140 research outputs found

    Chiral-symmetry breaking and pion structure in the Covariant Spectator Theory

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    We introduce a covariant approach in Minkowski space for the description of quarks and mesons that exhibits both chiral-symmetry breaking and confinement. In a simple model for the interquark interaction the quark mass function is obtained and used in the calculation of the pion form factor. We study the effects of the mass function and of the different quark pole contributions on the pion form factor.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, presented at Excited QCD 201

    A definição dos idosos de qualidade de vida

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    OBJECTIVES: Senescence for some elderly people is a phase of with development and satisfaction, whereas for others is a negative stage of life. The determinants of a good quality of life in old age vary from person to person. The aims of this study were to identify: 1) the prevalence of octogenarian people who evaluate their current life as being mainly characterized by a positive quality and 2) which were the domains that they identified as being the determinants of this positive quality. A same parallel study was conducted with subjects who evaluated senescence as a preponderantly negative experience. METHODS: A random and representative sample of 35% of the octogenarian people, living residing in the community, was selected among the dwellers of the city of Veranópolis, state of Rio Grande do Sul. A semi-structured questionnaire on quality of life quality was applied as well as the scale of depressive symptoms Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and the index of general health Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS). RESULTS: Slightly more than half of the studied sample (57%) defined their current quality of life with positive evaluations, whereas 18% presented a negative evaluation of it. A group 0f 25% defined their current lives as neutral or having both values (positive and negative). Those who were dissatisfied presented more health problems according to the CIRS and more depressive symptoms when evaluated by the GDS. Satisfied subjects ones had different reasons to justify this state, however, the dissatisfied had mainly the lack of health as a reason for their suffering. The main source of reported daily well-being was the involvement with rural or domestic activities. Among the interviewed, lack of health was the main source for not presenting well-being, although there was interpersonal variability regarding what each subject considered as loss of health. CONCLUSION: Possibly, for the elderly subjects a negative quality of life is equivalent to loss of health and a positive life quality is equivalent to a greater range of categories such as activity, income, social life and relationship with the family, categories which differed from subject to subject. Therefore, health seems to be a good indicator of negative quality of life, though an insufficient indicator of successful elderliness.OBJETIVOS: A velhice para alguns é uma etapa de desenvolvimento e satisfação, enquanto para outros é uma fase negativa da vida. Os determinantes da boa qualidade de vida na velhice variam de sujeito para sujeito. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar: 1) a prevalência de octagenários que avaliavam sua vida atual na velhice como preponderantemente de uma qualidade positiva e 2) quais aspectos eles identificavam como os determinantes desta qualidade positiva. Igual estudo em paralelo foi feito com sujeitos que avaliavam a velhice como uma experiência preponderantemente negativa. MÉTODOS: Uma amostra randômica e representativa de 35% dos idosos com mais de 80 anos residentes na comunidade foi selecionada entre os residentes em Veranópolis, Rio Grande do Sul. Um questionário semi- estruturado de qualidade de vida foi aplicado, bem como a escala de sintomas depressivos Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) e o Índice de Saúde Geral Cumulative Illness Rating Scale (CIRS). RESULTADO: Um pouco mais da metade dos idosos estudados (57%) definia sua qualidade de vida atual com avaliações positivas, sendo que 18% tinham uma avaliação negativa da vida atual. Um grupo de 25% definia sua vida atual de forma neutra ou de dois valores (aspectos positivos e aspectos negativos). Comparados com os satisfeitos, os insatisfeitos tinham mais problemas de saúde pela CIRS e mais sintomas depressivos quando avaliados pela GDS. Os satisfeitos tinham diferentes motivos para justificar este estado, porém os insatisfeitos tinham principalmente a falta de saúde física como motivo do sofrimento. A maior fonte de bem estar no dia-a-dia citada era o envolvimento com atividades rurais ou domésticas. Entre os entrevistados, a perda da saúde física era a principal fonte de mal estar, sendo que havia variabilidade interpessoal quanto ao que cada sujeito considerava como perda de saúde. CONCLUSÃO: É possível que para idosos, qualidade negativa de vida seja equivalente a perda de saúde e qualidade de vida positiva seja equivalente a uma pluralidade maior de categorias como atividade, renda, vida social e relação com a família, categorias diferentes de sujeito para sujeito. O aspecto saúde parece assim um bom indicador de qualidade de vida negativa, porém um indicador insuficiente de velhice bem sucedida.Catholic University of the state of Rio Grande do Sul Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology Geriatric neuropsychiatric ambulatoryWHO PAHO Associated Chronic Degenerating DiseasesFederal University of São Paulo Paulista Medical School Department of PsychiatryPUCRS Medical School Department of PsychiatryUNIFESP, EPM, Department of PsychiatrySciEL

    Deposition of silicon nitride thin films by hot-wire CVD at 100ºC and 250ºC

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    Silicon nitride thin films for use as passivation layers in solar cells and organic electronics or as gate dielectrics in thin-film transistors were deposited by the Hot-wire chemical vapor deposition technique at a high deposition rate (1-3 Ǻ/s) and at low substrate temperature. Films were deposited using NH3/SiH4 flow rate ratios between 1 and 70 and substrate temperatures of 100º C and 250ºC. For NH3/SiH4 ratios between 40 and 70, highly transparent (T ~ 90%), dense films (2.56 - 2.74 g/cm3) with good dielectric properties and refractive index between 1.93 and 2.08 were deposited on glass substrates. Etch rates in BHF of 2.7 Ǻ/s and 10 MV cm−1.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - FCT/CNRS programa com o contracto no. 20798, bolsa de investigaçao e projecto PTDC-CTM-66558-200

    Influence of Insulin-like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) on the survival and the in vitro development of caprine preantral follicles

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the insulin-like growth factor -I (IGF-I) on survival, activation (transition from primordial to primary follicles) and growth of caprine preantral follicles cultured in vitro. Fragments of ovarian cortex were cultured for one and seven days in the absence or presence of IGF-I (0, 50 and 100ng/ml). The non-cultured and cultured tissues were processed and analyzed by histology and transmission electron microscopy. The culture for one day in a medium with 100ng/ml of IGF-I showed 86.7% of morphologically normal follicles. These results were similar (P>0.05) to the percentage of normal follicles found in the control (96.7%). It was also found that this medium increased the percentage of follicular activation (developing follicles) with one day of culture. The oocyte and follicular diameters remained similar to the control by culturing for one day in a medium containing 100ng/ml of IGF-I. The ultrastructural analysis did not confirm the integrity of the follicular fragments in a medium containing IGF-I (100ng/ml) after one and seven days of culture. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the addition of 100 ng/ml of IGF-I in the culture medium enables the development of preantral follicles of goats with one day of culture. However, it is not sufficient to maintain the follicular integrity and the follicular survival rate after seven days of culture.O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos do fator de crescimento semelhante a insulina-I (IGF-I) na sobrevivência, ativação (transição de folículos primordiais para primários) e crescimento de folículos pré-antrais caprinos cultivados in vitro. Fragmentos de córtex ovariano foram cultivados por um e sete dias na ausência ou presença de IGF-I (0, 50 e 100ng/mL). Os tecidos não cultivados e cultivados foram processados e analisados por histologia e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. O cultivo por um dia em meio com 100ng/mL de IGF-I apresentou 86,7% de folículos morfologicamente normais. Estes resultados foram semelhantes (P>0,05) ao percentual de folículos normais encontrados no controle (96,7%). Verificou-se ainda que este meio aumentou o percentual de ativação folicular (folículos em desenvolvimento) com um dia de cultivo. Os diâmetros ovocitário e folicular mantiveram-se semelhantes ao controle ao cultivar por um dia em meio contendo 100ng/mL de IGF-I. As análises ultraestruturais não confirmaram a integridade folicular dos fragmentos em meio contendo IGF-I (100 ng/mL) após um e sete dias de cultivo. Em conclusão, esse estudo demonstrou que a adição de 100 ng/mL de IGF-I no meio de cultivo ativa o desenvolvimento de folículos pré-antrais de caprinos com um dia de cultivo. Entretanto, não é suficiente para manter a integridade folicular e a taxa de sobrevivência folicular após sete dias de cultivo

    Práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde, uma nova eficácia para o SUS

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    As práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde paulatinamente se tornaram uma realidade na rede de atenção à saúde pública em todo o país. O seu uso no Sistema Único de Saúde merece reflexão, especialmente quando se investiga o sentido de sua adoção no Brasil, uma sociedade complexa que tem incorporado recursos tecnológicos cada vez mais sofisticados e dispendiosos. Esse avanço pode ser entendido como expressão de um movimento que se identifica com novos modos de aprender e praticar a saúde, uma vez que as práticas integrativas se caracterizam pela interdisciplinaridade e por linguagens singulares, próprias, que se contrapõem à visão altamente tecnológica de saúde que impera na sociedade de mercado, dominada por convênios de saúde cujo objetivo precípuo é gerar lucro e fragmentar o tratamento do paciente em especialidades que não dão conta da totalidade do ser humano em busca de remédio para seus males

    Palms and trees resist extreme drought in Amazon forests with shallow water tables

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    1. The intensity and frequency of severe droughts in the Amazon region has increase in recent decades. These extreme events are associated with changes in forest dynamics, biomass and floristic composition. However, most studies of drought response have focused on upland forests with deep water tables, which may be especially sensitive to drought. Palms, which tend to dominate the less well‐drained soils, have also been neglected. The relative neglect of shallow water tables and palms is a significant concern for our understanding of tropical drought impacts, especially as one third of Amazon forests grow on shallow water tables (<5m deep). 2. We evaluated the drought response of palms and trees in forests distributed over a 600 km transect in central‐southern Amazonia, where the landscape is dominated by shallow water table forests. We compared vegetation dynamics before and following the 2015–16 El Nino drought, the hottest and driest on record for the region (−214 mm of cumulative water deficit). 3. We observed no change in stand mortality rates and no biomass loss in response to drought in these forests. Instead, we observed an increase in recruitment rates, which doubled to 6.78% y‐1 ± 4.40 (mean ± SD) during 2015–16 for palms and increased by half for trees (to 2.92% y‐1 ± 1.21), compared to rates in the pre‐El‐Nino interval. Within these shallow water table forests, mortality and recruitment rates varied as a function of climatic drought intensity and water table depth for both palms and trees, with mortality being greatest in climatically and hydrologically wetter environments and recruitment greatest in drier environments. Across our transect there was a significant increase over time in tree biomass. 4. Synthesis: Our results indicate that forests growing over shallow water tables – relatively under‐studied vegetation that nonetheless occupies one‐third of Amazon forests ‐ are remarkably resistant to drought. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that local hydrology and its interactions with climate strongly constrain forest drought effects, and has implications for climate change feedbacks. This work enhances our understanding of integrated drought effects on tropical forest dynamics and highlights the importance of incorporating neglected forest types into both the modeling of forest climate responses and into public decisions about priorities for conservation

    A Rodent Model of Schizophrenia Reveals Increase in Creatine Kinase Activity with Associated Behavior Changes

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    Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental disorder characterized by positive (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech) and negative (affective flattering, avolition and social withdrawal) symptoms as well as cognitive deficits. The frequency, severity and topography characterize the disorder as heterogeneous, the pathophysiology of schizophrenia is poorly understood. Sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine produce hyperactivity, stereotypy and abnormal social interaction and it is used as a model of schizophrenia. In this study, we induced an animal model by acute sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine and tested different behavioral parameters. We also evaluated the activity of creatine kinase (CK) in brain of rats treated with ketamine. Our results demonstrated that administration of 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg of ketamine induced an increase of covered distance in habituated and non-habituated rats to the behavioral apparatus. Ketamine administration induced significant social deficits and stereotypic behavioral in all doses tested. Finally we evaluated the effect of different doses of ketamine on creatinine kinase (CK) activity and we observed that CK activity is increased inspecific regions of the brain. Our study suggests that our animal model may be used as a model of schizophrenia and that cerebral energy metabolism might be altered in the brain of schizophrenic patients, probably leading to alterations that might be involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia