31 research outputs found

    Genomic Consequences of Fragmentation in the Endangered Fennoscandian Arctic Fox (Vulpes lagopus)

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    Accelerating climate change is causing severe habitat fragmentation in the Arctic, threatening the persistence of many cold-adapted species. The Scandinavian arctic fox (V. lagopus) is highly fragmented, with a once continuous, circumpolar distribution, it struggled to recover from a demographic bottleneck in the late 19th century. The future persistence of the entire Scandinavian population is highly dependent on the northernmost Fennoscandian subpopulations (Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula), to provide a link to the viable Siberian population. By analyzing 43 arctic fox genomes, we quantified genomic variation and inbreeding in these populations. Signatures of genome erosion increased from Siberia to northern Sweden indicating a stepping-stone model of connectivity. In northern Fennoscandia, runs of homozygosity (ROH) were on average ~1.47-fold longer than ROH found in Siberia, stretching almost entire scaffolds. Moreover, consistent with recent inbreeding, northern Fennoscandia harbored more homozygous deleterious mutations, whereas Siberia had more in heterozygous state. This study underlines the value of documenting genome erosion following population fragmentation to identify areas requiring conservation priority. With the increasing fragmentation and isolation of Arctic habitats due to global warming, understanding the genomic and demographic consequences is vital for maintaining evolutionary potential and preventing local extinctions. inbreeding; runs of homozygosity; bottleneck; fragmentation; mutational load; conservatio

    Städtische Lehrerinnenausbildung in Preussen: eine Studie zu Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktionen am Beispiel der Lehrerinnen-Bildungsanstalt Hannover 1856 - 1926

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    Ehrich K. Städtische Lehrerinnenausbildung in Preussen: eine Studie zu Entwicklung, Struktur und Funktionen am Beispiel der Lehrerinnen-Bildungsanstalt Hannover 1856 - 1926. Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 11, Pädagogik ; 641. Frankfurt am Main: Lang; 1995

    Lemmus spp. site info

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    Site information and collection year of all samples included in the data analyse

    Implantació d'un sistema de gestió de la seguretat de la informació a l'ajuntament de Fita Alta

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    Realització d'un pla director per a un ajuntament que li permeti gestionar de forma adequada la seguretat basada en les "bones pràctiques", en la gestió de la seguretat de la informació de l'ISO/IEC 27002:2013 i en les especificacions per a la implantació d'un sistema de gestió de la seguretat de la informació recollides en l'ISO/IEC 27001:2013. En tractar-se d'un ajuntament d'una administració pública, el pla director també ha d'ajustar-se a les normes jurídiques estatals, autonòmiques i locals que regulen l'ús de les TIC.Realización de un plan director para un ayuntamiento que le permita gestionar de forma adecuada la seguridad basada en las "buenas prácticas", en la gestión de la seguridad de la información de la ISO/IEC 27002:2013 y en las especificaciones para la implantación de un sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información recogidas en la ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Al tratarse de un ayuntamiento de una administración pública, el plan director también debe ajustarse a las normas jurídicas estatales, autonómicas y locales que regulan el uso de las TIC.ISO/IEC 27001Realization of a master plan for a city council to allow it to manage appropriately based security "best practices" in the management of information security ISO/IEC 27002: 2013 and the specifications for the implementation of a safety management system of information contained in the ISO/IEC 27001:2013. Being a city council a public administration, the master plan must also conform to legal national, regional and local government standards in the use of ICT.ISO/IEC 2700

    Homage to Hersteinsson and Macdonald: climate warming and resource subsidies cause red fox range expansion and Arctic fox decline

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    Climate change can have a marked effect on the distribution and abundance of some species, as well as their interspecific interactions. In 1992, before ecological effects of anthropogenic climate change had developed into a topical research field, Hersteinsson and Macdonald published a seminal paper hypothesizing that the northern distribution limit of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is determined by food availability and ultimately climate, while the southern distribution limit of the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) is determined by interspecific competition with the larger red fox. This hypothesis has inspired extensive research in several parts of the circumpolar distribution range of the Arctic fox. Over the past 25 years, it was shown that red foxes can exclude Arctic foxes from dens, space and food resources, and that red foxes kill and sometimes consume Arctic foxes. When the red fox increases to ecologically effective densities, it can cause Arctic fox decline, extirpation and range contraction, while conservation actions involving red fox culling can lead to Arctic fox recovery. Red fox advance in productive tundra, concurrent with Arctic fox retreat from this habitat, support the original hypothesis that climate warming will alter the geographical ranges of the species. However, recent studies show that anthropogenic subsidies also drive red fox advance, allowing red fox establishment north of its climate-imposed distribution limit. We conclude that synergies between anthropogenic subsidies and climate warming will speed up Arctic ecosystem change, allowing mobile species to establish and thrive in human-provided refugia, with potential spill-over effects in surrounding ecosystems.201

    Oct4-Induced Pluripotency in Adult Neural Stem Cells

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    The four transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc can induce pluripotency in mouse and human fibroblasts. We previously described direct reprogramming of adult mouse neural stem cells (NSCs) by Oct4 and either Klf4 or c-Myc. NSCs endogenously express Sox2, c-Myc, and Klf4 as well as several intermediate reprogramming markers. Here we report that exogenous expression of the germline-specific transcription factor Oct4 is sufficient to generate pluripotent stem cells from adult mouse NSCs. These one-factor induced pluripotent stem cells (1F iPS) are similar to embryonic stem cells in vitro and in vivo. Not only can these cells can be efficiently differentiated into NSCs, cardiomyocytes, and germ cells in vitro, but they are also capable of teratoma formation and germline transmission in vivo. Our results demonstrate that Oct4 is required and sufficient to directly reprogram NSCs to pluripotency.close50249