255 research outputs found

    Effect of limestone fines on the mechanical properties and durability of mortar made with crushed sand

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    This study investigate the influence of limestone fines (LF) on the mechanical properties, hydration heat and durability (acid and sulfate environments) of mortars made with crushed sand (CS) and different rate replacement of limestone fines of the CS (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) using three types of cement, that is, ordinary Portland cement, limestone cement and pozzolanic cement. The obtained results show that the limestone fines increase the compressive strength and generate more hydration heat for all the used cements. Mortars made with blended cements, limestone or pozzolan, with 5% and 10% limestone fines, have low expansion when imerged in 5% Na2SO4 solution. In addition, when immerged in acids environment, the mortars with limestone fines exhibit negative effect at long-term durability. However, the mortar manufactured with ordinary Portland cement containing 15% of limestone fines will be strongly affected. It was found that no benefit can be gained from eliminating limestone fines fraction from the CS


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    Cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une vision sur la confrontation entre l’organisation publique marocaine et le système de contrôle de gestion public. D’où le Maroc est soumis à des défis et contraintes dus à des lacunes au niveau de la gouvernance ,C’est dans cette perspective que le Maroc a engagé des réformes qui visent à améliorer la gouvernance et renforcer la transparence de la gestion publique et l’orienter vers une gestion axée sur les résultats et l’efficience. C’est ainsi que la question tourne autour du contrôle de gestion qui peut être perçu comme un outil de pilotage de la performance des organisations, qui permet l’efficacité et l’efficience à travers ses différents outils d’où l’on s’intéressera dans notre article au Balanced Scorecard. Cet article tentera de mettre au clair l’apport de la mise en place d’un contrôle de gestion dans l’amélioration de la performance des organisations publiques marocaines

    Effect of limestone fines on the mechanical properties and durability of mortar made with crushed sand

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    This study investigate the influence of limestone fines (LF) on the mechanical properties, hydration heat and durability (acid and sulfate environments) of mortars made with crushed sand (CS) and different rate replacement of limestone fines of the CS (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%) using three types of cement, that is, ordinary Portland cement, limestone cement and pozzolanic cement. The obtained results show that the limestone fines increase the compressive strength and generate more hydration heat for all the used cements. Mortars made with blended cements, limestone or pozzolan, with 5% and 10% limestone fines, have low expansion when imerged in 5% Na2SO4 solution. In addition, when immerged in acids environment, the mortars with limestone fines exhibit negative effect at long-term durability. However, the mortar manufactured with ordinary Portland cement containing 15% of limestone fines will be strongly affected. It was found that no benefit can be gained from eliminating limestone fines fraction from the CS

    Le Balanced Scorecard : Un Levier de Performance pour les Organisations Publiques

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    In a constantly changing world, public organisations are faced with the need to assess their performance. Unlike profit-driven private companies, they need to deliver quality services while optimising the use of public funds and meeting social and political objectives. To meet this challenge, they are turning to the Balanced Scorecard (BSC), an innovative tool for assessing overall performance using a variety of indicators. This article presents an exploratory theoretical and conceptual study of performance in public organisations. It then explores the theoretical underpinnings of BSC, defining the concept and outlining its underlying principles. Finally, the article examines how BSC is applied to measure the performance of public organisations. The aim of this exploration is to highlight the potential of the Balanced Scorecard as an essential tool for guiding public organisations towards achieving their objectives and sustainable results. It offers a tailored response to the complex and specific needs of the public sector, fostering continuous improvement in a constantly changing environment.   Keywords: Performance, Balanced Scorecard, Public organisations JEL Classification: H11 Paper type: Theoretical ResearchDans un monde en constante Ă©volution, les organisations publiques sont confrontĂ©es Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'Ă©valuer leur performance. Contrairement aux entreprises privĂ©es axĂ©es sur la rentabilitĂ©, elles doivent fournir des services de qualitĂ© tout en optimisant l'utilisation des fonds publics et en rĂ©pondant Ă  des objectifs sociaux et politiques. Pour relever ce dĂ©fi, elles se tournent vers le Balanced Scorecard (BSC), un outil novateur qui permet d'Ă©valuer la performance globale en utilisant une variĂ©tĂ© d'indicateurs. Cet article se prĂ©sente comme une Ă©tude thĂ©orique exploratoire et conceptuelle de la performance dans les organisations publiques. Il explore ensuite les fondements thĂ©oriques du BSC, dĂ©finissant ce concept et exposant ses principes sous-jacents. Enfin, l'article examine comment le BSC est appliquĂ© pour mesurer la performance des organisations publiques. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est de mettre en lumière le potentiel du Balanced Scorecard en tant qu'outil essentiel pour guider les organisations publiques vers la rĂ©alisation de leurs objectifs et de rĂ©sultats durables. Il offre une rĂ©ponse adaptĂ©e aux besoins complexes et spĂ©cifiques du secteur public, favorisant l'amĂ©lioration continue dans un environnement en constante Ă©volution.   Mots clĂ©s : Performance, Balanced Scorecard, Organisations publiques Classification JEL : H11 Type de publication : Article ThĂ©oriqu

    Tumeurs des deux surrénales. A propos d’un cas

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    Les tumeurs surrénaliennes bilatérales sont rares. Nous rapportons un cas de phéochromocytome surrénalien associé à un corticosurrénalome controlatéral chez une patiente de 65 ans. L’association d’une hypertension artérielle à des céphalées, sueurs, et palpitations a orienté vers le diagnostic de phéochromocytome. Le bilan biologique basé sur le dosage urinaire des dérivés méthoxylés a confirmé ce diagnostic. L’échographie et le scanner ont montré la présence de deux massessurrénaliennes bilatérales de structure tissulaire. Les deux masses sont discrètement rehaussées après injection du produit de contraste. Devant ce tableau clinique, biologique et morphologique, le diagnostic de phéochromocytome surrénalien bilatéral est retenu. Par conséquent unesurrénalectomie bilatérale par voie bi-sous-costale a été réalisée. L’examen anatomopathologique a révélé la coexistence d’un phéochromocytome sur la pièce de surrénalectomie droite et d’un carcinome corticosurrénalien sur la pièce de surrénalectomie gauche, ce qui était imprévu. Les suites opératoires ont été bonnes, sans récidive, avec un recul de 4 ans. A la lumière de cette observation et d’une revue de la littérature, nous discutons les différentes  caractéristiques de cetteassociation inhabituelle

    Proizvodnja bioetanola iz otpadnih voda prerade maslina primjenom imobiliziranih stanica

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    Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of a local traditional olive mill wastewater, at Ennakhla-Chlef in northern Algeria, were evaluated. The olive mill wastewater samples had slight acidity of 0.65 % with a pH = 4.88, and electrical conductivity of 34 mS cm–1. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) and the biological oxygen demand (BOD5) reached up to 183 g l–1 and 7 g l–1, respectively. In addition, the samples showed 1.72 g l–1 of total phenolic compounds. Preliminary microbiological analysis of the wastewater showed the presence of various microorganisms represented especially by lactic acid bacteria and Enterococcus sp. to the aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of using yeast strains isolated from olive mill wastewater in the fermentation of the latter. The results shown that fermentation with yeast can produce ethanol at an extent of 1.4 % (v/v). This can constitute a strategy for treating mentioned wastewater and transforming it into valuable biomolecules. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.U ovom radu analizirane su fizikalno-kemijske i mikrobiološke karakteristike otpadnih voda tradicionalnih postrojenja za preradu maslinova ulja u Ennakhla-Chlefu u sjevernom Alžiru. Uzorci otpadne vode imali su slabu kiselost od 0.65 % uz pH = 4,88 i električnu provodnost od 34 mS cm–1. Vrijednosti kemijske i biološke (BPK5) potrošnje kisika kretale su se do 183 odnosno 7 g l–1. Nadalje, uzorci su sadržavali 1,72 g l–1 ukupnih fenola. Preliminarna mikrobiološka analiza ukazala je na prisutnost raznih mikroorganizama, osobito bakterija mliječne kiseline i Enterococcus sp. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna

    Verifying the reliability of hybrid issued from the cross “Picholine marocaine clones X Picholine du Languedoc”

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    In order to verify the reliability of hybrid population issued from crossing between 3 clones of "Picholine marocaine" cultivar and the "Picholine du Languedoc" cultivar, the descendants and their parents wereanalysed using 35 microsatellite loci. No offspring resulted from self crossing of "Picholine marocaine" cultivar and 218 descendants among 220 analysed are legitimate. This study showed clearly a segregating population and may be used as a genetic material for linkage map construction and for phenotyping resistance traits related to Spilocaea oleagina disease

    Hématome spontané de la surrénale (à propos de 2 cas)

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    L’hématome spontané de la surrénale est rare et d’étiologies multiples. Il est caractérisé par sa latence clinique et prête à confusion à une tumeur maligne de la surrénale. Nous rapportons deux observations: la première concernant un patient de 77 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques, qui a consulté pour des douleurs abdominales isolées. L’échographie et la tomodensitométrieont révélé l’existence d’une masse hétérogène aux dépens de la surrénale droite. La deuxième observation concerne une femme de 31 ans ayant consulté pour lombalgies gauches intermittentes. L’échographie et la tomodensitométrie ont révélé une tumeur kystique de la surrénale gauche.Dans les deux cas le bilan biologique était normal et une surrénalectomie par voie sous-costale a été réalisée. L’étude anatomopathologique a conclu à un hématome surrénalien sans lésion tumorale associée. Les aspects diagnostiques et thérapeutiques sont discutés

    Expression of Fbxo7 in haematopoietic progenitor cells cooperates with p53 loss to promote lymphomagenesis.

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    Fbxo7 is an unusual F box protein that augments D-type cyclin complex formation with Cdk6, but not Cdk4 or Cdk2, and its over-expression has been demonstrated to transform immortalised fibroblasts in a Cdk6-dependent manner. Here we present new evidence in vitro and in vivo on the oncogenic potential of this regulatory protein in primary haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Increasing Fbxo7 expression in HSPCs suppressed their colony forming ability in vitro, specifically decreasing CD11b (Mac1) expression, and these effects were dependent on an intact p53 pathway. Furthermore, increased Fbxo7 levels enhanced the proliferative capacity of p53 null HSPCs when they were grown in reduced concentrations of stem cell factor. Finally, irradiated mice reconstituted with p53 null, but not wild-type, HSPCs expressing Fbxo7 showed a statistically significant increase in the incidence of T cell lymphoma in vivo. These data argue that Fbxo7 negatively regulates the proliferation and differentiation of HSPCs in a p53-dependent manner, and that in the absence of p53, Fbxo7 expression can promote T cell lymphomagenesis
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