315 research outputs found

    Keeping the Initiative through disruptions – Developing a Business Continuity

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    Background: Historically, the risk management activities in Gambro have been focused to ensure safety for patients and users of the company’s products where Regulatory and legal demands have driven the development. Lately, the need for a similar approach to assess and manage business risks has risen. When an earthquake hit the company’s facilities in northern Italy in 2012, the company did not have a predetermined plan for how to solve the crisis. Through good management and a dedicated workforce, production was quickly recovered and no patient harm occurred. After the experience the company realised the potential benefits of proactive assessment and management of risks for business interruptions. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model for assessment of risks that affects Gambro’s ability to deliver their products, i.e. operational disruption risks. The model should capture different types and levels of risks and be applicable and easy to use throughout the company. The harmonised model should enable Gambro to identify and mitigate risks in a structured and analytical manner. Method: A constructive research approach is used where a practical solution to the proposed problem is suggested. Academic literature, benchmarking, and Gambro’s current organisation is the basis for the development of a framework and governance for business risk management. Conclusions: A model for assessing disruption risks was developed. The model is divided into two general areas: the organisation and the procedure. An organisation with three different levels with different responsibilities of the process was developed. The three step procedure consists of the methodologies and tools required for identification of critical activities and resources, analyse and quantification of risks in terms of likelihood and business interruption value, and evaluate possible the risk responses

    Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for a fire scenario involving cables and comparison of two different cables

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    Previous studies on the evaluation of irritant species from burning cables in a modified prEN 50399 fire test produced FEC/FED values based on ISO TS 13571. However, the ISO standard mentions in its scope that these indices can only be used within e.g. modelling. For this reason Europacable (ECBL) initiated a preliminary case-study to asses the possibility of using modern fire safety engineering techniques. The scope of the project was the evaluation of the evacuation conditions for a realistic fire scenario involving two types of cable fires that produce different levels of heat, smoke and gases. Both CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) modelling by means of the software package FDS (Fire dynamics simulator) and evacuation modelling by means of the software package Simulex were performed. The results were used to calculate FED (fractional effective doses) and FEC (fractional effective concentration). The results showed that the developed methodology allows evaluation of critical evacuation conditions based on not only temperature and visibility, but also on gas composition. One of the selected cables created critical conditions for some of the occupants during evacuation for the chosen design fire when the production of irritant gases (HCl, acreolein, Formaldehydes) is considered

    Admissible sets for polytopic linear systems subject to slowly-varying unobservable disturbances

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    This note describes a method to calculate sets of safe initial conditions for polytopic linear systems subject to slowly-varying unobservable disturbances. Such sets are herein called admissible sets; invariant sets are admissible but admissible sets are not necessarily invariant. By examining conditions for admissible sets of this particular system class, we prove that admissible sets can be calculated by only considering a special property that we call \emph{the λ\lambda-proximal-contraction property} at the vertices of the set that bounds the slowly-varying disturbances. An academic example is used to illustrate how to apply the method, and a discussion follows that summarizes the main points

    Interrelationship of emotional stability, hassles, uplifts, coping and stress-related symptoms in Swedish female and male military veterans

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    Drawing on previous research, two hypotheses were tested: (1) the higher the frequency of daily uplifts and use of functional coping strategies, and the lower the frequency of daily hassles and use of dysfunctional coping strategies, the lower the prevalence of stress‐related symptoms will be, and vice versa; and (2) the direct relationship between the personality dimension emotional stability and stress‐related symptoms, will be moderated by daily hassles, daily uplifts and coping processes. A quantitative test of a qualitatively developed model was performed. A questionnaire was sent to all Swedish military veterans who had served in the period 2011–2015 and 1859 individuals (1,614 men and 199 women, 46 individuals did not mark gender) responded (40.5% total response rate). All analyses were made separately for men and women. Comparisons between theoretically favorable and unfavorable profiles across the model variables, daily uplifts, daily hassles, functional coping and dysfunctional coping (based on a cluster analysis), showed considerable differences regarding the prevalence of stress‐related symptoms as predicted by the model and supporting the first hypothesis. Regression and moderation analyses yielded limited support for the second hypothesis. As predicted, female veterans reported a higher frequency of physical, emotional and cognitive stress‐related symptoms than male veterans. The main conclusion is that the theoretical model stood up well when empirically tested and offers a promising approach to future studies on everyday stress and health. The results contribute with new knowledge of military veterans compared to the main stream PTSD, depression and drug abuse‐oriented studies.publishedVersio

    Behövs gayvänlighet? En kvalitativ studie om heteronormativitet i servicemöten

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    Denna uppsats syftar till att studera hur heteronormativitet och gayvänlighet kan inverka på HBTQ-personers upplevelser i kommersiella servicemöten. HBTQ-personers upplevelser undersöks med hjälp av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, samt kompletteras av en gåtur, under vilken två av informanterna upplever ett tiotal servicemöten. För att närma oss en förståelse för vilken roll gayvänlighet spelar för servicemötet, kompletteras de kvalitativa intervjuerna även av studier av dagspress och hemsidor inspirerade av diskursanalys. Det empiriska materialet tolkas utifrån ett flertal teorier om servicemötet som rymmer begrepp såsom kundfokus, kundupplevelser, interaktioner och förväntningar. Det tolkas även utifrån ett queerperspektiv genom begreppet heteronormativitet samt Foucaults tankar kring diskurs och makt. Genom att sammanföra de teoretiska perspektiven kan förståelsen av det kommersiella servicemötet nyanseras. Analysen delas in i tre delar. Den första behandlar heteronormativitet i servicemötet, den andra möjliga förståelser av gayvänlighet och den tredje gayvänlighet i servicemötet. Studien visar på att såväl heteronormativitet och gayvänlighet som det som upplevs i ett kommersiellt servicemöte är komplexa fenomen. HBTQ-personer kan bli likgiltiga inför heteronormativt bemötande men blir sällan direkt missnöjda. Undersökningen av gayvänlighet i servicemötet tyder på att det kan vara uttryck för dels en jämlikhetsdiskurs dels en heteronormativ diskurs. Utifrån den första förståelsen kan gayvänlighet i servicemötet motverka heteronormativa strukturer genom synliggörande och öppet bemötande. Utifrån den andra förståelsen kan det förstärka heteronormativa strukturer genom exkludering och stereotypisering

    Potential gain in production of Sitka spruce compared to Norwegian spruce in Halland county

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    Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) is not considered to be a native species to Swedish forests. It´s origin is the pacific coast of Northern America, an area that is dominated by a coastal climate which makes it likely to believe that it would be well suited for growing in the south-west of Sweden. This study aims to investigate the gain in production that can be reached by growing sitka spruce instead of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the county of Halland. A regression model based on data from forest experiments was produced to explain the gain in production. This model was based on elevation and annual precipitation. The model was then used to create a map layer in arcGIS that shows the gain of volume in comparison to Norway spruce in percent. An analysis was carried out to find what share of the forestland in Halland county that fell into four different classes of production gain. The map material that was used was an elevation map from LMV and the map of precipitation from SMHI. The result indicates that sitka spruce competes well with Norway spruce, as most the model indicates a gain in production of 46 %, but at the same time it shows that in some places it´s production is 13 % less than that of Norway spruce during one rotation. Keywords: Production comparison Picea sitchensis Picea abies Halland county.Sitkagranen klassas som ett exotiskt trädslag i Sverige och har sitt ursprung på Nordamerikas västkust. Detta område präglas av ett maritimt klimat vilket gör att sitkagranen torde lämpa sig väl för skogsodling i sydvästra Sverige. Detta arbete har undersökt sitkagranens (Picea sitchensis) potentiella merproduktion i förhållande till den vanliga granen (Picea abies) i Hallands län. En regressionsmodell baserad på skogliga försöksytor togs fram som förklaring till den procentuella produktionsvinsten. Modellen baseras på höjd över havet och årsnederbörd. Modellen användes sedan för att skapa ett kartlager i arcGIS som visar procentuell merproduktion med sitkagran jämfört med vanlig gran. En analys utfördes även för att se hur stor del av skogsmarken i Hallands län som föll inom fyra olika klasser av merproduktion. Det kartmaterial som användes som utgångspunkt var lantmäteriets höjdkarta samt SMHI’s nederbördskarta. Resultatet visar att sitkagranen hävdar sig väl mot granen, som mest visar GIS-modellen på en merproduktion på 46 %, samtidigt som sitkagranen på vissa marker producerar 13 % sämre än den vanliga granen under en omloppstid

    S-RASTER: Contraction Clustering for Evolving Data Streams

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    Contraction Clustering (RASTER) is a single-pass algorithm for density-based clustering of 2D data. It can process arbitrary amounts of data in linear time and in constant memory, quickly identifying approximate clusters. It also exhibits good scalability in the presence of multiple CPU cores. RASTER exhibits very competitive performance compared to standard clustering algorithms, but at the cost of decreased precision. Yet, RASTER is limited to batch processing and unable to identify clusters that only exist temporarily. In contrast, S-RASTER is an adaptation of RASTER to the stream processing paradigm that is able to identify clusters in evolving data streams. This algorithm retains the main benefits of its parent algorithm, i.e. single-pass linear time cost and constant memory requirements for each discrete time step within a sliding window. The sliding window is efficiently pruned, and clustering is still performed in linear time. Like RASTER, S-RASTER trades off an often negligible amount of precision for speed. Our evaluation shows that competing algorithms are at least 50% slower. Furthermore, S-RASTER shows good qualitative results, based on standard metrics. It is very well suited to real-world scenarios where clustering does not happen continually but only periodically.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, 2 table