137 research outputs found

    Hemorragia intraparenquimatosa: tres casos clínicos

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    En este trabajo se presentan tres pacientes con hemorragia intraparenquimatosa. La hemorragia intraparenquimatosa es la hemorragia intracraneal más frecuente y una de las principales causas de mortalidad y morbilidad. Los pacientes que sufren esta patología, dadas sus características, son ingresados en el Servicio de Medicina Intensiva, donde se les estabiliza a nivel hemodinámico y respiratorio y se lleva a cabo su monitorización. En 2015 se publicó por parte de la AHA y la ASA una guía para el manejo de estos pacientes, de la cual se realizó un breve resumen en este artículo. Además, se hizo un somero análisis estadístico sobre esta patología en el Servicio de Medicina Intensiva del Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid.Grado en Medicin

    Water use partitioning of native and non‐native tree species in riparian ecosystems under contrasting climatic conditions

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    1. One of the suggested mechanisms behind the success of non- native plants in recipient ecosystems is competition avoidance with natives by means of differ-ent resource-use strategies, such as deeper water uptake under dry conditions.2. We aimed at evaluating water source partitioning between native and non- native tree species coexisting in central Spain floodplains; determining the dependency on drought stress of such water sources use; and assessing if the reliance on deeper water sources relates with physiological and growth performance.3. We assessed water uptake depth, leaf functional traits related to physiological performance and growth of native (Populus alba) and non- native trees (Ailanthus altissima, Robinia pseudoacacia) coexisting in riparian forests under different drought conditions (drier, intermediate and wetter). We analysed δ2H and δ18O isotopes in xylem water and in soil water from top, mid and deep soil depths and determined the contribution of each water source to overall plant xylem water. Leaf traits re-lated with resource use and secondary growth were assessed for each species.4. We found stronger differences between sites than between species, with all species taking more deep water in the driest site (~45% of the xylem water) than in the wettest (~15%). However, under drier conditions, species differences were significant for top-soil water use, with R. pseudocacia withdrawing more super-ficial water (~22%) than A. altissima (~8%). These results indicate stronger water partitioning under drier conditions. Non- native species showed a physiological strategy characterized by greater leaf N, water content, and enriched δ13C and δ15N values independently of the deep-water uptake. However, a positive rela-tionship between deep soil water use and such strategy was found for P. alba .5. We highlight that those native and non- native species differences were more evident regarding physiological performance at leaf level than for deep-water uptake or growth. Furthermore, our results suggest that differences in water sources used by coexisting species may increase under drier conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sentidos otros de vida. Campesinos y campesinas en el contexto urbano de la ciudad de Medellín

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    ABSTRACT: The present research work is framed in the line of Cultural, Political and Society deepening, with emphasis on Social Diversities of the Department of Social Work of the University of Antioquia; arises from the question about the meanings of life that have reconfigured peasants and peasants in the urban context of the city of Medellin, inquiring from their experiences for being peasant and peasant, the practices that still survive and the challenges it represents for Work social professional practice with peasantry in the urban context from an intercultural and decolonial perspective. This research presents an important challenge in the face of the creation of own methodologies that speak from the places of enunciation and the experience of the urban peasantry, experience that is marked by a process of cultural uprooting, State oblivion and little valuation of knowledge and peasantry knowledge. Finally, this research calls to break the multicultural recognition promoted by state policies which instrumentalize the peasantry from the folk, and influence the generation of public policies that respond to those other ways of inhabiting the city that are not anchored to In the past, they tend to disappear or adapt, but show from their own senses of life other horizons from which the defense for life and territory is built.RESUMEN: El presente trabajo investigativo se enmarca en la línea de profundización Cultural, Política y Sociedad, con énfasis en Diversidades Sociales del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Antioquia; surge a partir de la pregunta por los sentidos de vida que han reconfigurado campesinos y campesinas en el contexto urbano de la ciudad de Medellín, indagando desde sus vivencias por el ser campesino y campesina, las prácticas que aún perviven y los desafíos que representa para Trabajo social el ejercicio profesional con campesinado en el contexto urbano desde la perspectiva intercultural y decolonial. Esta investigación presenta un reto importante frente a la creación de metodologías propias que hablan desde los lugares de enunciación y de la experiencia del campesinado en lo urbano, experiencia que esta signada por un proceso de desarraigo cultural, olvido Estatal y poca valoración de los saberes y conocimientos del campesinado. Por último, esta investigación hace un llamado a romper con el reconocimiento multicultural que promueven las políticas estales las cuales instrumentalizan al campesinado desde lo folklórico, e incidir en la generación de políticas públicas que respondan a esas otras formas de habitar ciudad que no están ancladas al pasado, proclives a desaparecer o en adaptación, sino que muestran desde sus propios sentidos de vida otros horizontes desde donde se construye la defensa por la vida y el territorio

    Análisis de las normas internacionales que regulan los comportamientos que inciden en la afectación de la capa de ozono y su adaptación en el Ecuador

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    El trabajo de investigación tiene como fin el estudio de normas internacionales que regulan los aspectos relacionados con las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono. El tratado internacional en torno al cual gira todo es el Protocolo de Montreal, frente a éste se hace un estudio de cómo ha sido cumplido por algunas partes de este convenio, este estudio se realiza en base a las normas implementadas en el ordenamiento jurídico interno (en el caso de la Unión Europea se hace en base a los Reglamentos y Directivas dictadas por este organismo), y el nivel de cumplimiento de los países miembros. En la introducción hago mención a los términos científicos empleados para describir tanto la capa de ozono y sus funciones como ciertas sustancias que agotan este recurso natural no renovable y de qué manera lo afectan; por otro lado se revisa a manera de resumen dos instrumentos que son considerados de suma importancia para el tema a nivel mundial por contener normas básicas que regulan sobretodo el manejo de sustancias que agotan el ozono, también consta un resumen de la Ley de Ozono de Chile considerado como un hito en lo que respecta a regulación interna y aplicación del Protocolo de Montreal, y finalmente existe un resumen del informe Hiperión realizado por la Agencia Espacial Civil Ecuatoriana en el cual se realiza un estudio sobre el estado crítico de la capa de ozono al nivel de la línea Ecuatorial. En el primer capítulo de mi tesis hace un estudio sobre la realidad nacional, pasando por normativa interna junto con su cumplimiento, medidas adoptadas tanto por autoridades nacionales como por las autoridades locales y su aplicación, y una revisión más profunda sobre el informe Hiperión antes mencionado. En el segundo capítulo se analiza las normas y medidas adoptadas en otros países tanto de América como de Europa, de igual forma se hace énfasis en los resultados obtenidos gracias a esta normativa y las medidas. En el último capítulo se realiza una confrontación de resultados nacionales frente a los otros países

    Juvenile–adult tree associations in a continental Mediterranean ecosystem: no evidence for sustained and general facilitation at increased aridity

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    Question: How do tree species identity, microhabitat and water availability affect inter- and intra-specific interactions between juvenile and adult woody plants? Location: Continental Mediterranean forests in Alto Tajo Natural Park, Guadalajara, Spain. Methods: A total of 2066 juveniles and adults of four co-occurring tree species were mapped in 17 plots. The frequency of juveniles at different microhabitats and water availability levels was analysed using log-linear models. We used nearest-neighbour contingency table analysis of spatial segregation and J-functions to describe the spatial patterns. Results: We found a complex spatial pattern that varied according to species identity and microhabitat. Recruitment was more frequent in gaps for Quercus ilex, while the other three species recruited preferentially under shrubs or trees depending on the water availability level. Juveniles were not spatially associated to conspecific adults, experiencing segregation from them inmany cases. Spatial associations, both positive and negative, were more common at higher water availability levels. Conclusions: Our results do not agree with expectations from the stressgradient hypothesis, suggesting that positive interactions do not increase in importance with increasing aridity in the study ecosystem. Regeneration patterns are species-specific and depend on microhabitat characteristics and dispersal strategies. In general, juveniles do not look for conspecific adult protection. This work contributes to the understanding of species co-existence, proving the importance of considering a multispecies approach at several plots to overcome limitations of simple pair-wise comparisons in a limited number of sites

    Leaf and stem physiological responses to summer and winter extremes of woody species across temperate ecosystems

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    © 2014 The Authors. Winter cold limits temperate plant performance, as does summer water stress in drought-prone ecosystems. The relative impact of seasonal extremes on plant performance has received considerable attention for individual systems. An integrated study compiling the existing literature was needed to identify overall trends. First, we conducted a meta-analysis of the impacts of summer and winter on ecophysiology for three woody plant functional types (winter deciduous angiosperms, evergreen angiosperms and conifers), including data for 210 records from 75 studies of ecosystems with and without summer drought across the temperate zone. Second, we tested predictions by conducting a case study in a drought-prone Mediterranean ecosystem subject to winter freezing. As indicators of physiological response of leaves and xylem to seasonal stress, we focused on stomatal conductance (gs), percent loss of stem xylem hydraulic conductivity (PLC) and photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm). Our meta-analysis showed that in ecosystems without summer drought, gs was higher during summer than winter. By contrast, in drought-prone ecosystems many species maintained open stomata during winter, with potential strong consequences for plant carbon gain over the year. Further, PLC tended to increase and Fv/Fm to decrease from summer to winter for most functional types and ecosystems due to low temperatures. Overall, deciduous angiosperms were most sensitive to climatic stress. Leaf gas exchange and stem xylem hydraulics showed a coordinated seasonal response at ecosystems without summer drought. In our Mediterranean site subjected to winter freezing the species showed similar responses to those typically found for ecosystems without summer drought. We conclude that winter stress is most extreme for systems without summer drought and systems with summer drought and winter freezing, and less extreme for drought-prone systems without freezing. In all cases the evergreen species show less pronounced seasonal responses in both leaves and stems than deciduous species.Th is research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness with the grants FPI (CGL2007-66066-C04-02), Consolider Montes (CSD2008 00040) and VULGLO (CGL2010 22180 C03 03), and by the Community of Madrid grant REMEDINAL 2 (CM S2009 AMB 1783) and National Science Foundation Grant no. 0546784.Peer Reviewe

    El interés superior del niño, niña y adolescente: un estudio sobre su regulación en la legislación peruana y su aplicación en la jurisprudencia sobre tenencia

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    Esta tesis busca comprobar: (i) si los criterios utilizados por los jueces de familia y magistrados del Poder Judicial para resolver los procesos de tenencia coinciden con la regulación legal y aplican el interés superior del menor de edad; y, (ii) si las resoluciones de vista y casaciones presentan deficiencias en desmedro de sus derechos. Como resultado del análisis crítico realizado a una muestra de dieciocho (18) resoluciones de vista y casaciones elegidas de manera aleatoria, se verifica que los jueces de familia y magistrados resuelven los procesos de tenencia utilizando criterios legales y extra-legales en los que no necesariamente se aplica el interés superior del niño. Para ello, se desarrolla la tesis en cuatro (4) capítulos, cada uno debidamente sustentado en el análisis de normativa, doctrina y jurisprudencia nacional y extranjera. En el primero se define y se explica el interés superior del niño y qué se entiende por “niño, niña y adolescente”. En el segundo, por un lado, se definen y se exponen las instituciones jurídicas de Derecho de Familia: patria potestad, tenencia y régimen de visitas; por otro lado, se desarrolla la propuesta del Comité de los Derechos del Niño para la aplicación del interés superior del niño y sus garantías procesales. En el tercero se efectúa un análisis de la muestra exponiendo los principales criterios utilizados por el sistema de justicia para resolver un proceso de tenencia y sus deficiencias. Finalmente, en el cuarto, se busca hacer efectiva la participación de un grupo de menores de edad a fin de conocer su definición sobre el interés superior del niño y los criterios que proponen para determinar la tenencia en un caso hipotético.Tesi

    Crypsis Decreases with Elevation in a Lizard

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    Predation usually selects for visual crypsis, the colour matching between an animal and its background. Geographic co-variation between animal and background colourations is well known, but how crypsis varies along elevational gradients remains unknown. We predict that dorsal colouration in the lizard Psammodromus algirus should covary with the colour of bare soil—where this lizard is mainly found—along a 2200 m elevational gradient in Sierra Nevada (SE Spain). Moreover, we predict that crypsis should decrease with elevation for two reasons: (1) Predation pressure typically decreases with elevation, and (2) at high elevation, dorsal colouration is under conflicting selection for both crypsis and thermoregulation. By means of standardised photographies of the substratum and colourimetric measurements of lizard dorsal skin, we tested the colour matching between lizard dorsum and background. We found that, along the gradient, lizard dorsal colouration covaried with the colouration of bare soil, but not with other background elements where the lizard is rarely detected. Moreover, supporting our prediction, the degree of crypsis against bare soil decreased with elevation. Hence, our findings suggest local adaptation for crypsis in this lizard along an elevational gradient, but this local adaptation would be hindered at high elevations.This study has been economically supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (project CGL2009-13185)

    Direct and indirect effects of climate on demography and early growth of Pinus sylvestris at the rear edge: changing roles of biotic and abiotic factors

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    Global change triggers shifts in forest composition, with warming and aridification being particularly threatening for the populations located at the rear edge of the species distributions. This is the case of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in the Mediterranean Basin where uncertainties in relation to its dynamics under these changing scenarios are still high. We analysed the relative effect of climate on the recruitment patterns of Scots pine and its interactions with local biotic and abiotic variables at different spatial scales. Number of seedlings and saplings was surveyed, and their annual shoot growth measured in 96 plots located across altitudinal gradients in three different regions in the Iberian Peninsula. We found a significant influence of climate on demography and performance of recruits, with a non-linear effect of temperature on the presence of juveniles, and a positive effect of precipitation on their survival. Abundance of juveniles of P. sylvestris that underwent their first summer drought was skewed towards higher altitudes than the altitudinal mean range of the conspecific adults and the optimum elevation for seedlings¿ emergence. At local level, light availability did not influence juveniles¿ density, but it enhanced their growth. Biotic interactions were found between juveniles and the herb cover (competition) and between the number of newly emerged seedlings and shrubs (facilitation). Results also highlighted the indirect effect that climate exerts over the local factors, modulating the interactions with the pre-existing vegetation that were more evident at more stressful sites. This multiscale approach improves our understanding of the dynamics of these marginal populations and some management criteria can be inferred to boost their conservation under the current global warming.Funding was provided by the Spanish Ministry for Innovation and Science with the grant Consolider-Montes (CSD2008_00040), and the European Union with the projects BACCARA (CE: FP7-226299, 7FP) and FunDivEUROPE (CE: FP7-ENV-2010. 265171).Peer Reviewe