92 research outputs found

    Interspecific and intraspecific gene variability in a 1-Mb region containing the highest density of NBS-LRR genes found in the melon genome

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    Background: Plant NBS-LRR -resistance genes tend to be found in clusters, which have been shown to be hot spots of genome variability. In melon, half of the 81 predicted NBS-LRR genes group in nine clusters, and a 1 Mb region on linkage group V contains the highest density of R-genes and presence/absence gene polymorphisms found in the melon genome. This region is known to contain the locus of Vat, an agronomically important gene that confers resistance to aphids. However, the presence of duplications makes the sequencing and annotation of R-gene clusters difficult, usually resulting in multi-gapped sequences with higher than average errors. - Results: A 1-Mb sequence that contains the largest NBS-LRR gene cluster found in melon was improved using a strategy that combines Illumina paired-end mapping and PCR-based gap closing. Unknown sequence was decreased by 70% while about 3,000 SNPs and small indels were corrected. As a result, the annotations of 18 of a total of 23 NBS-LRR genes found in this region were modified, including additional coding sequences, amino acid changes, correction of splicing boundaries, or fussion of ORFs in common transcription units. A phylogeny analysis of the R-genes and their comparison with syntenic sequences in other cucurbits point to a pattern of local gene amplifications since the diversification of cucurbits from other families, and through speciation within the family. A candidate Vat gene is proposed based on the sequence similarity between a reported Vat gene from a Korean melon cultivar and a sequence fragment previously absent in the unrefined sequence. - Conclusions: A sequence refinement strategy allowed substantial improvement of a 1 Mb fragment of the melon genome and the re-annotation of the largest cluster of NBS-LRR gene homologues found in melon. Analysis of the cluster revealed that resistance genes have been produced by sequence duplication in adjacent genome locations since the divergence of cucurbits from other close families, and through the process of speciation within the family a candidate Vat gene was also identified using sequence previously unavailable, which demonstrates the advantages of genome assembly refinements when analyzing complex regions such as those containing clusters of highly similar genes

    Institutional quality and economic performance in the Caribbean and Latin America

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Development Policy,2016This study employed panel data analysis for the period between 1996 and 2010, to ascertain the overarching institutional constituent in explaining output per capita differences across the Caribbean and Latin America. It was inferred from the regression results that of all the investigated institutional components, the control of corruption index was not only the most robust in all the specified empirical models, but it was invariably positive and statistically significant. More so, a combination of corruption control plus the voice and accountability indices, elicited a robust and statistically significant correlation between it and real GDP Per Capita. Akin to Gaskins and Kock (2013), the latter results manifest the role voice and accountability plays, in not only aiding instituted corruption control measures, but also to attenuate and eradicate the adverse effects of the vice. In consequence, a telling case is made for strengthening the institutions that control corruption, in order to improve the Caribbean and Latin America`s living standards. The latter not only lends empirical credence to Mario Vargas (2015) contention that corruption is Latin America`s top problem, but it also shows that reining it in, among other things is vitally important. Also, this underscores Brunt (2007)`s overarching question regarding “which particular institutions matter for economic growth.” Policy wise, efforts expended in either reducing or eradicating corruption can benefit from increased levels of voice and accountability, akin to Kock and Gaskins (2014). Finally, a proxy of collective institutional quality, constructed and invoked as a composite index, also exerted benign effects on living standards, hence accentuating the significance of strengthening institutional quality, especially when purging the markets of functional inefficiencies.Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II : Literature Review Chapter III: Econometric model specification and data Chapter IV: Empirical Results Chapter V: Regression results Chapter VI: Policy implications and conclusionmasterpublishedJose Emilio VEGA CENTENO GAMARRA

    Solitary fibrous tumor of the meninges: case report

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    The solitary fibrous tumor (SFT) is a rare mesenquimal neoplasm, found originally in association with the pleura. Recently, SFT was reported in others sites. The extension into adjacent structures is not uncommon. The meningeal involvement by SFT is rare and there has only twenty-six cases been reported previously in the literature. We report a case of a 25 years-old female patient with generalized tonic clonic seizures in the last six years. During the neurologic investigation, a tumor in the left occipital region of the brain was found. The patient underwent an occipital craniotomy with total resection of the tumor. The histopatological and immunohistochemical diagnosis was STF. After three years of follow-up, the patient remains stable, with a normal neurological exam. There is no sign of tumor recidive in the postoperative cranial tomography. We will briefly review the literature about STF.O tumor fibroso solitário (TFS) é neoplasia mesenquimal rara, originalmente descrita na pleura e sendo mais recentemente também observada em vários outros sítios. Sua extensão para estruturas adjacentes não é incomum. O acometimento da meninge pelo TFS é raro, havendo relato de apenas vinte e seis casos na literatura. Apresentamos o caso de uma paciente de 25 anos, sexo feminino, com crises convulsivas tônico-clônicas generalizadas desde há seis anos. Durante a investigação, foi diagnosticado tumor em região occipital esquerda. A paciente foi submetida à craniotomia occipital, com exérese completa do tumor. O diagnóstico histopatológico e imuno-histoquímico foi de tumor fibroso solitário da meninge. Após seguimento pós-operatório por três anos, a paciente mantém o exame neurológico sem alterações e não apresenta evidência de recidiva nos controles tomográficos. É apresentada também uma breve revisão da literatura.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaLaboratório Salomão e ZoppiUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    The use of massive sequencing to detect differences between immature embryos of MON810 and a comparable non-GM maize variety

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    The insect resistant maize YieldGard MON810 was studied to assess the extent to which introduction of a transgene may putatively alter the expression of endogenous genes by comparison of various GM lines vs. their non-transgenic counterparts. To assess the extent to which introduction of a transgene may putatively alter the expression of endogenous genes, GM lines of the insect resistant maize YieldGard MON810 were compared with non-transgenic counterparts. For a more in-depth study, high-throughput deep sequencing together with microarrays were used to compare the transcriptomes of immature embryos of the MON810 variety DKC6575, with a cryIA(b) transgene, and its near-isogenic variety Tietar, grown under controlled environmental conditions. This technique also allows characterisation of the transgenic mRNAs produced. 3'UTR-anchored mRNA-seq produced 1,802,571 sequences from DKC6575 and 1,170,973 from Tietar, which mapped to 14,712 and 14,854 unigenes, respectively. Up to 32 reads from the transgenic embryos matched to the synthetic cry1A(b) sequence, similar to medium-abundant mRNAs. Gene expression analysis, using the R-bioconductor packages EdgeR and DEseq, revealed 140 differentially expressed genes mainly involved in carbohydrate metabolism, protein metabolism and chromatin organisation. Comparison of the expression of 30 selected genes in two additional MON810 and near-isogenic variety pairs showed that most of them were differentially expressed in the three pairs of varieties analysed. Analysis of functional annotation and the precise moment of expression of the differentially expressed genes and physiological data obtained suggest a slight but significant delay in seed and plant maturation of MON810 plants. However, these transcriptomic changes were not associated to undesirable changes in the global phenotype or plant behaviour. Moreover, while most expression changes in MON810 immature embryos were maintained in other transgenic varieties, some gene expression was found to be modulated by the genetic background in which the transgene was introduced through conventional breeding programs

    Proyecto Hidroeléctrico Boboké y su impacto económico en la Matriz Energética de Nicaragua

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    El proyecto hidroeléctrico Boboké en los diseños propuestos, cuenta con un embalse de regulación, es por ello que resulta atractivo en los diferentes planes de estudio realizados por el MEM y el Grupo de Planificación Indicativa GTPIRCEAC a nivel regional en América Central. También resulta ser un proyecto competitivo, aún ante un escenario de precios de petróleo bajo. En la topología el Proyecto Boboké aparece como un respaldo al Proyecto Tumarín en su Operación

    Análisis de la gestión ambiental en las piscinas de oxidación para su mejora en el cumplimiento de la normativa legal ambiental ecuatoriana en la ciudadela Eliezer Pérez Jurado del Cantón Naranjito

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    El desarrollo de este trabajo esta enfocado al análisis de la gestión ambiental en las piscinas de oxidación para su mejora en el cumplimiento de la normativa legal ambiental, se formuló una pregunta principal en base al teorema principal, de qué manera incide la deficiencia de la gestión ambiental en la emanación de gas metano y nitratos en las piscinas de oxidación del GAD Municipal de Naranjito


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    Descripción: Curso de especialidad en la carrera de Administración y Negocios Internacionales, de carácter teórico dirigido a los estudiantes del 7mo ciclo, que busca desarrollar la competencia general de Ciudadanía y competencia específica de Formulación de Proyectos Internacionales. Los acuerdos comerciales son el instrumento primordial para la inserción de un país en la economía mundial, de allí la importancia de que el profesional en negocios internacionales compare cuidadosamente los beneficios y la problemática actual de la integración regional. A través del curso de Integración Económica Internacional, se promueve el análisis crítico de los alumnos, permitiéndoles contrastar participativamente los diferentes esquemas de integración regional vigentes, tales como la Unión Europea, ALADI y la Comunidad Andina, así como los beneficios y retos de los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC) que ha suscrito el Perú, y la agenda comercial pendiente de negociación. Propósito: La asignatura tiene como propósito ofrecer a los estudiantes herramientas que les permitan comprender los fundamentos teóricos en los que se basan los diversos esquemas de integración a los que el Perú pertenece y analizar los mecanismos que se derivan de los acuerdos comerciales, así como sus implicaciones. Además, realizarán aplicaciones de las herramientas adquiridas en situaciones comerciales concretas identificando, de manera creativa y asertiva, las oportunidades que surgen de los acuerdos comerciales en los negocios internacionales.

    High presence/absence gene variability in defense-related gene clusters of Cucumis melo

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    Changes in the copy number of DNA sequences are one of the main mechanisms generating genome variability in eukaryotes. These changes are often related to phenotypic effects such as genetic disorders or novel pathogen resistance. The increasing availability of genome sequences through the application of next-generation massive sequencing technologies has allowed the study of genomic polymorphisms at both the interspecific and intraspecific levels, thus helping to understand how species adapt to changing environments through genome variability. Data on gene presence/absence variation (PAV) in melon was obtained by resequencing a cultivated accession and an old-relative melon variety, and using previously obtained resequencing data from three other melon cultivars, among them DHL92, on which the current draft melon genome sequence is based. A total of 1,697 PAV events were detected, involving 4.4% of the predicted melon gene complement. In all, an average 1.5% of genes were absent from each analyzed cultivar as compared to the DHL92 reference genome. The most populated functional category among the 304 PAV genes of known function was that of stress response proteins (30% of all classified PAVs). Our results suggest that genes from multi-copy families are five times more likely to be affected by PAV than singleton genes. Also, the chance of genes present in the genome in tandem arrays being affected by PAV is double that of isolated genes, with PAV genes tending to be in longer clusters. The highest concentration of PAV events detected in the melon genome was found in a 1.1 Mb region of linkage group V, which also shows the highest density of melon stress-response genes. In particular, this region contains the longest continuous gene-containing PAV sequence so far identified in melon. The first genome-wide report of PAV variation among several melon cultivars is presented here. Multi-copy and clustered genes, especially those with putative stress-response functions, were found to be particularly affected by PAV polymorphisms. As cucurbits are known to possess a significantly lower number of defense-related genes compared to other plant species, PAV variation may play an important role in generating new pathogen resistances at the subspecies level. In addition, these results show the limitations of single reference genome sequences as the only basis for characterization and cloning of resistance genes

    Yogurt de leche de soja (Glycine máx) CEA CH-86, por fermentación anaeróbica, laboratorio 107, Departamento de Química, UNAN-Managua, Mayo-Diciembre 2020

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    El grano de soja, se cultiva en Managua, Masaya y zonas occidentales. Actualmente la mayoría de la población consume la soja en sus variados productos, como Tofu, Miso, salsa de soja, aceite, y actualmente la más consumida es la bebida de soja o leche vegetal, de manera que se procedió a realizar la extracción de esta leche mediante 3 técnicas (Cornell, tradicional, e Illinois), seleccionando así, la técnica más adecuada y de una vez realizando los análisis correspondientes. Por lo tanto, se pudo constatar que es una bebida enriquecida en proteínas, minerales y grasa insaturada, también reconocida por tener propiedades similares a la leche bovina, con la diferencia que no contienen lactosa, por lo cual se dio apertura a la pre formulación de un yogurt que cumpliera con la características tradicionales del mismo por ende se utilizó como apoyo un programa estadístico como lo es Taguchi en el cual se realizaron 9 corridas añadiendo el probiótico y los aditivos en diversas concentraciones seleccionando la que más se asimilara a dichas características para proceder a realizar los análisis fisicoquímicos a la corrida seleccionada y evaluando la aceptabilidad del producto en los consumidores. De acuerdo a la investigación realizada, se constató mediante una evaluación que este producto tiene aceptabilidad en los consumidores. Palabras clave: yogurt, soja, CEA CH-86, fermentación

    Deportiva en la Escuela Marlene Pauth en la comunidad La Pacaya, municipio La Trinidad, en el segundo semestre 2019

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    Las estrategias metodológicas son un conjunto de procedimientos que sirven a los docentes para mejorar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje. Estas deben seleccionarse y aplicarse de acuerdo a los contenidos y características particulares de los estudiantes de manera estructurada, que permitan el desarrollo de habilidades asimilando y generando un aprendizaje satisfactorio. Esta investigación es de carácter descriptiva, está enfocada en la búsqueda de estrategias metodológicas relacionadas a la enseñanza adecuada de la disciplina de Educación Física y Recreación Deportiva, tiene como objetivo determinar las estrategias metodológicas empleadas en la enseñanza en la disciplina. La importancia de ello radica en generar aprendizajes a los estudiantes a través de procedimientos y habilidades que al ser adquiridas puedan ser utilizadas ante diversas situaciones que se presenten y faciliten a los docentes la enseñanza de manera compresiva y eficiente. Las estrategias metodológicas son indispensables en el quehacer educativo, sin embargo los docentes han obviado su uso para impartir los contenidos, debido a esto se realizó este trabajo investigativo, para fortalecer las prácticas educativas de los docentes de Educación primaria, que a la vez beneficiará a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje. Permitiendo la motivación de los estudiantes para que sean partícipes en la construcción de su propio conocimiento, fortaleciendo, desarrollando y su motricidad adecuadamente. Se describen las principales estrategias metodológicas contemplando su definición y cada uno de los procedimientos para una mejor comprensión, siendo los juegos tradicionales y pre deportivos para lograr una educación popular ya atractiva