185 research outputs found

    Correlations Between Spiritual Well-Being, Self Esteem, and Social Desirability for Chinese Americans in the Northwest.

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    The Chinese in America must deal with two cultures. Their original culture with its traditions and norms may clash with the larger Western culture in which they live. How this tension is resolved and manifested was examined in terms of a number of factors, including spiritual well-being, self esteem, and social desirability. It was hypothesized that for a Chinese church group in the Northwest, spiritual well-being and self esteem would be positively correlated with social desirability factored out of the relationship. Spiritual well-being was measured by the Spiritual Well-Being Scale which included a total Spiritual Well-Being score, the Existential Well-Being score, and the Religious Well-Being score. Self esteem was measured by the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, using the subscales Self Criticism, Net and Total Conflict, and overall Positive. Social desirability was measured by the Edwards Social Desirability Scale. Significant relationships were found between the subscales of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale and the subscales of the Tennessee Self Concept Scale. These relationships were not significantly affected by Edwards Social Desirability Scale scores. Demographic variables which were correlated with these scales included age, number of years in the U.S., education, and birthplace

    The Impact of a Dyslexia Diagnosis on a Second Language Student of Higher Education

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    ABSTRACT International students who have dyslexia can find that they are disadvantaged through both the dyslexia and the experience of studying at a higher level in a second language

    GFI1 downregulation promotes inflammation-linked metastasis of colorectal cancer.

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    Inflammation is frequently associated with initiation, progression, and metastasis of colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, we unveil a CRC-specific metastatic programme that is triggered via the transcriptional repressor, GFI1. Using data from a large cohort of clinical samples including inflammatory bowel disease and CRC, and a cellular model of CRC progression mediated by cross-talk between the cancer cell and the inflammatory microenvironment, we identified GFI1 as a gating regulator responsible for a constitutively activated signalling circuit that renders CRC cells competent for metastatic spread. Further analysis of mouse models with metastatic CRC and human clinical specimens reinforced the influence of GFI1 downregulation in promoting CRC metastatic spread. The novel role of GFI1 is uncovered for the first time in a human solid tumour such as CRC. Our results imply that GFI1 is a potential therapeutic target for interfering with inflammation-induced CRC progression and spread

    Construcción y evidencias psicométricas de la escala de motivación de logro en estudiantes de secundaria, Piura 2024

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo construir una Escala de motivación de logro en estudiantes de secundaria, Piura 2024. La metodología usada fue tipo aplicada con un diseño instrumental y muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 567 participantes. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian una validez de contenido por 7 jueces con una V de Aiken >.80, para la validez de estructura interna mediante el análisis factorial exploratorio donde se eliminaron 5 ítems por no superar mínimamente una carga de .40, distribuyéndose los ítems finales en 1 factor, respecto al KMO y Esfericidad de Bartlett arrojaron resultados adecuados (KMO = .841; p <.001). En el análisis factorial confirmatorio se arrojaron los siguientes índices: X 2/gl = 3.2, p = .001; CFI = .955; TLI = .925; RMSEA = .081; SRMR = .050 demostrando que la escala unidimensional se ajusta de forma pertinente. Finalmente, en la confiabilidad mediante el coeficiente de omega se obtuvo un valor de ω=.664 indicando que es un valor aceptable. A todo esto, se concluye que la escala de motivación de logro posee apropiadas evidencias psicométricas para la muestra de estudiantes de secundaria de Piura

    Factores asociados al cumplimiento del control del crecimiento y desarrollo del preescolar de una zona urbano marginal. Nuevo Chimbote, 2020

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    La presente investigación descriptiva correlacional de corte transversal, tuvo como objetivo general conocer los factores asociados al cumplimiento del control del crecimiento y desarrollo del preescolar de una zona urbano marginal de Nuevo Chimbote, 2020. La población de estudio fue 200 madres de preescolares, con una muestra a 40 madres que fueron seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario sobre factores sociales y una ficha de análisis de contenido sobre cumplimiento del control de crecimiento y desarrollo del prescolar, concluyendo que: El 70,0% son adultas jóvenes, el 52,5% tienen dos hijos, el 50,0% son amas de casa, el 60,0% tienen pareja, el 70,0% tienen estudios secundarios, el 80,0% son de procedencia de la costa, el 55,0% tuvieron su parto en hospital. El 57,5% de los preescolares cumplen regularmente con su control de crecimiento y desarrollo, el 32,5% cumplen irregularmente con su control, mientras el 10,0% de ellos no cumplen. Existe relación significativa entre el número de hijos, la ocupación de la madre, grado de instrucción, procedencia y lugar de parto con el cumplimiento del CRED del preescolar (p0.05).Tesi

    Landfill extension developments in Hong Kong : a study of agenda setting and policy dynamics

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    published_or_final_versionPolitics and Public AdministrationMasterMaster of Public Administratio

    Glutathione-s-transferase modified electrodes for detecting anticancer drugs

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2014.02.070. © 2014. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/With the fast growth of cancer research, new analytical methods are needed to measure anticancer drugs. This is usually accomplished by using sophisticated analytical instruments. Biosensors are attractive candidates for measuring anticancer drugs, but currently few biosensors can achieve this goal. In particular, it is challenging to have a general method to monitor various types of anticancer drugs with different structures. In this work, a biosensor was developed to detect anticancer drugs by modifying carbon paste electrodes with glutathione-s-transferase (GST) enzymes. GST is widely studied in the metabolism of xenobiotics and is a major contributing factor in resistance to anticancer drugs. The measurement of anticancer drugs is based on competition between 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and the drugs for the GST enzyme in the electrochemical potential at 0.1 V vs. Ag/AgCl by square wave voltammetry (SWV) or using a colorimetric method. The sensor shows a detection limit of 8.8 μM cisplatin and exhibits relatively long life time in daily measurements.University of Waterloo || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council || Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program |

    Effects of filtration using soil and fibre mediums in improving the quality of stormwater

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    Water shortage problems occurred when insufficient quantities or only poor quality of water available for consumption . In some places, while fresh water is abundantly available for domestic use, high demand at industrial site and agricultural area requires the need to investigated alternative method of treatment for non-domestic water supply. In this study, effects of treatment unit using Odec and Sulaman soils, fibre and fibre-soil combinations were investigated towards their ability to filtrate and improve the quality of stormwaters collected from SST Lake, Likas River and Odec Sea. For comparison, treatment was also conducted for soy bean water. Stormwater quality tested include the chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, turbidity and suspended solid. It was found that Sulaman soil medium yielded 100 % removal rate of suspended solid compared to ODEC and fibre medium while fibre medium showed the least effective filter. The removal rate of COD of all medium was low. All the medium failed to filter soya water due to the high concentration of chemical compound. The study concluded that when the parameters measured is chemically-related such as COD and pH, the soil medium filter less effectively. The effectiveness in filtering non-chemical parameter such suspended solid is affected by the grain size and distribution, texture and the structure of the mediums

    Ambient vibration re-testing and operational modal analysis of the Humber Bridge

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    An ambient vibration survey of the Humber Bridge was carried out in July 2008 by a combined team from the UK, Portugal and Hong Kong. The exercise had several purposes that included the evaluation of the current technology for instrumentation and system identification and the generation of an experimental dataset of modal properties to be used for validation and updating of finite element models for scenario simulation and structural health monitoring. The exercise was conducted as part of a project aimed at developing online diagnosis capabilities for three landmark European suspension bridges. Ten stand-alone tri-axial acceleration recorders were deployed at locations along all three spans and in all four pylons during five days of consecutive one-hour recordings. Time series segments from the recorders were merged, and several operational modal analysis techniques were used to analyse these data and assemble modal models representing the global behaviour of the bridge in all three dimensions for all components of the structure. The paper describes the equipment and procedures used for the exercise, compares the operational modal analysis (OMA) technology used for system identification and presents modal parameters for key vibration modes of the complete structure. The results obtained using three techniques, natural excitation technique/eigensystem realisation algorithm, stochastic subspace identification and poly-Least Squares Frequency Domain method, are compared among themselves and with those obtained from a 1985 test of the bridge, showing few significant modal parameter changes over 23 years in cases where direct comparison is possible. The measurement system and the much more sophisticated OMA technology used in the present test show clear advantages necessary due to the compressed timescales compared to the earlier exercise. Even so, the parameter estimates exhibit significant variability between different methods and variations of the same method, while also varying in time and having inherent variability. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved