6 research outputs found

    Treatment of Historic, Sulphide-rich Mine Waste from Ljusnarsberg Using Alkaline By-products

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    Alkaline by-products were used in a leaching test to study their effect on highly weathered, sulphide-rich mine waste from Ljusnarsberg for the attempt to neutralize the leachate and immobilize trace metals through precipitation of secondary minerals. Leaching was performed at liquid/solid ratio of 0.5-20 with 10 % alkaline material. It was found that immobilization of trace elements (Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu) were successful in systems able to neutralize the mine waste. The systems with a lower pH increase (4-5) leached an increased amount of both Zn and Cd compared to the reference. Fly ashes are found to be the most effective material regarding pH and metal immobilization but are also found to have the highest increase of molybdenum and antimony, trace metals originating from the ashes. High chloride content is another concern regarding fly ashes, as high levels in the leachate would cause a concern for the nearby fresh water

    "Guess they try to talk to young people, chat about things, life, the future" : thoughts of conditionally sentenced young offenders on supervision in the Jyväskylä District Office of the Probation Service

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    Kriminaalihuoltolaitos vastaa yhdyskuntaseuraamusten toimeenpanosta. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää Kriminaalihuoltolaitoksen Jyväskylän aluetoimiston ehdollisesti rangaistujen nuorten ajatuksia valvontatyöstä. Tutkimuksen teemoina olivat nuorten kokemukset valvonnasta, rikollinen käyttäytyminen ja valvonta seuraamuksena. Tutkimus oli kvalitatiivinen ja aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kahdeksaa Jyväskylän aluetoimiston nuorta valvonta-asiakasta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua ja aineisto analysoitiin jaottelemalla vastaukset teemojen mukaan. Työn tavoitteena oli kerätä nuorten mielipiteitä ja saada palautetta sekä valvonnan kehittämisideoita Jyväskylän aluetoimiston valvontatyötä tekeville työntekijöille. Nuoret eivät pääsääntöisesti ajatelleet valvontaa rangaistuksena ja he olivat tyytyväisiä nykyjärjestelmään, eivätkä nähneet siinä juurikaan kehittämistä. Nuoret kokivat valvonnan melko mielekkäänä, mutta eivät itse nähneet valvonnalla olevan suurta merkitystä elämässään. Valvojat saivat kaikilta haastateltavilta positiivista palautetta ja avoin sekä luottamuksellinen suhde valvojiin välittyi nuorten vastauksista. Yleensä rikollisuuteen nuoret suhtautuvat jokseenkin kielteisesti, mutta omaa rikollista käyttäytymistään he eivät oikeastaan tuominneet. Haastattelujen perusteella voidaan päätellä, että valvonnalla on vaikutusta nuorten elämään ja valvojan rooli on merkityksellinen. Valvonnan laiminlyömistä olisi hyvä sanktioida, koska tällä näyttää olevan merkitystä nuorten asenteisiin valvontaa kohtaan. Lisäksi valvonnassa käytettäviä työmenetelmiä voisi monipuolistaa, ainakin joidenkin nuorten kohdalla.The Probation Service is responsible for the enforcement of community sanctions. The purpose of this thesis was to interview young offenders conditionally sentenced by the Jyväskylä District Office of Probation Service in order to uncover their thoughts on supervision. The themes of the research were criminal conduct, young offenders' experiences with supervision, and supervision as a sanction. The research was qualitative and the material was collected by interviewing eight young offenders supervised by the Jyväskylä District Office. The research method was a half-structured thematic interview, and the material was analysed by grouping the answers according to themes. The objective was to gather the young offenders' opinions and collect feedback and ideas for improvement for the supervising officials of the Jyväskylä District Office. For the most part, the young offenders did not consider the supervision to be apunishment. They were happy with the current system, and did not see much room for improvement. They found the supervision to be quite sensible, but did not consider it to have a significant impact on their lives. The supervisors got positive feedback from all the interviewees, and an open and trustworthy relationship with the supervisors was conveyed through the answers.In general, the interviewees had a somewhat negative attitude toward crime, but they did not really condemn their own criminal behaviour. Based on the interviews, one can conclude that supervision has an impact on young offenders' lives and the role of the supervisor is significant. It would be beneficial to sanction neglect of the supervision, as this seems to have relevance to the inverviewees' attitudes toward the supervision. Furthermore, the work methods used in the supervision could be diversified, at least in the case of some young offenders

    Treatment of Historical Mining Waste using different Incineration Ashes

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    ARD from historical mining sites in Sweden is a major source for trace elements to surface waters. In order to be able to treat a large portion of these sites cost effective reclamation methods is necessary. Incineration ashes were used in leaching tests to study their effect on a highly weathered mining waste in order to neutralize acidity and immobilize trace elements. This study shows that ashes can be used to increase pH and decrease trace element mobility from oxidized mining waste. Increased leaching of Cl, Mo and Sb, however, needs to be considered for waste fuel ashes before use