228 research outputs found

    Espacios de preparación y capacitación técnica de agentes policiales para el mejoramiento de la seguridad ciudadana en San Juan de Lurigancho

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    La presente investigación titulada,” Espacios de preparación y capacitación técnica de agentes policiales para el mejoramiento de la seguridad ciudadana en San Juan de Lurigancho”, considera dentro de su objetivo principal, Identificar los espacios de preparación y capacitación técnica de agentes policiales aptos para el mejoramiento de la seguridad ciudadana en San Juan de Lurigancho. La inseguridad ciudadana es un obstáculo y reto compartido para el desarrollo social y económico de todos los países del mundo. A nivel mundial, según los especialistas de la encuesta Mundial Gallup en el 2018, América Latina es considerada el continente más violentado, al encontrase Perú dentro de Latinoamérica, según los especialistas del Índice de Ley y Orden (GLO) de Gallup en el año 2019 el Perú ocupa el puesto número 10 de los países más inseguros a nivel del mundo. Es por ello que se toma como primera categoría de estudio espacios preparación y capacitación técnica, y como segunda categoría se tiene seguridad ciudadana, lo cual se desarrolla mediantes estudios teóricos correspondientes al os componentes tipos de espacios de preparación y capacitación, beneficios de la preparación y capacitación, características de los espacios de preparación y capacitación, perfil adecuado de agentes policiales, actores que intervienen en la seguridad ciudadana, consecuencias de la inseguridad. Esta investigación tiene enfoque cualitativo con un diseño fenomenológico y de tipo descriptivo y como instrumentos de recolección de datos se aplicó la guía de entrevista semiestructurada y la ficha de análisis de contenido para obtener los resultados

    Centro comunitario para las actividades de talleres culturales y salud ocupacional en el A.H Nueva Jerusalén – San Juan de Lurigancho

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    El presente proyecto de tesis titulado “Centro comunitario para las actividades de talleres culturales y salud ocupacional en el A.H Nueva Jerusalén – San Juan de Lurigancho” considera dentro de su objetivo principal, Diseñar y mejorar condiciones espaciales en el centro comunitario para las actividades de talleres culturales y salud ocupacional en el A.H Nueva Jerusalén – San Juan de Lurigancho. En la actualidad, el déficit de equipamientos urbanos y espacios públicos es un problema a nivel global debido principalmente a la falta de planificación urbana, lo que conlleva al constante crecimiento espontáneo y desordenado de las ciudades. A nivel nacional, según los redactores del Primer Reporte Nacional de Indicadores Urbanos en el 2018, el crecimiento demográfico del Perú es un fenómeno esencialmente urbano, A nivel distrital, Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática en el 2020, San Juan de Lurigancho es el distrito con mayor población en Lima y del Perú. Por ello se propone un centro comunitario en el asentamiento humano Nueva Jerusalén, ya que en este sector se cuenta con infraestructura en malas condiciones y en algunos casos carece de ellos, en este centro comunitario se contará con espacios de reuniones de diferentes actividades para todo tipo de personas y diferentes edades. Así mismo contara con áreas de atención médica básica temporal y espacios para comedor popular para el beneficio de los pobladores

    Proteinaceous Pheromone Homologs Identified from the Cloacal Gland Transcriptome of a Male Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum

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    Abstract Pheromones play an important role in modifying vertebrate behavior, especially during courtship and mating. Courtship behavior in urodele amphibians often includes female exposure to secretions from the cloacal gland, as well as other scent glands. The first vertebrate proteinaceous pheromone discovered, the decapeptide sodefrin, is a female attracting pheromone secreted by the cloacal gland of male Cynops pyrrhogaster. Other proteinaceous pheromones in salamanders have been shown to elicit responses from females towards conspecific males. The presence and levels of expression of proteinaceous pheromones have not been identified in the family Ambystomatidae, which includes several important research models. The objective of this research was therefore to identify putative proteinaceous pheromones from male axolotls, Ambystoma mexicanum, as well as their relative expression levels. The results indicate that axolotls possess two different forms of sodefrin precursor-like factor (alpha and beta), as well as a putative ortholog of plethodontid modulating factor. The beta form of sodefrin precursor-like factor was amongst the most highly expressed transcripts within the cloacal gland. The ortholog of plethodontid modulating factor was expressed at a level equivalent to the beta sodefrin precursor-like factor. The results are from a single male axolotl; therefore, we are unable to assess how representative our results may be. Nevertheless, the presence of these highly expressed proteinaceous pheromones suggests that male axolotls use multiple chemical cues to attract female conspecifics. Behavioral assays would indicate whether the putative protein pheromones elicit courtship activity from female axolotls

    Ambiguities in the relationship between gonadal steroids and reproduction in axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum)

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in General and Comparative Endocrinology 176 (2012): 472-480, doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2011.12.034.Axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum) are aquatic salamanders that are widely used in research. Axolotls have been bred in laboratories for nearly 150 years, yet little is known about the basic biology of reproduction in these animals. We investigated the effects of changing day length, time of year, and food availability on levels of circulating estradiol and androgens in adult female and male axolotls, respectively. In addition, we examined the effects of these variables on the mass of ovaries, oviducts, and eggs in females and on mass of testes in males relative to each individual's body weight, to calculate a form of gonadosomatic index (GSI). In both sexes, GSI was not correlated with levels of circulating steroids. In female axolotls, estradiol levels were influenced by food availability, changes in day length, and season, even when animals were held at a constant temperature and day length was decorrelated with calendar date. In addition, the mass of ovaries, oviducts, and eggs varied seasonally, peaking in the winter months and declining during the summer months, even though our animals were not breeding and shedding eggs. In males, levels of androgens appeared to vary independently of external conditions, but GSI varied dramatically with changes in day length. These results suggest that reproduction in axolotls may vary seasonally, as it does in many other ambystomid species, although both male and female axolotls are capable of reproducing several times each year. The physiological basis of this ability remains enigmatic, given the indications of seasonality contained in our data.The work described here would not have been possible without funding from the National Science Foundation (IOS 0817785), fellowships from the Marine Biological Laboratory, and undergraduate research support from Michigan State University

    Olfactory response termination involves Ca2+-ATPase in vertebrate olfactory receptor neuron cilia

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    In vertebrate olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs), odorant-induced activation of the transduction cascade culminates in production of cyclic AMP, which opens cyclic nucleotide–gated channels in the ciliary membrane enabling Ca2+ influx. The ensuing elevation of the intraciliary Ca2+ concentration opens Ca2+-activated Cl− channels, which mediate an excitatory Cl− efflux from the cilia. In order for the response to terminate, the Cl− channel must close, which requires that the intraciliary Ca2+ concentration return to basal levels. Hitherto, the extrusion of Ca2+ from the cilia has been thought to depend principally on a Na+–Ca2+ exchanger

    The sense of smell, its signalling pathways, and the dichotomy of cilia and microvilli in olfactory sensory cells

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    Smell is often regarded as an ancillary perception in primates, who seem so dominated by their sense of vision. In this paper, we will portray some aspects of the significance of olfaction to human life and speculate on what evolutionary factors contribute to keeping it alive. We then outline the functional architecture of olfactory sensory neurons and their signal transduction pathways, which are the primary detectors that render olfactory perception possible. Throughout the phylogenetic tree, olfactory neurons, at their apical tip, are either decorated with cilia or with microvilli. The significance of this dichotomy is unknown. It is generally assumed that mammalian olfactory neurons are of the ciliary type only. The existance of so-called olfactory microvillar cells in mammals, however, is well documented, but their nature remains unclear and their function orphaned. This paper discusses the possibility, that in the main olfactory epithelium of mammals ciliated and microvillar sensory cells exist concurrently. We review evidence related to this hypothesis and ask, what function olfactory microvillar cells might have and what signalling mechanisms they use

    Chemical cues and pheromones in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus)

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    Chemical cues and pheromones guide decisions in organisms throughout the animal kingdom. The neurobiology, function, and evolution of olfaction are particularly well described in insects, and resulting concepts have driven novel approaches to pest control. However, aside from several exceptions, the olfactory biology of vertebrates remains poorly understood. One exception is the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), which relies heavily upon olfaction during reproduction. Here, we provide a broad review of the chemical cues and pheromones used by the sea lamprey during reproduction, including overviews of the sea lamprey olfactory system, chemical cues and pheromones, and potential applications to population management. The critical role of olfaction in mediating the sea lamprey life cycle is evident by a well-developed olfactory system. Sea lamprey use chemical cues and pheromones to identify productive spawning habitat, coordinate spawning behaviors, and avoid risk. Manipulation of olfactory biology offers opportunities for management of populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes, where the sea lamprey is a destructive invader. We suggest that the sea lamprey is a broadly useful organism with which to study vertebrate olfaction because of its simple but well-developed olfactory organ, the dominant role of olfaction in guiding behaviors during reproduction, and the direct implications for vertebrate pest management

    Processing of Body Odor Signals by the Human Brain

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    Brain development in mammals has been proposed to be promoted by successful adaptations to the social complexity as well as to the social and non-social chemical environment. Therefore, the communication via chemosensory signals might have been and might still be a phylogenetically ancient communication channel transmitting evolutionary significant information. In humans, the neuronal underpinnings of the processing of social chemosignals have been investigated in relation to kin recognition, mate choice, the reproductive state and emotional contagion. These studies reveal that human chemosignals are probably not processed within olfactory brain areas but through neuronal relays responsible for the processing of social information. It is concluded that the processing of human social chemosignals resembles the processing of social signals originating from other modalities, except that human social chemosignals are usually communicated without the allocation of attentional resources, that is below the threshold of consciousness. Deviances in the processing of human social chemosignals might be related to the development and maintenance of mental disorders