180 research outputs found

    Entangled in the Net? Would Scandals function under the Conditions of the Internet alone?

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    Using semiotic method of consideration the article investigates judgement power of public sphere in traditional media and internet. The analysis reminds that news stories obey the narrative rules. They become an object for judgement only in a mediation that allows present public opinion. At the same time because of mediation and in accordance with functioning of meta-texts these stories become subject of moralising sanction to their heroes. For mass media, the mediation function creates the parallel universe of the public sphere. The aim of the article is to find an answer whether there exists something in the internet which produces a similar public universe.Theoretical argument lets to conclude that the tribunal of public opinion is not just a meaning apparatus; it also has to be narrated. That means, that the question of justice, of right or wrong, has to be turned into a pragmatic question of performance (how well?) and competence (by whom?). As publicity is only an idea, a meaning apparatus, for normative purposes need to hide behind narrative plausibility. As soon as actors are seen as pragmatic subjects, they are subject to sanctioning. Actually, a source is the direct will of the judging instance, which in the public sphere is the hypostasis of ‘all’.When internet lacks direct mediation instance, it is unable to turn information into narratives. Without public sphere produced by traditional media the internet lacks the meaning. Such stating together with the example of Wikileaks let to conclude that when there is no legitimisation of power, then, no realisation of the pragmatic subject, and in consequence – there is no scandal. Keywords: common sense, industrial meaning, internet communication, judgement, meta-text, meaning, meaning constraint, moralising, narrative, power (meta-text 1), pragmatic subject (meta-text 2), publicity, public opinion, public sanctioning, scandal, theatre meaning

    Real-time control of industrial robots for shape setting Nitinol rods

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    Most robots in industrial settings today rely on playback of precise pre-defined coordinates and do not adjust their motion using feedback from sensors. This thesis describes a system to implement real-time motion control of ABB Industrial robots through ROS (Robot Operating System), which enables general use for future experiments that control the robot arms using real-time feedback from force-torque sensors and/or computer vision. Additionally, these robots are used to bend a Nitinol rod into a desired shape and a hardware system has been built to shape-set Nitinol rods with Joule heating

    Gott im Netz. Religiöse Kommunikation im Internet

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    (...) Seit einem Jahrzehnt nun kommt eine ganz neue Medienwirklichkeit auf, die nicht mehr den Gesetzen der Massenmedien folgt, an die sich die Kirche gewöhnt hat: das Internet (cyberworld I cyberspace, ist nicht mehr im sog. meatspace). Dies ist nicht nur eine neuartige Distributions- form, sondern beeinflußt die Wirklichkeitswahrnehmung so weit, dass inzwischen von virtual reality, cybersex und cyberwar die Rede ist; bis in die Kriegsführung hinein reicht die Transformation. Undenkbar, dass das Zeugnis, das die Kirche von ihrem Glauben gibt, davon unberührt bleiben könnte. (...) EnglishJohannes Ehrat SJ: God in the Web: Chat on Faith? One of the most interesting communication phenomena in the internet are chat rooms, and the like. This is not comparable to face-to-face communication, as psychological approaches to communication imply. An approach based on meaning as identity constitution and reality construction gives a better idea of the communicative potential of the internet. Chat rooms with their total virtualisation of reality and totally imaginary constitution and interplay of behavioural roles offer a unique platform for communicating faith. Witnessing not past faith experiences, but potential faith experimentation, is a meaning process which is found analogically in parables. For the Church this form of communication is quite unlike the treatment of prominent Church roles in the mass media. The construction' of roles is so much freer in the internet, that there is little ground for polemical counter-roles or conflictual narrative programmes.

    Value Generation in the Product Lifecycle with Digital Twins: Status Quo in Swiss Companies

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    Value generation with digital twins along the phases of the product lifecycle affects different processes from a company's internal perspective. The present study investigated in which phases of the product lifecycle and processes swiss companies seek to generate what value contribution. The results of the survey of 103 companies show that only 47% of the companies surveyed are applying or planning to apply digital twins. The motivation primarily lies in increasing efficiency (79%) or in building competitive advantage (63%). These companies clearly recognize the potential of digital twins to create value in the Beginning-of-Life-phase (79%) and in the Middle-of-Life-phase (60%). In contrest, the use in the End-of-Life-phase (15%) is subordinate. The companies seek to generate value with digital twins by offering qualitatively better products and services in a shorter time or with higher availability. Cost savings seem secondary and overestimated by companies before they apply digital twins

    Incentivos para produção de habilitação de interesse social: um olhar sobre o Plano Diretor de Florianópolis

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Urbanismo, História e Arquitetura da Cidade, Florianópolis, 2015.A habitação é uma necessidade primária, básica e permanente. Além de necessidade, é um direito universal e constitucional. A produção de habitação e o habitar podem se dar de diversas formas culturais, sociais e econômicas, e assim também podem ser variados os seus impactos no meio. Ao mesmo tempo, quase toda a habitação produzida hoje pode ser entendida como social, se associarmos a esta definição a necessidade de financiamento para a produção de moradia. No Brasil e em boa parte do mundo, as políticas públicas voltadas à habitação não conseguem reverter o cenário de aumento do déficit qualitativo e quantitativo, e menos ainda, dos problemas que a necessidade de habitação traz ao processo de crescimento e expansão das cidades. Neste sentido, Florianópolis não foge à regra geral, enfrentando problemas como invasão de áreas de preservação ambiental, carência de terras para promoção de Habitação de Interesse Social, segregação sócio espacial, formação e expansão de assentamentos precários e expansão urbana em ritmo mais acelerado do que a infraestrutura de suporte para tal. Com a função de reger a ocupação e o uso do solo de Florianópolis, o novo Plano Diretor de Florianópolis começou a ser debatido em 2006, sendo aprovado em janeiro de 2014. Estabelece como horizonte um cenário de crescimento populacional dos atuais cerca de 500 mil habitantes para mais de 750 mil em 2030. Suas diretrizes se propõe como mais justas e equilibradas, voltadas a inovações que contemplem os anseios do presente e do futuro, em termos de desenvolvimento urbano planejado. Esta dissertação discute a questão habitacional no município de Florianópolis, analisando os aspectos de políticas públicas, especialmente de planejamento urbano, cadeia produtiva e sustentabilidade, com foco na produção de Habitação de Interesse Social. Nesta perspectiva a análise do novo Plano Diretor de Florianópolis, contraposta ao Plano anterior permite evidenciar que o mais recente, embora avance em alguns aspectos, tais como como a previsão de AEIS e a definição de faixas de atendimento para HIS, não pode ser caracterizado como inovador, especialmente se considerar os aspectos relativos ao direito à moradia digna e desenvolvimento sustentável. Conforme encontramos em autores como Rolnik, Maricato e Lucini, e como já se desenha no Estatuto da Cidade, tanto o custo da terra quanto o lucro privado não devem ser máximas absolutas que não possam ser equilibradas pela ação do Estado, intervindo na dinâmica econômica, produtiva e mercadológica das cidades, construindo em conjunto com os diversos atores desta dinâmica, cidades mais democráticas e melhores de se viver. A análise do caso de Florianópolis reforça a existência de potencial para a produção de HIS pelo mercado, tirando os instrumentos do discurso e avaliando sua efetivação na prática, e fazendo as correções necessárias para o alcance das metas para as quais foram propostos. Nenhum instrumento de planejamento será útil se não for colocado em prática. A construção da cidade, no sentido mais literal, deve refletir e ser reflexo da sua política habitacional. Várias alternativas para a viabilização de Habitação de Interesse Social e de um Habitar mais sustentável podem vir de Planos Diretores indo além do discurso, atuando de forma proativa, como plano de ação, e assim abrir um enorme leque de oportunidades de troca com a cadeia produtiva. É necessário colocar a Habitação no centro da agenda da política urbana lançando um olhar convergente entre as políticas públicas, o planejamento urbano e as regras que regem a cadeia produtiva, pautada no direito à moradia, na cidade e nas pessoas.Housing is a primary, basic and permanent need. Beyond the need, it is a universal and constitutional right. Housing production and dwelling can happen in different cultural, social and economic ways, as much as can be varied the environment impact it may cause. Almost all housing production today can be understood as social, if we regarded from the view point of production and funding raised. In Brazil as worldwide, most of the public housing policies having not being able to reverse the increasing deficit scenario in our days, neither qualitative nor quantitative, let alone the problems associated with housing demand in the context urban expansion and city growing. Florianopolis is no exception to this general rule, facing a rage variety of problems, from land´s invasion of the environmental persevered areas, the city lack of aproprieted land support for social housing , urban social-spatial segregation, up to the faster growing rate of the slums and urban expansion, without the increase of supporting infrastructure. It was very recent, since 2006, that a new master plan for Florianopolis has being introduced within the local government´s agenda. It was approved as a local urban police, late in January 2014. The new master plan goal sets land use and occupation as a general regulation for the city growth as a whole. They were established considering a population growth ?scenario aimed to foresee an increase from nearly 500 thousand inhabitants to more than 750 thousand in 2030. Their guidelines are supposed to stress a much fair social approach for a better land use balanced. The aim is to build innovative ways for local action and urban planning strategies to answer the ongoing social claims, in as much as the future ones. This is regarding not only environment imbalance, as much as social inequality within the context of Brazilian recent urban and economic development. This research work aims to investigate the social housing agenda within the local government´s context of Florianopolis, analyzing urban policies, especially in connection with new urban planning strategies and regulations. It also attempts to address the relationship between the private housing market and social housing production´s chain, as much as their relationship with some relevant aspects of social housing sustainability and production. It analyses Florianopolis´ new master plan, comparing and opposing the new strategies as stated, in relation to the previous ones. This allows to put in evidence that the new strategies although making some advances, regarding social housing needs, such as a more precise definition of Special Land Using for Social Needs - ?AEIS? and introducing new services´ ranges for social housing, can not be featured as innovative public polices for local government action. This is particularly evident if considering acceptable patterns for sustainable social housing production in relations to human rights. As many Brazilian urban experts such as Rolnik, Maricato and Lucini state in their critical debate and also as the Brazilian Urban Federal Law, better known as ?Estatuto da Cidade? (City´s Constitution Law) already recognises and states, the land´s cost and the private profit should not be the absolute highlights. They needed to be balanced by State action, intervening in the local economy, adjusting the city´s building market dynamics, bringing together the various social actors and the whole range of diverse interests within this dynamic process, towards a more democratic management and social inclusion for a better living city. The case study of Florianopolis have made possible to analyse and put in evidence urban aspects and tools that show the potential of using these new urban polices and local government strategies, regarding social housing production in connection with private market management. For that to happen it seems to be needed some adjustments in the local government´s political agenda and action, taking off the instruments from the speech and evaluating its practical validation. Therefore, making the necessary corrections to achieve the goals for which they have being proposed. No planning tool will be useful if not put into practice. The building of the city, in most literal sense, should not only reflect but also be a reflection of its housing policy. Several alternatives for the viability of social housing and a more sustainable living can come from master plans, if one can go beyond the usual political speech approaching, acting proactively as action plan, and thus open up a huge range of exchange opportunities, within the local context of the production chain. In order for that to happen it seems necessary to put the social housing in the centre of the local urban agenda. That is by building a convergent view between public policy, urban planning and the adjustments needed in the rules of the production chain, based on housing rights, on the city´s rights and on people´s right to the city, thus empowering social action.<br

    Advanced Analytical Methods for Pharmaceutical and Diagnostic Applications

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    Driving forces for the development of novel analytical technologies in the life-science industry are described. Technologies which either were developed in Bio-Analytical Research or brought to a reliability required for routine applications will be elucidated and, on the basis of practical examples, the impact of modern analytical technologies on the industrial research and development will be discussed: Optical biosensors based on evanescent excitation of luminescence allow for real-time monitoring of the binding of active compounds to specific biomolecular recognition sites. Molecular imaging technologies have the potential to gain rapid access to physical maps of genomic materials. Capillary electrophoresis or affinity gel electrophoresis are well suited for the fast determination of oligonucleotide mixtures in nl amounts of samples. Integrated capillary electrophoresis on chips will allow to multiplex capillary systems at low costs and results in high separation efficiencies. MALDI-TOF MS is an easy to operate non-scanning mass spectrometric instrumentation for the analysis of high molecular weight biopolymers such as immunoglobulins

    O ensino de Polinômios usando material acessível para alunos cegos: potencialidades e limitações

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    This article presents results of a research developed in the year 2016 and aims to recognize potentialities and limitations of the use of an accessible concrete material for the teaching of operations with polynomials in a regular class with blind students. In order to introduce the theme, present considerations on inclusion in legislation; the language of the visually impaired; the role of the teacher in relation to the teaching of these students; the use of manipulative materials and conceptions of algebra and algebraic education. Methodologically, the research materializes with the elaboration of a material accessible to blind students for the teaching of operations with polynomials. This material was used in a teaching sequence developed during eight classes with an eighth grade class from a public school in Curitiba. As potentialities, it was observed that the use of the material made possible the inclusion of the visually impaired student, besides motivating and facilitating learning about representation and operation with polynomials for all students in the class. It is highlighted as limitations the need to assemble the material, which can be done by teachers and students; and the mathematical conceptual error in relation to the possible representation of monomials given the characteristics of the material used.Este artículo presenta resultados de una investigación desarrollada en el año 2016 y tiene por objetivo reconocer potencialidades y limitaciones del uso de un material concreto accesible para la enseñanza de operaciones con polinomios en una clase regular con estudiantes ciegos insertados. Para introducir la temática se presentan consideraciones sobre la inclusión en la legislación; el lenguaje de los discapacitados visuales; el papel del profesor en relación con la enseñanza de estos estudiantes; el uso de materiales manipulables y concepciones de álgebra y educación algebraica. Metodológicamente, la investigación se concreta con la elaboración de un material accesible a los alumnos ciegos para la enseñanza de operaciones con polinomios. Este material fue utilizado en una secuencia de enseñanza desarrollada durante ocho clases con un octavo año de una escuela de la red pública de Curitiba. Como potencialidades se observó que el uso del material posibilitó la inclusión del estudiante con deficiencia visual además de motivar y propiciar el aprendizaje sobre la representación y la operación con polinomios para todos los estudiantes de la clase. Se destaca como limitaciones la necesidad de montar el material, lo que puede ser hecho por profesores y estudiantes; y el error conceptual matemático con relación a la representación posible de monomios dadas las características del material utilizado.Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida no ano de 2016 e tem por objetivo reconhecer potencialidades e limitações do uso de um material concreto acessível para o ensino de operações com polinômios em uma turma regular com estudantes cegos inseridos. Para introduzir a temática apresentam-se considerações sobre a inclusão na legislação; a linguagem dos deficientes visuais; o papel do professor em relação ao ensino destes estudantes; o uso de materiais manipuláveis e concepções de álgebra e educação algébrica. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa se concretiza com a elaboração de um material acessível aos alunos cegos para o ensino de operações com polinômios. Este material foi utilizado em uma sequência de ensino desenvolvida durante oito aulas com uma turma de oitavo ano de uma escola da rede pública de Curitiba. Como potencialidades observou-se que o uso do material possibilitou a inclusão do estudante com deficiência visual além de motivar e propiciar a aprendizagem sobre a representação e a operação com polinômios para todos os estudantes da turma. Destaca-se como limitações a necessidade de montar o material, o que pode ser feito por professores e estudantes; e o erro conceitual matemático em relação à representação possível de monômios dadas as características do material utilizado

    Na,K-ATPase on a waveguide sensor : supramolecular assembly and side directed binding studies by surface-confined fluorescence

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    Grell E, Pawlak M, Anselmetti D, Schick E, Lewitzki E, Ehrat M. Na,K-ATPase on a waveguide sensor : supramolecular assembly and side directed binding studies by surface-confined fluorescence. In: Taniguchi K, Kaya S, eds. Na/K-ATPase and related ATPases: proceedings of the 9th International Conference on the Na/K-ATPase and Related ATPases. Excerpta Medica international congress series. Vol 1207. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2000: 437-440.The functional assembly of FITC-Na,K-ATPase membrane fragments on a surface-modified Ta2O5 waveguide allows to investigate the directed binding of ligands by surface-confined fluorescence studies. The results allow to draw conclusions about the sidedness of interactions. The fluorescence intensity decrease observed upon the selective binding of K+ is attributed to its coordination to a site accessible from the former intracellular membrane side