906 research outputs found

    Suspended Sentences and Free-Standing Probation Orders in U.S. Guidelines Systems: A Survey and Assessment

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    Much academic attention has been directed towards management models, but there is limited research into the details of how these models are put to use in organizations. In this paper, we employ a multi-theoretical process perspective on the introduction of Balanced Scorecard in a Swedish healthcare organization. Through the application of actor-network theory, behavior setting theory and distributed cognition, we have identified a set of complementary observations and conclusions. First, we claim that a critical mass of actors is needed to support the change effort. We also emphasize the need for a problematization process in which critical voices are given room to influence the introduction. Further, we stress the importance of aligning the physical environment with organizational goals, and argue that well-designed feedback mechanisms may prevent undesired decoupling of managerial practice.Working paper

    At være er at være set - et visuelt perspektiv på sociale positioner

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    To be is to be seen - a visuel perspective at social positionsThis article claims that a strengthening of the emphasis on visual embodiment in the analysis of social positions is much needed. It works with the application of an analytic framework inspired by theories of ‘the mimetic faculty' and phenomenological theories of embodiment. This creates a focus on experiences of being seen; experiences of one's ‘seenness'. With an empirical illustrative case, the article shows how this framework makes it possible to address feelings and sensations that are formative of the experience of one's own individual position

    Automating User Interfaces for a Multi-way Dataflow Constraint System

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    A scriptable User Interface (UI) can be set to record the user’s actions into a script, and then play that recorded script back over different data. The purpose is to automate oft-occurring use patterns. Though such automation is useful, especially for advanced users of particular software systems, scriptable UIs are not common. We conjecture that the implementation cost of such features is too high for them to become common. The project develops a generic approach for scripting where this feature could be packaged into a library, to be reused by different UIs. In this approach, the effort needed to implement scripting is considerably reduced. The context for this thesis is the use of multi-way dataflow constraint systems in Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming. Such systems can represent the state of a GUI in a concise and well-structured manner. These state representations can be inspected and manipulated programmatically, which is what we exploit for generic script- ing too. Concretely, we build scripting support for the HotDrink GUI framework that is based on multi-way dataflow constraint systems and provides a mechanism for structural manipulation of GUI elements.Masteroppgave i Programutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO

    Market orientation of a leading British food retailer

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    Intersectionality as embodiment

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    Intersectionality as embodiment. This article explores intersectionality as embodiment, arguing that by taking embodiment into account broader possibilities of intersectional analysis can be unfolded. Inspired by phenomenological theories of embodied experience and the mimetic faculty, the article suggests that intersectionality can be understood as embodied experience. Following this thinking embodiment is radically conditioned as well as a site of agency. This has implications for the understanding of structures, agency as well as their interrelation

    Intersectionality as embodiment

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    Intersectionality as embodiment. This article explores intersectionality as embodiment, arguing that by taking embodiment into account broader possibilities of intersectional analysis can be unfolded. Inspired by phenomenological theories of embodied experience and the mimetic faculty, the article suggests that intersectionality can be understood as embodied experience. Following this thinking embodiment is radically conditioned as well as a site of agency. This has implications for the understanding of structures, agency as well as their interrelation

    Squamous cell carcinoma of the ovary.

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    Benign cystic teratoma is a very common ovarian lesion; and it commonly occurs during a woman's reproductive years and most often is benign. In approximately 1% to 2% of cases, however, it can undergo a malignant transformation with a very poor prognosis. This is especially the case when disseminated disease is present. Usually the associated malignancy is squamous cell carcinoma, and radical surgery is recommended. An American Samoan woman was air-evacuated to Tripler Army Medical Center for further evaluation and therapy after having undergone an exploratory laparotomy and right ovarian cystectomy. Her pathology at the time of her initial procedure revealed a mature cystic teratoma with a malignant degenerative component. Her diagnostic evaluation upon arrival was unremarkable except for her physical exam and pelvic CT. She subsequently underwent a radical surgical procedure to include a surgical staging procedure, revealing disseminated squamous cell carcinoma with FIGO stage III disease. Whereas malignant transformation of a benign cystic teratoma is a rare occurrence, a high index of suspicion should be maintained whenever a preoperative diagnosis is encountered; a radical surgical approach with en bloc resection should be employed. Adjuvant therapy with radiation or chemotherapeutic agents in general has not been shown to improve the outcome, especially in disseminated disease

    PINK WELLNESS POWER – Voimaannuttava aamupäivä nuorille rintasyöpää sairastaville naisille

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    Elg, Sanna & Lahtinen, Kati & Viitala, Ville. Pink Wellness Power – Voimaannuttava aamupäivä nuorille rintasyöpää sairastaville naisille. Kevät 2018. 59 s., 3 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, hoitotyön suuntautumisvaihtoehto, sairaanhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyön lähtökohtana oli perehtyä rintasyöpään sairautena sekä hankkia teoreettista tietoa nuorena sairastumisen kokemuksesta, rintasyöpään sairastumisen vaikutuksesta naisen minäkuvaan ja vertaistuen merkityksestä syöpään sairastuneelle. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli järjestää voimaannuttava vertaistukitapahtuma nuorille rintasyöpään sairastuneille naisille. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli nuorten rintasyöpään sairastuneiden naisten terveyden, hyvinvoinnin ja selviytymisen edistäminen. Järjestimme opinnäytetyönä nuorille rintasyöpään sairastuneille naisille suunnatun vertaistukitapahtuman yhteistyössä Etelä-Suomen Syöpäyhdistyksen kanssa. Tapahtuma oli itsenäistä jatkoa yhteistyökumppanin aiemmille Pink Power -teemalla järjestetyille tapahtumille. Tapahtuman kohderyhmä oli alle 45-vuotiaat rintasyöpään sairastuneet naiset. Tapahtuma järjestettiin Syöpäyhdistyksen tiloissa Helsingissä lokakuussa 2017 ja siihen osallistui kuusi naista. Tapahtuman sisältö koostui kehonhuollosta, voimaannuttavasta valokuvauksesta, vertaistuesta ja rentoutumisesta. Tarjolla oli myös terveellistä syötävää. Opinnäytetyön raportti koostui työn teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä, tapahtuman suunnittelun ja toteutuksen kuvauksesta sekä tapahtuman arvioinnista. Tapahtuman osallistujilta kerättiin palautetta kyselylomakkeella. Osallistujien palautteen mukaan tapahtuma oli onnistunut. Tapahtuman ilmapiiriä kuvailtiin avoimeksi ja rennoksi. Järjestelyt olivat vastausten perusteella toimivat. Tapahtuman aktiviteeteista vertaistukea ja rentoutusta pidettiin mieluisimpina. Palautteen perusteella osallistujat kokivat, että tällaisille tapahtumille on tarvetta. Osallistujat saivat myös tietoa Etelä-Suomen Syöpäyhdistyksen toiminnasta.Elg, Sanna & Lahtinen, Kati & Viitala, Ville. Pink Wellness Power – An empowering morning for young women with breast cancer. Spring 2018. 59 p., 3 appendices. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Program in Nursing, Nursing Option, Nurse. The starting point of the thesis was to study breast cancer as well as to acquire theoretical knowledge of the experience of illness at young age, the effect of breast cancer on the woman's self-image and the importance of peer support for the cancer patient. The purpose of the thesis was to organize a peer support event for young women with breast cancer. The aim of the functional thesis was to promote the health, well-being and survival of women with breast cancer. We organized a peer support event for young women with breast cancer in collaboration with the Cancer Society of Southern Finland. The event was an independent follow-up session to the previous events with the Pink Power theme. The target group for the event was women under 45 years with breast cancer. The event was held at the Cancer Society in Helsinki in October 2017 and six women attended. The event consisted of body care, empowering photography, peer support, and relaxation; in addition, healthy food was offered. The report on the project was composed of the theoretical framework of the work, description of the event planning and implementation, and the evaluation of the event. Feedback was collected by questionnaires from the participants in the event. According to the feedback, the event was successful. The atmosphere of the event was described as open and relaxed. The arrangements worked well, and peer support and relaxation were the most preferred activities. Based on the feedback, the participants felt that there was a need for such events. In addition, the participants also received information on the activities of the Cancer Society in Southern Finland

    The Role of Corporate Branding in a Market Driving Strategy

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    Purpose - The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between corporate branding and market driving. This is achieved by focusing on key dimensions of brand identity such as brand values and staff behaviours, while acknowledging the role of vision and organizational culture. The links between these brand constituents and the actual activities of the firm in a market are explored through interactions with stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach - This research is based on an in-depth case study of IKEA at a corporate level and its local market activities in Russia. The single-case approach is used to generate insights into how corporate branding is related to market driving practices and to identify the mechanisms of market driving in the Russian market. Findings - We argue that the corporate brand provides a further source of the “leap” in customer value recognised as a requirement for a market driving approach. Through a case study of IKEA in Russia we illustrate how the core values of the brand guide both the behaviour and activities of internal stakeholders and the relationships with external stakeholders, and explore the interactions between the corporate “global” brand values and local market level activities. Originality/value - Insights on the role of a corporate brand as a driving force of market driving. Conceptualisation of market driving from a broad stakeholder perspective