776 research outputs found

    A note on the spectral analysis of matrix sequences via GLT momentary symbols: from all-at-once solution of parabolic problems to distributed fractional order matrices

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    The first focus of this paper is the characterization of the spectrum and the singular values of the coefficient matrix stemming from the discretization of a parabolic diffusion problem using a space-time grid and secondly from the approximation of distributed-order fractional equations. For this purpose we use the classical GLT theory and the new concept of GLT momentary symbols. The first permits us to describe the singular value or eigenvalue asymptotic distribution of the sequence of the coefficient matrices. The latter permits us to derive a function that describes the singular value or eigenvalue distribution of the matrix of the sequence, even for small matrix sizes, but under given assumptions. The paper is concluded with a list of open problems, including the use of our machinery in the study of iteration matrices, especially those concerning multigrid-type techniques

    Retarded long-range potentials for the alkali-metal atoms and a perfectly conducting wall

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    The retarded long-range potentials for hydrogen and alkali-metal atoms in their ground states and a perfectly conducting wall are calculated. The potentials are given over a wide range of atom-wall distances and the validity of the approximations used is established.Comment: RevTeX, epsf, 11 pages, 2 fig

    Disappearance of the extended main sequence turn-off in intermediate age clusters as a consequence of magnetic braking

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    Context. Extended main sequence turn-offs are features commonly found in the colour-magnitude diagrams of young and intermediate age (less than about 2 Gyr) massive star clusters, where the main sequence turn-off is broader than can be explained by photometric uncertainties, crowding, or binarity. Rotation is suspected to be the cause of this feature, by accumulating fast rotating stars, strongly affected by gravity darkening and rotation-induced mixing, near the main sequence turn-off. This scenario successfully reproduces the tight relation between the age and the actual extent in luminosity of the extended main sequence turn-off of observed clusters. Aims. Below a given mass (dependent on the metallicity), stars are efficiently braked early on the main sequence due to the interaction of stellar winds and the surface magnetic field, making their tracks converge towards those of non-rotating tracks in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. When these stars are located at the turn-off of a cluster, their slow rotation causes the extended main sequence turn-off feature to disappear. We investigate the maximal mass for which this braking occurs at different metallicities, and determine the age above which no extended main sequence turn-off is expected in clusters. Methods. We used two sets of stellar models (computed with two different stellar evolution codes: STAREVOL and the Geneva stellar evolution code) including the effects of rotation and magnetic braking, at three different metallicities. We implemented them in the SYCLIST toolbox to compute isochrones and then determined the extent of the extended main sequence turn-off at different ages. Results. Our models predict that the extended main sequence turn-off phenomenon disappears at ages older than about 2 Gyr. There is a trend with the metallicity, the age at which the disappearance occurs becoming older at higher metallicity. These results are robust between the two codes used in this work, despite some differences in the input physics and in particular in the detailed description of rotation-induced internal processes and of angular momentum extraction by stellar winds. Conclusions. Comparing our results with clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud and Galaxy shows a very good fit to the observations. This strengthens the rotation scenario to explain the cause of the extended main sequence turn-off phenomenon

    A young cluster with an extended main-sequence turnoff: Confirmation of a prediction of the stellar rotation scenario

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope photometry of NGC 1850, a ~100 Myr, ~105 M⊙ cluster in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The colour-magnitude diagram clearly shows the presence of an extended main-sequence turnoff (eMSTO). The use of non-rotating stellar isochrones leads to an age spread of ~40 Myr. This is in good agreement with the age range expected when the effects of rotation in the main-sequence turnoff (MSTO) stars are wrongly interpreted in terms of age spread. We also do not find evidence for multiple, isolated episodes of star formation bursts within the cluster, in contradiction to scenarios that invoke actual age spreads to explain the eMSTO phenomenon. NGC 1850 therefore continues the trend of eMSTO clusters, where the inferred age spread is proportional to the age of the cluster. While our results confirm a key prediction of the scenario where stellar rotation causes the eMSTO feature, direct measurements of the rotational rate of MSTO stars is required to definitively confirm or refute whether stellar rotation is the origin of the eMSTO phenomenon or if it is due to an as yet undiscovered effect. © 2016 The Authors

    A three-phase bidirectional variable speed drive: an experimental validation for a three-phase induction motor

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    This paper presents the implementation and subsequent experimental verification of an electronic variable speed drive (VSD) for driving an induction motor, which is composed by a three-phase ac-dc converter on the grid-side and by a three-phase dc-ac converter on the motor-side. With the proposed solution, besides driving the motor, it is possible to mitigate power quality problems on the grid-side (e.g., current harmonics and power factor) associated with the use of diode-bridge ac-dc converters in the conventional VSDs. Besides, with the proposed solution, a bidirectional operation is possible, allowing to deliver to the power grid the energy generated in motor braking processes. As demonstrated along the paper, with the proposed VSD, it is possible to control the motor speed (including the rotation direction), and the operation with sinusoidal currents and unitary power factor on the grid-side. A laboratory prototype was developed, permitting to perform an experimental validation and prove the main functionalities of the VSD.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019. This work has been supported by the FCT Project DAIPESEV PTDC/EEI-EEE/30382/2017, and by the FCT Project QUALITY4POWER PTDC/EEI-EEE/28813/2017

    Prevalence and severity of cardiac abnormalities and arteriosclerosis in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Cardiovascular disease may pose a major threat to the health and welfare of farmed fish. By investigating a range of established cardiovascular disease indicators, we aimed to determine the prevalence, severity and consequences of this affliction in farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from an open cage farm in the Baltic Sea, an open cage farm in a freshwater lake, and a land-based recirculating aquaculture system. We also aimed to identify environmental, anthropogenic and physiological factors contributing towards the development of the disease. The majority of trout possessed enlarged hearts with rounded ventricles (mean height:width ratios of 1.0-1.1 c.f. similar to 1.3 in wild fish) and a high degree of vessel misalignment (mean angles between the longitudinal ventricular axis and the axis of the bulbus arteriosus of 28-31 degrees c.f. similar to 23 degrees in wild fish). The prevalence and severity of coronary arteriosclerosis was also high, as 92-100% of fish from the different aquaculture facilities exhibited coronary lesions. Mean lesion incidence and severity indices were 67-95% and 3.1-3.9, respectively, which resulted in mean coronary arterial blockages of 19-32%. To evaluate the functional significance of these findings, we modelled the effects of arterial blockages on coronary blood flow and experimentally tested the effects of coronary occlusion in a sub-sample of fish. The observed coronary blockages were estimated to reduce coronary blood flow by 34-54% while experimental coronary occlusion adversely affected the electrocardiogram of trout. Across a range of environmental (water current, predation), anthropogenic (boat traffic intensity, hatchery of origin, brand of feed pellets) and physiological factors (condition factor, haematological and plasma indices), the hatchery of origin was the main factor contributing towards the observed variation in the development of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, further research on the effects of selective breeding programs and rearing strategies on the development of cardiovascular disease is needed to improve the welfare and health of farmed fish

    The heteronomy of choice architecture

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    Choice architecture is heralded as a policy approach that does not coercively reduce freedom of choice. Still we might worry that this approach fails to respect individual choice because it subversively manipulates individuals, thus contravening their personal autonomy. In this article I address two arguments to this effect. First, I deny that choice architecture is necessarily heteronomous. I explain the reasons we have for avoiding heteronomous policy-making and offer a set of four conditions for non-heteronomy. I then provide examples of nudges that meet these conditions. I argue that these policies are capable of respecting and promoting personal autonomy, and show this claim to be true across contrasting conceptions of autonomy. Second, I deny that choice architecture is disrespectful because it is epistemically paternalistic. This critique appears to loom large even against non-heteronomous nudges. However, I argue that while some of these policies may exhibit epistemically paternalistic tendencies, these tendencies do not necessarily undermine personal autonomy. Thus, if we are to find such policies objectionable, we cannot do so on the grounds of respect for autonomy

    Exclusive Measurements of pp -> dpi+pi0: Double-Pionic Fusion without ABC Effect

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    Exclusive measurements of the reaction pp -> dpi+pi0 have been carried out at T_p = 1.1 GeV at the CELSIUS storage ring using the WASA detector. The isovector pi+pi0 channel exhibits no enhancement at low invariant pipi masses, i. e. no ABC effect. The differential distributions are in agreement with the conventional t-channel Delta-Delta excitation process, which also accounts for the observed energy dependence of the total cross section. This is an update of a previously published version -- see important note at the end of the article