29 research outputs found
The nature and origin of magnetic anomalies over the Gölcük caldera; Isparta; South-Western Turkey
For the first time; ground magnetic survey was performed which data were inverted by means of total horizontal derivative; horizontal gradient analytic signal; and hyperbolic tilt angle techniques to identify subsurface volcanic structures around Isparta city (South-Western Turkey).Впервые проведена магнитная съемка, данные которой были преобразованы методами полной горизонтальной производной (ПГП), обнаружения аналитического сигнала горизонтального градиента (АСГГ), определения угла гиперболического наклона (УГН) для идентификации погребенных вулканических структур вокруг г. Испарта (юго-западная Турция).Вперше проведена магнітна зйомка, дані якої були перетворені методами повної горизонтальної похідної (ПГП), виявлення аналітичного сигналу горизонтального градієнта (АСГГ), визначення кута гіперболічного нахилу (УГН) для ідентифікації похованих вулканічних структур навколо м Іспарта (південно-західна Туреччина)
Imaging of subsurface lineaments in the southwestern part of the Thrace Basin from gravity data
Linear anomalies, as an indicator of the structural features of some geological bodies, are very important for the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data. In this study, an image processing technique known as the Hough transform (HT) algorithm is described for determining invisible boundaries and extensions in gravity anomaly maps. The Hough function implements the Hough transform used to extract straight lines or circles within two-dimensional potential field images. It is defined as image and Hough space. In the Hough domain, this function transforms each nonzero point in the parameter domain to a sinusoid. In the image space, each point in the Hough space is transformed to a straight line or circle. Lineaments are depicted from these straight lines which are transformed in the image domain. An application of the Hough transform to the Bouguer anomaly map of the southwestern part of the Thrace Basin, NW Turkey, shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Based on geological data and gravity data, the structural features in the southwestern part of the Thrace Basin are investigated by applying the proposed approach and the Blakely and Simpson method. Lineaments identified by these approaches are generally in good accordance with previously-mapped surface faults
Endocan: a biomarker predicting successful reperfusion after coronary artery by-pass surgery of acute coronary syndrome patients.
OBJECTIVE: Endothelial specific molecule 1 (Endocan) is a biomarker of the inflammatory process occurring in endothelial cells. It was shown that endocan was increased in acute coronary syndromes. We aimed at investigating the endocan levels in acute coronary syndrome patients after coronary bypass surgery
Природа і походження магнітних аномалій кальдери Гельджюк, Іспарта, Туреччина
For the first time; ground magnetic survey was performed which data were inverted by means of total horizontal derivative; horizontal gradient analytic signal; and hyperbolic tilt angle techniques to identify subsurface volcanic structures around Isparta city (South-Western Turkey). Here; Gölcük volcanism took place at the apex of the Isparta Angle at the intersection of the Lycian and Antalya nappes. It initiated between 4.0—4.7 my ago mainly as lava extrusions and ended with phreatoplinian eruptions during Quaternary time. The study area is covered by authochtonous and allochthonous units that are intruded by Pliocene and Quaternary Gölcük volcanics and also overlain by pyroclastic fall and flow deposits. The boundaries were revealed for the buried volcanic structure from the edge detection methods. The geometry of the trachytic dome southwestern of the Gölcük Lake and its downward continuation were studied by 2D modelling with the control of the power spectrum depth results applied to the focused anomaly. The azimuthally-averaged logarithmic power spectra plot indicates that the downward continuation of source depth of the trachytic dome reaches up to 850 m. The forward inversion results indicate that the horizontal size of the model for this trachytic dome is 1250 m beneath the surface while it’s surface extension is only about 400 m.Впервые проведена магнитная съемка, данные которой были преобразованы методами полной горизонтальной производной (ПГП), обнаружения аналитического сигнала горизонтального градиента (АСГГ), определения угла гиперболического наклона (УГН) для идентификации погребенных вулканических структур вокруг г. Испарта (юго-западная Турция). Здесь активность вулкана Гёльджюк происходила в углу треугольника Испарта на пересечении покровов Лучиан и Анталья.Вулканизм начался 4,0-4,7 млн. лет тому назад в основном излиянием лав и закончился извержением магмы и воды в четвертичное время. Район исследований перекрыт автохтонными и аллохтонными образованиями, которые интрудированы плиоценовыми и четвертичными породами вулкана Гельджюк, а также покрыты пирокластическим пеплом и отложениями лавовых потоков. Границы погребенной вулканической структуры были получены методами обнаружения граней источника. Геометрия трахитового купола к юго-западу от озера Гельджюк и его продолжения вниз были изучены 2D моделированием, причем конфигурация была проконтролирована результатами определения глубины спектральным анализом изолированной аномалии. График азимутально осредненных логарифмических спектров указывает, что продолжение вниз глубины источника трахитвого купола достинает 850 м. По результатам решения обратноц задачи горизонтальный размер модели этого купола равен 1250 м под дневной поверхностю тогда, как над ней только около 400 м.Вперше проведена магнітна зйомка, дані якої були перетворені методами повної горизонтальної похідної (ПГП), виявлення аналітичного сигналу горизонтального градієнта (АСГГ), визначення кута гіперболічного нахилу (УГН) для ідентифікації похованих вулканічних структур навколо м Іспарта (південно-західна Туреччина). Тут активність вулкана Дериндже відбувалася в кутку трикутника Іспарта на перетині покривів Лучіан і Анталья.Вулканізм почався 4,0-4,7 млн. Років тому в основному виливом лав і закінчився виверженням магми і води в четвертинний час. Район досліджень перекритий автохтонними і Алохтонні утвореннями, які інтрудіровани пліоценовими і четвертинними породами вулкана Гельджюк, а також покриті пирокластическим попелом і відкладеннями лавових потоків. Межі похованою вулканічної структури були отримані методами виявлення граней джерела. Геометрія трахітовими купола на північний захід від озера Гельджюк і його продовження вниз були вивчені 2D моделюванням, причому конфігурація була проконтрольована результатами визначення глибини спектральним аналізом ізольованою аномалії. Графік азимутально усереднених логарифмічних спектрів вказує, що продовження вниз глибини джерела трахітвого купола достінает 850 м. За результатами рішення обратноц завдання горизонтальний розмір моделі цього купола дорівнює 1250 м під денний поверхностю тоді, як над нею тільки близько 400 м
Lake Burdur and its area from last 2000 years : sedimentary record of climate and environmental evolution
International audienc
Nephropathy in Zucker diabetic fat rat is associated with oxidative and nitrosative stress: prevention by chronic therapy with a peroxynitrite scavenger ebselen.
Zucker diabetic fat (ZDF) rats with the metabolic syndrome and hyperlipidemia develop focal and segmental sclerosis. The role of oxidative and nitrosative stress in the nephropathy in ZDF was studied. Renal histology, function, and immunohistologic and biochemical parameters of oxidative and nitrosative stress were evaluated at 8 and 22 wk of age in ZDF and Zucker lean (ZL) rats and after chronic treatment with ebselen, an antioxidant and peroxinitrite scavenger. At 8 wk, ZDF rats showed hyperglycemia, no proteinuria or nephropathy, but higher levels of dihydrobiopterin and 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NT)-modified proteins compared with age-matched ZL rats. At 22 wk, ZDF rats developed focal and segmental sclerosis, proteinuria, decreased creatinine clearance, and renal tissue levels of glutathione and tetrahydrobiopterin with further elevation in dihydrobiopterin and 3-NT-modified proteins, in contrast to age-matched ZL rats. Renal immunohistologic expression of lipid peroxidation products and 3-NT-modified proteins also increased in 22-wk-old ZDF but not in ZL rats. Chronic ebselen treatment of ZDF rats restored renal tissue levels of glutathione and tetrahydrobiopterin; prevented significant accumulation of dihydrobiopterin, lipid peroxidation products, and 3-NT-modified proteins; and ameliorated focal and segmental sclerosis, proteinuria, and fall in creatinine clearance without affecting mean BP, body weight, and blood glucose, compared with the untreated ZDF rats. Chronic ebselen therapy also ameliorated vasculopathy with lipid deposits and tubulointerstitial scarring, inflammation, and upregulated alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. These findings suggest that ZDF rats develop a progressive nephropathy with glomerular, vascular, and tubulointerstitial pathology. Oxidative and nitrosative stress predates the nephropathy, which is improved by peroxinitrite scavenger ebselen, and thus considered its cause and not consequence
Association between chronic hepatitis C infection and coronary flow reserve in dialysis patients with failed renal allografts.
Background. Hepatitis C infection occurs frequently among patients with end-stage renal disease and increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Endothelial dysfunction (ED) is an early event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. It has been reported among patients treated with hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD), or renal transplantation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate effects of chronic hepatitis C infection on ED in patients with failed renal transplants
Petrology of Quaternary volcanic rocks and related plutonic xenoliths from Gölcük volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey: Origin and evolution of the high-K alkaline series
International audienceThe Quaternary volcanism of Isparta, south-western Anatolia, belongs to the post-collisional alkali-potassic to ultrapotassic magmatism, active since Miocene, from Afyon to Isparta. In the so-called Isparta Angle, the magmatism is contemporaneous with the Aegean extensional regime initiated during the Late Miocene and active throughout the Pliocene and Quaternary. The Gölcük volcano-forming stages consist of three main eruptive cycles: Cycle I comprising 200 m-thick pyroclastic flow deposits; Cycle II consisting of tephriphonolitic lava dome-flows extruded throughout the caldera; and Cycle III characterized by tuff-ring deposits related to the last phreatoplinian events. These late explosive events sampled plutonic xenoliths that allow to better constrain magma fractionation processes that operated at depth in the magma chamber. Magma evolution was first controlled by accumulation of clinopyroxene, phlogopite and apatite, then by phlogopite, amphibole and feldspars, with apatite, magnetite, titanite and zircon as accessories. Crystallization of clinopyroxene, phlogopite and amphibole probably controlled the silica-saturation trend of the whole series and faithfully reflect intensive H2O variations in the magma that were responsible of explosive cyclic events. The parental magma may have had a lamprophyric-tephritic composition. Trace element and isotope ratios indicate a prevalent asthenospheric source versus lithospheric one. Geochemical features, such as strong enrichment of LILE, REE, HFSE in the Gölcük magma point to the involvement of a asthenospheric OIB-type melt with a possible carbonatitic component, that interacted with remnants of the delaminated lithosphere during upwelling