1,018 research outputs found

    Práticas de uso de dados de professores de ciências: Uma análise descritiva

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    There is a debate on students’ low science achievement in the United States, particularly among low income, African American students, and Latino students. An important part of the education community’s response to low achievement generally and in science specifically has been the implementation of high stakes accountability policies. Because of accountability’s emphasis on educator data use, much research has examined different facets of it throughout educational organizations, but research has not focused on the extent to which data use might be content-specific. The purpose of this paper, then, was to investigate the data use practices of science teachers. Drawing from a broader study of science teachers in grades 5-8 across six school districts, this study reports results from teacher surveys and interviews. The findings indicate that while there were examples of science-specific data use, most of the science teachers used data in ways consistent with previous content-agnostic research. Implications for future research, policy, and practice are discussed. Há um debate sobre o baixo desempenho dos estudantes em ciências nos Estados Unidos, particularmente entre alunos de baixa renda, afro-americanos e latinos. Uma parte importante da resposta da comunidade educativa para o baixo desempenho geral e em ciências especificamente tem sido a implementação de políticas de responsabilidades de altos riscos. Por causa da ênfase de responsabilidade em uso de dados do educador, muitas pesquisas examinaram diferentes facetas disto através de organizações educacionais, mas a pesquisa não focou na medica em que o uso de dados pode ser de conteúdo específico. O propósito deste artigo, então, era de investigar as práticas de uso de dados dos professores de ciências. A partir de um estudo mais amplo de professores de ciências na 5 à 8 série em seis distritos escolares, este estudo relata resultados de pesquisas e entrevistas de professores. Os resultados indicam que, enquanto há exemplos de uso de dados específicos em ciências, a maioria dos professores de ciências usaram dados de maneiras consistentes com pesquisas anteriores de conteúdo agnóstico. Implicações para futuras pesquisas, políticas e praticas são discutidos


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    The research in this dissertation describes a Grounded Theory approach to identifying critical knowledge components of Teacher Content Knowledge (TCK) and Teacher Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) for ESL teachers who must teach reading to young English language learners, often with little literacy training The research explored how professional development sessions with ESL teachers focusing on phonological processing and phonemic awareness might result in better preparation for teachers working with English language learners. The research study implemented four PD sessions and evaluated teachers in a variety of settings. Data were collected through classroom observations, questionnaires, reflections, and informal interviews. The study involved approximately 20 hours of formal PD with six elementary ESL teachers. On-going support through the use of regular e-mails and one-on-one meetings provided additional interaction between the teachers and researcher. The significance of this research is threefold: one, the findings indicate that teacher knowledge and skill to work with ELLs is highly differential, even in small populations of teachers, such as the one described here. Two, the core components and the framework developed in this work can serve as a foundation to evaluate teacher knowledge and skill to work with ELLs. Three, the findings can provide insight into how PD sessions can be structured to help in-service teachers develop the necessary knowledge and skill to support language learners’ literacy development. In this dissertation, I propose that the components identified in this research can be used as the foundation for in-service professional development that is responsive to individual teachers’ needs, which I have termed “Responsive PD.” The components discussed can be used to evaluate teachers on whether they possess the necessary TCK to work with ELLs. The components identified here can also be used to create PD tailored to teacher’s variable knowledge and skill. This study is one step in addressing the critical need for educating teachers on ways to effectively address the growing number of ELLs in their classrooms and support the literacy development of ELL students

    Palladium-heterogenized porous polyimide materials as effective and recyclable catalysts for reactions in water

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    New functionalized porous polyimides (PPIs-NO2, PPIs-NH2, and PPIs-NPy) were synthesized and characterized and the PPI-NPy materials were applied as supports to obtain heterogenized palladium complexes (PPI-NPy-Pd). The PPI-NPy-Pd hybrid materials have behaved as very efficient heterogeneous catalysts in the Suzuki coupling reaction in water, affording the corresponding cross-coupling products in excellent yields. Furthermore, the catalysts have shown excellent chemical and thermal stability and good recyclability. No evidence of the leaching of Pd from the catalyst during the course of reaction was observed, suggesting true heterogeneity in our catalytic systems.The financial support provided by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project MAT2010-20668, MAT2011-29020-C02-02 and Consolider-Ingenio 2010-(CSD-0050-MULTICAT) is gratefully acknowledged. A predoctoral JAE fellowship from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) to E. Rangel is also acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    El apoyo de los interactivos para el desarrollo de la autonomía personal en niños con necesidades especiales

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    102 páginas. Especialización en Diseño.Dentro del sector educativo, la tecnología proporciona ventajas que favorecen el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, facilitando a los docentes y estudiantes el acceso y almacenamiento de la información. Las aulas de enciclomedia, son una aportación del gobierno mexicano que ofrece algunas de estas ventajas, sin embargo, para las escuelas de educación especial en donde los niños requieren características más específicas debido a sus discapacidades físicas o intelectuales, estos recursos resultan poco funcionales. Los niños con necesidades especiales requieren elementos diferentes que les permitan tener acceso a la información a través de distintos canales dependiendo de su discapacidad. Por esta razón, en el presente trabajo puntualiza algunos lineamientos necesarios para la creación de un producto que permita enriquecer el aprendizaje de los niños de educación especial. La autonomía personal es un aspecto que debe enseñarse a todos los niños con el objetivo de mejorar su calidad de vida. Este trabajo está enfocado a niños entre los dos y los siete años de edad mental, quienes con ayuda del docente juegan y se divierten aprendiendo distintos valores, hábitos y costumbres que facilitarán el aprendizaje y permitirán que sea más significativo. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta se contemplaron elementos acerca de lo que es la educación especial, las características que hay en las distintas deficiencias y discapacidades que se involucran este tipo de educación, conocimientos generales de autonomía personal, distintas teorías de aprendizaje, la manera en la que los padres se involucran en la educación de sus hijos, y la intervención de las tecnologías en el ámbito educativo, así como el desarrollo de sistemas interactivos educativos

    Proyecto para la creación de una nueva extensión del negocio: manufacturas fernandino en la linea de trajes sastres para mujeres en la ciudad de Guayaquil

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    Neural evidence for inequality-averse social preferences

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    A popular hypothesis in the social sciences is that humans have social preferences to reduce inequality in outcome distributions because it has a negative impact on their experienced reward. Although there is a large body of behavioural and anthropological evidence consistent with the predictions of these theories, there is no direct neural evidence for the existence of inequality-averse preferences. Such evidence would be especially useful because some behaviours that are consistent with a dislike for unequal outcomes could also be explained by concerns for social image or reciprocity, which do not require a direct aversion towards inequality. Here we use functional MRI to test directly for the existence of inequality-averse social preferences in the human brain. Inequality was created by recruiting pairs of subjects and giving one of them a large monetary endowment. While both subjects evaluated further monetary transfers from the experimenter to themselves and to the other participant, we measured neural responses in the ventral striatum and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, two areas that have been shown to be involved in the valuation of monetary and primary rewards in both social and non-social contexts. Consistent with inequality-averse models of social preferences, we find that activity in these areas was more responsive to transfers to others than to self in the ‘high-pay’ subject, whereas the activity of the ‘low-pay’ subject showed the opposite pattern. These results provide direct evidence for the validity of this class of models, and also show that the brain’s reward circuitry is sensitive to both advantageous and disadvantageous inequality

    Relación entre dinámica familiar y competencia social del niño preescolar de 3 a 5 años

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    El objetivo principal de la investigación es determinar si existen diferencias significativas en cuanto a competencia de interacción social en niños preescolares en función de la dinámica familiar, desde el ángulo de su estructura y funcionamiento. La muestra está conformada por 400 niños de 3 a 6 años, de ambos géneros, que cursan Educación Preescolar, en Instituciones de Educación Preescolar privadas y públicas, de diversos estratos socioeconómicos de Lima Metropolitana. Se aplican los instrumentos: Escala de evaluación de la adaptabilidad y cohesión familiar (FACES III), Escala de Competencia de Interacción Social en el Contexto Preescolar (ECISCPE) y el cuestionario: ¿Cómo está compuesta su familia? El análisis de datos se desarrolla mediante el programa SPSS 15.0 y con los estadísticos ANOVA y el Análisis Post Hoc Prueba de Bonferroni, H de Kruskal Wallis, la Prueba U de Mann Whitney y el Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman. Se concluye que no existen diferencias significativas en el nivel de competencia de interacción social en función de la dinámica familiar, respecto a la estructura familiar y el funcionamiento familiar. Se encuentra que existe correlación baja entre la competencia de interacción social con el tiempo de socialización preescolar, es decir la permanencia en programas de educación inicial, y la edad, además existen diferencias significativas en la competencia de interacción social según grado preescolar y nivel socioeconómico, y no se hallan diferencias significativas según género, ni entre niños con hermanos y niños sin hermanos. Palabras clave: Competencia de interacción social, dinámica familiar, estructura familiar, funcionamiento familiar, preescolaridad.--- The main objective of this research is to determine whether there are significant differences in the level of social interaction competence in preschool children based on family dynamics in their family structure and family functioning. The representative sample consists of 400 children, between 3 to 6 years old, of both genders, who attend Preschool, in private Institutions Preschool Education and public Institutions Preschool Education, of different socioeconomic level of Lima. Instruments apply: Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES III), Social interaction competence child in the preschool setting scale (ECISCPE) and How family consists? Questionnaire. Data analysis is developed by SPSS 15.0 and the statistical program ANOVA and post hoc analysis Bonferroni test, Kruskal Wallis, the Mann Whitney U test and Spearman correlation coefficient. We conclude that there are not significant differences in social interaction competence based on family dynamics, about family structure and family functioning. There is a significant low correlation between social interaction competence and preschool socialization runtime, and there are significant differences in social interaction competence according to preschool level and socioeconomic status, but there are not significant differences by gender and between children with siblings and children without siblings. Keywords: Social interaction competence, family dynamics, family structure, family functioning, pre-school.Tesi

    Species-specific ecological niche modelling predicts different range contractions for Lutzomyia intermedia and a related vector of Leishmania braziliensis following climate change in South America.

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    BACKGROUND: Before 1996 the phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia neivai was usually treated as a synonym of the morphologically similar Lutzomyia intermedia, which has long been considered a vector of Leishmania braziliensis, the causative agent of much cutaneous leishmaniasis in South America. This report investigates the likely range changes of both sand fly species in response to a stabilisation climate change scenario (RCP4.5) and a high greenhouse gas emissions one (RCP8.5). METHODS: Ecological niche modelling was used to identify areas of South America with climates currently suitable for each species, and then the future distributions of these climates were predicted based on climate change scenarios. Compared with the previous ecological niche model of L. intermedia (sensu lato) produced using the GARP algorithm in 2003, the current investigation modelled the two species separately, making use of verified presence records and additional records after 2001. Also, the new ensemble approach employed ecological niche modelling algorithms (including Maximum Entropy, Random Forests and Support Vector Machines) that have been widely adopted since 2003 and perform better than GARP, as well as using a more recent climate change model (HadGEM2) considered to have better performance at higher resolution than the earlier one (HadCM2). RESULTS: Lutzomyia intermedia was shown to be the more tropical of the two species, with its climatic niche defined by higher annual mean temperatures and lower temperature seasonality, in contrast to the more subtropical L. neivai. These different latitudinal ranges explain the two species' predicted responses to climate change by 2050, with L. intermedia mostly contracting its range (except perhaps in northeast Brazil) and L. neivai mostly shifting its range southwards in Brazil and Argentina. This contradicts the findings of the 2003 report, which predicted more range expansion. The different findings can be explained by the improved data sets and modelling methods. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that climate change will not always lead to range expansion of disease vectors such as sand flies. Ecological niche models should be species specific, carefully selected and combined in an ensemble approach