914 research outputs found

    Gramática para el profesor y gramática para el alumno inmigrante

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    El exordio de los poemas romances en cuaderna vía. Nuevas claves para contextualizar la segunda estrofa del "Alexandre"

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    Los principios poéticos que rigen la estrofa de la cuaderna vía o tetrástico monorrimo de versos alejandrinos se han buscado tradicionalmente en los propios textos castellanos (como la segunda estrofa del Libro de Alexandre), a partir de los cuales se ha extraido toda la poética caracterizadora del llamado «mester de clerecía». Pocos han sido, sin embargo, los que se han adentrado a dar un paso más para comparar los poemas castellanos en cuaderna vía con sus homólogos romances o con sus predecesores latinos. En este trabajo nos ocupamos de realizar un estudio contrastivo entre los exordios en tetrásticos monorrimos de alejandrinos de los poemas castellanos, franceses, italianos y latinos, para enriquecer las perspectivas poéticas que definen nuestro mester y poder así contextualizar, delimitar y caracterizar los rasgos de una poesía narrativa de carácter panrománico, cuyas bases poéticas quedan sentadas ya en las estrofas mediolatinas, y en la que nuestros poemas castellanos se encuentran ubicados en un marco romance regido por principios poéticos comunes.The poetic principIes which rule the «cuaderna via» stanza or tetrastich of monorhymed alexandrines have been searched in Castilian texts (such as the second stanza of the Libro de Alexandre). The poetics of the socalled «mester de clerecía» has been extracted from those texts. There are few researchers, however, who have tried to step further to compare the Castilian poems written in «cuaderna vía» to their Romance counterparts or to their Latin predecessors. This work develops a contrastive study arnong the beginnings ofthe poems written in tetrastichs of monorhymed alexandrines in Castilian, French, Italian and Latin poems. This comparison will enrich the poetic perspectives which define our «mester» and will be able to contextualize, delirnitate and define the characteristics of a narrative panromanic poetry, whose poetic basis are already settled in Middle-Latin stanzas. Our Castilian poems are part of that panromanic panorama, which is ruled by the same poetic principles


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    LEVENTE SELÁF, PATRICIA NOEL AZIZ HANNA Y JOOST VAN DRIEL: Formes strophiques simples/Simple Strophic Patterns. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2010.

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    LEVENTE SELÁF, PATRICIA NOEL AZIZ HANNA Y JOOST VANDRIEL: Formes strophiques simples/Simple Strophic Patterns.Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 2010

    La edición digital de textos literarios: planteamientos y perspectivas de futuro

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    La edición digital de textos literarios se encuentra sumida en un proceso de evolución constante con amplísimas perspectivas de desarrollo gracias a las soluciones tecnológicas disponibles. Sin embargo, las posibilidades teóricas de la actual sociedad de la información contrastan ampliamente con el panorama real de edición que nos encontramos en España, donde la llamada “brecha digital” se hace patente. Este trabajo se ocupa, en primer lugar, de evaluar el panorama internacional de recursos, herramientas y proyectos en el ámbito de la edición digital de textos literarios para después analizar sus claves de evolución y otros aspectos relevantes, como el acceso a los contenidos en abierto, el uso de interfaces amigables y accesibles, el cumplimiento de los estándares, el trabajo interdisciplinar y la interoperabilidad. El objetivo fi nal de estos análisis y refl exiones es ofrecer nuevas pautas y perspectivas de futuro que trasciendan más allá del texto como mero objeto de estudio.Digital scholarly edition is conditioned by a continuous and challenging process of change due to the availability of many different technical solutions. However, those theoretical possibilities face with the real situation of editions in Spain, where the so-called “digital gap” grows constantly. This paper deals with the analysis of the international panorama of resources, tools and projects related to digital scholarly editions. Its objective is to study their ways of evolution and other relevant aspects, as open access, friendly interfaces, accessibility, standardization level, interdisciplinary work and interoperability. The fi nal aim of these analysis and refl ections is to offer new guidelines and perspectives for the future of the text, taking it further than a simple study object

    Spanish CLARIN K-Centre

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    Presentamos CLARIN Centro-K-español que forma parte de la infraestructura europea CLARIN, Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, y cuyo objetivo es ofrecer los conocimientos y experiencia de los tres grupos que inicialmente lo componen en la utilización de tecnología para la investigación en humanidades y ciencias sociales.We introduce Spanish CLARIN Centre-K, a node of the European infrastructure CLARIN, Common Language Resources and Technology, whose objective is to share knowledge and experience of the three funding constituent groups for research in humanities and social sciences

    Linked open data to represent multilingual poetry collections : A proposal to solve interoperability issues between poetic repertoires

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    This paper describes the creation of a poetic ontology in order to use it as a basis to link different databases and projects working on metrics and poetry. It has been built on the model of the Spanish digital repertoire ReMetCa, but its aim is to be enlarged and improved in order to fit under every poetic system. The conceptual semantic model, written in OWL, includes classes and metadata from standard ontological models related to humanities fields (such as CIDOC or Dublin Core), and adds specific elements and properties to describe poetic phenomena. Its final objective is to interconnect, reuse and locate data disseminated through poetic repertoires, in order to boost interoperability among them.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET

    Evaluation and comparison of two different cartilage-sparing techniques in 356 otoplasties performed in children

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    Background: Prominent ear is the most common deformity of the external ear. Although hundreds of surgical otoplasty techniques have been described, none of them has proved enough advantage over others to become the gold standard in this field. In this study, we evaluated the results of a cohort of 188 patients operated with two different cartilagesparing otoplasty techniques.Patients and methods: A total of 356 otoplasties were performed in 188 patients, between January 2012 and November 2016. Two different techniques were utilized in two different groups: a modified-Mustardé otoplasty and a modified-Furnas technique. Postoperative follow-ups were performed at week 1, and at 1 and 6 months and at 1 year. Complications were recorded and compared between both techniques. The success rate was measured according to McDowells’ criteria.Results: A total of 356 ears were operated in 188 patients (85 men; 103 women; mean age 9.97; range: 6–15 years). In all, 105 patients underwent modified-Mustarde otoplasty, and 83 were operated utilizing a modified-Furnas technique. Success rates ranged from 90 to 100% depending on the technique utilized. No significative differences wereobserved in the incidence of complications and success rates.Conclusion: None of the compared otoplasty techniques showed better results than the other. Notwithstanding, otoplasty shows to be an effective treatment with high success rates (independent of the technique utilized) for patients with prominent ears.Keywords: antihelix, concha, Furnas, Mustarde, otoplasty, prominent ear

    Una propuesta de integración del sistema de formularios de bases de datos MYSQL con etiquetado TEI: ReMetCa, Repertorio digital de la métrica medieval castellana

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    ReMetCa, Repertorio Métrico Digital de la Poesía Medieval Castellana (Digital Repertoire on the Metrics of the Medieval Castilian Poetry) is an online, open access metrical repertoire on Medieval Castilian poetry. ReMetCa is a born digital project that gathers poetic testimonies from the 12th century (epics, ballads, cuadernavia, etc.) up to the rich and varied poetic manifestations of the 15th-16th century Castilian Cancioneros. Although metrical studies on Spanish Medieval poetry have been developing fast over the past few years, researchers have not yet created a digital tool to undertake complex searches on the Castilian corpus as it has already been done with other medieval lyrical traditions in Romance languages, such as the Galician-Portuguese (MedDB), French (BedTrouveres, Nouveau Naetebus), Occitan (BedT), or the Medieval poetry in Latin (Pedecerto), just to name a few of them. The project is based on the integration of traditional metrical and poetic studies (rhythm, rhyme patterns, etc.) with Digital Humanities, the tagging systems TEI-XML, and the creation of a database to undertake online simultaneous searches by means of a simple interface created through MySQL. We will explain here our final decision in relation to our database, a hybrid model (relational and XML) that covers our needs when working with our poems. The possibility of adding TEI code (especially its module verse) helped us to work on free complex searches through our schemes (without considering poems or strophes as a whole), and to retrieve the poetic texts related to those metrical or rhymatic schemes.ReMetCa, Repertorio Métrico Digital de la Poesía Medieval Castellana, es el primer repertorio métrico online y de libre acceso para la poesía medieval castellana. ReMetCa es un proyecto métrico born digital que abarca los testimonios poéticos existentes en nuestra lengua desde sus primeras manifestaciones a finales del siglo XII (épica, cuaderna vía, etc.) hasta la riqueza y variedad de formas métricas presentes en la poesía cancioneril de los siglos XV y XVI. A pesar de que los estudios sobre métrica y poesía medieval han merecido cierto interés en los últimas décadas, carecemos de una herramienta de tipo práctico que permita realizar trabajos comparativos, tal y como lo hacen los repertorios métricos digitales de otros corpora poéticos como el gallego-portugués medieval (MedDB2), francés medieval (Nouveau Naetebus), occitano medieval (BedT), o mediolatino (Pedecerto), por nombrar unos pocos. El proyecto está basado en la integración de los conocimientos métricos tradicionales de nuestra poesía (esquemas rítmicos y rimáticos, etc.) con los estándares tecnológicos que se aplican hoy al campo de las Humanidades Digitales: los sistemas de etiquetado TEI-XML combinados con un sistema de formularios MySQL que permiten realizar búsquedas simultáneas online mediante una sencilla interfaz de consulta. Explicaremos la evolución que nos hizo decantarnos por esta opción mixta al no resultar suficiente el sistema de tablas relacionales para cubrir la heterogeneidad formal de nuestro sistema poético. La posibilidad de añadir etiquetado TEI (y especialmente su módulo verse) sobre el texto nos permite, en primer lugar, poder realizar búsquedas mucho más libres a través de los esquemas métricos (sin tener que considerar como unidades cerradas los poemas o las estrofas), así como recuperar los ejemplos textuales vinculados a cada uno de los esquemas métricos o rimáticos, etc

    Making visible the invisible : Metrical patterns, contrafacture and compilation in a Medieval Castilian Songbook

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    With the help of our databases we illustrate in this piece of work the possible contrafactures, common metrical and rhyming patterns, and cycles of poems in the antiquiores? corpus, and give an account of more complex definitions. The examples will also serve as an opportunity to cast our eyes again on the macro-microanalysis (Jockers, 2013; Jockers and Flanders, 2013; Liu, 2014) and data-text (Marche, 2012) debates in the field of literary studies and the concepts of close-distant reading (Moretti, 2013; Latour, 2014) and relate them to a subject of study that is interested in formal patterns (and not as much in content) and acquires new meaning when compared through large corpora: metrics.Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET