88 research outputs found

    Home Mortgage Lending in St. Louis City: An Analysis of 1992 and 1994 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Data

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    This report examines home mortgage lending data in St. Louis City in 1992 and 1994. Our primary purpose is to determine how race, income level and neighborhood location relate to home mortgage loan application denial rates. Overall, it is demonstrated that race, income level and negative neighborhood conditions are predictive of loan denial in St. Louis City. The study begins with an overview of related literature. The second section describes our study, and provides information regarding the data set, our variables and research procedures. Part three is a report of our findings. The final section draws conclusions and suggests implications for social policy

    Mortgage Lending: Is Gender a Factor?

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    In promoting well-being for women and female-headed households, social policy analysts are increasingly attending to wealth accumulation rather than focusing solely on income. Homeownership equity is a form of wealth that may be especially helpful for low-income women. This paper analyzes 1992 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data for the city and county of St. Louis. Our primary hypothesis was that women, controlling for marital status, income, and race, would be more likely to be denied home loans. The findings from this data set contradict our hypothesis and suggest that men are slightly more likely than women to be denied mortgage loans. Discussion centers around reasons for this counter-intuitive finding and calls for more research on these matters

    IDA evaluation handbook: A practical guide and tools for evaluation of pioneering IDA projects

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    This IDA Evaluation Handbook is designed as a practical guide with tools for emergent, pioneering IDA (Individual Development Accounts) projects. The goal of this Handbook is to promote early evaluations of IDAs and learn as much as possible from each project

    Efectividad del Sistema de Notificaciones Electrónicas del Poder Judicial nicaragüense en abogados particulares registrados en el Complejo Judicial Central Managua (CJCM), periodo 2015-2021

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    El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de analizar la efectividad del Sistema de Notificaciones Electrónicas del Poder Judicial nicaragüense en abogados particulares registrados en el Complejo Judicial Central Managua (CJCM), periodo 2015-2021. Para calcular el tamaño de la muestra se aplicó la fórmula: Z2 * (p) * (1-p) / c2 que dio como resultado una muestra de 83, con un nivel de confianza del 90% y un margen de error del 10%. Para lograr la recolección de datos se aplicó encuestas y entrevistas. Se tomó como población, el total de abogados particulares inscritos en el Complejo Judicial Central Managua (CJCM); según registro de la Dirección General de Gestión de Despachos Judiciales (DGGD) a fecha de 30 de junio de 2021 se han suscrito un total de 225 abogados, desde que se inició a ofrecer el servicio a este gremio. Entre los principales hallazgos se destacan que el proceso para registrarse es sencillo y fácil de realizar, de tal manera que es amigable con el usuario; asimismo el proceso de notificación, desde que sale de la oficina hasta su destino final también es sencillo y dinámico. La implementación del Sistema de Notificaciones Electrónicas ofrece dos grandes ventajas, como son el ahorro de recursos y la aceleración de los procesos judiciales. Al usuario, le permite recibir las notificaciones no solo en sus oficinas o domicilios de trabajo, sino que pueden hacer sus consultas desde el lugar en el que se encuentre siempre y cuando cuenten con los dispositivos electrónicos adecuados y disponga de conexión a interne

    SCUBA Mapping of Spitzer c2d Small Clouds and Cores

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    We present submillimeter observations of dark clouds that are part of the Spitzer Legacy Program, From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks (c2d). We used the Submillimetre Common User's Bolometer Array to map the regions observed by Spitzer by the c2d program to create a census of dense molecular cores including data from the infrared to the submillimeter. In this paper, we present the basic data from these observations: maps, fluxes, and source attributes. We also show data for an object just outside the Perseus cloud that was serendipitously observed in our program. We propose that this object is a newly discovered, evolved protostar.Comment: 37 pages, accepted to The Astronomical Journa

    The Initial Conditions of Clustered Star Formation. II. N2H+ Observations of the Ophiuchus B Core

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    We present a Nobeyama 45 m Radio Telescope map and Australia Telescope Compact Array pointed observations of N2H+ 1-0 emission towards the clustered, low mass star forming Oph B Core within the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. We compare these data with previously published results of high resolution NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) observations in Oph B. We use 3D Clumpfind to identify emission features in the single-dish N2H+ map, and find that the N2H+ `clumps' match well similar features previously identified in NH3 (1,1) emission, but are frequently offset to clumps identified at similar resolution in 850 micron continuum emission. Wide line widths in the Oph B2 sub-Core indicate non-thermal motions dominate the Core kinematics, and remain transonic at densities n ~ 3 x 10^5 cm^-3 with large scatter and no trend with N(H2). Non-thermal motions in Oph B1 and B3 are subsonic with little variation, but also show no trend with H2 column density. Over all Oph B, non-thermal N2H+ line widths are substantially narrower than those traced by NH3, making it unlikely NH3 and N2H+ trace the same material, but the v_LSR of both species agree well. We find evidence for accretion in Oph B1 from the surrounding ambient gas. The NH3/N2H+ abundance ratio is larger towards starless Oph B1 than towards protostellar Oph B2, similar to recent observational results in other star-forming regions. Small-scale structure is found in the ATCA N2H+ 1-0 emission, where emission peaks are again offset from continuum emission. In particular, the ~1 M_Sun B2-MM8 clump is associated with a N2H+ emission minimum and surrounded by a broken ring-like N2H+ emission structure, suggestive of N2H+ depletion. We find a strong general trend of decreasing N2H+ abundance with increasing N(H2) in Oph B which matches that found for NH3.Comment: 55 pages (manuscript), 15 figures, ApJ accepte

    The Dust Emissivity Spectral Index in the Starless Core TMC-1C

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    In this paper we present a dust emission map of the starless core TMC-1C taken at 2100 microns. Along with maps at 160, 450, 850 and 1200 microns, we study the dust emissivity spectral index from the (sub)millimeter spectral energy distribution, and find that it is close to the typically assumed value of beta = 2. We also map the dust temperature and column density in TMC-1C, and find that at the position of the dust peak (A_V ~ 50), the line-of-sight-averaged temperature is ~7 K. Employing simple Monte Carlo modeling, we show that the data are consistent with a constant value for the emissivity spectral index over the whole map of TMC-1C.Comment: 11 pages, including 5 pages of figures. Accepted to Ap

    AMI-LA radio continuum observations of Spitzer c2d small clouds and cores: Perseus region

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    We present deep radio continuum observations of the cores identified as deeply embedded young stellar objects in the Perseus molecular cloud by the Spitzer c2d programme at a wavelength of 1.8 cm with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Large Array (AMI-LA). We detect 72% of Class 0 objects from this sample and 31% of Class I objects. No starless cores are detected. We use the flux densities measured from these data to improve constraints on the correlations between radio luminosity and bolometric luminosity, infrared luminosity and, where measured, outflow force. We discuss the differing behaviour of these objects as a function of protostellar class and investigate the differences in radio emission as a function of core mass. Two of four possible very low luminosity objects (VeLLOs) are detected at 1.8 cm.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted MNRA

    Meanings assigned by primary care professionals to male prenatal care: a qualitative study

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    Background: Considering recent strategies used in prenatal care, the involvement of fathers has been considered an important factor in ensuring that pregnancy and delivery are successful. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the meanings assigned by primary health care professionals to male prenatal care. Methods: This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. A total of 19 interviews were conducted with primary health care professionals registered in the City Health Department of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed according to the Collective Subject Discourse methodology. Results: Three themes emerged from the reports’ analysis: The importance of the role of fathers in the gestational process, attitudes of men toward male prenatal care and formal education and training in primary health care. Health practitioners understand the importance of male prenatal care but reported they lack proper training to provide effective care. Conclusion: The expansion of continuing education strategies focusing on male prenatal care and directed to primary health care professionals is recommended to promote greater adherence on the part of fathers in prenatal care, with the purpose of strengthening bonds and improving the care provided to the entire family. The humanized care can facilitate the approach of the paternal figure during male prenatal care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Funga Capixaba: Ascomycota and lichen-forming fungi

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    Abstract The “Funga Capixaba” have been overlooked for a very long time, leading to a gap in the local mycological knowledge. In order to create a preliminary and updated list of Ascomycetes and lichen-forming fungi from Espírito Santo state, Brazil we reviewed all specimens deposited in the VIES Herbarium and key references of former mycological studies. In our list, we report a total of 528 species belonging to 173 genera and 65 families. 422 are new records for Espírito Santo state, six species, Mazaediothecium uniseptatum, Cratiria chloraceus, Lecanora glaucoidea, Pyrenula montocensis, and P. oleosa, are new records both for the neotropics and Brazil, and Lobariella pseudocrenulata is also new to Brazil. We have increased the number of accepted macrofungi species names from 85 to 528, which makes the Espírito Santo state the 10th highest in terms of known fungal diversity among Brazilian states. An updated and preliminary list of macroscopic Ascomycota including lichen-forming fungi from Espírito Santo, comments, and a brief overview about the local mycology are provided