137 research outputs found

    Desafios colocados pelas estratégias neoliberais de precarização do trabalho para a pesquisa-intervenção voltada para a transformação das situações de trabalho

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    This article presents the theoretical and methodological references that support our studies, interventions and academic combats in work psychology in the face of neoliberal strategies articulated with reflections on research and intervention. The neoliberal policies adopted today have generated important effects of precariousness in life, and specifically in the work environment, generating some perverse subjective effects that function as challenges to be faced by workers in the continuous invention of their life and protection of their health. We discuss how the tools of work clinics assist in transforming life and work situations by expanding the workers’ power to act. We propose to continue in debates in the field of work and organizational psychology in Brazil—strategies that aim to transform, and not just know.Este artigo apresenta os referenciais teóricos e metodológicos que dão suporte a nossos trabalhos e combates acadêmicos em face das estratégias neoliberais, sendo aqueles articulados a uma reflexão sobre pesquisa e intervenção em psicologia do trabalho. As políticas neoliberais adotadas na atualidade têm gerado efeitos importantes de precarização da vida e em especial nos meios de trabalho, resultando em alguns efeitos subjetivos perversos que se apresentam como desafios a serem enfrentados pelos trabalhadores na contínua invenção de sua vida e proteção de sua saúde. Discutimos como as ferramentas das clínicas do trabalho auxiliam a transformação das situações de vida e trabalho por meio da ampliação do poder de agir dos trabalhadores. Propomos, por fim, seguir nos debates do campo da psicologia do trabalho e organizacional no Brasil – sobre essas estratégias que visam transformar, e não apenas conhecer

    Agile data : automating database refactorings

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    This paper discusses an automated approach to database change management throughout the companies’ development workflow. By using automated tools, companies can avoid common issues related to manual database deployments. This work was motivated by analyzing usual problems within organizations, mostly originated from manual interventions that may result in systems disruptions and production incidents. In addition to practices of continuous integration and continuous delivery, the current paper describes a case study in which a suggested pipeline is implemented in order to reduce the deployment times and decrease incidents due to ineffective data controlling

    Sistemas de manejo de plantas daninhas na pré-semeadura da soja

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         The study aimed to evaluate the efficiency and residual effect of herbicides, applied in management operations, in modalities “Apply-Plant” and “Anticipated Management” in soybean crop. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with four repetitions in 8 x 2 factorial scheme, with eight herbicides associations (with flumioxazin, chlorimuron-ethyl and glyphosate) in two management systems. For “Anticipated Management” was conducted glyphosate application 20 days before sowing, with treatments being applied two days after planting. For “Apply-Plant” system, treatments were applied one day before crop sowing. It was evaluated the control efficiency and residual effect of herbicides over Euphorbia heterophylla, Amaranthus hybridus e Commelina benghalensis, besides plant height, stand and soybean yield. Results showed that “Anticipated Management” proportionate better weeds control than “Apply-Plant”, besides ensuring that soybean crop could be able to develop under better conditions, thus guaranteeing greater yield. Flumioxazin and chlorimuron presence was enough to ensure the closing canopy of crop without a post-emergency application.     O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência e o efeito residual de herbicidas, aplicados na operação de manejo, nas modalidades “Aplique - Plante” e “Manejo Antecipado”, na cultura da soja. O delineamento experimental adotado foi blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, no esquema fatorial 8 x 2, sendo oito misturas de herbicidas (com flumioxazin, chlorimuron-ethyl e glyphosate) em dois sistemas de manejo. Para o “Manejo Antecipado” foi efetuada a aplicação de glyphosate 20 dias antes da semeadura, com os tratamentos sendo aplicados dois dias após o plantio. Já para a modalidade “Aplique – Plante” os tratamentos foram aplicados um dia antes da semeadura da cultura. Foram avaliados a eficiência de controle e o efeito residual dos herbicidas sobre Euphorbia heterophylla, Amaranthus hybridus e Commelina benghalensis, além da altura de plantas, estande e produtividade da cultura da soja. Os resultados mostraram que o sistema “Manejo Antecipado” proporcionou melhor controle das plantas daninhas que “Aplique-Plante”, além de garantir que a cultura da soja se desenvolvesse em melhores condições, garantindo maior produtividade. A presença de flumioxazin e chlorimuron-ethyl foi suficiente para garantir o fechamento das entrelinhas da cultura, sem uma aplicação em pós-emergência

    Modelo LaTeX para teses e dissertações em Programa de Pós-Graduação: construção e avaliação de artefato

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    Introducción: El LaTeX es un programa para crear y documentos que requieren una salida de impresión de alta calidad de edición. Tiene características complejas que exigen la creación de plantillas para facilitar su uso. El propósito de este artículo fue la de crear un modelo de tesis y disertaciones en LaTeX, para el Programa de Estudios de Posgrado en Ingeniería de Producción de la Universidad Paulista con el fin de facilitar la inclusión students's y permitiendo la presentación de trabajos dentro de los estándares internacionales. Método: Se adoptó la metodología de Design Science Research (DSR), que contiene las directrices para la creación o adaptación y evaluación de artefactos, como el software, y otros instrumentos científicos. Como requisitos se utilizó el manual de normas académicas disponibles en el sitio web de la institución. La evaluación se llevó a cabo a través de simulaciones y presentación para los estudiantes y los profesores del programa, seguido de un cuestionario aplicado a 34 encuestados. Resultados: se encontró que casi el 40% respondió que conocía el programa aunque 60% no. Después de la presentación, alrededor del 32% de los encuestados indicó la plantilla como difícil de usar, el 50% consideró razonable, y el 18% respondió que era "fácil". Acerca de 76,5% de los grupos formados para el análisis señaló positivamente que se podría reemplazar los editores convencionales para LaTeX, aunque el 23,5%. tuvo una opinión diferente. Las variables más destacadas para la aceptación fueron: la calidad tipográfica y la concentración lógica del contenido y sus facilidades. Estudiantes de maestría tuvieron mayor homogeneidad en las respuestas. Conclusión: la plantilla propuesta fue aceptada con entusiasmo, a pesar de que se insistió que la dificultad de uso requiere un período de capacitación.Introduction: LaTeX is a program for creating and editing documents that require a high quality printing output. It has complex characteristics that demand the creation of templates to facilitate its use. The purpose of this article was to create a model of thesis and dissertations in LaTeX, for the Postgraduate Studies Program in Production Engineering at the Paulista University in order to facilitate the students´ inclusion and allowing the presentation of papers within international standards. Method: It was adopted the methodology of Design Science Research (DSR), which provides guidelines for creation or adaptation and evaluation of artifacts, such as software, and others scientific tools. As requirements it was used the manual of academic standards available on the institution website. The evaluation took place through simulations and presentation for students and program faculty followed by a questionnaire applied to 34 respondents. Results: it was found that nearly 40% answered to know the program and 60% was not aware of it. After the presentation, about 32% of respondent indicated the template as being difficult to use, 50% found it reasonable, and 18% responded as “easy”. About 76.5% of the groups formed for analysis, pointed positively as to replace conventional editors for LaTeX, although 23.5%. had a different opinion. The most outstanding variables in favor were: the typographical quality and the concentration on the logical content and facilities. Master's students had greater homogeneity in responses. Conclusion: the proposed template was accepted with enthusiasm, even though the difficulty of use should require a training period.Introdução: o LaTeX é um programa para criação e edição de documentos que requerem alta qualidade tipográfica mas, por apresentar características complexas, exige a criação de templates que facilitem sua utilização. O objetivo deste artigo consistiu em criar e avaliar um modelo de teses e dissertações em LaTeX para o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção da Universidade Paulista, facilitando a inclusão dos discentes e permitindo a apresentação de trabalhos dentro dos padrões internacionais. Método: adotou-se a metodologia do Design Science Research (DSR), que consiste em fornecer diretrizes para criação ou adaptação e avaliação de artefatos, tais como software e outras ferramentas científicas. Como base para os requisitos utilizou-se o manual de normas acadêmicas disponível no site da instituição. As avaliações ocorreram por meio de simulações e apresentação para discentes e docentes do programa com posterior aplicação de um questionário para 34 respondentes. Resultados: verificou-se que cerca de 40% já conhecia o programa e 60% não o conhecia. Após a apresentação deste, aproximadamente 32% considerou a utilização difícil, enquanto 50% a consideraram razoável e 18% fácil. Cerca de 76.5% dos grupos formados para análise apontou positivamente a condição de substituir os editores convencionais pelo LaTeX, sendo que 23.5% discordaram. As variáveis “pró utilização” mais destacadas foram: qualidade tipográfica, concentração no conteúdo lógico e facilidades. Os mestrandos apresentaram maior homogeneidade nas respostas. Conclusão: o template proposto foi aceito com entusiasmo, ainda que com a ressalva de se realizarem treinamentos devido à uma percepção significativa sobre a dificuldade de utilização

    Associação de sulfentrazone e glyphosate para o controle de plantas daninhas na cultura da soja RR®

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    The use of herbicides with residual activity in weed management has become a common practice in order to reduce weed initial competition. This study aims to evaluate the selectivity and efficiency of the sulfentrazone + glyphosate association at pre-planting management, supplemented with postemergence glyphosate. To reach such intent, an experiment was conducted in Bandeirantes – Pr, on a Eutrophic latosol. The experimental design was randomized blocks in split plot scheme with 11 treatments and 04 replicates. The main weeds in the experimental area (Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis) were in full vegetative growth at the time of application management. During this period, injury caused by treatment to soybean crop, weed density, and grain yield were evaluated. The results showed that sulfentrazone significantly reduced the density of Bidens pilosa and Commelina benghalensis, which ensured an increase in yield of up to 22.49%. In addition, no symptoms of injury were observed by the use of herbicides.     A utilização de herbicidas com atividade residual, na operação de manejo, tem se tornado uma prática comum a fim de diminuir a competição inicial exercida pelas plantas daninhas. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a seletividade e a eficiência da associação de glyphosate+sulfentrazone, na operação de manejo em pré-plantio, complementada com glyphosate em pós-emergência. Para isso, instalou-se um experimento na cidade de Bandeirantes, PR, em um Latossolo Roxo Eutrófico. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com 11 tratamentos e 04 repetições. As principais plantas daninhas presentes na área experimental (Bidens pilosa e Commelina benghalensis) encontravam-se em pleno desenvolvimento vegetativo no momento da aplicação de manejo. Foram avaliados, neste período, a fitointoxicação dos tratamentos à cultura da soja, a densidade de plantas daninhas e o rendimento de grãos da cultura.  Os resultados mostraram que o herbicida sulfentrazone reduziu significativamente a densidade de Bidens pilosa e Commelina benghalensis, o que garantiu um aumento de produtividade de até 22,49%. Além disso, a cultura da soja não apresentou sintomas de fitointoxicação pela utilização dos herbicidas

    SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil and Psychosocial Repercussions on Men’s Health: Health Literacy Is Important

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    This study aimed at analyzing the psychosocial repercussions of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic on the health of men living in Brazil. For this, we carried out a socio-historical and qualitative study, with the participation of 200 men who answered an online questionnaire. The data collected were processed in the NVIVO12® software, structured by the Collective Subject Discourse method, and analyzed from the epidemic disease theoretical framework proposed by Charles Rosenberg. Our results showed that the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic brought about repercussions of different dimensions that compromised the health of men living in Brazil. The repercussions evidenced were behavioral changes and emergence of new habits due to the pandemic; uncomfortable family situations; impaired affective and sexual relationships; harms in marital relationships; and insecurity and psychological distress. It is important to implement strategies that maximize men’s health literacy, promoting better communication in terms of health, and search for help and suitable information about health/mental health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brain zinc chelation by diethyldithiocarbamate increased the behavioral and mitochondrial damages in zebrafish subjected to hypoxia

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    The increase in brain levels of chelatable zinc (Zn) in dysfunctions involving oxygen deprivation has stimulated the treatment with Zn chelators, such as diethyldithiocarbamate (DEDTC). However, DEDTC is a redox-active compound and it should be better evaluated during hypoxia. We use the hypoxia model in zebrafish to evaluate DEDTC effects. The exploratory behavior, chelatable Zn content, activities of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, reactive species levels (nitric oxide, superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical scavenger capacity) and cellular antioxidants (sulfhydryl, superoxide dismutase) of zebrafish brain were assessed after recovery, with or without 0.2mM DEDTC. The increased brain levels of chelatable Zn induced by hypoxia were mitigated by DEDTC. However, the novel tank task indicated that DEDTC did further enhance the exploratory deficit caused by hypoxia. Furthermore, these behavioral impairments caused by DEDTC were more associated with a negative action on mitochondrial activity and brain oxidative balance. Thus, due to apparent pro-oxidant action of DEDTC, our data do not support its use for neuroprotection in neuropathologies involving oxygen deprivation

    Psychological Distress in Men during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: The Role of the Sociodemographic Variables, Uncertainty, and Social Support

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    Objective: To analyze the relationships between sociodemographic variables, intolerance to uncertainty (INT), social support, and psychological distress (i.e., indicators of Common Mental Disorders (CMDs) and perceived stress (PS)) in Brazilian men during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study with national coverage, of the web survey type, and conducted with 1006 Brazilian men during the period of social circulation restriction imposed by the health authorities in Brazil for suppression of the coronavirus and control of the pandemic. Structural equation modeling analysis was performed. Results: Statistically significant direct effects of race/skin color ( = 0.268; p-value < 0.001), socioeconomic status (SES) ( = 0.306; p-value < 0.001), household composition( = 0.281; p-value < 0.001), PS ( = 0.513; p-value < 0.001), and INT ( = 0.421; p-value < 0.001) were evidenced in the occurrence of CMDs. Black-skinned men with higher SES, living alone, and with higher PS and INT levels presented higher prevalence values of CMDs. Conclusions: High levels of PS and INT were the factors that presented the strongest associations with the occurrence of CMDs among the men. It is necessary to implement actions to reduce the stress-generating sources as well as to promote an increase in resilience and the development of intrinsic reinforcements to deal with uncertain threats.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio