405 research outputs found

    Statistical Comparisons of the Top 10 Algorithms in Data Mining for Classification Task

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    This work is builds on the study of the 10 top data mining algorithms identified by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) community in December 2006. We address the same study, but with the application of statistical tests to establish, a more appropriate and justified ranking classifier for classification tasks. Current studies and practices on theoretical and empirical comparison of several methods, approaches, advocated tests that are more appropriate. Thereby, recent studies recommend a set of simple and robust non-parametric tests for statistical comparisons classifiers. In this paper, we propose to perform non-parametric statistical tests by the Friedman test with post-hoc tests corresponding to the comparison of several classifiers on multiple data sets. The tests provide a better judge for the relevance of these algorithms

    Behavior of AC high voltage polyamide insulators: evolution of leakage current in different surface conditions

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    This paper is aimed at a systematic study of the leakage current of high voltage polyamide insulator string under different conditions of pollution for possible application in the electric locomotive systems. It is shown that in the case of clean/dry and clean/wetted insulators, the leakage current and applied voltage are linear. While in the case of pollution with saline spray, the leakage current and the applied voltage are not linear; the leakage current changes from a linear regime to a nonlinear regime up to total flashover of the insulators sting. Traces of erosion and tracking of insulators resulting of partial discharges are observed

    Some aspects on the reproductive cycle of European conger eel, Conger conger (Linnaeus, 1758) (Osteichthyes, Anguilliformes, Congridae) captured from Western Algerian coasts: a histological description of spermatogenesis

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    The aim of this work was to study the annual reproductive cycle of European conger eel (Conger conger,Linnaeus, 1758) through analysis and description of spermatogenesis. A sample of 168 males was capturedbetween September 2008 and August 2009 from the Western coast of Algeria, from Béni Saf. Fish length andweight varied between 26.20-112 cm and 0.45-3.44 kg, respectively.Condition factors (K), gonadosomatic index (G.S.I.) and hepatosomatic index (H.S.I.) were calculatedmonthly. Factor K reached the minimum in August/September (0.10%) corresponding to reproductive periodand a maximum in January (0.18%). Although G.S.I. values revealed to be statistically not significant, therewere two peaks for G.S.I., the first in March, denoting the beginning of spermatogenesis, and the second inAugust/September, indicating the reproduction period. H.S.I. reached a peak in December (1.90%), then thevalue decreased to a minimum in April.Histological analysis of testis allowed us to distinguish 5 stages summarized as follows: Stage 1:Spermatogonia A; Stage 2: Spermatogonia B; Stage 3: Spermatocytes and spermatids; Stage 4: Spermatocytes,spermatids and spermatozoa (cytodifferentiation of spermatids into spermatozoa); Stage 5: Spermatozoa(spermiogenesis or cytodifferentiation of spermatids into spermatozoa)

    Les Forêts Aléatoires en Apprentissage Semi-Supervisé (Co-forest) pour la segmentation des images rétiniennes

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    Nous proposons une approche qui permet la reconnaissance automatique des régions Disques et Cups pour la mesure du rapport CDR (Cup/Disc Ratio) par apprentissage semi-supervisé. Une étude comparative de plusieurs techniques est proposée. Le principe repose sur une croissance de région en classifiant les pixels voisins à partir des pixels d'intérêt de l'image par apprentissage semi-supervisé. Les points d'intérêt sont détectés par l'algorithme Fuzzy C-means (FCM)

    The Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on the Health Status of the Managers of Small and Medium Enterprises in Morocco

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed serious threats to the physical and mental health of the managers of  small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Morocco. The health capital of leaders is the first intangible capital of the SME, in addition, the physical and mental health of the entrepreneur is reflected in the health of the company. It has also triggered a wide range of psychological reactions such as panic, anxiety, and depression. The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the health status of SME managers in Morocco, which will hopefully contribute to informing the intervention policies to address this challenge efficiently and effectively. So, the main question this study addresses is: what is the impact of the current crisis (pandemic Covid-19) on the health status of our entrepreneurs? In terms of methodology, two questionnaires were used, the first one concerns the measurement of the burn-out of SME managers during the covid-19 pandemic, using a version of Maslach burn-out inventory, and the second questionnaire ''The COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) '', the questionnaire was adapted from the Shanghai Mental Health Centre. The data processing was carried out by SPSS, using the method: Analysis in Principal Components. The results of our study show that the risks of burnout have increased during the Covid-19 crisis, which might lead to the failure of SMEs. The Covid-19 has an impact on SME managers' health, according to our research's main findings. The burnout scale reached a mean of 26.55, with 30% representing very burned-out leaders. We found that the average depersonalization score was 11.6, which means that 45 percent of managers have mild burnout. The results of burnout are confirmed by the high personal achievement score.   Keywords:  SMEs, Managers, Executive health, Pandemic Covid-19. JEL Classification: M20, M21, I10 Paper type: Empirical researchLa pandémie de COVID-19 a fait peser de graves menaces sur la santé physique et mentale des dirigeants de petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) au Maroc. Le capital santé des dirigeants est le premier capital immatériel de la PME, de plus, la santé physique et mentale de l'entrepreneur se répercute sur la santé de l'entreprise. Elle a également déclenché un large éventail de réactions psychologiques telles que la panique, l'anxiété et la dépression. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'étudier l'impact de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur l'état de santé des dirigeants de PME au Maroc, ce qui contribuera, nous l'espérons, à éclairer les politiques d'intervention pour relever ce défi de manière efficace et efficiente. La question principale de cette étude est donc la suivante : quel est l'impact de la crise actuelle (pandémie de Covid-19) sur l'état de santé de nos entrepreneurs ? En termes de méthodologie, deux questionnaires ont été utilisés, le premier concerne la mesure de l'épuisement des dirigeants de PME pendant la pandémie de covid-19, en utilisant une version de l'inventaire d'épuisement de Maslach, et le second questionnaire ''The COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI)'', le questionnaire a été adapté du Centre de Santé Mentale de Shanghai. Le traitement des données a été effectué par SPSS, en utilisant la méthode : Analyse en Composantes Principales. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que les risques d'épuisement professionnel ont augmenté pendant la crise du Covid-19, ce qui pourrait conduire à la faillite des PME. Le Covid-19 a un impact sur la santé des dirigeants de PME, selon les principaux résultats de notre recherche. L'échelle d'épuisement professionnel a atteint une moyenne de 26,55, avec 30 % représentant des dirigeants très épuisés. Nous avons constaté que le score moyen de dépersonnalisation était de 11,6, ce qui signifie que 45 % des dirigeants souffrent d'un léger épuisement professionnel. Les résultats de l'épuisement professionnel sont confirmés par le score élevé d'accomplissement personnel.   Mots clés:  PME, Dirigeants, Santé des dirigeants, Pandémie Covid-19. Classification JEL: M20, M21, I10 Type de l’article: Recherche appliquée &nbsp
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