399 research outputs found

    Criminal Justice Systems in Europe. A cross-national quantitative analysis

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    In the last years, the Crime Observatory of the University of Malaga has analysed police records on criminal activity, has also carried out several crime victims surveys in Spain and has worked on a detailed analysis of the prison system and its connection to the prison policy. This year´s report focuses on the Criminal Justice System, one of the big official data providers, to gather, organize and interpret a great deal of quantitative data from 2000 to 2011. Such longitudinal scrutiny offers data related to public opinion about criminal courts, the quality of criminal justice, its resources, the amount of criminal cases managed on each court, a user´s profile, etc. On this presentation, we´ll concentrate on a comparison of the European countries that constitutes the first chapter of the Report and aims to offer a proper context to the rest of it. Such comparison will explain the national differences in terms of the public budget allocated to courts, legal aid, court fees, incoming criminal cases, length of procedures, clearance rate, as well as homicide, rape, serious assault and robbery convictions, etc. Our aim will be to offer an interesting cross-national analysis of such topics that will provide a reference point from which to debate the national policies related to the Criminal Justice System in the European Countries.Instituto Andaluz Interuniversitario de Criminología. Sección de Málag

    Gostar das palavras divinas e do que ali se trata: as celebrações litúrgicas pós tridentinas nos conventos femininos de beneditinas e cistercienses.

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    The present study framed in post-Tridentine contexts and within the monastic experience in the convents of Cistercian and Benedictine nuns, presents word celebration features of the Holy Scriptures in its various forms: sung, read, meditated and prayed. Based on historical sources coming from the female monasteries of the Orders of St. Benedict and Cistercian, both based in St. Benedict Rule, the study is dedicated in particular to the Monastery of S. Bento of Cástris (Évora) and Monasteries of Semide (Coimbra) and S. Salvador (Braga), and presents a reflection of the prayed word, sung word and the rite as a key element of the liturgical celebration.Projecto FCT EXPL/EPH-PAT/2253/2013, “Projecto ORFEUS - A Reforma tridentina e a música no silêncio claustral: o mosteiro de S. Bento de Cástris”, financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT/MEC e co-financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) e do QREN

    Socioeconomic inequality in dietary intake begins before 24 months in Brazilian children

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess dietary patterns by socioeconomic gradient of Brazilian infants and young children in 2006 and 2013. METHODS: Data from the National Demographic Survey (2006) and the National Health Survey (2013) were used. Food intake were described by wealth index, age range and survey year. Dietary patterns were defined by principal component analysis. Association of wealth index and dietary patterns were modelled using linear regression. RESULTS: Breast milk intake was higher for poor infants and young children, while fresh food intake (fruits, vegetables, meats, beans) was higher for the richer ones in 2006 and 2013. Biscuits and sweetened beverages were more consumed by rich infants and young children in 2006 and by poor and rich children in 2013. Three dietary patterns (DP1, DP2, and DP3) were identified in 2006 and four in 2013 (DP1, DP2, DP3, and DP4). DP1 was composed mainly of fresh foods, and it was positively associated with the wealth index for infants and young children in both years. DP2 was composed of biscuits, cookies and sweetened beverages, and it was positively associated with the wealth index for young children in 2006 and for poor and rich infants and young children in 2013. DP3 was composed of milk, water and porridge in both years, and it was not associated with the wealth index. DP4 was composed of breast milk and porridge, and it was negatively associated with the wealth index. CONCLUSIONS: DP1 is a characteristic pattern for richer infants and young children since 2006, while DP2 is a characteristic pattern for all infants and young children in 2013, regardless of wealth index. Dietary inequality between the poor and the rich seems to begin in childhood

    Play as an educational resource for the construction of children's identity and well-being at school

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    Un tema que suscita mucho interés es cómo abordar el tema de la identidad en las aulas del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil. Durante esta etapa, en ocasiones se piensa de forma equivocada que no es necesario abordar este tema debido a la temprana edad del infantado, cuando en realidad se trata de un momento fundamental para el proceso de construcción de la identidad. El objetivo que se pretende alcanzar con este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es comprender el proceso de construcción de la identidad del infantado del segundo ciclo de E.I. y analizar cuál es el papel del juego en dicho proceso. Todo esto para posteriormente desarrollar una propuesta de intervención educativa que sirva de recurso a los docentes para favorecer este desarrollo en las aulas mediante la utilización del juego como herramienta metodológica fundamental. En concreto, la propuesta incluye una variedad de tipos de juego que han sido identificados como beneficiosos en este proceso de construcción, entre los que destacan el juego de roles, el cooperativo, el socio-dramático, y el de reglas preestablecidas, así como la música.A topic of great interest is how to address the issue of identity in the second cycle of early childhood education. During this stage, it is sometimes mistakenly thought that it is not necessary to address this topic due to the early age of the infant, when in fact it is a fundamental moment for the process of identity construction. The objective of this end-of-degree thesis is to understand the process of identity construction in infants in the second cycle of primary school and to analyse the role of play in this process. All this in order to subsequently develop a proposal for educational intervention that will serve as a resource for teachers to promote this development in the classroom through the use of play as a fundamental methodological tool. Specifically, the proposal includes a variety of types of play that have been identified as beneficial in this construction process, including role-play, cooperative, socio-dramatic, and games with pre-established rules, as well as music.Grado en Magisterio en Educación Infanti

    Automation of energy consumption in a house

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    [ES] La automatización de los consumos energéticos de una vivienda se implementa con una simulación de un sistema de control que tiene en cuenta el consumo de agua, gas y electricidad en las viviendas, además de incorporar sistemas de automatización diseñados para garantizar un consumo responsable con el medio ambiente y la seguridad y el bienestar de los habitantes de la vivienda. Este sistema se puede adaptar a las necesidades de las viviendas y de sus habitantes y se debe realizar un análisis detallado de las condiciones climáticas de la ubicación de la vivienda. El diseño del sistema se ha realizado utilizando una placa Arduino UNO R3, con la que se han diseñado los sistemas de alarmas de incendios, intrusión, inundación y fuga de gases, además de la apertura y cierre de persianas, la detección de presencia para controlar las luces de las dependencias, el análisis de la humedad para el riego y el control del termostato. Para conseguir el ahorro energético y la automatización completa de la vivienda se utiliza una placa Arduino UNO WiFi REV 2 para el control de los electrodomésticos mediante el uso de enchufes inteligentes, las luces de las habitaciones y la climatización de la vivienda. Algunos electrodomésticos también cuentan con aplicaciones propias para su programación, por lo que se podrían utilizar combinadas con el sistema o de forma única. Se incorpora un sistema de recolección de agua de lluvia para automatizar el consumo del agua, pudiendo controlar su uso y cantidad de recolección para el posterior uso doméstico. Para automatizar los consumos de gas de la vivienda se establece un sistema de calefacción eficiente y diferentes técnicas de ahorro de agua caliente sanitaria. Para programar los sistemas implementados y adaptarlos a las necesidades del usuario, se pueden hacer ajustes en los parámetros de las placas de Arduino desde un PC, además de que se pueden controlar los dispositivos conectados a la placa Arduino UNO WiFi REV 2 desde cualquier dispositivo móvil o PC.[EN] The automation of energy consumption in a home is implemented through a simulation of a control system that takes into account water, gas, and electricity consumption in households. Additionally, it incorporates automation systems designed to ensure responsible consumption for the environment, as well as the safety and well-being of the home's occupants. This system can be adapted to the specific needs of the households and its occupants, and a detailed analysis of the climatic conditions at the location of the house should be carried out. The system design has been carried out using an Arduino UNO R3 board, which has been used to design and control monitoring systems, including fire, intrusion, flood, and gas leak alarm. It is also used for functions such as opening and closing shutters, presence detection for controlling room lights, humidity analysis for irrigation, and thermostat control. To achieve energy savings and complete home automation, an Arduino UNO WiFi REV 2 board is used to control appliances through the use of smart plugs, as well as the management of room lights, and home climate control. Some appliances may also have their own dedicated applications for programming, which can be used in combination with the system or separately. In addition, a rainwater collection system is incorporated to automate water consumption, allowing control over its usage and the amount collected for subsequent domestic use. For automating gas consumption in the home, an efficient heating system and different techniques for saving hot water are implemented. To program the implemented systems and adapt them to the user's needs, adjustments can be made to the parameters of the Arduino boards from a PC. Furthermore, the devices connected to the Arduino UNO WiFi REV 2 board can be controlled from any mobile device or PC, providing convenient access and management

    Justicia y comunidades autónomas

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    Este trabajo se basa en un capítulo del último Informe ODA publicado en enero de 2014, donde se pretendía ofrecer una visión general sobre la situación del sistema de justicia en España. El objetivo de esta investigación, algo más detallada que la del capítulo del informe ODA, es conocer si el sistema de justicia y sus servicios se distribuyen de forma equitativa en todas las comunidades o si hay algunas que se disfrutan de mayores beneficios que otras. Para ello, se va a proceder a hacer una breve descripción de cómo se organiza el sistema de justicia español, cómo se distribuyen los presupuestos destinados a justicia, cuál es la distribución en número de órganos judiciales, cómo se reparte el presupuesto destinado a justicia gratuita y se verá si éste se corresponde con aquellas comunidades donde el porcentaje de población en riesgo de pobreza es mayor.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The communication process in oncology: Reporting an experience

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    Informar a una persona de que tiene cáncer supone un shock para esa persona y para su familia. La enfermedad implica cambios físicos, psíquicos y sociales a los que tienen que aprender a enfrentarse tanto el propio afectado como su entorno más próximo. Conocer que se padece un cáncer aún se asocia inmediatamente con dolor y muerte y esto provoca que el enfermo tenga que enfrentarse a una situación dramática y angustiosa. Para que el afrontamiento de la enfermedad sea lo menos costoso física y emocionalmente para el paciente es necesario que se le atienda desde una perspectiva integral y holista en la que juega un papel destacado en primer lugar, la información que se le aporta sobre el diagnóstico y las posibilidades de tratamiento y, en segundo lugar, el proceso de comunicación que se inicia cuando al paciente ya se le ha comunicado el diagnóstico y que se prolonga hasta que se produce la remisión/curación de la enfermedad o el paciente fallece. En este artículo recogemos nuestra experiencia sobre la información y comunicación con pacientes oncológicos en tratamiento de quimioterapia. Es imprescindible trabajar ambos aspectos desde la individualidad de cada caso y para ello proponemos nuestras conclusiones sobre los aspectos básicos en los que es necesario centrarse para conseguir que el enfermo reciba una información adecuada a su caso particularTelling someone that he/she suffers cancer is a deep shock for the individual and its family as well. The disease involves physical, psychological and social changes that both the patient and his/her social environment have to learn to cope with. Cancer is still readily associated with pain and death, so patients have to face a dramatic and distressing situation. For achieving an emotionally and physically smooth treatment of cancer it is necessary to develop a comprehensive and holistic approach split into three stages. First, information provided about diagnosis and care possibilities. Secondly, the communication process along the treatment period, which may be rather long. Third, and particularly prominent, the communication process during the last stage of the disease, whether it disappears or leads to death. This paper presents our experience on the overall information and communication process with cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy treatment. It is essential to deal with information and communication on a personalized basis for each individual, so our conclusions are focused on the basic topics which have to be addressed for each patient to receive the information the most suitable for his/her particular case

    miR-127 protects proximal tubule cells against ischemia/reperfusion : identification of Kinesin family member 3B as miR-127 target

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    Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) is at the basis of renal transplantation and acute kidney injury. Molecular mechanisms underlying proximal tubule response to I/R will allow the identification of new therapeutic targets for both clinical settings. microRNAs have emerged as crucial and tight regulators of the cellular response to insults including hypoxia. Here, we have identified several miRNAs involved in the response of the proximal tubule cell to I/R. Microarrays and RT-PCR analysis of proximal tubule cells submitted to I/R mimicking conditions in vitro demonstrated that miR-127 is induced during ischemia and also during reperfusion. miR-127 is also modulated in a rat model of renal I/R. Interference approaches demonstrated that ischemic induction of miR-127 is mediated by Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1alpha (HIF-1α) stabilization. Moreover, miR-127 is involved in cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion maintenance, since overexpression of miR-127 maintains focal adhesion complex assembly and the integrity of tight junctions. miR-127 also regulates intracellular trafficking since miR-127 interference promotes dextran-FITC uptake. In fact, we have identified the Kinesin Family Member 3B (KIF3B), involved in cell trafficking, as a target of miR-127 in rat proximal tubule cells. In summary, we have described a novel role of miR-127 in cell adhesion and its regulation by HIF-1α. We also identified for the first time KIF3B as a miR-127 target. Both, miR-127 and KIF3B appear as key mediators of proximal epithelial tubule cell response to I/R with potential al application in renal ischemic damage management

    Crescimento e actividade fetal às 20-24 semanas de gestação (estudo preliminar)

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    Evidências empíricas recentes mostram que o desenvolvimento psicológico se inicia muito antes da nascença e que condições pré-natais podem explicar uma parte significativa da futura variabilidade comportamental e desenvolvimental da crian-ça. Objectivos: O objectivo deste estudo foi caracterizar o desenvolvimento fetal entre as 20 e as 24 semanas de gestação, no que se refere a indicadores de crescimento fetal – distância biparietal, perímetro abdominal, perímetro cefálico, comprimento do fémur e peso fetal estimado – e a indicadores de actividade fetal – batimentos cardíacos e movimentais fetais. Visou, ainda, estabelecer possíveis diferenças em cada uma destas medidas, tendo em conta variáveis sócio-demográficas da mãe e do bebé, bem como condições obstétricas e consumo de substâncias na actual gravidez. Método: A amostra deste estudo englobou 48 fetos (52.1% do sexo feminino e 47.9% do sexo masculino), com uma idade gestacional estimada (GA) compreendida entre as 20-24 semanas (média = 21 semanas e 1 dia), cujas mães eram utentes da Consulta Externa de Ginecologia/Obstetrícia da Maternidade de Júlio Dinis (Porto). Foi efectuado um registo em vídeo do comportamento fetal e recolhidas as medidas biométricas correspondentes à ecografia morfológica. Resultados: A análise estatística dos dados mostrou, após controlada a idade gestacional, diferenças nas medidas de crescimento fetal tendo em conta a ocupação [F(1,41) = 7.28; p = .000], o estado civil [F(1,41) = 2.61; p = .04], o agregado familiar [F(1,41) = 2.91; p = .03] e o consumo de café [F(1,40) = 2.55; p = .05] por parte da mãe. Diferenças nas medidas da actividade fetal (batimentos cardíacos) foram também observadas para a variável sexo do bebé [F(1,16) = 5.84; p = .009]. Conclusão: Conclui-se quanto à sensibilidade do desenvolvimento fetal a factores relacionados com as características sócio-demográficas maternas e fetais e o consumo de substâncias por parte da mãe durante a gestação.Esta investigação foi financiada pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, no âmbito do projecto FCT-POCTI/SAUESP, 56397/2004 e da Bolsa de Doutoramento SFRH/BD/13768/200

    A multimethod synthesis of Covid-19 education research: the tightrope between covidization and meaningfulness

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    [EN] This study offers a comprehensive analysis of COVID-19 research in education. A multi-methods approach was used to capture the full breadth of educational research. As such, a bibliometric analysis, structural topic modeling, and qualitative synthesis of top papers were combined. A total of 4,201 articles were retrieved from Scopus, mostly published from 2019 to 2021. In this work special attention is paid to analyzing and synthesizing findings about: (i) status of research about COVID-19 regarding frequencies, venues, publishing countries, (ii) identification of main topics in the COVID-19 research, and (iii) identification of the major themes in most cited articles and their impact on the educational community. Structural topic modeling identified three main groups of topics that related to education in general, moving to online education, or diverse topics (e.g., perceptions, inclusion, medical education, engagement and motivation, well-being, and equality). A deeper analysis of the papers that received most attention revealed that problem understanding was the dominating theme of papers, followed by challenges, impact, guidance, online migration, and tools and resources. A vast number of papers were produced. However, thoughtful, well-planned, and meaningful research was hard to conceptualize or implement, and a sense of urgency led to a deluge of research with thin contributions in a time of dire need to genuine insights.SIUniversity of Eastern Finland (UEF) including Kuopio University HospitalEuropean Commission (“Improving online and blended learning with educational data analytics” ILEDA—2021–1- BG01-KA220-HED-000031121)Academy of Finland for the project TOPEILA, Decision Number 35056