1,124 research outputs found

    Metabolism Changes During Aging in the Hippocampus and Striatum of Glud1 (Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) Transgenic Mice

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11064-014-1239-9.The decline in neuronal function during aging may result from increases in extracellular glutamate (Glu), Glu-induced neurotoxicity, and altered mitochondrial metabolism. To study metabolic responses to persistently high levels of Glu at synapses during aging, we used transgenic (Tg) mice that over-express the enzyme Glu dehydrogenase (GDH) in brain neurons and release excess Glu in synapses. Mitochondrial GDH is important in amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism and in anaplerotic reactions. We monitored changes in nineteen neurochemicals in the hippocampus and striatum of adult, middle aged, and aged Tg and wild type (wt) mice, in vivo, using proton (1H) magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Significant differences between adult Tg and wt were higher Glu, N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), and NAA + NAA−Glu (NAAG) levels, and lower lactate in the Tg hippocampus and striatum than those of wt. During aging, consistent changes in Tg and wt hippocampus and striatum included increases in myo-inositol and NAAG. The levels of glutamine (Gln), a key neurochemical in the Gln-Glu cycle between neurons and astroglia, increased during aging in both the striatum and hippocampus of Tg mice, but only in the striatum of the wt mice. Age-related increases of Glu were observed only in the striatum of the Tg mice

    An Inverse Relationship Between Ceramide Synthesis and Clinical Severity in Patients with Psoriasis

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    Ceramides play major roles in maintaining the epidermal barrier. It has been sus-pected that the depletion of ceramides, associated with disrupted barrier function in the epidermis, leads to the clinical manifestation of dryness and inflammation seen in patients with psoriasis. The aim of the present study was to determine the relation-ship between the level of ceramide synthesis in the epidermis and the clinical severity in patients with psoriasis. Samples from lesional and unlesional epidermis obtained from psoriasis patients were incubated with [14C]serine, an initiator of ceramide syn-thesis. otal ceramide was fractionated using high performance thin layer chromato-graphy, and the radioactivity was measured. The clinical severity of psoriasis was graded according to the psoriasis area and severity index scoring system. The level of ceramide synthesis in the lesional epidermis of patients was significantly lower than that in the unlesional epidermis and bore a negative correlation with the clinical severity of psoriasis. The present results suggest that the decreased level of ceramide synthesis in the epidermis contributes to the clinical severity of psoriasis

    Who teaches primary physical education? Change and transformation through the eyes of subject leaders

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Sport, Education and Society on 02/07/2015, available online: DOI: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13573322.2015.1061987Primary physical education (PE) lessons tend to be taught by one, or a combination of, three different groups: generalist classroom teachers, specialist primary PE teachers and so-called ‘adults other than teachers’, who are almost exclusively sports coaches. Drawing upon data gathered from one-to-one interviews with 36 subject leaders (SLs), this study sought answers to two main questions: “Who delivers primary PE nowadays?” and “What are the consequences?” The findings revealed that the most common model for the delivery of PE involved responsibility being shared between the generalist class teacher and either a sports coach or specialist PE teacher. The SLs recognised strengths and weaknesses in all of the three main approaches used. However, while they favoured the use of specialist teachers because of their subject knowledge and expertise, the more prosaic constraints of cost and flexibility meant that the use of coaches had become increasingly popular. Whether or not, the growth of coaches is de-professionalizing the delivery of PE, it certainly appears to be exacerbating any existing tendency to turn primary PE into a pale imitation of the sport-biased curricular of secondary schools. Ironically, the apparent ‘threat’ to the status of PE in the primary curriculum (as well as the status of PE specialists) posed by the growth of coaches in curricular PE in primary schools may well be exaggerated by the Primary PE and Sport Premium which appears to have added momentum to a change of direction regarding staffing the subject – towards sports coaches and away from generalist classroom teachers and PE specialists. As the shift towards outsourcing PE to commercial sports coaches becomes increasingly commonplace it seems appropriate to talk of transformation, rather than mere change, in the delivery of primary PE

    Neuronal Glud1 (Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) Over-Expressing Mice: Increased Glutamate Formation and Synaptic Release, Loss of Synaptic Activity, and Adaptive Changes in Genomic Expression

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    Glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (GLUD1) is a mitochondrial enzyme expressed in all tissues, including brain. Although this enzyme is expressed in glutamatergic pathways, its function as a regulator of glutamate neurotransmitter levels is still not well defined. In order to gain an understanding of the role of GLUD1 in the control of glutamate levels and synaptic release in mammalian brain, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice that over-express this enzyme in neurons of the central nervous system. The Tg mice have increased activity of GLUD, as well as elevated levels and increased synaptic and depolarization-induced release of glutamate. These mice suffer age-associated losses of dendritic spines, nerve terminals, and neurons. The neuronal losses and dendrite structural changes occur in select regions of the brain. At the transcriptional level in the hippocampus, cells respond by increasing the expression of genes related to neurite growth and synapse formation, indications of adaptive or compensatory responses to the effects of increases in the release and action of glutamate at synapses. Because these Tg mice live to a relatively old age they are a good model of the effects of a “hyperglutamatergic” state on the aging process in the nervous system. The mice are also useful in defining the molecular pathways affected by the over-activation of GLUD in glutamatergic neurons of the brain and spinal cord

    Ceramides and Cell Signaling Molecules in Psoriatic Epidermis: Reduced Levels of Ceramides, PKC-α, and JNK

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    Ceramides are the main lipids in the stratum corneum and are generated during cellular stress and apoptosis by de novo synthesis or by the action of sphingomyelinase. In addition, they are lipid second messengers produced by sphingolipid metabolism and trigger important cell responses, including protein kinase C-alpha (PKC-α) activation and the stimulation of signal transduction pathways with apoptosis and stress-activated protein kinases (SAPK), such as c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK). Thus, ceramides have anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects. This study measured the changes in the levels of epidermal ceramides and ceramide-related apoptotic signaling molecules in psoriasis patients. Samples from lesional and non-lesional epidermis were obtained from psoriasis patients. Total ceramides were fractionated using thin-layer chromatography, and the levels of PKC-α and JNK expression were measured using Western blot analysis with specific antibodies. The ceramide level was reduced significantly, and this was associated with the downregulation of apoptotic signaling molecules, such as PKC-α and JNK, in the lesional epidermis of psoriasis patients. These results suggest that the decreased level of ceramides downregulates the apoptotic pathway, leading to epidermal proliferation in psoriasis

    Identification of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli isolated from infants and children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Relatively few studies have been done in Tanzania to detect and classify diarrheagenic <it>Escherichia coli </it>(DEC) strains among children with diarrhea. This study aimed at investigating DEC among children in Dar es Salaam aged less than five years hospitalized due to acute/persistent diarrhea.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>DEC were isolated from stool samples collected from two hundred and eighty children with acute/persistent diarrhea at Muhimbili National Hospital and Ilala and Mwananyamala Municipal Hospitals in Dar es Salaam. A multiplex PCR system method was used to detect a species specific gene for <it>E.coli </it>and ten different virulence genes for detection of five pathogroups of DEC namely enteroaggregative- (EAEC), enteropathogenic- (EPEC), enterotoxigenic- (ETEC), enteroinvasive- (EIEC) and enterohemorghagic- <it>Escherichia coli </it>(EHEC).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixty-four patients (22.9%) harbored DEC. Forty-one of them (14.6%) were categorized as EAEC. Most of the EAEC (82.9%) were classified as typical EAEC possessing the <it>aggR </it>gene, and 92.6% carried the <it>aat </it>gene. Isolates from thirteen patients were EPEC (4.6%) and most of these (92.3%) were typical EPEC with both <it>eae </it>and <it>bfpA </it>genes. Ten isolates were identified as ETEC (3.6%) with only the heat stable toxin; either <it>st1a </it>or <it>st1b </it>but not both. Age wise, EAEC and EPEC were significantly more prevalent among the age group 0–6 months (p < 0.05). Genes for EHEC (<it>stx</it><sub>1 </sub>and <it>stx</it><sub>2</sub>) and EIEC <it>(ial</it>) were not detected in this study group.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show a high proportion of DEC among Tanzanian children with diarrhea, with typical EAEC and typical EPEC predominating. The use of primers for both variants of ST1 (st1a and st1b) increased the sensitivity for detection of ETEC strains.</p

    Transgenic Expression of Glud1 (Glutamate Dehydrogenase 1) in Neurons: In Vivo Model of Enhanced Glutamate Release, Altered Synaptic Plasticity, and Selective Neuronal Vulnerability

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2009 Society for Neuroscience.The effects of lifelong, moderate excess release of glutamate (Glu) in the CNS have not been previously characterized. We created a transgenic (Tg) mouse model of lifelong excess synaptic Glu release in the CNS by introducing the gene for glutamate dehydrogenase 1 (Glud1) under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter. Glud1 is, potentially, an important enzyme in the pathway of Glu synthesis in nerve terminals. Increased levels of GLUD protein and activity in CNS neurons of hemizygous Tg mice were associated with increases in the in vivo release of Glu after neuronal depolarization in striatum and in the frequency and amplitude of miniature EPSCs in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. Despite overexpression of Glud1 in all neurons of the CNS, the Tg mice suffered neuronal losses in select brain regions (e.g., the CA1 but not the CA3 region). In vulnerable regions, Tg mice had decreases in MAP2A labeling of dendrites and in synaptophysin labeling of presynaptic terminals; the decreases in neuronal numbers and dendrite and presynaptic terminal labeling increased with advancing age. In addition, the Tg mice exhibited decreases in long-term potentiation of synaptic activity and in spine density in dendrites of CA1 neurons. Behaviorally, the Tg mice were significantly more resistant than wild-type mice to induction and duration of anesthesia produced by anesthetics that suppress Glu neurotransmission. The Glud1 mouse might be a useful model for the effects of lifelong excess synaptic Glu release on CNS neurons and for age-associated neurodegenerative processes

    A Study on Altered Expression of Serine Palmitoyltransferase and Ceramidase in Psoriatic Skin Lesion

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    Ceramides are the main lipid component maintaining the lamellae structure of stratum corneum, as well as lipid second messengers for the regulation of cellular proliferation and/or apoptosis. In our previous study, psoriatic skin lesions showed marked decreased levels of ceramides and signaling molecules, specially protein kinase C-alpha (PKC-α) and c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) in proportion to the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) scores, which suggested that the depletion of ceramide is responsible for epidermal hyperproliferation of psoriasis via downregulation of proapoptotic signal cascade such as PKC-α and JNK. In this study, we investigated the protein expression of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) and ceramidase, two major ceramide metabolizing enzymes, in both psoriatic epidermis and non-lesional epidermis. The expression of SPT, the ceramide generating enzyme in the de novo synthesis in psoriatic epidermis, was significantly less than that of the non-lesional epidermis, which was inversely correlated with PASI score. However, the expression of ceramidase, the degradative enzyme of ceramides, showed no significant difference between the lesional epidermis and the non-lesional epidermis of psoriatic patients. This might suggest that decreased expression of SPT protein is one of the important causative factors for decreased ceramide levels in psoriasis