6,419 research outputs found

    Characterization of Rotating Cavitation in a Four Bladed Inducer

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    This work aims to characterize the dynamic behavior of a four bladed inducer and clarify the physical mechanism that leads to the onset of rotating cavitation. The inducer under consideration is representative of a low-pressure liquid oxygen pump (LPOP) inducer of modern design and incorporates several standard design features used in rocket turbopumps to suppress rotating cavitation. The mechanism is characterized based on a combination of two-phase numerical simulations and inducer experiments. Experimental measurements demonstrate a supersynchronous rotating cavity in the periphery of the inducer inlet at frequencies between 1.2 and 1.6 times rotor frequency and a synchronous 2nd spatial harmonic pattern associated with alternate blade cavitation. The analysis indicates a causal link between alternate blade cavitation and rotating cavitation, with a distinct cut-on cut-off behavior. Numerical calculations and high-speed videos elucidate the mechanism of breakdown of alternate blade cavitation and the formation of rotating cavitation. The present work suggests that rotating cavitation is caused by the coupling of the cavities on adjacent blades during alternate blade cavitation. Due to the nearly tangential flow, the vortex lines from one of the non-cavitating blades wrap around the blade leading edge of the adjacent blade, which yields a drop in static pressure and cavity formation. The tip vortex cavity interaction with the leading edge of the blade leads to sheet cavity breakdown with periodic growth and collapse of cavities, creating the apparent super-synchronous rotation of the cavitating region.United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

    Influence of local surface albedo variability and ice crystal shape on passive remote sensing of thin cirrus

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    Airborne measurements of solar spectral radiance reflected by cirrus are performed with the HALO-Solar Radiation (HALO-SR) instrument onboard the High Altitude and Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO) in November 2010. The data are used to quantify the influence of surface albedo variability on the retrieval of cirrus optical thickness and crystal effective radius. The applied retrieval of cirrus optical properties is based on a standard two-wavelength approach utilizing measured and simulated reflected radiance in the visible and near-infrared spectral region. Frequency distributions of the surface albedos from Moderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite observations are used to compile surface-albedo-dependent lookup tables of reflected radiance. For each assumed surface albedo the cirrus optical thickness and effective crystal radius are retrieved as a function of the assumed surface albedo. The results for the cirrus optical thickness are compared to measurements from the High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL). The uncertainty in cirrus optical thickness due to local variability of surface albedo in the specific case study investigated here is below 0.1 and thus less than that caused by the measurement uncertainty of both instruments. It is concluded that for the retrieval of cirrus optical thickness the surface albedo variability is negligible. However, for the retrieval of crystal effective radius, the surface albedo variability is of major importance, introducing uncertainties up to 50%. Furthermore, the influence of the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) on the retrieval of crystal effective radius was investigated and quantified with uncertainties below 10%, which ranges below the uncertainty caused by the surface albedo variability. The comparison with the independent lidar data allowed for investigation of the role of the crystal shape in the retrieval. It is found that if assuming aggregate ice crystals, the HSRL observations fit best with the retrieved optical thickness from HALO-SR

    The MAHB, the Culture Gap, and Some Really Inconvenient Truths

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    Humanity's failure to take adequate actions to stem a likely environmental collapse calls for extraordinary measures to understand and alter human behavior, argues Paul Ehrlich. His Millennium Assessment of Human Behavior (MAHB) aims to chart the path to a sustainable future

    Lattice Effects in Crystal Evaporation

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    We study the dynamics of a stepped crystal surface during evaporation, using the classical model of Burton, Cabrera and Frank, in which the dynamics of the surface is represented as a motion of parallel, monoatomic steps. The validity of the continuum approximation treated by Frank is checked against numerical calculations and simple, qualitative arguments. The continuum approximation is found to suffer from limitations related, in particular, to the existence of angular points. These limitations are often related to an adatom detachment rate of adatoms which is higher on the lower side of each step than on the upper side ("Schwoebel effect").Comment: DRFMC/SPSMS/MDN, Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Grenoble, 25 pages, LaTex, revtex style. 8 Figures, available upon request, report# UBFF30119

    CIRRUS-HL: Overview of LIM contributions

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    From June to July 2021, the Leipzig Institute for Meteorology (LIM) participated in the Cirrus in High Latitudes (CIRRUS-HL) campaign. Utilizing the German High Altitude Long Range Research Aircraft (HALO), 24 research flights were conducted out of Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. The initial goal of the campaign was to sample high-latitude cirrus clouds with a combination of in-situ and remote sensing instrumentation. However, due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the flights had to be carried out from southern Germany instead of northern Sweden. Thus, the flight time in Arctic latitudes was limited. Therefore, more objectives concerning midlatitude cirrus were included in the campaign goals. LIM contributed to CIRRUS-HL with measurements by the Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation (BACARDI) and the Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem (SMART). While BACARDI measured broadband solar and terrestrial upward and downward irradiance, SMART measured spectrally resolved solar upward radiance as well as upward and downward irradiance.Von Juni bis Juli 2021 nahmen einige Mitarbeitende des LIM an der CIRRUS-HL Kampagne teil. Mit dem deutschen Forschungsflugzeug HALO (High Altitude Long Range Research Aircraft) wurden 24 Forschungsflüge von Oberpfaffenhofen, Deutschland, aus durchgeführt. Ursprüngliches Ziel der Kampagne war es, Zirruswolken in hohen Breitengraden mit einer Kombination aus In-situ- und Fernerkundungsinstrumenten zu untersuchen. Aufgrund der weltweiten Corona-Pandemie mussten die Flüge jedoch von Süddeutschland statt von Nordschweden aus durchgeführt werden. Daher wurden weitere Ziele in Bezug auf Zirruswolken in mittleren Breiten in die Ziele der Kampagne aufgenommen. Das LIM-Team betrieb die breitbandigen und spektralen Strahlungssensoren BACARDI (Broadband AirCrAft RaDiometer Instrumentation) und SMART (Spectral Modular Airborne Radiation measurement sysTem), wobeiBACARDI die breitbandige solare und terrestrische Auf- und Abwärtsstrahlung und SMART die spektral aufgelöste solareAuf- undAbwärtsstrahlung sowie dieAufwärtsstrahlungsdichte maß

    Rate theory for correlated processes: Double-jumps in adatom diffusion

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    We study the rate of activated motion over multiple barriers, in particular the correlated double-jump of an adatom diffusing on a missing-row reconstructed Platinum (110) surface. We develop a Transition Path Theory, showing that the activation energy is given by the minimum-energy trajectory which succeeds in the double-jump. We explicitly calculate this trajectory within an effective-medium molecular dynamics simulation. A cusp in the acceptance region leads to a sqrt{T} prefactor for the activated rate of double-jumps. Theory and numerical results agree

    Quality of Relationships with Parents and Friends in Adolescence Predicts Metabolic Risk in Young Adulthood

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    Objective: This study was designed to examine whether family and peer relationships in adolescence predict the emergence of metabolic risk factors in young adulthood. Method: Participants from a large, nationally representative cohort study (N = 11,617 for these analyses) reported on their relationship experiences with parents and close friends during adolescence. Fourteen years later, interviewers collected blood samples, as well as anthropometric and blood pressure measurements. Blood samples were analyzed for HbA1c. Results: Ordered logistic regressions revealed that for females, supportive parent–child relationships and close male friendships in adolescence were associated with reduced odds of having elevated metabolic risk markers in young adulthood. These effects remained significant even after controlling for baseline measures of body mass index (BMI) and health and demographic covariates. The protective effects of close relationships were not significant for males, however. Exploratory analyses with 2-parent families revealed that supportive father–child relationships were especially protective for females. Conclusions: These findings suggest that, for females, close and supportive relationships with parents and male friends in adolescence may reduce the risk of metabolic dysregulation in adulthood

    Numerical test of the damping time of layer-by-layer growth on stochastic models

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    We perform Monte Carlo simulations on stochastic models such as the Wolf-Villain (WV) model and the Family model in a modified version to measure mean separation \ell between islands in submonolayer regime and damping time t~\tilde t of layer-by-layer growth oscillations on one dimension. The stochastic models are modified, allowing diffusion within interval rr upon deposited. It is found numerically that the mean separation and the damping time depend on the diffusion interval rr, leading to that the damping time is related to the mean separation as t~4/3{\tilde t} \sim \ell^{4/3} for the WV model and t~2{\tilde t} \sim \ell^2 for the Family model. The numerical results are in excellent agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, source LaTeX file and 5 PS figure

    Cilia at the node of mouse embryos sense fluid flow for left-right determination via Pkd2

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    Unidirectional fluid flow plays an essential role in the breaking of left-right (L-R) symmetry in mouse embryos, but it has remained unclear how the flow is sensed by the embryo. We report that the Ca2+ channel Polycystin-2 (Pkd2) is required specifically in the perinodal crown cells for sensing the nodal flow. Examination of mutant forms of Pkd2 shows that the ciliary localization of Pkd2 is essential for correct L-R patterning. Whereas Kif3a mutant embryos, which lack all cilia, failed to respond to an artificial flow, restoration of primary cilia in crown cells rescued the response to the flow. Our results thus suggest that nodal flow is sensed in a manner dependent on Pkd2 by the cilia of crown cells located at the edge of the node.CREST of the Japan Science and Technology Corporation; NIH [P30 DK090744]; Human Frontier Science Program [ST00246/2003C]; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [PE 853/2]; Japan Society for the Promotion of Science; American Heart Association [R10682]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The ideal healthcare: priorities of people with chronic conditions and their carers

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    Background It is well established that health consumer opinions should be considered in the design, delivery, and evaluation of health services. However, the opinions of people with chronic conditions and their carers and what they actually consider as ideal healthcare is limited. The aim of this study is to investigate the healthcare priorities of consumers with chronic conditions and their carers, if there are differences between these two groups, and if priorities differ depending on geographical location. Methods The nominal group technique was used as a method to identify what is currently important to, or valued by, participants. This method was also particularly suited to learning about healthcare problems and generating important solutions, thereby helping to bridge the gap between research and policy. Recruitment was carried out via purposive sampling, with the assistance of community pharmacies, general practices, various health agencies, government and non-government organisations. A total of 11 nominal groups were conducted; five groups consisted predominantly of consumers (n = 33 participants), two groups consisted predominantly of carers (n = 12 participants) and four were mixed groups, i.e. consumers, carers, and both (n = 26 participants). Results The findings suggested that to create a model of ideal healthcare for people with chronic conditions and their carers, appropriate and timely healthcare access was of paramount importance. Continuity and coordinated care, patient-centred care and affordability were equally the second most important healthcare priorities for all groups. When compared with other groups, access was discussed more frequently among participants residing in the rural area of Mount Isa. Compared to consumers, carers also discussed priorities that were more reminiscent with their caring roles, such as increased access and continuity and coordinated care. Conclusions Access to healthcare is the most important priority for people with chronic conditions and their carers. In the event of inappropriate access for certain groups, all other efforts to increase the quality of healthcare delivery, e.g. patient-centred care, may be pointless. However, health professionals alone may be limited in their ability to address the concerns related to healthcare access; structural changes by health policy makers may be needed