significantly differ from GWR and global models, potentially producing new patterns and findings

    The determinants of land use in Italy from a spatial perspective: A re-interpretation at the time of COVID-19

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    This work aims at providing a deeper understanding of the main determinants of land use in Italy by using a large dataset drawn from official sources for 2016 (ISTAT, ISPRA, SIEPI). The analysis is carried out at the municipal level (n= 7,798), corresponding to the NUTS-4/LUA level of the Eurostat classification, because in Italy each municipality is the main decision-maker of territorial planning strategies and tools. Moreover, as land use activities impact the environment with inevitable relationships between local agents, the analysis also investigates the effects of local neighbouring factors on land use decision-makers, as well as spatial interactions among local agents distributed in space

    Exploring land use determinants in Italian municipalities: comparison of spatial econometric models

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    This study sets up a spatial econometric framework to explore the factors that best describe land consumption in Italy at the municipal level. By modelling the different types of spatial interactions and geographical proximity between all Italian municipalities, the direct effects of land use drivers are assessed together with spillover effects. Land use data are drawn from the ISPRA-SNPA 82/18 Report and cover all 7,998 Italian municipalities. The results highlight the existence of endogenous and exogenous interaction effects and the crucial role of the demographic, socio-economic and institutional structure on land use intensity. Hence the need for a planning policy aimed at: i) strengthening institutional cooperation to deal with excessive administrative fragmentation; ii) improving institutional and governmental quality to trigger virtuous mechanisms for sustainable land use management


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan prestasi belajar mata pelajaran IPA setelah penerapan metode inkuiri dengan teknik mind map pada siswa tuna rungu wicara di kelas VIII SMP di SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Populasi adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII SMP di SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta yang berjumlah 7 orang siswa, sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini tidak digunakan karena seluruh anggota populasi dijadikan subyek penelitian (penelitian populasi). Karena penelitian ini termasuk penelitian populasi, maka tidak ada pengambilan sampling. Try out dilakukan terhadap 4 orang siswa diluar populasi dengan hasil 24 item soal dinyatakan valid dan semua soal yang valid adalah reliable. Jumlah item soal yang tidak valid adalah 6 item soal dari 30 soal item. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan tes tertulis (pilihan ganda, isian dan uraian mind mapping) dan teknik dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis statistic non parametric. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis Uji Sign Rank Test Wilcoxon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : a) terdapat peningkatan prestasi belajar IPA antara sebelum dan setelah perlakuan/treatment bagi siswa tuna rungu wicara kelas VIII SMP di SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta. Ini dibuktikan dengan nilai rata–rata posttest prestasi belajar IPA diperoleh skor 26,57, sedangkan nilai rata–rata ketika pretest 17,71. b) dari hasil data yang dikerjakan dengan bantuan SPSS diperoleh nilai Z = -2,375 dan P = 0,018 berada di bawah nilai α = 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang berbunyi “Ada pengaruh penggunaan metode inkuiri dengan teknik mind map terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar IPA pada siswa tuna rungu wicara kelas VIII SMP di SLB-B YRTRW Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2009/2010”, terbukti kebenarannya. Jadi dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode inkuiri dengan teknik mind map berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar IPA anak tuna rungu wicara

    Entorno social en el comportamiento de estudiantes de 3 y 4 años IEI 82783.

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    Mi estudio lo he realizado con la finalidad de establecer la relación que coexiste entre el entorno social y el comportamiento de estudiantes de tres y cuatro años en la Institución de nivel Inicial N° 82783, indagando la correspondencia que estás variables tienen, inicie con la identificacion del estado actual del comportamiento de los estudiantes y como ésta se la relación con su entorno social, mi estudio lo he realizado en una muestra de 42 niños, tuve que hacer uso de una ficha de observación el cual contenía 16 ítems de evaluación, que posterior lo he puesto a validación tanto con alfa de Cronbach como por juicio de expertos. Consecuentemente, luego de procesar la información recolectada he obtuve resultados que me permitieron indicar que el p- valor del coeficiente de Pearson, ostenta una correlación positiva moderada, muestra su significatividad con la prueba chi-cuadrado. Concluye mi investigación donde demuestro que el entorno social tiene relación significativa con la forma de comportarse de los estudiantes de tres y cuatro años de edad de la IEI N° 82783 San Miguel, 2018.Tesi

    Komponenta projekta ADRICOSM – sustav promatranja na velikoj skali – satelitski sustav

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    In the framework of the ADRICOSM project, the Satellite Oceanography Group (GOS) of Rome developed a Fast Delivery System (FDS) for providing the partner modeling centres with remotelysensed ocean colour and sea surface temperature (SST) data. Data are processed, mapped and binned on the Adriatic Sea area in order to be assimilated into both ecosystem models and circulation models for ocean forecasting. Further technological improvements permitted the building and optimization of a system suitable for meeting the increasing demand for near-real-time ocean colour and SST products for applications in operational oceanography. Real-Time Images of SeaWiFS chlorophyll concentration, clouds/case I/case II water flags and true colour images are obtained by processing the satellite passes using climatological ancillary data. These images are provided daily through an ad hoc automatic system that processes the raw satellite data and makes it available on the web within an hour of satellite overpass acquisition. All of the images are stored in a gallery web archive organized in a calendar chart. Accurate chlorophyll maps for assimilation are produced in near real time (typically after 4 days) as soon as daily meteorological ancillary data are made available on the NASA website. Each chlorophyll map is flagged for clouds or other contamination factors using the corresponding 24 quality flag maps. This implies that case-2 waters and spurious atmospheric effects have been removed from the pigment data set. This final product is binned on the Adriatic model grid and made available for the ADRICOSM project on the GOS web site. NOAA/AVHRR data are also acquired by the GOS ground station in Rome and managed by the FDS from their reception up to their distribution. Daily SST maps of the Adriatic Sea binned over the AREG model grid at 1/16° resolution are distributed weekly in Near-Real-Time along with the daily SST maps of the eastern Mediterranean Sea delivered at 1/8° resolution to the MFSTEP project. Real-Time SST maps of the Adriatic Sea at 1km resolution are posted daily in GIF format on the GOS website.U okviru projekta ADRISOSM, GOS (Grupa za satelitsku oceanografiju) iz Rima razvila je Sustav za brzu isporuku FDS, snabdijevanje partnerskih centara za modeliranje satelitskim snimcima boje mora i tem-peraturnim podacima površine mora (SST). Podaci za Jadran su obrađeni, pretvoreni u grafičke produkte i digitalizirani kako bi se mogli asimilirati u model strujanja i model ekosistema, te koristiti oceanografskoj prognozi. Daljnja tehnološka poboljšanja su omogućila izgradnju i optimalizaciju sustava, zbog rastućih potreba za produktima boje mora i površinske temperature za različite primjene u operativnoj oceanografiji. Slike koncentracije klorofila od senzora SeaWiFS, slike oblaka te Case1 i Case2 oznake, kao i slike prave boje dobivaju se procesiranjem satelitskih scena uz popratne klimatološke podatke. Slike se procesiraju dnevno kroz ad-hoc automatski sustav koji obrađuje sirove satelitske podatke i omogućuje njihovu isporuku na mrežu, sat vremena nakon prikupljanja satelitskih podataka tj. nakon prolaska satelita. Sve se slike spremaju u arihvu na mreži koja je organizirana prema datumima. Korigirane slike koncentracije klorofila za asimilaciju u model proizvode se u skoro realnom vremenu (tipično 4 dana kasnije) čim se dobiju popratni meteorološki podaci s mreže NASA-e. Na svakoj slici klorofila su označeni oblaci ili drugi kontaminirajući faktori, prema 24 kategorije kvalitete slika. To znači da su Case 2 slučajevi piksela uklonjeni iz snimaka kao i atmosferske sme-tnje. Konačni produkt se usklađuje s koordinatnom mrežom Jadrana i stavlja na raspolaganje na stranicama ADRICOSM-a preko GOS-ove Internet stranice. GOS zemaljska stanica u Rimu prikuplja i podatke NOAA/ AVHRR koji se procesiraju kroz FDS sustav, od prijema do konačne distribucije podataka. Dnevne se slike površinske temperature mora (SST), usklađene preko koordinatne mreže AREG-a pri prostornom razlučivanju od 1/16 stupnja, distribuiraju tjedno u skoro realnom vremenu, zajedno sa slikama istočnog Sredozemlja koje imaju razlučivanje od 1/8 stupnja prema MFSTEP projektu. Dnevno, u skoro realnom vremenu, isporučuju se slike SST za Jadran uz prostorno razlučivanje od 1 km u GIF formatu na Internet stranici GOS-a

    The effect of e-cigarette aerosol emissions on respiratory health: a narrative review

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: Due to the uptake in the use of e-cigarettes (ECs), evidence on their health effects is needed to inform health care and policy. Some regulators and health professionals have ..

    Proyecto de Innovación Docente en la materia de Estancias Clínicas I del Grado en Enfermería a través de la metodología “Flip Teaching”

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    [Resumen] Contextualización: La asignatura Estancias Clínicas I es el primer paso práctico para la inmersión de los alumnos en las técnicas de Enfermería. Actualmente se organiza con presentaciones orales en aula (parte teórica) y posteriormente, con gran carga práctica, en laboratorios, con simulación para cada técnica de 2 h, en grupos pequeños de 10 alumnos. Limitaciones: transmisión de la información teórica y su relación con la parte práctica (distanciadas en tiempo y forma), desmotivación del alumnado, falta de horas prácticas para las técnicas. Objetivos: mejorar la motivación y el aprendizaje de las competencias marcadas dentro y fuera del aula (previo a la simulación) a través de la metodología Flipped Classroom. Metodología: Cuasiexperimental. Se formarán dos grupos de alumnos (experimental implantando el Flip Teaching y control) de 30 alumnos cada uno, seleccionados aleatoriamente. Se distribuirán en grupos de 10 para la simulación en laboratorio. Grupo control: seguirá la metodología tradicional. Grupo experimental: recibirá para cada técnica, presentaciones locutadas de 20 min y videos educativos elaborados por los docentes; realizarán obligatoriamente un resumen y un foro de participación y un documento de dudas (no obligatorio); finalmente, tendrán que acertar 7 preguntas de 10 aleatorias (pull de 100), con 3 intentos posibles en un autotest. Todo ello trabajado con Moodle antes de la simulación. ¿Qué esperamos?: Mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y la motivación. Flexibilizar del aprendizaje previo a la sesión de simulación en laboratorio de las técnicas de enfermería. Ganar horas de simulación práctica al eliminar las clases teóricas presenciale

    SIRT3 deficiency exacerbates fatty liver by attenuating the HIF1α-LIPIN 1 pathway and increasing CD36 through Nrf2

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    Background: Deficiency of mitochondrial sirtuin 3 (SIRT3), a NAD+ -dependent protein deacetylase that maintains redox status and lipid homeostasis, contributes to hepatic steatosis. In this study, we investigated additional mechanisms that might play a role in aggravating hepatic steatosis in Sirt3-deficient mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD). Methods: Studies were conducted in wild-type (WT) and Sirt3−/− mice fed a standard diet or a HFD and in SIRT3- knockdown human Huh-7 hepatoma cells. Results: Sirt3−/− mice fed a HFD presented exacerbated hepatic steatosis that was accompanied by decreased expression and DNA-binding activity of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α and of several of its target genes involved in fatty acid oxidation, compared to WT mice fed the HFD. Interestingly, Sirt3 deficiency in liver and its knockdown in Huh-7 cells resulted in upregulation of the nuclear levels of LIPIN1, a PPARα co-activator, and of the protein that controls its levels and localization, hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α). These changes were prevented by lipid exposure through a mechanism that might involve a decrease in succinate levels. Finally, Sirt3−/− mice fed the HFD showed increased levels of some proteins involved in lipid uptake, such as CD36 and the VLDL receptor. The upregulation in CD36 was confirmed in Huh-7 cells treated with a SIRT3 inhibitor or transfected with SIRT3 siRNA and incubated with palmitate, an effect that was prevented by the Nrf2 inhibitor ML385. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate new mechanisms by which Sirt3 deficiency contributes to hepatic steatosi