352 research outputs found


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    The historical situation of diglossia in the Basque society cause Basque language was strongly but not totally excluded from scientific and technical subjects. This paper analyzes and classifies the tens of Basque writing works that can be said containing specialized language, published until 1976, as well as their contributions to the Basque terminology. The importance of those works and their terminology in aims of the modernization and specialization of the Basque language started after 1976 is also discussed

    Bizkaiko Batzar Nagusiak eta euskara: 1833-1877. Euskarazko testuen bilduma eta azterketa

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    Reseña bibliográfica de la obra "Bizkaiko Batzar Nagusiak eta euskara: 1833-1877. Euskarazko testuen bilduma eta azterketa" dirigida por Andres Urrutia. Esta obra que une el euskera y el mundo del derecho presenta y analiza textos escritos en euskara por las Juntas Generales de Vizcaya en el siglo XIX

    Metformina en el tratamiento del síndrome del ovario poliquístico

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    [ES] El síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP) es una de las endocrinopatías más frecuentes afectando entre un 5% y 10% de las mujeres de la edad reproductiva. Se caracteriza principalmente por presentar ciclos anovulatorios (manifestados como oligo- o amenorrea), hiperandrogenismo bioquímico y/o clínico (hirsutismo, acné, alopecia…) y ovarios poliquísticos. Además, este síndrome está fuertemente asociado a alteraciones metabólicas, siendo las más frecuentes la obesidad, resistencia a la insulina (y por consiguiente intolerancia a la glucosa, mayor riesgo de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II (DM-II) y agravante del SOP) y dislipemia, entre otros. Todos ellos suponen un factor de riesgo cardiovascular. Es más, debido al estímulo continuo de estrógenos sobre el endometrio, también se asocian a un mayor riesgo de hiperplasia endometrial y por tanto de cáncer de endometrio. Todo ello implica que el SOP es un problema de salud pública grave de alto coste económico

    Una propuesta didáctica para un análisis crítico de los alumbrados públicos

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    En las clases y talleres de astronomía enseñamos a observar el cielo a nuestros alumnos y este curso lo estamos haciendo con especial interés teniendo en cuenta que el 2009 es el año internacional de la astronomía. Pero ¿pueden hacerlo desde sus casas, ciudades o pueblos? ¿Les dejan las luces del alumbrado público ver más allá de la Luna y las constelaciones más importantes? La respuesta es que no. La unidad didáctica que presentamos se basa en este problema real. Los estudiantes deberán entender y analizar el problema que se les plantea, buscar información sobre niveles de iluminación y tipos de luminarias y bombillas, hacer un trabajo de campo en las calles y proponer una solución adecuada para su localidad y redactar un informe donde se reflejen los cambios que proponen en el alumbrado público para presentarlo en sociedad

    A functional approach to the ecology of Atlantic Basque streams

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    Most research on stream ecology is focused on structural characteristics of stream ecosystems, while less effort is being dedicated to the study of their functional attributes. The laboratory of stream ecology, at the University of the Basque Country, has been researching streams from an ecosystem perspective, including both structural and functional properties. Here we review the research done so far. Basque streams running to the Atlantic Ocean are short, steep, and flashy, and tend to show large spatial variations as a result of changes in geology and soil use. Where they exist, riparian forests limit the growth of primary producers and are a source of coarse particulate organic matter, an important food resource for consumers. The trophic structure of benthic macroinvertebrate communities changes downstream with resource abundance, although temporal variations of both resources and consumers are not coupled. Gut content analyses show the diet of some species to change with instar development, and thus, warn against the indiscriminate assignation of trophic categories. Floods are important disturbances, affecting primary producers, consumers, and ecosystem processes. Other important disturbances are changes in riparian vegetation, which can profoundly affect the food resources of stream communities. This basic knowledge has been used to develop new tools to assess stream functional impairment, based in two pivotal functions: litter breakdown and whole stream metabolism. Both eutrophication and changes in riparian vegetation affect the use of leaf litter, and thus impact stream functioning making litter breakdown a promising tool for stream monitoring. On the other hand, whole stream metabolism is affected by many human impacts, and can be measured continuously in modern gauging stations, thus allowing for almost real-time monitoring of ecosystem functioning. We hope these and other functional properties will be built into routine monitoring schemes, which will therefore look at both the structural and functional sides of stream ecosystems.La mayor parte de los trabajos sobre ecología de ríos se ha centrado en características estructurales, y se ha dedicado menos esfuerzo a estudiar los atributos funcionales de los ecosistemas fluviales. El laboratorio de ecología de ríos, en la Universidad del País Vasco, ha estado estudiando arroyos desde una perspectiva ecosistémica, incluyendo propiedades estructurales y funcionales, y mostramos aquí una revisión de los trabajos llevados a cabo. Los ríos vascos que drenan al Océano Atlántico son cortos, de fuerte pendiente, y torrenciales, y tienden a mostrar fuertes variaciones espaciales a consecuencia de cambios en geología y usos del suelo. Cuando existen, los bosques riparios limitan la capacidad de crecimiento de los productores primarios, y son fuente de materia orgánica particulada gruesa, un importante recurso alimentario para los consumidores. La estructura trófica de las comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentónicos cambia aguas abajo con la abundancia de recursos, aunque las variaciones temporales de recursos y consumidores no están sincronizadas. El análisis de contenidos digestivos muestra que la dieta de algunas especies cambia con el grado de desarrollo larvario, y en consecuencia, previene contra la asignación indiscriminada de categorías tróficas. Las riadas son perturbaciones importantes que afectan tanto a productores primarios como a consumidores, o a procesos a nivel de ecosistema. Otras perturbaciones importantes son los cambios en la vegetación riparia, que pueden afectar profundamente los recursos alimentarios de las comunidades fluviales. Este conocimiento básico se ha utilizado para desarrollar nuevas herramientas de evaluación del estado de los ríos, basadas en dos funciones claves: la descomposición de hojarasca y el metabolismo del río. Tanto la eutrofización como los cambios en la vegetación de ribera afectan el uso de la hojarasca y, por tanto, impactan en el funcionamiento del ecosistema, lo que hace de la descomposición de hojarasca una herramienta prometedora para el seguimiento de los ríos. Por otra parte, el metabolismo del ecosistema fluvial es afectado por muchos impactos humanos, y puede ser medido en continuo en estaciones de aforo modernas, lo que permite seguir el funcionamiento del ecosistema casi a tiempo real. Esperamos que estas y otras propiedades funcionales se integrarán en los protocolos de seguimiento rutinario, que así tendrán en cuenta tanto el lado estructural como el funcional de los ecosistemas fluviales

    River doctors: Learning from medicine to improve ecosystem management

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    Effective ecosystem management requires a robust methodology to analyse, remedy and avoid ecosystem damage. Here we propose that the overall conceptual framework and approaches developed over millennia in medical science and practice to diagnose, cure and prevent disease can provide an excellent template. Key principles to adopt include combining well-established assessment methods with new analytical techniques and restricting both diagnosis and treatment to qualified personnel at various levels of specialization, in addition to striving for a better mechanistic understanding of ecosystem structure and functioning, as well as identifying the proximate and ultimate causes of ecosystem impairment. In addition to applying these principles, ecosystem management would much benefit from systematically embracing how medical doctors approach and interview patients, diagnose health condition, select treatments, take follow-up measures, and prevent illness. Here we translate the overall conceptual framework from medicine into environmental terms and illustrate with examples from rivers how the systematic adoption of the individual steps proven and tested in medical practice can improve ecosystem management.EC/FP7/603629/EU/MANAGING THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE STRESSORS ON AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS UNDER WATER SCARCITY/GLOBAQUAEC/FP7/603378/EU/Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress/MAR

    Metabolism of Basque streams measured with incubation chambers

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    The metabolism (gross primary production, GPP; respiration, R; and net metabolism, NM) of epilithon was measured by incubating randomly selected cobbles in recirculatory chambers in 21 Basque streams running to the Atlantic coast. The studied streams spanned a broad range of environmental conditions and ranged in ecological status from excellent to poor. The GPP ranged from negligible to 35 g 02m-2d-1 , and the R ranged from 1 to 17 g 02m-2d-1. The NM showed that the epilithon was autotrophic in 15 sites and heterotrophic in the rest. None of the measured environmenta1 variables was significant1y correlated with R. Stepwise analyses showed that both the GPP and the NM were related to the epilithic chlorophyll a and phosphate concentrations. The metabolism values obtained were lower than those previously published from open-channel method, the number of autotrophic sites higher, and the controlling environmenta1 variables different. The difference between open-channel and chamber methods was not related to the area covered with cobbles in the study sites. Although chamber measurements yield results in sites where open-channel methods do not work, they seem to overestimate the importance of autotrophy.Se midió el metabolismo (producción primaria bruta, PPB; respiración, R; y metabolismo neto, MN) del epiliton en 21 ríos vascos que drenan a la costa atlántica, incubando cantos en cámaras recirculatorias. Los ríos estudiados comprendían un amplio abanico de condiciones ambientales y su estado ecológico iba desde excelente hasta pésimo. Los valores de PPB iban desde cercanos a O hasta 35 g 02m-2d-J, los de R desde 1 hasta 17 g 02m-2d-J. El MN indicaba que el epiliton de 15 ríos era autótrofo, el resto heterótrofo. Ninguna de las variables ambientales medidas estaba correlacionada de forma significativa con la R. Regresiones paso a paso indicaban que tanto la PPB como el MN estaban relacionados con la clorofila epilítica y con la concentración de fosfato. Los valores de metabolismo obtenidos fueron más bajos que los publicados previamente en base a métodos de cauce abierto, el número de tramos autotróficos era mayor, y las variables ambientales responsables diferentes. Las diferencias entre ambos métodos no eran proporcionales a la abundancia de cantos en el lecho. Auque las medidas en cámara pemüten obtener resultados en tramos en los que no funcionan los métodos en cauce abierto, aparentemente sobreestiman la importancia de la autotrofia

    Priming of leaf litter decomposition by algae seems of minor importance in natural streams during autumn

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    Allochthonous detritus of terrestrial origin is one of the main energy sources in forested headwater streams, but its poor nutritional quality makes it difficult to use by heterotrophs. It has been suggested that algae growing on this detritus can enhance its nutritional quality and promote decomposition. So far, most evidence of this "priming effect" is derived from laboratory or mesocosm experiments, and its importance under natural conditions is unclear. We measured accrual of algae, phosphorus uptake capacity, and decomposition of poplar leaves in autumn in open-and closed-canopy reaches in 3 forest and 3 agricultural streams. Chlorophyll a abundance did not change significantly with stream type or with canopy cover, although in some agricultural streams it was higher in open than in closed canopy reaches. Canopy cover did not affect either phosphate uptake capacity or microbial decomposition. On the other hand, although there was no effect of canopy cover on invertebrate fragmentation rate, a significant interaction between canopy cover and stream suggests priming occurs at least in some streams. Overall, the results point to a weak or no priming effect of algae on litter decomposition in natural streams during autumnThe research was funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada) and by the Department of Education, Basque Government, grant number IT951-16. The latter department also funded a research stage by Arturo Elosegi in the University of British Columbia (grant number MV-2017-1-0034)

    A meta-analysis of drought effects on litter decomposition in streams

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    Droughts, or severe reductions of water flow, are expected to become more frequent and intense in rivers in many regions under the ongoing climate change scenario. It is therefore important to understand stream ecosystem functioning under drought conditions. We performed a meta-analysis of studies addressing drought effects on litter decomposition in streams (50 studies contributing 261 effect sizes) to quantify overall drought effects on this key ecosystem process and to identify the main moderators controlling these effects. Drought reduced litter decomposition by 43% overall, which can impact energy and matter fluxes along heterotrophic food webs. The magnitude of drought effects on litter decomposition depended on the type of drought (natural drought > human-induced drought), type of decomposer community (microbes + macroinvertebrates > microbes) under natural drought, climate (warm and humid > temperate and Mediterranean) under human-induced drought, and on litter identity. The magnitude of drought effects on litter decomposition also increased with the severity of the drought. The effects of ongoing climate change will likely be strongest in streams with abundant shredders undergoing natural drought, especially if the streams become temporary. The composition of the riparian vegetation may modulate the magnitude of drought effects on litter decomposition, which may have management applications.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This study was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the research project STREAMECO (SFRH/BD/140761/2018) and the strategic projects UIDP/04292/2020 and UIDB/04292/2020 granted to MARE and project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, and by the Basque Government (IT1471-22). VF was financially supported by the FCT (CEECIND/02484/2018)
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