5,441 research outputs found

    Relasi Dialektis Agama, Masyarakat, Dan Media

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    AbstractReligion as an important element in human life gives shape and direction to human thought patterns, feelings and actions. Religion balances the orientation of values, forms of hope and the ideal ego of humans. Religious and social life experiences rapid development along with revolutionary changes in the media. At the stage of modernization, the development of media is already an industry with a variety of cultures that complement it. The relation between religion and the media as an inseparable entity in religious studies is an important study to do, by critically analyzing the elements in it, in the form of objective reality and subjective reality. However, dialectical media or the popular term us a double-edge knife. So, in this paper will discuss how dialectical relations betweem religion, society and the medi

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Pemberian Bantuan Subsidi Benih Dalam Peningkatan Produktivitas Padi Di Kecamatan Torue Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    This research aims to describe how the implementation of Seeds Subsidy Grant Program in Increasing of Paddy Productivity in Torue Sub-district. Parigi Moutong Regency. The research employs descriptive qualitative method with data collection covering observation. There are 6 informants as the sample who selected through purposive sampling. The research result indicates that the implementation of seeds Subsidy6 Grant Program in increasing of Paddy Productivity in Torue Sub-district, Parigi Moutong Regency with model evaluation approach by Bardach namely efficiency and effectiveness of policy not optimal yet. There are some factors influencing, sush as: 1). From technical feasibility, the lateness in distributing and seeds volume given in not appropriate 2). From economy factor it has increased productivity but still not significant felt by farmers, 3). From political aspect, have not been implemented optimally from the aspect of socialization and coaching, and supervision, 4). From administration operation, the operators of program have got commitment and ability organizationall

    Signal analysis of voltage noise in welding arcs

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    Gas tungsten arc welds were made on low alloy steel plates to which intentional defects (discontinuities) were imposed. Disruption of shielding gas, welding over surface films, and tack welds produce changes in what is otherwise a relatively uniform voltage signal. The arc voltage was 15 volts + or - 2 volts with 300 mV ripple noise from the power supply. Changes in this steady noise voltage varied from 50 mV to less than one millivolt depending on the severity and the type of change experienced. In some instances the changes were easily detected by analysis of the signal in real time, while in other cases the signal had to transformed to the frequency domain in order to detect the changes. Discontinuities as small as 1.5 mm in length were detected. The ultimate sensitivity and reproducibility of the technique is still being investigated


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    Controlling the supply of disposable medical devices at RSUD Dr. Pringadi not completely running well. The purpose of this research is to control the supply of disposable medical devices in order to determine the amount optimal ordering and to find out the number of reorders on all types of disposable medical devices. In this research also did calculating the value of the investment in each type. Calculation results for the investment level group of 0-70% has 11 types of disposable medical devices with a financial value of IDR 64,136,040.00 or 70% of the total investment with Economic Order Quantity can be ordered from a total of 14-152 items, Buffer Stock or safety stock starts stocking from 1-198 items and Reorders Points range from 1-318 items. For the investment level group 71-90% have 21 types of disposable medical devices with a financial value of Rp 181,953,529.00 or 20% of the total investment with EOQ can be ordered from quantity 2-21237item, buffer stock from 2-1237item and ROP from reordered 4-1987item.For the investment level group of 91-100% has 71 types of disposable medical devices with a financial value of Rp 85,103,749.00 or 9.4% of the total investment with EOQ calculations ordered starting from 1-421, buffer stock starting from 2-247 items and ROP starting from 2 - 397items.So this research is useful to help the warehouse Pharmacist at RSUD Dr. Pringadi in controlling the supply of medical devices disposable

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Melalui Komitmen Tujuan Anggaran Sebagai Variabel Intervening

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    This study aimed to examine the effect between budgetary participation and managerial perfomance through the bugdet goal commitment as an intervening variable. The population in this study is a private banking corporation registered in Indonesia Bank. Samples were determined by using purposive sampling.the sample in this study amounted to 33 respondents. Testing hypotheses using path analysis with the help of SPSS ver. 17,0. The test result show that the first hypothesis which states that budgetary participation has positive and significant impact on managerial perfomance acceptable. The second hypothesis stated that budgetary participation has positive and significant impact on the budget goal commitment is rejected. The Third hypothesis stated that the budget goal commitment has positive and significant effect on managerial perfomance acceptable

    Implementasi Pendekatan Pirie-Kieren dan Kontekstual dalam Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemahaman dan Kecemasan Matematis Siswa : studi ekperimen terhadap Salah Satu SMP Swasta di Kab. Bandung

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman dan kecemasan matematis siswa yang belajar melalui pendekatan Pirie-Kieren dan pendekatan kontekstual. Metode dan desain penelitian adalah quasi eksperiment dan the pretest-postest two treatment design. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling sehingga terpilih 56 siswa yang berasal dari dua kelas VII. Instrumen berupa pretes, postes, serta skala kecemasan matematis siswa. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh: (1) Terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman matematis antara siswa yang belajar melalui pendekatan Pirie-Kieren dengan siswa yang belajar melalui pendekatan kontekstual; (2) Tidak terdapat perbedaan kecemasan matematis antara siswa yang belajar melalui pendekatan Pirie-Kieren dengan siswa yang belajar melalui pendekatan kontekstual. This study aimed to analyze the differences increase the ability of understanding and mathematics anxiety among students who learn through Pirie-Kieren approach dan contextual approach. Methods and research design is quasi experiment and the pretest-postest two treatment design. Samples were taken with the purposive sampling technique so choosen 56 students from class VII. Instruments such as pretest, posttest, and the scale of mathematics anxiety students. The result obtained: (1) There are differences in capacity building mathematics understanding between students who learn through Pirie-Kieren approach with students who learn through contextual approach. (2) No differences mathematics anxiety among students who learn through Pirie-Kieren approach with students who learn through contextual approach


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih rendahnya kualitas kegiatan pembelajaran IPA di SD. Kegiatan pembelajaran hanya terfokus pada produk dan konsep IPA saja tanpa mempedulikan hasil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perbedaan peningkatan KPS dan pemahaman konsep siswa sebagai dampak dari penerapan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan desain Nonrandomized pretest-posttes control group design yang dilaksanakan di SD Negeri 2 Rajamandala kulon yang berada di Kecamatan Cipatat Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah 62 orang siswa kelas V. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes tertulis pemahaman konsep dan observasi untuk mengetahui KPS siswa yang diberikan sebelum dan setelah perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diberikan kepada kelas eksperimen adalah model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing, sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak mendapatkan perlakuan model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing. Peningkatan KPS dan pemahaman konsep siswa dilihat melalui nilai N-Gain. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam KPS dan pemahaman konsep antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing lebih baik daripada pembelajaran konvensional untuk meningkatkan KPS dan pemahaman konsep siswa pada pembelajaran IPA di SD.;---The research was based on the lack of IPA learning in improving science process skills and concept understanding as well as a large part of learning in elementary school have not yet implemented the study with experiments that involving students directly. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of guided inquiry learning model towards science process skills and the understanding of the concept of class V students in elementary school. The research methods that used in this research were quasi experimental and the design research is nonrandomized pretest-posttest control group design. The population in this study was the whole grade V of SD Negeri 2 Rajamandalakulon that residing in Cipatat sub-district of West Bandung Regency and samples in this research was conducted with purposive sampling technique on students of VA and VB classes at SD Negeri 2 Rajamandalakulon. The instruments that used in this research are the observation of science process skills and concept understanding questions that consist of fifteen multiple choice questions and five questions stuffing. The results of the study state that there a difference of significant improvement on science process skills and concept understanding between experimental group and control group. So, it can be concluded that guided inquiry learning model is better than conventional study to improve the science process skills and understanding concepts of students on IPA learning in Elementary School


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    Buang Air Besar merupakan hal yang penting bagi kesehatan masyarakat. Di Indonesia masih ada yang berperilaku buang air besar disungai, kebun, sawah, kolam dan tempat yang tidak layak untuk buang air besar, karena dapat menimbulkan penyakit pada manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi gambaran perilaku buang air besar di masyarakat RT 02 RW 06 Desa Larangan Panceng Gresik. Desain penelitian adalah deskriprif. Populasi seluruh masyarakat RT 02 RW 06 Desa Larangan Panceng Gresik sebesar 132 orang. Sampelnya sebesar 99 responden diambil dengan Teknik purposive sampling. Variabel adalah perilaku buang air besar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, analisa data dengan cara deskriptif disajikan dalam bentuk presentase. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perilaku masyarakat dalam buang air besar sebagian besar (70,8%) kurang, sebagian kecil (7%) cukup, dan sebagian kecil (22,2%) baik. Simpulan adalah perilaku masyarakat yang BAB pada tempatnya masih kurang. Oleh karena itu diharapkan bagi petugas kesehatan untuk membuatkan WC umum yang dekat dengan pemukiman masyarakat, sehingga masyarakat BAB pada tempatnya dan mencegah penyebaran penyakit