64 research outputs found

    Large-scale sedimentation on the glacier-influenced polar North Atlantic Margins: Long-range side-scan sonar evidence

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    Long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) imagery of over 600,000 km² of the Polar North Atlantic provides a large-scale view of sedimentation patterns on this glacier-influenced continental margin. High-latitude margins are influenced strongly by glacial history and ice dynamics and, linked to this, the rate of sediment supply. Extensive glacial fans (up to 350,000 km³) were built up from stacked series of large debris flows transferring sediment down the continental slope. The fans were linked with high debris inputs from Quaternary glaciers at the mouths of cross-shelf troughs and deep fjords. Where ice was slower-moving, but still extended to the shelf break, large-scale slide deposits are observed. Where ice failed to cross the continental shelf during full glacials, the continental slope was sediment starved and submarine channels and smaller slides developed. A simple model for large-scale sedimentation on the glaciated continental margins of the Polar North Atlantic is presented

    The Growth and Decay of the Late Weichselian Ice Sheet in Western Svalbard and Adjacent Areas Based on Provenance Studies of Marine Sediments

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    The history of the Late Weichselian northwestern Barents Shelf, including western Svalbard, has been investigated by provenance/sedimentologist studies of five cores from the continental shelf and slope west of Svalbard. The chronostratigraphy of the cores is based on AMS 14C dates and oxygen isotope analyses. Interpretations of the cores suggest that the ice sheets of western Svalbard and northwestern Barents Sea experienced advances and retreats in two steps. The first significant ice advance beyond the present coastline occurred ca. 22,000 14C yr B.P. and was followed by an ice advance to the shelf edge ca. 18,000 14C yr B.P. Ice recession from the outer shelf and the southwestern Barents Sea began 14,800 14C yr B.P. and was followed by a second ice recession between 13,000 and 12,000 14 C yr B.P. during which ice withdrew from the inner shelf. A minor readvance of the ice sheet on the shelf west of Svalbard occurred close to 12,400 14C yr B.P. The first deglaciation event was associated with release of icebergs containing ice-rafted detritus, while the later episode also included significant amounts of meltwater and fine-grained sediment

    Paleo-methane emissions recorded in foraminifera near the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone offshore western Svalbard

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    We present stable isotope and geochemical data from four sediment cores from west of Prins Karls Forland (ca. 340 m water depth), offshore western Svalbard, recovered from close to sites of active methane seepage, as well as from shallower water depths where methane seepage is not presently observed. Our analyses provide insight into the record of methane seepage in an area where ongoing ocean warming may be fueling the destabilization of shallow methane hydrate. The ?13C values of benthic and planktonic foraminifera at the methane seep sites show distinct intervals with negative values (as low as ?27.8‰) that do not coincide with the present-day depth of the sulfate methane transition zone (SMTZ). These intervals are interpreted to record long-term fluctuations in methane release at the present-day landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ). Shifts in the radiocarbon ages obtained from planktonic foraminifera toward older values are related to methane-derived authigenic carbonate overgrowths of the foraminiferal tests, and prevent us from establishing the chronology of seepage events. At shallower water depths, where seepage is not presently observed, no record of past methane seepage is recorded in foraminifera from sediments spanning the last 14 ka cal BP (14C-AMS dating). ?13C values of foraminiferal carbonate tests appear to be much more sensitive to methane seepage than other sediment parameters. By providing nucleation sites for authigenic carbonate precipitation, foraminifera thus record the position of even a transiently stable SMTZ, which is likely to be a characteristic of temporally variable methane fluxes