30 research outputs found

    CRLX101 (formerly IT-101)–A Novel Nanopharmaceutical of Camptothecin in Clinical Development

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    CRLX101 (formerly IT-101) is a first-in-class nanopharmaceutical, currently in Phase 2a development, which has been developed by covalently conjugating camptothecin (CPT) to a linear, cyclodextrin-polyethylene glycol (CD-PEG) co-polymer that self-assembles into nanoparticles. As a nanometer-scale drug carrier system, the cyclodextrin polymeric nanoparticle technology, referred to as “CDP”, has unique design features and capabilities. Specifically, CRLX101 preclinical and clinical data confirm that CDP can address not only solubility, formulation, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic challenges associated with administration of CPT, but more importantly, can impart unique biological properties that enhance CPT pharmacodynamics and efficacy

    Preclinical to clinical development of the novel camptothecin nanopharmaceutical CRLX101

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    AbstractCamptothecin (CPT) is a potent broad-spectrum anticancer agent that acts through inhibition of topoisomerase 1. Clinical development of CPT was unsuccessful due to poor drug solubility, insufficient in vivo stability of the active form, and toxicity. In order to address these issues, a polymeric nanoparticle comprised of cyclodextrin-poly(ethylene glycol) copolymer (CDP) conjugated to CPT (CRLX101) has been developed and Phase 2 clinical studies are ongoing. Camptothecin is conjugated to the polymer in its active form at 10–12wt.% loading. CRLX101 self-assembles in solution into nanoparticles with an apparent solubility increase of >1000-fold as compared to the parent drug camptothecin. Preclinical studies exhibited CRLX101 pharmacokinetics superior to the parent drug. Drug concentration in tumor relative to plasma and other major organs is consistent with the enhanced permeation and retention (EPR) anticipated from a nanoparticle. Significant anti-tumor activity was observed that is superior when compared to irinotecan across a broad range of xenograft models. Pharmacokinetic data are consistent with the prolonged half-life and increased AUC. The CRLX101 preclinical and clinical data confirm that CDP can address not only solubility, formulation, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic challenges associated with administration of CPT, but more importantly, can impart unique biological properties, that enhance pharmacodynamics and efficacy of camptothecin

    Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters of the Salamander Retina: Identification, Localization, and Function

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    The rapid re-uptake of extracellular glutamate mediated by a family of high-affinity glutamate transporter proteins is essential to continued glutamatergic signaling and neuronal viability, but the contributions of individual transporter subtypes toward cellular physiology are poorly understood. Because the physiology of glutamate transport in the salamander retina has been well described, we have examined the expression and function of glutamate transporter subtypes in this preparation. cDNAs encoding five distinct salamander excitatory amino acid transporter (sEAAT) subtypes were isolated, and their molecular properties and distributions of expression were compared. We report evidence that at least four distinct sEAAT subtypes are expressed in glial (MĂĽller) cells. In addition, four of the five transporter subtypes are localized in neurons throughout the retina. The brightest immunostaining was seen in the synaptic regions of the inner and outer plexiform layers and in the outer nuclear layer. Using electrophysiological measurements in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we also examined the pharmacology and ionic dependence of the four expressing transporter subtypes that make it possible to distinguish, on the basis of functional behavior, among the various subtypes. Although no simple correlation between transporter subtype and retinal cell physiology can be made, the diverse population of sEAAT transporter subtypes with unique localization and functional properties indicates that glutamate transporters play a wide variety of roles in retinal function and are likely to underlie both the uptake of glutamate by MĂĽller cells and the glutamate-elicited chloride conductance involved in signal transduction by photoreceptors and bipolar cells

    CRLX101, a Nanoparticle–Drug Conjugate Containing Camptothecin, Improves Rectal Cancer Chemoradiotherapy by Inhibiting DNA Repair and HIF1α

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    Novel agents are needed to improve chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer. In this study, we assessed the ability of CRLX101, an investigational nanoparticle-drug conjugate containing the payload camptothecin (CPT), to improve therapeutic responses as compared to standard chemotherapy. CRLX101 was evaluated as a radiosensitizer in colorectal cancer cell lines and murine xenograft models. CRLX101 was as potent as CPT in vitro in its ability to radiosensitize cancer cells. Evaluations in vivo demonstrated that the addition of CRLX101 to standard chemoradiotherapy significantly increased therapeutic efficacy by inhibiting DNA repair and HIF-1α pathway activation in tumor cells. Notably, CRLX101 was more effective than oxaliplatin at enhancing the efficacy of chemoradiotherapy, with CRLX101 and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) producing the highest therapeutic efficacy. Gastrointestinal toxicity was also significantly lower for CRLX101 compared to CPT when combined with radiotherapy. Our results offer a preclinical proof of concept for CRLX101 as a modality to improve the outcome of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer treatment, in support of ongoing clinical evaluation of this agent (LCC1315 {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT02010567","term_id":"NCT02010567"}}NCT02010567)

    Correlating preclinical animal studies and human clinical trials of a multifunctional, polymeric nanoparticle

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    Nanoparticles are currently being investigated in a number of human clinical trials. As information on how nanoparticles function in humans is difficult to obtain, animal studies that can be correlative to human behavior are needed to provide guidance for human clinical trials. Here, we report correlative studies on animals and humans for CRLX101, a 20- to 30-nm-diameter, multifunctional, polymeric nanoparticle containing camptothecin (CPT). CRLX101 is currently in phase 2 clinical trials, and human data from several of the clinical investigations are compared with results from multispecies animal studies. The pharmacokinetics of polymer-conjugated CPT (indicative of the CRLX101 nanoparticles) in mice, rats, dogs, and humans reveal that the area under the curve scales linearly with milligrams of CPT per square meter for all species. Plasma concentrations of unconjugated CPT released from CRLX101 in animals and humans are consistent with each other after accounting for differences in serum albumin binding of CPT. Urinary excretion of polymer-conjugated CPT occurs primarily within the initial 24 h after dosing in animals and humans. The urinary excretion dynamics of polymer-conjugated and unconjugated CPT appear similar between animals and humans. CRLX101 accumulates into solid tumors and releases CPT over a period of several days to give inhibition of its target in animal xenograft models of cancer and in the tumors of humans. Taken in total, the evidence provided from animal models on the CRLX101 mechanism of action suggests that the behavior of CRLX101 in animals is translatable to humans

    Safe approaches for camptothecin delivery: Structural analogues and nanomedicines

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    [EN] Twenty-(S)-camptothecin is a strongly cytotoxic molecule with excellent antitumor activity over a wide spectrum of human cancers. However, the direct formulation is limited by its poor water solubility, low plasmatic stability and severe toxicity, which currently limits its clinical use. As a consequence, two strategies have been developed in order to achieve safe and efficient delivery of camptothecin to target cells: structural analogues and nanomedicines. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the design, synthesis and development of camptothecin molecular derivatives and supramolecular vehicles, following a systematic classification according to structure-activity relationships (structural analogues) or chemical nature (nanomedicines). A series of organic, inorganic and hybrid materials are presented as nanoplatforms to overcome camptothecin restrictions in administration, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and toxicity. Nanocarriers which respond to a variety of stimuli endogenously (e.g., pH, redox potential, enzyme activity) or exogenously (e.g., magnetic field, light, temperature, ultrasound) seem the best positioned therapeutic materials for optimal spatial and temporal control over drug release. The main goal of this review is to be used as a source of relevant literature for others interested in the field of camptothecin-based therapeutics. To this end, final remarks on the most important formulations currently under clinical trial are provided. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects MAT2012-39290-C02-02 and SEV-2012-0267) is gratefully acknowledged. Dr. E.M. Rivero thanks the Cursol Foundation for a post-doctoral scholarship.Botella Asuncion, P.; Rivero-Buceta, EM. (2017). Safe approaches for camptothecin delivery: Structural analogues and nanomedicines. Journal of Controlled Release. 247:28-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.12.023S285424

    Excitatory amino acid transporter 5, a retinal glutamate transporter coupled to a chloride conductance

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    Although a glutamate-gated chloride conductance with the properties of a sodium-dependent glutamate transporter has been described in vertebrate retinal photoreceptors and bipolar cells, the molecular species underlying this conductance has not yet been identified. We now report the cloning and functional characterization of a human excitatory amino acid transporter, EAAT5, expressed primarily in retina. Although EAAT5 shares the structural homologies of the EAAT gene family, one novel feature of the EAAT5 sequence is a carboxy-terminal motif identified previously in N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors and potassium channels and shown to confer interactions with a family of synaptic proteins that promote ion channel clustering. Functional properties of EAAT5 were examined in the Xenopus oocyte expression system by measuring radiolabeled glutamate flux and two-electrode voltage clamp recording. EAAT5-mediated l-glutamate uptake is sodium- and voltage-dependent and chloride-independent. Transporter currents elicited by glutamate are also sodium- and voltage-dependent, but ion substitution experiments suggest that this current is largely carried by chloride ions. These properties of EAAT5 are similar to the glutamate-elicited chloride conductances previously described in retinal neurons, suggesting that the EAAT5-associated chloride conductance may participate in visual processing

    Excitatory Amino Acid Transporters of the Salamander Retina: Identification, Localization, and Function

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    The rapid re-uptake of extracellular glutamate mediated by a family of high-affinity glutamate transporter proteins is essential to continued glutamatergic signaling and neuronal viability, but the contributions of individual transporter subtypes toward cellular physiology are poorly understood. Because the physiology of glutamate transport in the salamander retina has been well described, we have examined the expression and function of glutamate transporter subtypes in this preparation. cDNAs encoding five distinct salamander excitatory amino acid transporter (sEAAT) subtypes were isolated, and their molecular properties and distributions of expression were compared. We report evidence that at least four distinct sEAAT subtypes are expressed in glial (MĂĽller) cells. In addition, four of the five transporter subtypes are localized in neurons throughout the retina. The brightest immunostaining was seen in the synaptic regions of the inner and outer plexiform layers and in the outer nuclear layer. Using electrophysiological measurements in the Xenopus oocyte expression system, we also examined the pharmacology and ionic dependence of the four expressing transporter subtypes that make it possible to distinguish, on the basis of functional behavior, among the various subtypes. Although no simple correlation between transporter subtype and retinal cell physiology can be made, the diverse population of sEAAT transporter subtypes with unique localization and functional properties indicates that glutamate transporters play a wide variety of roles in retinal function and are likely to underlie both the uptake of glutamate by MĂĽller cells and the glutamate-elicited chloride conductance involved in signal transduction by photoreceptors and bipolar cells