33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kinerja Lingkungan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dan Kinerja Keuangan

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    The objective of this study is to examine the influence of enviromental performance to firm value with financial performance as intervening variable. This study takes sample from 31 companies in the Indonesian Stock Exchange, which were published in financial report from 2010-2011. The method of analysis of this research used multi regression and path analysis. The results of this study show that (1) enviromental performance had significant influence to financial performance, (2) enviromental performance had not significant influence to firm value, (3) financial performance had significant influence to firm value, (4) enviromental performance had significant influence on the financial performance of the firm's value through. Financial performance is an intervening variable in the relationship between environmental performance and the audit committee of the firm's value

    Analysis of the Quality of Public Services on Imported Consigned Goods for Use in Realizing Excellent Service at KPPBC Type C Intermediate Customs Post Office Pasar Baru in 2018

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    Public services are seen as evidence of a direct relationship between the government and the community in providing the best service following service standards and being able to satisfy the parties served. KPPBC TMP C Pasar Baru Post Office in carrying out its duties and functions to realize its vision and mission is required to realize good governance and continue to maintain and improve service quality to be able to provide excellent service by referring to the provisions of the applicable Customs and Excise Law. The purpose of this study is to analyze the quality of public services for imported goods sent for use in realizing excellent service at KPPBC TMP C Pasar Baru Post Office in 2018. The analytical method used in this study is the descriptive analysis by conducting interviews with various informants such as users services, academics, or tax authorities. The results of the study indicate that there is still a lack of service quality and service performance achievements in realizing excellent service, namely: average service performance achievements, have not achieved very good performance; the quality of physical evidence services is still lacking, among others: there are no facilities for service users with special needs; there is no television monitor in the service room related to the mechanism or methods of managing consignments; less stable internet network facilities; the facilities for implementing PIB PDE (online) are not yet ready; and service rooms that are less clean, tidy and comfortable; the quality of service reliability is still lacking, among others: lack of discipline of officers for absenteeism in the system and being at the place of duty during working hours; have not implemented PIB service by PDE (online); unclear information service telephone number; the quality of responsiveness is still lacking, among others: slow response to questions via email and lack of socialization and education to the public

    Analisa Probabilistik Kegagalan Sambungan Tubular Tipe T Dan Y Akibat Retak Oleh Kelelahan

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    Behan gelombang yang bekerja pada struktur bangunan lepas pantai, telah diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab kelelahan pada struktur tersebut. Kelelahan ini biasanya muncul dalam bentuk keretakan. Ketika keretakan ditemukan pada saat inspeksi maka keputusan harus diambil untuk menentukan perlunya reparasi dilakukan ataukah dibiarkan sampai periode inspeksi berikutnya. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya untuk memprediksi penjalaran retak tersebut serta tingkat bahayanya. Dalam laporan ini dibahas prediksi perambatan retak pada sambungan tubular pada struktur jacket akibat beban gelombang yang bekerja padanya. Sambungan tubular yang dianalisa diambil dari sambungan tubular yang ada pada jacket "ESTA" Platform pada elevasi I7.I m (56ft) dibawah permukaan air /aut, karena sambungan tubular ini merupakan sambungan yang rentan terhadap kelelahan. Selanjutnya sambungan kompleks ini disederhanakan dan dianalisa secara terpisah menjadi sambungan tubular tipe T dan Y. Metode fracture mechanic dipergunakan untuk memperoleh umur kelelahan pada kedua tipe sambungan tubular. Ukuran retak awal bervariasi dengan besar antara 0.25 ~ I. 0 mm. Rentang tegangan efektif yang bekerja pada sambungan tubular tipe Y sebesar 3I.03 MPa menghasilkan umur kelelahan terbesar pada retak awal sebesar I. 0 mm yaitu 20.0 I tahun, sedang pada tipe T dengan rentang tegangan sebesar 43.8I 55 MPa mempunyai umur kelelahan sebesar 7.13 tahun. Analisa probabilistik dilakukan untuk menentukan probabilitas kegagalan struktur sambungan tubular tipe T dan Y akibat kelelahan dengdn menggunakan format metode AFOSM Moda kegagalan dalam analisa ini adaldh penembusan retak ke arah ketebalan dengan format yang diturunkan dari Madsen. Mengacu pada kriteria yang diberikali oleh Wirsching & Chen yang memdtok harga p sebesar 3.00 (PJ =1.35 E+03) untuk struktur yang ditinjau, maka untuk sambungan tubular tipe Y dengan retak awal 0.25 mm, 0.50 mm, 0. 75 mm, dan I.O mm aka melampaui kriteria setelah mencapai kurun waktu: I 1.33 tahun, 9.25 tahun, 7.30 tahun, dan 5.25 tahun. Untuk sambungan tubular tipe T, kriteria diatas terlampaui untuk retak awal sebesar 0.25 mm dan 0.50 mm setelah kurun waktu 3.64 tahun dan 2.09 tahun. Namun perlu diperhatikan pula bahwa sampai denganperiode tersebut belum berarti struktur mengalami kerusakan, hanya saja perlu pemeriksaan yang lebih teliti dan intensif pada struktur terkait

    The Ideology of Resistance in Tempurung Novel by Oka Rusmini: Critical Discourse Analysis Study

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    This research aims to find, describe, interpret, and explain the ideology of women against the domination of patriarchy, myths and customs in Oka Rusmini's Tempurung novel. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This study uses critical discourse analysis as a blade of analysis. The data source in this study is the Tempurung novel by Oka Rusmini, published by PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia in 2017. The steps taken in data collection are as follows: read over and over the whole novel to understand its contents completely, record important words, sentences, or data related to the problem under study, record and collect relevant theories related to research, conduct research based on existing theories, and draw conclusions. The steps in data processing are as follows: data description, data classification, data analysis, data interpretation, and evaluation. The data analysis techniques used were: processing and presenting data, reading the entire data, coding the data and descriptions, interpreting and explaining the data. The findings in this study are that the Tempurung novel is a reflection of the ideology of women's resistance to the patriarchal system, the ideology of fighting against myths created by patriarchy, and the ideology of resistance to tradition. The resistence is done to obtain equality in their rights and obligations, so that women can get freedom like men. The female characters in the Tempurung novel fight against the domination of patriarchy, myths, and their own cultural customs in order to realize equal rights between men and women. Keywords: resistance, patriarchy, myth, custom, Critical Discourse Analysis DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/73-04 Publication date: November 30th 2020

    Sinergi Pemerintah dan Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Wisata Di Kawasan Hutan Lindung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mengkaji bentuk sinergi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam kerjasama pemanfaatan hutan lindung yang dilakukan Pengelola Wisata Bukit Pengger. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dalam pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian  menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sinergi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat  di dalam pengelolaan hutan telah terlaksana melalui bentuk kerjasama pemanfaatan hutan lindung untuk kegiatan pengelolaan Wisata Bukit Pengger. Sinergi pemerintah dan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan hutan dapat dijadikan suatu solusi pemecahan kendala permasalahan pengelolaan hutan oleh daerah lain untuk mencapai  tujuan utama kelestarian manfaat fungsi hutan dalam rangka peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kata Kunci: kerjasama, hutan lindung, sinergi, wisat

    Women’s Resistance to Patriarchal Culture in the Tarian Bumi novel by Oka Rusmini

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    This study aims to describe the struggle of women in the fight against patriarchal culture in the novel Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini. The Approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This research uses the theory of feminism as its analysis knife. The data source in this study is the novel Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini, published by PT. Gramedia Main Library. The steps taken in data collection are as follows: repeated reading as a whole of the novel to fully understand its contents, record words, sentences, or important data relating to the problem under study, record and collect relevant theories that are relevant relate to research, conduct research based on existing theories, and draw conclusions. The steps in data processing are as follows: data description, data classification, data analysis, data interpretation, and evaluation. Data analysis techniques used are: data processing and presentation, reading the entire data, coding data and interpreting data. The findings in this study are that women and men should obtain equality in their rights and obligations, so that women can get freedom like men. The female characters in the novel Tarian Bumi oppose their own customs and culture for the sake of the realization of equality of rights between men and women regardless of certain social groups. Triangualation is defined as a data collection technique that combines various data collection techniques and existing data sources (Sugiyono, 2012: 241). In addition to the validity of the data, researchers also used FGD (Focus Group Discussion) as a means of evaluating the accuracy of research. Keywords: women, resistance, patriarchy, feminism DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-16-04 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    Penelitian tentang kejadian infeksi cacing Capillar.la pada ayam pedaging ketLlr"Ltnan uArbar Acres U yang d ipel i hara pada dataran tinggi Prigen dan dataran rendah Kedamean yang dilaksanakan selama satu bulan dari tanggal 24 Nopember 1989 sampai tanggal 20 Desember 1989. Sampal tinja yang d1periksa sebanyak 120 sampel tlnja ayam potong dan pemeriksaannya dilakukan secara laboratorik dengancara pengapunganl flot«s1. dan hasil y«ng didapat adalah 23,33 X positif terinfeksi cacing Capillaria. Dalam penelitian ini diqunakan raneangan acak lengkap pola fak,torial 2 x 2 yaitu 2 faktor umur Starter~ da.n Finisher) dan 2 faktor daerah pemeliharaan flataran tinggi dan dataran rendah ) dengan 6 ulangan. Jumlah rataan produksi telur pada ayam tanpa pemberian PHSG adalah 2.4 butir, sedangkan rataan jumlah produksi telur dengan pemberian PKSG dosis 10 lU, 20 lU, 30 lU, 40 lU masing-masing 6,1 butir, 6,4 butir. 8,6 butir, 10.0 butir. Dari analisis statistik dengan uji F terdapat perbedaan yang sangat nyata terhadap keoepatan produksi telur dan jumlah produksi telur (P ~ 0,01), tidak terdapat perbedaan terhadap berat telur pada awal produksi (P L 0,05)

    Analisis Pengenaan Pajak Final dan Non Final Pada Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Di BEI

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    This study was conducted to determine the difference between the taxation of non tax -finals and final. This study uses the data of financial statements that have been published during the period 2010-2014 ( five years).. Statistical methods in this study using normality test , homogeneity test , ANOVA test and Independent t- Test.Based on the results of statistical analysis that there are significant differences between the taxation of non tax -final and final in determining the amount of tax payable. Final taxation significantly greater than the taxation of non-final. For the government, the final taxation considered to be very beneficial because it can increase revenue sources in state finances. However, on the other hand for compulsory considered to be very harmful because the final taxation does not pay attention to the costs incurred in obtaining such income.Keywords : Final Tax, Tax non-final, obtain fee, state revenu

    Improving of classification accuracy of cyst and tumor using local polynomial estimator

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    Cyst and tumor in oral cavity are seriously noticed by health experts along with increasing death cases of oral cancer in developing country. Early detection of cyst and tumor using dental panoramic image is needed since its initial growth does not cause any complaints. Image processing is done by mean for distinguishing the classification of cyst and tumor. The results in previous studies about classification of cyst and tumor were done by using a mathematical computation approach namely supports vector machine method that have still not satisfied and have not been validated. Therefore, in this study we propose a method, i.e., nonparametric regression model based on local polynomial estimator that can be improve the classification accuracy of cyst and tumor on human dental panoramic image. By using the proposed method, we get the classification accuracy of cyst and tumor, i.e., 90.91% which is greater than those by using the support vector machine method, i.e., 76.67%. Also, in validation process we obtain that the nonparametric regression model approach gives a significant Press’s Q statistical testing value. So, we conclude that the nonparametric regression model approach improves the classification accuracy and gives better outcome to classify cyst and tumor using dental panoramic image than the support vector machine method