147 research outputs found

    What\u27s in a Name: Cable Systems, FilmOn, and Judicial Consideration of the Applicability of the Copyright Act\u27s Compulsory License to Online Broadcasters of Cable Content

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    The way we consume media today is vastly different from the way media was consumed in 1976, when the Copyright Act created the compulsory license for cable systems. The compulsory license allowed cable systems, as defined by the Copyright Act, to pay a set fee for the right to air television programming rather than working out individual deals with each group that owned the copyright in the programming, and helped make television more widely accessible to the viewing public. FilmOn, a company that uses a mini-antenna system to capture and retransmit broadcast network signals, is now seeking access to the compulsory license. In three concurrent legal cases in New York, California, and D.C., FilmOn argues that it meets the statutory requirements to classify as a cable system. This Issue Brief examines the legal history of cable systems and considers the effects of agency influence, policy concerns, and the lack of judicial or congressional resolution regarding FilmOn’s contested legal status

    Abusive Events at Work among Young Working Adults : Magnitude of the Problem and its Effect on Self-Rated Health

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    The study examines the incidence of abusive events at work and compares the self-rated health (SRH) assessments of young workers according to whether they have been victims or not. Subjects and materials were extracted from a data set covering the environmental and health conditions of the population of the Östergötland region in Sweden. The focus was on people in paid employment aged 20–34 years. It appears that threats or acts of violence are more common than are bullying or sexual harassment among young working people, in particular among women. Further, when working conditions are relatively precarious, both men and women are comparably exposed to threat and violence but when conditions are more stable, women are proportionally more exposed than men. Furthermore, the study shows that, although less common than threat and violence are, exposure to bullying is associated with several SRH disorders among both men and women in employment.Cette étude porte sur l’exposition des jeunes en emploi à trois formes de violence en milieu de travail : la menace ou la violence, le taxage et le harcèlement sexuel. Les données présentées ont trait à la prévalence de ces phénomènes, de même qu’à leur association possible à divers problèmes de santé. Ces données proviennent d’une étude de santé de la population en âge de travailler menée dans la région suédoise d’Östergötland en 1999 et basée sur un échantillon représentatif de la population (10 000, soit 4 % de la population et un taux de réponse de 63 %). Pour cette étude, seuls les femmes et les hommes âgés de 20 à 34 ans et en emploi ont été retenus, pour un total de 863 répondants, dont 54 % sont des hommes et 95 % sont nés en Suède ou dans une autre pays nordique.Les données ont été colligées à l’aide d’une enquête postale par questionnaire auto-administré menée au printemps 1999. Le questionnaire contenait au total 171 questions, le plus souvent fermées, et portant à la fois sur des données démographiques, sociales, occupationnelles et de santé. La prévalence des diverses formes de violence au travail a été mesurée à la fois par tranche d’âge (trois catégories), par la durée du travail (complet ou partiel), les conditions d’embauche (à durée indéterminée ou autre), le type d’emploi (6 catégories) et la dominance d’un des deux sexes dans l’emploi (3 catégories). À l’intérieur de ces variables, une comparaison a été faite du niveau d’exposition des femmes et des hommes, catégorie par catégorie.De plus, le lien entre l’exposition à chacun de ces phénomènes de violence et la santé a été mesuré à l’aide d’une batterie de questions standardisées (SF-36) servant à mesurer la perception que les individus ont de leur santé. L’instrument utilisé inclut 8 items (nommés santé générale, vitalité, santé mentale, douleur, fonction physique, rôle mental, rôle physique, fonction sociale). Pour chacun d’eux, un score de 0 à 100 a été créé, de la pire à la meilleure situation possible. La différence entre le score moyen des travailleurs exposés comparativement aux travailleurs non exposés a été mesurée, en distinguant selon la forme de violence et le sexe.Les travailleurs interrogés étaient exposés à la menace et la violence plus fréquemment qu’au taxage ou au harcèlement sexuel, une différence encore plus prononcée chez les femmes. L’exposition à la menace et la violence était plus fréquente chez les plus jeunes et chez les hommes et les femmes du secteur de la santé et des services ou encore travaillant dans des emplois majoritairement occupés par les femmes. Chez ceux bénéficiant de conditions d’emploi relativement favorables, l’exposition entre hommes et femmes était plutôt comparable, mais lorsque les conditions de travail étaient précaires, les femmes étaient beaucoup plus exposées. Cela s’appliquait aussi, dans une certaine mesure, dans le cas de l’exposition au taxage. Enfin, le harcèlement sexuel apparaît être un problème beaucoup plus important chez les femmes.De plus, les travailleurs et travailleuses exposés à la violence et à la menace et, plus encore, ceux exposés au taxage souffraient de divers problèmes de santé dans des proportions significativement plus grandes que ceux qui ne l’étaient pas.El estudio examina la incidencia de los casos de abuso en el trabajo y compara las medidas de auto-evaluación de salud (AES) de los jóvenes trabajadores según si ellos son victimas o no. Los sujetos y los materiales fueron extraídos de los datos que cubren las condiciones ambientales y de salud de la población de la región Östergötland en Suecia. El estudio se centra en las personas con empleo asalariado de 20 a 34 años de edad. Aparece que las menazas o actos de violencia son mas comunes que los actos de intimidación y de acoso sexual en el grupo de jóvenes trabajadores, en particular en el grupo de mujeres. Además, cuando las condiciones de trabajo son relativamente precarias, hombres y mujeres son comparativamente expuestos a la menaza y la violencia pero cuando las condiciones son mas estables, las mujeres son proporcionalmente mas expuestas que los hombres. Es más, el estudio muestra que aunque la menaza y la violencia sean menos comunes, la exposición a la intimidación está asociada con varios desordenes declarados por auto-evaluación de salud por los hombres y mujeres en empleo

    Струменеві захоплюючо-орієнтуючі пристрої

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    Introduction. Nurses often experience work-related stress. High stress can negatively affect job satisfaction and lead to emotional exhaustion with risk of burnout. Aim. To analyse possible differences in biological stress markers, psychosocial working conditions, health, and well-being between nurses working in two different departments. Methods. Stress was evaluated in nurses working in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) (n=33) and nurses working in a child and adolescent psychiatry inpatient ward (CAP) (n=14) using salivary cortisol and HbA1c. Salivary cortisol was measured three times a day on two consecutive days during two one-week periods, seven weeks apart (= 12 samples/person). Psychosocial working conditions, health, and well-being were measured once. Results. NICU nurses had better social support and more self-determination. CAP nurses had a lower salivary cortisol quotient, poorer general health, and higher client-related burnout scores. Conclusion. When comparing these nurses with existing norm data for Sweden, as a group their scores reflect less work-related stress than Swedes overall. However, the comparison between NICU and CAP nurses indicates a less healthy work situation for CAP nurses. Relevance to Clinical Practice. Healthcare managers need to acknowledge the less healthy work situation CAP nurses experience in order to provide optimal support and promote good health

    Stochasticity and order: studies of keratinocyte proliferation

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    A central tenet of stem cell biology has been that proliferating tissues are maintained through a cellular hierarchy comprising of self-renewing stem cells at the apex, multiple lineage-restricted short-lived progenitor cells, and post-mitotic differentiated cells. The wide range of colony sizes in cultured human keratinocytes has been taken to support this hypothesis. Contrary to this model, researchers using genetic lineage tracing in mouse epidermis have inferred a single progenitor population for homeostasis, and a quiescent stem cell population activated upon wounding or genetic mutation. To study the proliferative behaviour of human keratinocytes, I used live imaging in vitro at single cell resolution. This shows two modes of proliferation: Type 1 cell division is stochastic with equal odds of generating dividing or non-dividing progeny, while Type 2 cell division predominantly produces two dividing daughters. These two modes are sufficient to explain the entire range of colony sizes seen after 7-12 days of culture and does not require a spectrum of proliferative ability. This insight provides a simple way to study the effects of external factors on cell fate. To exemplify this, I observed the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and the Wnt agonist R-spondin on proliferation. Here I find proliferation in type 2 colonies changes by changing the proportion of cells dividing. This has implications for the limited success of EGF therapies in clinical trials following burns. To examine clonal contributions to wound repair, I used the mouse oesophageal epithelium which is exclusively composed of, and maintained by, a single progenitor population. I developed a micro-endoscopic wounding technique that produced localised superficial wounds. Here, I found that these wounds healed by uniform contribution from surrounding keratinocytes, demonstrating that reserve stem cells are not obligatory for wound repair. In summary, my work shows that human keratinocytes in vitro have two, and only two, modes of proliferation: a stochastic mode that is insensitive to external EGF signalling, and a EGF-sensitive exponential mode. Additionally, proliferation during wound repair can occur with stochastically dividing progenitors, and does not obligate stem cell recruitment in vivo

    Оценка финансового состояния предприятия и направления его улучшения (на примере ОАО «Гомельский мотороремонтный завод»)

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    Objectives: Sickness absence in workplaces may reflect working conditions. It may also reflect a "healthy hire effect," i.e., that workplaces recruit individuals with experience of sickness absence differently. The purpose of the study was to determine if a history of sickness absence among recruits is associated with the average level of sickness absence in workplaces. Material and Methods: In a register-based follow-up study, Swedish workplaces with at least 5 employees in 2006 were selected (approximately 127 000 workplaces with 3.9 million employees). The workplaces were categorized according to the average workplace sickness absence in 2006 and the recruits were categorized according to the individual sickness absence in 2005. The workplaces with a high average level of sickness absence were more likely than those with a low level to hire employees with high sickness absence in the year preceding employment: men - odds ratio (OR) = 7.2, 95% confidence interval (CI): 6.6-7.8, women OR = 7.5, 95% CI: 6.9-8.1. Results: The results show that there is a greater likelihood of employing individuals with high levels of sickness absence in the workplaces with many days of the average sickness absence than in the workplaces with few days of the average sickness absence. Conclusions: The results suggest that sickness absence in workplaces may reflect a healthy hire effect.Funding Agencies|AFA Insurance [090299]</p

    Neonatal Intensive Care and Child Psychiatry Inpatient Care: Do Different Working Conditions Influence Stress Levels?

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    Introduction. Nurses often experience work-related stress. High stress can negatively affect job satisfaction and lead to emotional exhaustion with risk of burnout. Aim. To analyse possible differences in biological stress markers, psychosocial working conditions, health, and well-being between nurses working in two different departments. Methods. Stress was evaluated in nurses working in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) ( = 33) and nurses working in a child and adolescent psychiatry inpatient ward (CAP) ( = 14) using salivary cortisol and HbA1c. Salivary cortisol was measured three times a day on two consecutive days during two one-week periods, seven weeks apart (= 12 samples/person). Psychosocial working conditions, health, and well-being were measured once. Results. NICU nurses had better social support and more self-determination. CAP nurses had a lower salivary cortisol quotient, poorer general health, and higher client-related burnout scores. Conclusion. When comparing these nurses with existing norm data for Sweden, as a group their scores reflect less work-related stress than Swedes overall. However, the comparison between NICU and CAP nurses indicates a less healthy work situation for CAP nurses. Relevance to Clinical Practice. Healthcare managers need to acknowledge the less healthy work situation CAP nurses experience in order to provide optimal support and promote good health

    Sustaining work participation across the life course

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    Introduction Many disability prevention strategies are focused on acute injuries and brief illness episodes, but there will be growing challenges for employers to manage circumstances of recurrent, chronic, or fluctuating symptoms in an aging workforce. The goal of this article is to summarize existing peer-review research in this area, compare this with employer discourse in the grey literature, and recommend future research priorities. Methods The authors participated in a year-long sponsored collaboration that ultimately led to an invited 3-day conference, “Improving Research of Employer Practices to Prevent Disability”, held October 14–16, 2015, in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA. The collaboration included a topical review of the scientific and industry literature, group discussion to identify key areas and challenges, drafting of initial documents, and feedback from peer researchers and a special panel of experts with employer experience. Results Cancer and mental illness were chosen as examples of chronic or recurring conditions that might challenge conventional workplace return-to-work practices. Workplace problems identified in the literature included fatigue, emotional exhaustion, poor supervisor and co-worker support, stigma, discrimination, and difficulties finding appropriate accommodations. Workplace intervention research is generally lacking, but there is preliminary support for improving workplace self-management strategies, collaborative problem-solving, and providing checklists and other tools for job accommodation, ideas echoed in the literature directed toward employers. Research might be improved by following workers from an earlier stage of developing workplace concerns. Conclusions Future research of work disability should focus on earlier identification of at-risk workers with chronic conditions, the use of more innovative and flexible accommodation strategies matched to specific functional losses, stronger integration of the workplace into on-going rehabilitation efforts, and a better understanding of stigma and other social factors at work

    Swedish social insurance officers' experiences of difficulties in assessing applications for disability pensions – an interview study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study the focus is on social insurance officers judging applications for disability pensions. The number of applications for disability pension increased during the late 1990s, which has resulted in an increasing number of disability pensions in Sweden. A more restrictive attitude towards the clients has however evolved, as societal costs have increased and governmental guidelines now focus on reducing costs. As a consequence, the quantitative and qualitative demands on social insurance officers when handling applications for disability pensions may have increased. The aim of this study was therefore to describe the social insurance officers' experiences of assessing applications for disability pensions after the government's introduction of stricter regulations.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Qualitative methodology was employed and a total of ten social insurance officers representing different experiences and ages were chosen. Open-ended interviews were performed with the ten social insurance officers. Data was analysed with inductive content analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three themes could be identified as problematic in the social insurance officers' descriptions of dealing with the applications in order to reach a decision on whether the issue qualified applicants for a disability pension or not: 1. Clients are heterogeneous. 2. Ineffective and time consuming waiting for medical certificates impede the decision process. 3. Perspectives on the issue of work capacity differed among different stakeholders. The backgrounds of the clients differ considerably, leading to variation in the quality and content of applications. Social insurance officers had to make rapid decisions within a limited time frame, based on limited information, mainly on the basis of medical certificates that were often insufficient to judge work capacity. The role as coordinating actor with other stakeholders in the welfare system was perceived as frustrating, since different stakeholders have different goals and demands. The social insurance officers experience lack of control over the decision process, as regulations and other stakeholders restrict their work.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A picture emerges of difficulties due to disharmonized systems, stakeholder-bound goals causing some clients to fall between two stools, or leading to unnecessary waiting times, which may limit the clients' ability to take an active part in a constructive process. Increased communication with physicians about how to elaborate the medical certificates might improve the quality of certificates and thereby reduce the clients waiting time.</p

    Repression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 contributes to increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production in diabetes

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    Background: Excessive production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) is a central mechanism for the development of diabetes complications. Recently, hypoxia has been identified to play an additional pathogenic role in diabetes. In this study, we hypothesized that ROS overproduction was secondary to the impaired responses to hypoxia due to the inhibition of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) by hyperglycemia. Methods: The ROS levels were analyzed in the blood of healthy subjects and individuals with type 1 diabetes after exposure to hypoxia. The relation between HIF-1, glucose levels, ROS production and its functional consequences were analyzed in renal mIMCD-3 cells and in kidneys of mouse models of diabetes. Results: Exposure to hypoxia increased circulating ROS in subjects with diabetes, but not in subjects without diabetes. High glucose concentrations repressed HIF-1 both in hypoxic cells and in kidneys of animals with diabetes, through a HIF prolyl-hydroxylase (PHD)-dependent mechanism. The impaired HIF-1 signaling contributed to excess production of mitochondrial ROS through increased mitochondrial respiration that was mediated by Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1). The restoration of HIF-1 function attenuated ROS overproduction despite persistent hyperglycemia, and conferred protection against apoptosis and renal injury in diabetes. Conclusions: We conclude that the repression of HIF-1 plays a central role in mitochondrial ROS overproduction in diabetes and is a potential therapeutic target for diabetic complications. These findings are timely since the first PHD inhibitor that can activate HIF-1 has been newly approved for clinical use. Funding: This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council, Stockholm County Research Council, Stockholm Regional Research Foundation, Bert von Kantzows Foundation, Swedish Society of Medicine, Kung Gustaf V:s och Drottning Victorias Frimurarestifelse, Karolinska Institute's Research Foundations, Strategic Research Programme in Diabetes, and Erling-Persson Family Foundation for S-B.C.; grants from the Swedish Research Council and Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation for T.A.S.; and ERC consolidator grant for M.M.Peer reviewe