60 research outputs found

    El trabajo de fin de Grado (TFG) en las Universidades españolas. Análisis y discusión desde las Defensorías Universitarias

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    En el marco del XVIII Encuentro Estatal de Defensores Universitarios, celebrado en la Universidad Europea de Madrid en noviembre de 2015, tuvimos la oportunidad de trabajar acerca de los diferentes problemas asociados al Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG). Gracias a las discusiones, debates y aportaciones realizadas por todos los defensores y defensoras, tanto en la encuesta previa como en las mesas de trabajo, hoy podemos presentar este pequeño documento que trata de resumir todos o casi todos los problemas de índole académica y administrativa que supone la impartición en nuestros Grados de una asignatura como el Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Para poder elaborar este documento, en las semanas previas al XVIII Encuentro de la CEDU se pidió a las diferentes defensorías que rellenaran una encuesta (v. Anexo)1 a propósito de las cuestiones que, en este trabajo, se numeran del I al V. Como se puede observar, estos puntos trataban de abarcar de una forma exhaustiva diferentes aspectos relacionados con la gestión y la administración académica de la asignatura TFG, a lo que se añadía la visión desde nuestras Oficinas. Desde aquí queremos agradecer su colaboración a todos los miembros de la CEDU así como sus aportaciones a este trabajo, bien a través de la encuesta, bien a través de los debates en las mesas de trabajo

    Encuesta realizada a los miembros de la CEDUen relación con el TGF

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    La encuesta constaba de 36 preguntas. Fue contestada por 36 universidades, aunque en algunos casos no de manera completa. A continuación presentamos las preguntas y las respuestas. En el caso de preguntas abiertas, se señalan las distintas respuestas ofrecidas; en algunas, se ofrece un resumen con las respuestas principales y se detallan a continuación los comentarios

    60 years since approval of the Physiotherapy degree and the first recognized Physiotherapy school, Salus Infirmorum ubicated in the children’s center “Casa del Niño” in Madrid

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    Se acaban de cumplir 60 años de la aprobación de la especialidad de Fisioterapia para los Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios, así como la creación de las primeras escuelas de Fisioterapia. El presente artículo justificará cómo el conjunto de brotes epidémicos de poliomielitis en España, influyeron de forma decisiva en el nacimiento de profesiones sanitarias como la Fisioterapia. Por otro lado, se reconstruirá el proceso de institucionalización, nacimiento y desarrollo en sus primeros años de la Escuela de Fisioterapia Salus Infirmorum, la primera en ser aprobada por el Ministerio de Educación. Salus Infirmorum, con la creación del centro infantil “Casa del Niño” consiguió aunar la formación de fisioterapeutas y el tratamiento de niños con problemas motóricos como consecuencia de la poliomielitis. En el centro se atendió a más de 680 niños y se formaron en ella 373 enfermeras fisioterapeutas, siendo reconocido como Obra de interés social, por la Comisaría de Asistencia Social del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, en orden 6 de junio de 1958.Sixty years have passed since approval of the Physiotherapy specialty for licensed practical nurses, as well as the establishment of the first Physiotherapy Schools. This paper will explain how the set of epidemic outbreaks of poliomyelitis in Spain, had a decisive influence on the birth of health professions such as Physiotherapy. On the other hand, throughout it, the process of institutionalization of Salus Infirmorum, the first Physiotherapy College recognized by the Ministry of Education, its birth and its first year’s early development will be reconstructed. Salus Infirmorum, with the creation of the children’s center “Casa del Niño” managed to combine the physiotherapists training with the treatment of children with motor disorders as a result of poliomyelitis. In the healthcare center, more than 680 children were attended and 373 physiotherapist-nurses were trained, being recognized as a Social Interest Group, by the Social Assistance Commission of the Ministry of National Education, in order June 6, 1958

    Atención enfermera en el Madrid de la posguerra

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    Objective. To describe the work of the Salus Infirmorum Sisterhood in caring for the most underprivileged individuals from the postwar outskirts of Madrid, through the voluntary service of the nurses who were part of that Institution. Methods. A historical study based on the analysis of primary sources from the Sisterhood’s archives. Results. Salus Infirmorum once relied on more than 100 volunteer nurses who treated over 425-thousand people in 21 parish dispensaries located within the neediest neighborhoods of Madrid, providing both preventative and curative medical care. Nurses were offered adequate training in exchange for the care provided. Conclusion. Salus Infirmorum took healthcare to the streets of Madrid, treating patients in improvised medical clinics set up in parishes or in the patient’s own home, as the situation required, in addition to training women who otherwise would not have had access to it.Objetivo. Describir la labor realizada por la Hermandad Salus Infirmorum en la atención a los más desfavorecidos de los suburbios de la posguerra madrileña, por intermedio del voluntariado de las enfermeras de dicha institución. Métodos. Estudio histórico en el que se han analizado fuentes primarias del archivo de la entidad. Resultados. Salus Infirmorum llegó a contar con más de cien enfermeras quienes atendieron a más de 425 mil personas de forma altruista, en 21 dispensarios parroquiales de los barrios más necesitados de Madrid. En este contexto, llevaron a cabo una asistencia sanitaria de tipo preventivo y curativo a las que, además, se les ofertaba una formación adecuada para esta atención. Conclusión. Salus Infirmorum llevó el cuidado a las calles, mediante improvisados centros asistenciales en las parroquias o en el propio domicilio si la situación del enfermo lo requería; además se preocupó de preparó a mujeres que de otra manera no hubieran podido acceder a una formación académica

    Proyecto PREDIRCAM 2. Análisis preliminar de uso y valoración de la plataforma

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    En la actualidad, la prevalencia de las enfermedades no transmisibles (Non-communicable diseases NCD) y la cantidad de muertes causadas por éstas es muy elevada, en su mayoría, consecuencia del envejecimiento de la población, el aumento de la obesidad y los hábitos de vida sedentarios. En este trabajo se describen el funcionamiento y los resultados preliminares del proyecto Predircam 2, destinado al desarrollo y validación de una plataforma inteligente de tecnologías biomédicas para la monitorización, prevención y tratamiento personalizados del sobrepeso, la obesidad y la prevención de enfermedades asociadas como la diabetes, hipertensión arterial o alteraciones del metabolismo lipídico. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los resultados preliminares del análisis del uso de la plataforma, la evaluación de la usabilidad y la valoración de la atención recibida por los pacientes en relación a los profesionales sanitarios

    Survival analysis of time to SARS-CoV-2 PCR negativisation to optimise PCR prescription in health workers: the Henares COVID-19 healthcare workers cohort study.

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    Objectives Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) is considered the gold standard in diagnosing COVID-19. Infected healthcare workers do not go back to work until RT-PCR has demonstrated that the virus is no longer present in the upper respiratory tract. The aim of this study is to determine the most efficient time to perform RT-PCR prior to healthcare workers’ reincorporation. Materials and methods This is a cohort study of healthcare workers with RT-PCR-confirmed COVID-19. Data were collected using the medical charts of healthcare workers and completed with a telephone interview. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine the influence of several variables on the time to RT-PCR negativisation. The impact of the variables on survival was assessed using the Breslow test. A Cox regression model was developed including the associated variables. Results 159 subjects with a positive RT-PCR out of 374 workers with suspected COVID-19 were included. The median time to negativisation was 25 days from symptom onset (IQR 20–35 days). Presence of IgG, dyspnoea, cough and throat pain were associated with significant longer time to negativisation. Cox logistic regression was used to adjust for confounding variables. Only dyspnoea and cough remained in the model as significant determinants of prolonged negativisation time. Adjusted HRs were 0.68 (0.48–096) for dyspnoea and 0.61 (0.42–0.88) for dry cough. Conclusions RT-PCR during the first 3 weeks leads to a high percentage of positive results. In the presence of respiratory symptoms, negativisation took nearly 1 week more. Those who developed antibodies needed longer time to negativisate.pre-print396 K

    PREDIRCAM eHealth platform for individualized telemedical assistance for lifestyle modification in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and cardiometabolic risk prevention: a pilot study (PREDIRCAM 1)

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    Background: Healthy diet and regular physical activity are powerful tools in reducing diabetes and cardiometabolic risk. Various international scientific and health organizations have advocated the use of new technologies to solve these problems. The PREDIRCAM project explores the contribution that a technological system could offer for the continuous monitoring of lifestyle habits and individualized treatment of obesity as well as cardiometabolic risk prevention. Methods: PREDIRCAM is a technological platform for patients and professionals designed to improve the effectiveness of lifestyle behavior modifications through the intensive use of the latest information and communication technologies. The platform consists of a web-based application providing communication interface with monitoring devices of physiological variables, application for monitoring dietary intake, ad hoc electronic medical records, different communication channels, and an intelligent notification system. A 2-week feasibility study was conducted in 15 volunteers to assess the viability of the platform. Results: The website received 244 visits (average time/session: 17 min 45 s). A total of 435 dietary intakes were recorded (average time for each intake registration, 4 min 42 s ± 2 min 30 s), 59 exercises were recorded in 20 heart rate monitor downloads, 43 topics were discussed through a forum, and 11 of the 15 volunteers expressed a favorable opinion toward the platform. Food intake recording was reported as the most laborious task. Ten of the volunteers considered long-term use of the platform to be feasible. Conclusions: The PREDIRCAM platform is technically ready for clinical evaluation. Training is required to use the platform and, in particular, for registration of dietary food intake

    Design and implementation of a mobile app for the pharmacotherapeutic follow-up of patients diagnosed with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: eMidCare

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    BackgroundPharmacotherapeutic management of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID) has become more complex due to the development of new treatments, such as biological therapies. Mobile health, especially apps, can provide IMID patients with greater autonomy and facilitate communication with healthcare professionals. Our objective was to design and implement an app for remote monitoring and communication with IMID patients.MethodsA multidisciplinary group was created to design and develop an app for IMID patients in a tertiary hospital. The app functionalities were identified through a focus group with IMID patients and through an observational, descriptive study of available apps for IMID patients at App Store and Play Store platforms. Once the app was designed and developed, we offered the app to IMID patients who initiated a new biological therapy. The inclusion period was from December 2020 to August 2021. We performed an observational, longitudinal study to assess the app’s impact on medication safety, communication, satisfaction, and usability.ResultsWe designed an app (eMidCare®) with the following modules: My Medication, My Questionnaires, Adverse Events, Useful Information, Messages, and Patient Profile. A total of 85 patients were installed with the app. The median (range) follow-up time for app use was 123 (5-270) days. In the My Medication module, 100% of patients registered their biological therapy and 25.9% also used this module to record each dose of medication administered. A total of 82 adverse events (AEs) were registered. Thirty-two percent of the patients registered at least 1 AE. The most frequent AEs were fatigue, injection site reaction, headache, and nausea. Fifty-two percent of patients used the Messages module to communicate with healthcare professionals. The most frequent messages concerned doubts about managing AEs (26.2%) and drug interactions (18.9%). The satisfaction survey yielded a median (range) score of 9.1 (7-10) out of 10.ConclusionsWe developed an app, eMidCare®, which reminds patients to take their medication, enables them to record AEs, and helps them communicate with healthcare professionals. Approximately one-third of the patients registered the administration of the biological therapies and registered at least 1 AE. The most used and most satisfactory functionality was communication with health professionals

    Involvement of stanniocalcins in the deregulation of glycaemia in obese mice and type 2 diabetic patients

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    Las estanniocalcinas se expresan en el tejido del páncreas, y se sugirió una correlación directa entre la insulina circulante y las concentraciones de STC2 en el ser humano. Aquí, mostramos una correlación significativa entre STC1 y tanto la glucemia como la hemoglobina glicosilada entre los pacientes con DM2, mientras que los pacientes con DM2 que presentan los mayores valores de hemoglobina glicosilada exhibieron la menor expresión de STC2. Sin embargo, el tratamiento de los pacientes con fármacos antiglicémicos no modifica significativamente la expresión de ambas STC. Por otra parte, los ratones STC2-/- que mostraron sobrepeso neonatal y adulto presentaron además una glucemia desregulada cuando fueron alimentados con una dieta hipercalórica (pellet de cría, BP). Esta alteración es más evidente en las primeras etapas de la vida animal. La glucemia desregulada en estos ratones se confirmó mediante una prueba oral de glucosa. Además, los ratones STC2-/- presentan un aumento del tamaño del páncreas; así, el análisis histológico revela que los ratones WT responden a la dieta BP aumentando el tamaño de los islotes pancreáticos a través de la inducción de la división celular, y los ratones STC2-/- carecen de este mecanismo compensatorio. Contrariamente, los ratones alimentados con STC2-/- muestran un mayor número de islotes pero de tamaño similar a los alimentados con el pellet regular. El análisis histopatológico demuestra la alteración de la estructura de los tejidos y las infiltraciones de eritrocitos en los ratones STC2-/-, posiblemente debido al estrés evocado por la dieta BP. Por último, se observó una mayor inmunotinción de glucagón en el islote de los ratones STC2-/-, y el ensayo ELISA de glucagón confirmó el aumento del glucagón circulante. En resumen, presentamos pruebas del papel de los STC, principalmente el STC2, como posible marcador temprano durante el desarrollo de la diabetes mellitus.Stanniocalcins are expressed in the pancreas tissue, and it was suggested a direct correlation between circulating insulin and STC2 concentrations in human. Here, we show a significant correlation between STC1 and both glycaemia and glycosylated haemoglobin among DM2 patients, while DM2 patients who present the greatest glycosylated haemoglobin values exhibited the lowest STC2 expression. However, treatment of patients with antiglycaemic drugs does not significantly modify the expression of both STCs. On the other hand, STC2-/- mice that exhibited neonatal and adult overweight further presented deregulated glycaemia when they were feed with a hypercaloric diet (breeding pellet, BP). This alteration is more evident at the early stages of the animal life. Deregulated glycaemia in these mice was confirmed using glucose oral test. In addition, STC2-/- mice present enhanced pancreas size; thus, the histological analysis reveals that WT mice respond to BP diet by increasing the size of the pancreatic islets through inducing cell division, and STC2-/- mice lack this compensatory mechanism. Contrary, BP fed STC2-/- mice show enhanced number of islets but of similar size than those fed with regular pellet. Histopathological analysis demonstrates tissue structure disruption and erythrocytes infiltrations in STC2-/- mice, possibly due to the stress evoked by the BP diet. Finally, enhanced glucagon immunostaining was observed in the islet of STC2-/- mice, and the glucagon ELISA assay confirmed the increase in the circulating glucagon. Summarizing, we present evidence of the role of STCs, mainly STC2, as a possible early marker during development of diabetes mellitus.• Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Becas 2013‐45564C2‐1‐P, BFU‐2016‐74932‐C2‐1‐P • Programa Juan de la Cierva. Becas IJCI‐2015‐25665, JC‐2012‐ 2934 • Junta de Extremadura. Beca PRIIB16046peerReviewe