83 research outputs found

    L’attualità del pensiero di Fanon e Dussel: prospettive critiche su decolonizzazione e identità attraverso il caso studio della performance “Pink Attack” a Milano

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    This article proposes a comparison between the postcolonial and decolonial perspectives in Frantz Fanon and Enrique Dussel and tries to apply the results to analyze the meaning of a performance on colonialism and neo-colonialism organized in Milan. Fanon and Dussel have been involved respectively in national liberation movements (and in the négritude debate) and in the “Philosophy of the Liberation”. Their operas define a continuative arch between the colonial domain and nowadays. Fanon focuses on both the European supremacy and the brutal coloniality, Dussel assumes this reality as a starting point to define the de-structuring effects of globalization. The comparison faces three critical points: 1. The epistemological violence 2. The conception of identity 3. The relationship between race and gender liberation instances. The second part of this paper gives an insight about the public debate taking place in Italy on European colonialism and the young “Italians without citizenship” generations, particularly after the Pink Attack performance organized by a group of young Italian and non-Italian girls during the global women’s strike on the 8th of March 2019. The performance consisted in pink painting the new Indro Montanelli’s statue in Milan and tried to highlight contrasts in collective memories, identities and differences in the perceptions of social values. This performance and the echo it had been able to produce on media and social networks can work as a test for previous analysis, as useful tool to frame contemporary issues, such as the race-gender-class intersection, the mestizaje or the multiple modernity paradigm

    Trends in the implementation of biopesticides in the Euro-Mediterranean region: a narrative literary review

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    This article explores the global commitment to achieving sustainable solutions for addressing hunger, emphasizing the urgent need to transform the agricultural sector in the face of escalating global population growth and threats to the food system. Despite commitments to reduce conventional pesticide use, the global market for these products is expanding. Biopesticides are a sustainable alternative with targeted action and ecological benefits. While the biopesticide market is growing, it remains a small segment within the overall expanding pesticide market. The study focuses on the Mediterranean region, specifically Spain, Tunisia, and Turkey, to investigate the structural challenges hindering the adoption of biopesticides. Technical issues, coupled with broader market dynamics involving producers, farmers, regulators, and consumers, contribute to the limited market presence of biopesticides in the region. Challenges such as knowledge gaps, market constraints, limited manufacturing plants, and registration complexities further impede biopesticide development, confining them to niche markets. Overcoming these challenges requires addressing issues of availability, affordability, and efficacy, alongside legislative barriers. The paper suggests potential roles for farmers, producers, and regulators as agents of change, acknowledging the complexity of devising concrete strategies to navigate the current impasse. The research proposes directions for facilitating change

    Risk and protective factors for cannabis, cocaine, and opioid use disorders: An umbrella review of meta-analyses of observational studies

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    Several meta-analyses of observational studies have addressed the association between risk and protective factors and cannabis/cocaine/opioid use disorders, but results are conflicting. No umbrella review has ever graded the credibility of this evidence (not significant/weak/suggestive/highly suggestive/convincing). We searched Pubmed-MEDLINE/PsycInfo, last search September 21, 2020. We assessed the quality of meta-analyses with the AMSTAR-2 tool. Out of 3,072 initial references, five were included, providing 19 associations between 12 putative risk/protective factors and cannabis/cocaine/opioid use disorders (cases: 4539; N=1,118,872,721). While 84% of the associations were statistically significant, none was convincing. One risk factor (smoking) had highly suggestive evidence for association with nonmedical use of prescription opioid medicines (OR=3.07, 95%CI:2.27 to 4.14). Convincing evidence emerged in sensitivity analyses on antisocial behavior and cannabis use disoder (OR 3.34, 95%CI 2.53-4.41). Remaining associations had weak evidence. The quality of meta-analyses was rated as moderate in two (40%), low in one (20%), and critically low in two (40%). Future research is needed to better profile risk/protective factors for cannabis/cocaine/opioid use disorders disorders informing preventive approaches

    Cortical gray matter reduction precedes transition to psychosis in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis: A voxel-based meta-analysis

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    Gray matter and cortical thickness reductions have been documented in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis and may be more pronounced in those who transition to psychosis. However, these findings rely on small samples and are inconsistent across studies. In this review and meta-analysis we aimed to investigate neuroanatomical correlates of clinical high-risk for psychosis and potential predictors of transition, using a novel metaanalytic method (Seed-based d Mapping with Permutation of Subject Images) and cortical mask, combining data from surface-based and voxel-based morphometry studies. Individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis who later transitioned to psychosis were compared to those who did not and to controls, and included three statistical maps. Overall, individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis did not differ from controls, however, within the clinical high-risk for psychosis group, transition to psychosis was associated with less cortical gray matter in the right temporal lobe (Hedges' g = −0.377), anterior cingulate and paracingulate (Hedges' g = −0.391). These findings have the potential to help refine prognostic and etiopathological research in early psychos

    Environmental risk factors and biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder:an umbrella review of the evidence

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    Background Numerous studies have identified potential risk factors and biomarkers for autism spectrum disorder. We aimed to study the strength and validity of the suggested environmental risk factors or biomarkers of autism spectrum disorder. Methods We did an umbrella review and systematically appraised the relevant meta-analyses of observational studies. We searched PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews for papers published between database inception and Oct 17, 2018, and screened the reference list of relevant articles. We obtained the summary effect, 95% CI, heterogeneity, and 95% prediction intervals. We examined small study effects and excess significance. We did analyses under credibility ceilings. This review is registered with PROSPERO, number CRD42018091704. Findings 46 eligible articles yielded data on 67 environmental risk factors (544 212 cases, 81 708 787 individuals) and 52 biomarkers (15 614 cases, 15 433 controls). Evidence of association was convincing for maternal age of 35 years or over (relative risk [RR] 1.31, 95% CI 1.18-1.45), maternal chronic hypertension (odds ratio [OR] 1.48, 1.29-1.70), maternal gestational hypertension (OR 1.37, 1.21-1.54), maternal overweight before or during pregnancy (RR 1.28, 1.19-1.36), pre-eclampsia (RR 1.32, 1.20-1.45), prepregnancy maternal antidepressant use (RR 1.48, 1.29-1.71), and maternal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) use during pregnancy (OR 1.84, 1.60-2.11). Only two associations, maternal overweight before or during pregnancy and SSRI use during pregnancy, retained their high level of evidence under subset sensitivity analyses. Evidence from biomarkers was scarce, being supported by p values close to the significance threshold and too few cases. Interpretation Convincing evidence suggests that maternal factors, such as age and features of metabolic syndrome, are associated with risk of autism spectrum disorder. Although SSRI use during pregnancy was also associated with such risk when exposed and non-exposed groups were compared, this association could be affected by other confounding factors, considering that prepregnancy maternal antidepressant use was also convincingly associated with higher risk of autism spectrum disorder. Findings from previous studies suggest that one possible confounding factor is underlying maternal psychiatric disorders. Copyright (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Funding Agencies|Health Education England [ICA-CL-2017-03-001]; National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) [ICA-CL-2017-03-001]; NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust; Maudsley Charity; Kings College London; NIHR South London Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care</p

    Use of inhaled devices during a hospital exacerbation of COPD: a summary of an interdisciplinary audit held at ICS Maugeri Pavia, Italy (March-June 2019).

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    To date treatment protocols in Respiratory and or Internal departments across Italy for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients at hospital admission with relapse due to exacerbation do not find adequate support in current guidelines. Here we describe the results of a recent clinical audit, including a systematic review of practices reported in literature and an open discussion comparing these to current real-life procedures. The process was dived into two 8-hour-audits 3 months apart in order to allow work on the field in between meeting and involved 13 participants (3 nurses, 1 physiotherapist, 2 internists and 7 pulmonologists). This document reports the opinions of the experts and their consensus, leading to a bundle of multidisciplinary statements on the use of inhaled drugs for hospitalized COPD patients. Recommendations and topics addressed include: i) monitoring and diagnosis during the first 24 h after admission; ii) treatment algorithm and options (i.e., short and long acting bronchodilators); iii) bronchodilator dosages when switching device or using spacer; iv) flow measurement systems for shifting to LABA+LAMA within 48 h; v) when nebulizers are recommended; vi) use of SMI to deliver LABA+LAMA when patient needs SABA 30 litres/min; viii) contraindication to use DPI; ix) continuation of LABA-LAMA when patient is already on therapy; x) possible LABA-LAMA dosage increase; xi) use of SABA and/or SAMA in addition to LABA+LABA; xii) use of SABA+SAMA restricted to real need; xiii) reconciliation of drugs in presence of comorbidities; xiv) check of knowledge and skills on inhalation therapy; xv) discharge bundle; xvi) use of MDI and SMI in tracheostomized patients in spontaneous and ventilated breathing

    Risk and protective factors for personality disorders: an umbrella review of published meta-analyses of case-control and cohort studies

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    The putative risk/protective factors for several personality disorders remain unclear. The vast majority of published studies has assessed personality characteristics/traits rather than disorders. Thus, the current umbrella review of meta-analyses (MAs) aims to systematically assess risk or protective factors associated with personality disorders. We searched PubMed–MEDLINE/PsycInfo databases, up to August 31, 2020. Quality of MAs was assessed with AMSTAR-2, while the credibility of evidence for each association was assessed through standard quantitative criteria. Out of 571 initial references, five meta-analyses met inclusion criteria, encompassing 56 associations of 26 potential environmental factors for antisocial, dependent, borderline personality disorder, with a median of five studies per association, and median 214 cases per association. Overall, 35 (62.5%) of the associations were nominally significant. Six associations met class II (i.e., highly suggestive) evidence for borderline personality disorder, with large effect sizes involving childhood emotional abuse (OR = 28.15, 95% CI 14.76–53.68), childhood emotional neglect (OR = 22.86, 95% CI 11.55–45.22), childhood any adversities (OR = 14.32, 95% CI 10.80–18.98), childhood physical abuse (OR = 9.30, 95% CI 6.57–13.17), childhood sexual abuse (OR = 7.95, 95% CI 6.21–10.17), and childhood physical neglect (OR = 5.73, 95% CI 3.21–10.21), plus 16 further associations supported by class IV evidence. No risk factor for antisocial or dependent personality disorder was supported by class I, II, and III, but six and seven met class IV evidence, respectively. Quality of included meta-analyses was rated as moderate in two, critically low in three. The large effect sizes found for a broad range of childhood adversities suggest that prevention of personality disorders should target childhood-related risk factors. However, larger cohort studies assessing multidimensional risk factors are needed in the field

    Lithium Exposure During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Safety and Efficacy Outcomes

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    OBJECTIVE: Uncertainty surrounds the risks of lithium use during pregnancy in women with bipolar disorder. The authors sought to provide a critical appraisal of the evidence related to the efficacy and safety of lithium treatment during the peripartum period, focusing on women with bipolar disorder and their offspring. METHODS: The authors conducted a systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis assessing case-control, cohort, and interventional studies reporting on the safety (primary outcome, any congenital anomaly) or efficacy (primary outcome, mood relapse prevention) of lithium treatment during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and the Cochrane risk of bias tools were used to assess the quality of available PubMed and Scopus records through October 2018. RESULTS: Twenty-nine studies were included in the analyses (20 studies were of good quality, and six were of poor quality; one study had an unclear risk of bias, and two had a high risk of bias). Thirteen of the 29 studies could be included in the quantitative analysis. Lithium prescribed during pregnancy was associated with higher odds of any congenital anomaly (N=23,300, k=11; prevalence=4.1%, k=11; odds ratio=1.81, 95% CI=1.35-2.41; number needed to harm (NNH)=33, 95% CI=22-77) and of cardiac anomalies (N=1,348,475, k=12; prevalence=1.2%, k=9; odds ratio=1.86, 95% CI=1.16-2.96; NNH=71, 95% CI=48-167). Lithium exposure during the first trimester was associated with higher odds of spontaneous abortion (N=1,289, k=3, prevalence=8.1%; odds ratio=3.77, 95% CI=1.15-12.39; NNH=15, 95% CI=8-111). Comparing lithium-exposed with unexposed pregnancies, significance remained for any malformation (exposure during any pregnancy period or the first trimester) and cardiac malformations (exposure during the first trimester), but not for spontaneous abortion (exposure during the first trimester) and cardiac malformations (exposure during any pregnancy period). Lithium was more effective than no lithium in preventing postpartum relapse (N=48, k=2; odds ratio=0.16, 95% CI=0.03-0.89; number needed to treat=3, 95% CI=1-12). The qualitative synthesis showed that mothers with serum lithium levels <0.64 mEq/L and dosages <600 mg/day had more reactive newborns without an increased risk of cardiac malformations. CONCLUSIONS: The risk associated with lithium exposure at any time during pregnancy is low, and the risk is higher for first-trimester or higher-dosage exposure. Ideally, pregnancy should be planned during remission from bipolar disorder and lithium prescribed within the lowest therapeutic range throughout pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester and the days immediately preceding delivery, balancing the safety and efficacy profile for the individual patient

    Fatores de risco de transtornos alimentares: revisão guarda-chuva de metanálises publicadas

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    Objetivo: Graduar as evidências sobre fatores de risco de transtornos alimentares (anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa e transtorno de compulsão alimentar periódica) com o método de revisão guarda-chuva. Métodos: Trata-se de revisão sistemática de estudos observacionais sobre fatores de risco de transtornos alimentares publicados no PubMed, PsycInfo, e Embase até 11 de dezembro de 2019. Recalculamos metanálises de efeitos aleatórios, heterogeneidade, efeito de estudo pequeno, viés de excesso de significância e intervalo de confiança de 95% e graduamos evidências significativas (p < 0,05) de convincentes a fracas, conforme os critérios estabelecidos. A qualidade foi avaliada com a ferramenta Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR-2). Resultados: Foram incluídas 9 das 2.197 metanálises, as quais apresentavam evidências de 50 fatores de risco, 29.272 sujeitos com transtornos alimentares e 1.679.385 controles. Embora não houvesse associação com evidências convincentes, evidências altamente sugestivas apoiaram a associação entre abuso sexual infantil e bulimia nervosa (k = 29, 1.103 casos com distúrbios alimentares, 8.496 controles, RC, 2,73, IC95% 1,96-3.79, p = 2,1x10-9, qualidade AMSTAR-2 moderada) e entre vitimização por provocação relacionada à aparência e quaisquer transtornos alimentares (k = 10, 1.341 casos com transtornos alimentares, 3.295 controles, RC 2,91, IC95% 2,05-4,12, p = 1,8x10-9, qualidade AMSTAR-2 moderada). Evidências sugestivas, fracas ou nenhuma evidência sustentaram 11, 29 e 8 associações, respectivamente. Conclusões: Evidência mais confiáveis indicam que eventos traumáticos e estressantes precoces são fatores de risco de transtornos alimentares. São necessários estudos de coorte colaborativos prospectivos maiores para identificar fatores de risco de transtornos alimentares, especialmente a anorexia nervos

    An umbrella review of candidate predictors of response, remission, recovery, and relapse across mental disorders

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    We aimed to identify diagnosis-specific/transdiagnostic/transoutcome multivariable candidate predictors (MCPs) of key outcomes in mental disorders. We conducted&nbsp;an umbrella review (protocol&nbsp; link ), searching MEDLINE/Embase (19/07/2022), including systematic reviews of studies reporting on MCPs of response, remission, recovery, or relapse, in DSM/ICD-defined mental disorders. From published predictors, we filtered MCPs, validating MCP criteria. AMSTAR2/PROBAST measured quality/risk of bias of systematic reviews/individual studies. We included 117 systematic reviews, 403 studies, 299,888 individuals with mental disorders, testing 796 prediction models. Only 4.3%/1.2% of the systematic reviews/individual studies were at low risk of bias. The most frequently targeted outcome was remission (36.9%), the least frequent was recovery (2.5%). Studies mainly focused on depressive (39.4%), substance-use (17.9%), and schizophrenia-spectrum (11.9%) disorders. We identified numerous MCPs within disorders for response, remission and relapse, but none for recovery. Transdiagnostic MCPs of remission included lower disease-specific symptoms (disorders = 5), female sex/higher education (disorders = 3), and&nbsp;quality of life/functioning (disorders = 2). Transdiagnostic MCPs of relapse included higher disease-specific symptoms (disorders = 5), higher depressive symptoms (disorders = 3), and younger age/higher anxiety symptoms/global illness severity/ number of previous episodes/negative life events (disorders = 2). Finally, positive trans-outcome MCPs for depression included less negative life events/depressive symptoms (response, remission, less relapse), female sex (response, remission) and better functioning (response, less relapse); for schizophrenia, less positive symptoms/higher depressive symptoms (remission, less relapse); for substance use disorder, marital status/higher education (remission, less relapse). Male sex, younger age, more clinical symptoms and comorbid mental/physical symptoms/disorders were poor prognostic factors, while positive factors included social contacts and employment, absent negative life events, higher education, early access/intervention, lower disease-specific and comorbid mental and physical symptoms/conditions, across mental disorders. Current data limitations include high risk of bias of studies and extraction of single predictors from multivariable models. Identified MCPs can inform future development, validation or refinement of prediction models of key outcomes in mental disorders