158 research outputs found

    Народні формування на території України у початковий період Великої Вітчизняної війни (1941–1942 рр.)

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    Вивчення історії початкового періоду Великої Вітчизняної війни, участі народних формувань у обороні своєї Вітчизни ілюструє багатовимірний спектр її подій. Простежено процес формування винищувальних батальйонів і народного ополчення в найбільших містах України, їхню організаційну структуру, матеріально-технічне забезпечення, озброєння, чисельний склад. Виявлено ряд недоліків у процесі організації добровільних збройних формувань.Studying of the history of the initial period of the Great Patriotic war, taking part of the people’s formations in defense of the native land causes various judgments as to its events nowadays. The process of forming of punitive battalions and people’s formations in large cities of Ukraine, their structure and organization, material-technical securing, armament, numerical strength was observed. A number of weak points in the process of organizing of voluntary formations were revealed

    Chronic cough and esomeprazole: A double-blind placebo-controlled parallel study

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    Background and objective: Gastro-oesophageal reflux has been implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic cough. Guidelines on management suggest a therapeutic trial of anti-reflux medication. Esomeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor licensed for the long-term treatment of acid reflux in adults and we compared the effects of esomeprazole and placebo on patients with chronic cough. Methods: This was a prospective, single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study conducted over 8 weeks. Fifty adult non-smokers with chronic cough and normal spirometry were randomized. Patients completed cough-related quality-of-life and symptom questionnaires and subjective scores of cough frequency and severity at the beginning and end of the study. They also kept a daily diary of symptom scores. Citric acid cough challenge and laryngoscopic examination were performed at baseline and the end of the study. The primary outcome was improvement in cough score. Results: There were no differences in cough scores in the placebo and treatment arms of the study although some significant improvements were noted when compared to baseline. In the cough diary scores there was a trend towards greater improvement in the treatment arm in patients with dyspepsia. Conclusions: Esomeprazole did not have a clinically important effect greater than placebo in patients with cough. It suggests a marked placebo effect in the treatment of cough. There is paucity of evidence on which to base the treatment of reflux-associated cough. We demonstrate that acid suppressive therapy does not lead to a significant clinical effect in these patients. There may be some improvement in those with coexisting dyspeptic symptoms and therapy should be restricted to this group. © 2011 Asian Pacific Society of Respirology

    Analysing the Role of Fusion Power in the Future Global Energy System

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    This work presents the EFDA Times model (ETM), developed within the European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA). ETM is an optimization global energy model which aims at providing the optimum energy system composition in terms of social wealth and sustainability including fusion as an alternative technology in the long term. Two framework scenarios are defined: a Base case scenario with no limits to CO2 emissions, and a 450ppm scenario with a limit of 450ppm in CO2-eq concentrations set by 2100. Previous results showed that in the Base case scenario, with no measures for CO2 emission reductions, fusion does not enter the energy system. However, when CO2 emission restrictions are imposed, the global energy system composition changes completely. In a 450ppm scenario, coal technologies disappear in a few decades, being mainly replaced by nuclear fission technologies which experience a great increase when constrained only by Uranium resources exhaustion. Fission technologies are then replaced by the fusion power plants that start in 2070, with a significant contribution to the global electricity production by 2100. To conclude the work, a sensitivity analysis will be presented on some parameters that may affect the possible role of fusion in the future global energy system

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