528 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Pemberian Kredit Pemilikan Rumah Griya Utama Dalam Upaya Mendukung Pengendalian Intern (Studi Pada PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Kc Balikpapan)

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    The purpose of this research to know system the provision of credit ownership house griya main applied by PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Kantor Cabang Balikpapan and for know system the provision of credit applied has supported internal control or not. And the kind of research used in this research is research descriptive. And the kind of research used is descriptive to describe a condition or a specified phenomenon with provides an overview of system the provision of credit ownership house griya main to support internal control. Based on an analysys the data colleted by PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk Kantor Cabang Balikpapan it can be seen that system the provision of credit ownership house griya main applied still do not support internal control because there are in the forms that had still not given the ordinal number of printed as form power cutting salary and form information not fixed income and so it is abus

    Reassociation kinetics-based approach for partial genome sequencing of the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Background: The size and repetitive nature of the Rhipicephalus microplus genome makes obtaining a full genome sequence fiscally and technically problematic. To selectively obtain gene-enriched regions of this tick's genome, Cot filtration was performed, and Cot-filtered DNA was sequenced via 454 FLX pyrosequencing.Results: The sequenced Cot-filtered genomic DNA was assembled with an EST-based gene index of 14,586 unique entries where each EST served as a potential "seed" for scaffold formation. The new sequence assembly extended the lengths of 3,913 of the 14,586 gene index entries. Over half of the extensions corresponded to extensions of over 30 amino acids. To survey the repetitive elements in the tick genome, the complete sequences of five BAC clones were determined. Both Class I and II transposable elements were found. Comparison of the BAC and Cot filtration data indicates that Cot filtration was highly successful in filtering repetitive DNA out of the genomic DNA used in 454 sequencing.Conclusion: Cot filtration is a very useful strategy to incorporate into genome sequencing projects on organisms with large genome sizes and which contain high percentages of repetitive, difficult to assemble, genomic DNA. Combining the Cot selection approach with 454 sequencing and assembly with a pre-existing EST database as seeds resulted in extensions of 27% of the members of the EST database

    The structure of atomic gas around the supernova remnant 3C 400.2

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    The interaction of the SNR 3C 400.2 with the interstellar medium is investigated on the basis of the HI observations using the Synthesis Radio Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO). These new data show the existence of a dense atomic cloud associated with 3C 400.2 in the velocity range +14 to +42 km s -1 , and high velocity clouds probably accelerated by the supernova blast wave at  km s -1 and +69 km s -1 . We propose that the complex remnant 3C 400.2 is the result of a supernova explosion in a region of the interstellar medium containing a density discontinuity. A breakout phenomenon may explain the observed morphology in the different spectral regimes.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y GeofísicasInstituto Argentino de Radioastronomí

    Repurposing FDA approved drugs as radiosensitizers for treating hypoxic prostate cancer

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    Abstract Background The presence of hypoxia is a poor prognostic factor in prostate cancer and the hypoxic tumor microenvironment promotes radioresistance. There is potential for drug radiotherapy combinations to improve the therapeutic ratio. We aimed to investigate whether hypoxia-associated genes could be used to identify FDA approved drugs for repurposing for the treatment of hypoxic prostate cancer. Methods Hypoxia associated genes were identified and used in the connectivity mapping software QUADrATIC to identify FDA approved drugs as candidates for repurposing. Drugs identified were tested in vitro in prostate cancer cell lines (DU145, PC3, LNCAP). Cytotoxicity was investigated using the sulforhodamine B assay and radiosensitization using a clonogenic assay in normoxia and hypoxia. Results Menadione and gemcitabine had similar cytotoxicity in normoxia and hypoxia in all three cell lines. In DU145 cells, the radiation sensitizer enhancement ratio (SER) of menadione was 1.02 in normoxia and 1.15 in hypoxia. The SER of gemcitabine was 1.27 in normoxia and 1.09 in hypoxia. No radiosensitization was seen in PC3 cells. Conclusion Connectivity mapping can identify FDA approved drugs for potential repurposing that are linked to a radiobiologically relevant phenotype. Gemcitabine and menadione could be further investigated as potential radiosensitizers in prostate cancer

    A decade of arbovirus emergence in the temperate southern cone of South America : dengue, Aedes aegypti and climate dynamics in Córdoba, Argentina

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    Background: Argentina is located at the southern temperate range of arboviral transmission by the mosquito Aedes aegypti and has experienced a rapid increase in disease transmission in recent years. Here we present findings from an entomological surveillance study that began in Córdoba, Argentina, following the emergence of dengue in 2009. Methods: From 2009 to 2017, larval surveys were conducted monthly, from November to May, in 600 randomly selected households distributed across the city. From 2009 to 2013, ovitraps (n = 177) were sampled weekly to monitor the oviposition activity of Ae. aegypti. We explored seasonal and interannual dynamics of entomological variables and dengue transmission. Cross correlation analysis was used to identify significant lag periods. Results: Aedes aegypti were detected over the entire study period, and abundance peaked during the summer months (January to March). We identified a considerable increase in the proportion of homes with juvenile Ae. aegypti over the study period (from 5.7% of homes in 2009-10 to 15.4% of homes in 2016-17). Aedes aegypti eggs per ovitrap and larval abundance were positively associated with temperature in the same month. Autochthonous dengue transmission peaked in April, following a peak in imported dengue cases in March; autochthonous dengue was not positively associated with vector or climate variables. Conclusions: This longitudinal study provides insights into the complex dynamics of arbovirus transmission and vector populations in a temperate region of arbovirus emergence. Our findings suggest that Córdoba is well suited for arbovirus disease transmission, given the stable and abundant vector populations. Further studies are needed to better understand the role of regional human movement.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Role of Citizen Science in Promoting Ocean and Water Literacy in School Communities: The ProBleu Methodology

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    Human activities continue to degrade oceanic, coastal and inland waters. The generational change in the role of society in actively looking after the health of water resources can be achieved through the expansion of ocean and water literacy in schools. The Network of European Blue Schools established under the EU4Ocean Coalition for Ocean Literacy has improved ocean and water literacy; however, this Network needs to grow and be supported. Here, we present ProBleu, a recently funded EU project that will expand and support the Network, partly through the use of citizen science. The core of the proposed methodology is facilitating school activities related to ocean and water literacy through funding calls to sustain and enrich current school activities, and kick-start and support new activities. The outcomes of the project are anticipated to have widespread and long-term impacts across society, and oceanic, coastal and inland water environments

    Allele-Specific Expression of APC in Adenomatous Polyposis Families

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Germline mutations in the APC gene cause of most cases of familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and a lesser proportion of attenuated FAP (AFAP). Systematic analysis of APC at the RNA level could provide insight into the pathogenicity of identified mutations and the molecular basis of FAP/AFAP in families without identifiable mutations. Here, we analyzed the prevalence of imbalances in the allelic expression of APC in polyposis families with germline mutations in the gene and without detectable mutations in APC and/or MUTYH. METHODS: Allele-specific expression (ASE) was determined by single nucleotide primer extension using an exon 11 polymorphism as an allele-specific marker. In total, 52 APC-mutation-positive (36 families) and 24 APC/MUTYH-mutation-negative (23 families) informative patients were analyzed. Seventy-six controls also were included. RESULTS: Of the APC-mutation-positive families, most of those in whom the mutation was located before the last exon of the gene (12 of 14) had ASE imbalance, which is consistent with a mechanism of nonsense-mediated decay. Of the APC/MUTYH-mutation-negative Families, 2 (9%) had ASE imbalance, which might cause the disease. Normal allele expression was restored shortly after lymphocytes were cultured with puromycin, supporting a 'nonsense-mediated' hypothesis. CONCLUSIONS: ASE analysis might be used to determine the pathogenesis of some cases of FAP and AFAP in which APC mutations are not found. ASE also might be used to prioritize the order in which different areas of APC are tested. RNA-level studies are important for the molecular diagnosis of FAP

    Mutations in genes encoding complement inhibitors CD46 and CFH affect the age at nephritis onset in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    INTRODUCTION: Inherited deficiencies of several complement components strongly predispose to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) while deficiencies of complement inhibitors are found in kidney diseases such as atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS). METHODS: The exons of complement inhibitor genes: CD46 and CFH (factor H) were fully sequenced using Sanger method in SLE patients with nephritis originating from two cohorts from southern and mid Sweden (n = 196). All identified mutations and polymorphisms were then analyzed in SLE patients without nephritis (n = 326) and healthy controls (n = 523). RESULTS: We found non-synonymous, heterozygous mutations in CFH in 6.1% patients with nephritis in comparison to 4.0% and 5.4% in patients without nephritis and controls, respectively. No associations of SLE or nephritis with common variants in CFH (V62I/Y402H/E936D) were found. Furthermore, we found two non-synonymous heterozygous mutations in CD46 in SLE patients but not in controls. The A353V polymorphism, known to affect function of CD46, was found in 6.6% of nephritis patients vs 4.9% and 6.1% of the non-nephritis SLE patients and controls. The presence of mutations in CD46 and CFH did not predispose to SLE or nephritis but was associated with earlier onset of nephritis. Furthermore, we found weak indications that there is one protective and one risk haplotype predisposing to nephritis composed of several polymorphisms in non-coding regions of CD46, which were previously implicated in aHUS. CONCLUSION: SLE nephritis is not associated with frequent mutations in CFH and CD46 as found in aHUS but these may be modifying factors causing earlier onset of nephritis

    Structural mapping in statistical word problems: A relational reasoning approach to Bayesian inference

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    Presenting natural frequencies facilitates Bayesian inferences relative to using percentages. Nevertheless, many people, including highly educated and skilled reasoners, still fail to provide Bayesian responses to these computationally simple problems. We show that the complexity of relational reasoning (e.g., the structural mapping between the presented and requested relations) can help explain the remaining difficulties. With a non-Bayesian inference that required identical arithmetic but afforded a more direct structural mapping, performance was universally high. Furthermore, reducing the relational demands of the task through questions that directed reasoners to use the presented statistics, as compared with questions that prompted the representation of a second, similar sample, also significantly improved reasoning. Distinct error patterns were also observed between these presented- and similar-sample scenarios, which suggested differences in relational-reasoning strategies. On the other hand, while higher numeracy was associated with better Bayesian reasoning, higher-numerate reasoners were not immune to the relational complexity of the task. Together, these findings validate the relational-reasoning view of Bayesian problem solving and highlight the importance of considering not only the presented task structure, but also the complexity of the structural alignment between the presented and requested relations

    Use of manual and powered wheelchair in children with cerebral palsy: a cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mobility is important for the cognitive and psychosocial development of children. Almost one third of children with cerebral palsy (CP) are non-ambulant. Wheelchairs can provide independent mobility, allowing them to explore their environment. Independent mobility is vital for activity and participation and reduces the dependence on caregivers. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of manual and powered wheelchair indoors and outdoors in relation to the degree of independent wheelchair mobility or need for assistance in a total population of children with CP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was performed including all children aged 3-18 years with CP living in southern Sweden during 2008. Data was extracted from a register and health care programme for children with CP (CPUP). There were a total of 562 children (326 boys, 236 girls) in the register. Information on the child's use of manual and powered wheelchair indoors and outdoors and the performance in self-propelling or need for assistance were analysed related to age, CP subtype and gross motor function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Wheelchairs for mobility indoors were used by 165 (29%) of the 562 children; 61 used wheelchair for independent mobility (32 using manual only, 12 powered only, 17 both) and 104 were pushed by an adult. For outdoor mobility wheelchairs were used by 228 children (41%); 66 used a wheelchair for independent mobility (18 using manual only, 36 powered only, 12 both) and 162 were pushed. The use of wheelchair increased with age and was most frequent in the spastic bilateral and dyskinetic subtypes. Most powered wheelchairs were operated by children at GMFCS level IV.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this total population of children with CP, aged 3-18 years, 29% used a wheelchair indoors and 41% outdoors. A majority using manual wheelchairs needed adult assistance (86%) while powered wheelchairs provided independent mobility in most cases (86%). To achieve a high level of independent mobility, both manual and powered wheelchairs should be considered at an early age for children with impaired walking ability.</p