28 research outputs found


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    Tracey M. Derwing ja Murray J. Munro 2015.Pronunciation Fundamentals. Evidence-basedPerspectives for L2 Teaching and Research.Language Learning & Language Teaching42. John Benjamins Publishing Company.208 s

    LEKTIO Kolme väitettä englannin ääntämisen opetuksesta Suomessa

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    Tergujeff, Elina, Jyväskylän yliopistoVäitöksenalkajaisesitelmä Jyväskylän yliopistossa 3.8.2013Soveltavan kielitieteen väitöskirjan tarkastustilaisuus 3.8.2013 Jyväskylän yliopistossaTergujeff, Elina 2013. English pronunciation teaching in Finland. Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities 207.http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-951-39-5322-

    Learner Perspective on English Pronunciation Teaching in an EFL Context

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    On the basis of the findings, the learners do not seem to have aspirations to native-like pronunciation, but rather aim at achieving intelligible and fluent speech. Only few reported an accent preference (British or American). The primary level learners expressed satisfaction with the amount of pronunciation teaching, whereas most of the lower and upper secondary level learners claimed that pronunciation teaching was insufficient. Despite their criticisms of their pronunciation teaching, the learners reported that they had learnt English pronunciation at school. In addition, many of the learners described learning pronunciation outside school, e.g. through media and personal encounters

    The English pronunciation teaching in Europe survey: selected results

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    The results of EPTiES reveal interesting phenomena across Europe, despite shortcomings in terms of construction and distribution. For example, most respondents are non-native speakers of English and the majority of them rate their own mastery of English pronunciation favourably. However, most feel they had little or no training in how to teach pronunciation, which begs the question of how teachers are coping with this key aspect of language teaching. In relation to target models, RP remains the variety of English which teachers claim to use, whilst recognizing that General American might be preferred by some students. Differences between countries are explored, especially via replies to open-ended questions, allowing a more nuanced picture to emerge for each country. Other survey research is also referred to, in order to contextualise the analyses and implications for teaching English and for training English teacher

    English pronunciation teaching in Finland

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    The English Pronunciation Teaching in Europe Survey: Finland

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    This paper reports on the findings of the English Pronunciation Teaching in Europe Survey (EPTiES), concentrating on responses from EFL teachers working in Finland (n=103). The survey was designed to gain research-based information about the state of English pronunciation teaching in European teaching contexts, and it included questions related to teacher training, teaching materials and methods, assessment of pronunciation, status of pronunciation teaching, and pronunciation model, among other things. These issues are now addressed based on the data provided by the Finnish respondents

    Ymmärrettävyystutkimuksen antia kielenopetukselle : esimerkkinä englanti vieraana kielenä

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    Nykyaikaisessa vieraiden kielten opetuksessa on tavoitteena helposti ymmärrettävä puhe. Tämä tavoite on kielenopetukselle yhteinen päämäärä oppijoiden iästä tai taitotasosta riippumatta, ja se kulkee täten oppijoiden mukana halki elinikäisen kielenoppimisen. Tässä artikkelissa esitellään soveltavan kielentutkimuksen piirissä virinnyttä ymmärrettävyystutkimusta, joka helpottaa keskittämään kielenopetusta ymmärrettävyyden kannalta olennaisimpiin asioihin. Samalla tiivistetään suomen- ja ruotsinkielisten suomalaisten puhuman englannin ymmärrettävyyttä selvittäneen ICASEF-hankkeen päätulokset. Hankkeen tulosten ja aiemman tutkimustiedon perusteella tunnistetut englannin ymmärrettävyyteen yhdistyvät tekijät jaetaan priorisoitaviin ja muihin huomionarvoisiin teemoihin, jotta englannin opetuksessa voidaan jatkossa panostaa tehokkaammin ymmärrettävyyttä tukeviin puheen piirteisiin. Artikkelissa tarjotaan lisäksi konkreettisia vinkkejä tärkeiden teemojen opettamiseen.peerReviewe

    Intelligibility and the gravity of segmental deviations in L1 Finnish speakers’ L2 English

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    The goal of English pronunciation teaching has shifted from native-likeness to intelligibility. Especially in EFL contexts, pushing learners to sound like L1 speakers is difficult to justify, whereas becoming intelligible is an easily justifiable, practical learning goal. However, EFL teachers often emphasize the sounds that are typically challenging for their learners, even though all sounds are not equally important for intelligibility. The present study is focussed on the extent to which segmental deviations can compromise intelligibility. Speech samples were elicited from teenaged L1 Finnish learners of English, demonstrating segmental deviations typical of the target group. To evaluate the gravity of segmental deviation, an intelligibility test was arranged with L1 English listeners. Results suggest that the sounds under investigation can be ranked into groups based on how crucial they are for intelligibility. The ranking can help EFL teachers to prioritize the critical sounds over those that are unlikely to compromise intelligibility.peerReviewe