14 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of the Picture and Picture Learning Model to Improve the Teeth Brushing Ability of Intellectual Disability

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    This study aims to describe the influence of the use of picture and picture learning models on the ability to attend (brushing teeth) for Class 3 SDLB C This study uses quasi-experimental research methods (quasi experiment) a form of Time Series Design. The analysis technique used is hypothesis testing using the Wilcoxon test. The results of the data analysis show that the average learning outcomes of students of ten people are five people whose values are below the class average, it can be concluded that the picture and picture learning model can improve the ability of self-brushing teeth to brush third grade students of SDLB

    Kesenjangan sosial dan diskriminasi penduduk campuran (Mestizos) di Hindia Belanda dalam kurun abad 18-19

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    When the Dutch came to power in the East Indies Islands, indo-Europeans or mestizo or "anak kolong" were considered a bad image for Europeans. They were born as a result of marital relations between European men and bumiputra women. Europeans think that the mistresses (nyai) are guilty of the birth of Indo-European children. Though the combination of two cultures that enter the life of the community makes them accustomed to coexistence between the two. Classification in colonial societies made the difference even more pronounced, indo-Europeans increasingly marginalized by social gap and discrimination. Discriminatory policies that put Europeans first in terms of jobs, education, create resentment and frustration among Indo-Europeans. Those who are increasingly depressed due to the difficulty of living in the Dutch East Indies take shortcuts by committing criminal acts such as opium smuggling, theft, and prostitution. This article written with historiographical methods attempts to recount the lives of mixed-blooded populations as one of the contributions of the field of social history studies. This presentation is expected to be an alternative to historical discussions that may not be written much in the official historical narrative.Saat Belanda berkuasa di Kepulauan Hindia Timur, orang-orang Indoeropa atau mestizo atau anak kolong dianggap sebagai citra buruk bagi kalangan orang-orang Eropa. Mereka lahir akibat hubungan perkawinan/pergundikan antara lelaki Eropa dan perempuan bumiputra. Orang-orang Eropa beranggapan bahwa para gundik (nyai) bersalah atas kelahiran anak Indoeropa. Padahal perpaduan dua budaya yang masuk dalam kehidupan masyarakat membuat mereka terbiasa hidup berdampingan di antara keduanya. Klasifikasi dalam masyarakat kolonial membuat perbedaan semakin terasa, orang-orang Indoeropa semakin terpinggirkan dengan adanya kesenjangan sosial dan diskriminasi. Kebijakan diskriminatif yang mengutamakan orang-orang Eropa dalam hal pekerjaan, pendidikan, menciptakan rasa dendam dan ketidaknyamanan di kalangan orang-orang Indoeropa. Perempuan yang semakin tertekan akibat sulitnya kesempatan hidup di Hindia Belanda mengambil jalan pintas dengan melakukan tindakan kriminal seperti penyelundupan opium, pencurian, dan prostitusi. Artikel yang ditulis dengan metode historiografi ini mencoba untuk menceritakan kehidupan penduduk berdarah campuran sebagai salah satu kontribusi bidang kajian sejarah sosial. Pemaparan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif diskusi sejarah yang mungkin belum banyak ditulis di dalam narasi sejarah resmi. 

    Sistematika Riview : Pembentukan Perilaku Dalam Konsep Sistem Informasi Manajemen Dakwah

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    Sistem dan teknologi informasi telah menjadi komponen yang sangat penting bagi keberhasilan perusahaan dan organisasi. Teknologi informasi, termasuk sistem informasi Internet, memainkan peran penting dan terus meningkat dalam bisnis. Teknologi informasi dapat membantu perusahaan dari semua jenis meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas proses bisnis mereka, keputusan manajerial dan kolaborasi kelompok kerja, sehingga memperkuat posisi kompetitif mereka di pasar yang berubah dengan cepat. Ini berlaku ketika TI digunakan untuk mendukung tim pengembangan produk, proses dukungan pelanggan, acara elektronik, atau operasi bisnis lainnya. Teknologi dan sistem TI online dengan cepat menjadi bahan untuk kesuksesan bisnis di lingkungan global yang dinamis saat ini

    Inovasi Pengembangan Budidaya Ayam Petelur untuk Ketahanan Pangan dan Penanganan Fenomena Stunting Melalui Instrumen Zakat Produktif Pada Masyarakat Daerah Tertinggal Pasca Covid-19

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    The Central Statistics Agency in their report in 2020 reported that in the first quarter of 2020, Indonesian economy was only able to growth by 2.97% from the previously projected in the level of 4.6%. The failure to achieve the projection indicates that Indonesia is in danger of economic crisis. On the other hand, Indonesia turned out to be a middle to upperlevel country in terms of income. This condition is recored in the World Bank report which stated that Indonesia’s gross national income per capita is 4,050 dollars per year in 2019. Nevertheless, Indonesia still has some homeworks especially in terms of food security and also adequate nutrition of people. The Global Nutrition Report notes that Indonesia is one of three countries that have problem with this physical condition in children (stunting). To deal with this problem, this article formuate a solution to propose productive zakat instrument as an innovation to the development of laying hens cultivation to improve food security and nutrition of people in underdeveloped region.

    Industrial wastewater treatment using venture injector type Micro-bubble aeration as a reduction of dissolved Iron (Fe2+) levels

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    Water quality problems that are often encountered, especially by-product wastewater resulting from industrial processes that do not meet the requirements for wastewater quality standards. Iron levels in wastewater can cause the water to turn brownish yellow and produce an unpleasant odor, which of course has a big impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a treatment process to reduce the iron level in the water, ensuring that the water is safe when discharged into the environment. The purpose of this research is to analyze the initial parameters of temperature, pH, TDS, TSS, dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved iron (Fe2+) in industrial waste water and then wanted to know whether the venture injector type micro bubble aeration process was able to increase the value of dissolved oxygen (DO) and decrease the dissolved iron content (Fe2+) in wastewater and to know the micro bubble type aeration process Venture injectors are the best to use. The research was conducted with an experimental design using a completely randomized design (RAL) with two factors: air flow (2 LPM, 4 LPM, and 6 LPM) and aeration time (0 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, and 60 minutes), each with two repetitions. In the results of the initial parameter analysis, the pH value was 8.02 (alkaline), the temperature value was 28°C, the TDS value was 1548.3 mg/L, the TSS value was 291 mg/L, the DO value was 0.1 mg/L and dissolved iron (Fe2+) of 7.453 mg/L. After conducting research, it was found that the venture injector type micro bubble aeration process was able to increase the value of dissolved oxygen (DO) and reduce dissolved iron (Fe2+) in industrial waste water, the best increase in dissolved oxygen (DO) at 6 LPM air flow for 60 minutes was able to increase oxygen dissolved (DO) to 2.40 mg/L. The most efficient and effective reduction in the value of dissolved iron (Fe2+) at 6 LPM air flow with a time of 15 minutes was able to reduce the value of dissolved iron by 84.42%


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    Abstrak: Rendahnya kemandirian siswa pada saat melakukan pembelajaran praktikum berbasis online berdampak pada saat kegiatan pembelajaran secara daring berlangsung, Hal ini disebabkan pembelajaran pada materi praktikum sistem transmisi biasanya dilaksanakan dengan sistem praktik secara langsung yang dilaksanakan di bengkel, berhubung dalam keadaan darurat pada masa pandemic covid 19 maka pembelajaran praktik bengkel diganti dengan sistem onlie. Berlatar belakang tersebut guru pada kedua mitra yakni SMK Islam 1 Blitar dan SMKN 1 Blitar merasa kesulitan dalam melaksanakan praktikum dengan sistem online. Tujuan dari pengandian masyarakat ini adalah melaksanakan whorksop pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis android pada materi praktikum transmisi mobil dengan Metode yang digunakan dalam workshop ini adalah metode observasi, diskusi, Tanya jawab, dan demontrasi tutor teman sebaya. Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada tangal 7-9 Agusttus 2021 bertempat di SMKN 1 Blitar dengan jumlah peserta 30 orang. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah para peserta workshop dapat menghasilkan aplikasi android yang diberi nama Edutech dan telah siap untuk menerapkan di sekolah pada materi sistem transmisi, sedangkan tanggapan para peserta terhadap pelatihan ini berada pada kategori memuaskan dari segi materi yang diberikan, fasilitas, dan narasumber pelatihan.Abstract: The low independence of students when conducting online-based practicum learning has an impact on online learning activities, this is because learning on transmission system practicum materials is usually carried out with a direct practice system carried out in workshops, due to an emergency during the covid pandemic. 19 then the workshop practice learning is replaced with an online system. With this background, teachers at the two partners, namely SMK Islam 1 Blitar and SMKN 1 Blitar find it difficult to carry out practicum with an online system. The purpose of this community drawing is to carry out a workshop for making android-based learning media on car transmission practicum material. The methods used in this workshop are the method of observation, discussion, question and answer, and peer tutor demonstrations. This community service will be held at SMKN 1 Blitar with 30 participants. The result of this activity is that the workshop participants can produce an android application called Edutech and are ready to apply it in schools to the transmission system material, while the participants' responses to this training are in the satisfactory category in terms of the material provided, facilities, and training resource persons

    Simkartu (Sistem Monitoring Kualitas Air Tambak Udang) Berbasis Arduino dan SMS Gateway

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    Dalam budidaya tambak udang, untuk pengecekan kandungan pH air para petani tambak kebanyakan memakai cara konvensional, yaitu dengan mengukur menggunakan pH meter digital ataupun kertas lakmus secara periodik. Sistem pembacaan pH manual membuat penanganan lambat padahal udang adalah hewan yang sensitif dengan perubahan kualitas air. Proses pengecekan yang dilakukan secara periodik kebanyakan membuang-buang waktu, dan tingkat kesalahan manusia yang tinggi. Didalam sistem cara kerja sistem monitoring pH air tambak udang adalah kadar pH dibaca sensor lalu di olah di mikrokontroler arduino mega, setelah pemerosesan selesai akan di tampilkan pada layar LCD secara realtime. Ketika kadar pH mengalami perubahan status dari normal ke tinggi, normal ke rendah, rendah ke normal, dan tinggi ke normal maka alat akan mengirimkan peringatan melalui SMS Gateway ke handphone petani tambak udang. Dari hasil pengujian sistem secara keseluruhan menunjukan bahwa sistem telah mampu mengirim pesan sms pada setiap perubahan status. Pengujian pada lokasi tambak memiliki nilai rata-rata pH sebesar 7,68


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    Mangga Manalagi memiliki kandungan gizi serta kadar air yang tinggi, sehingga mudah mengalami perubahan fisik yang ditandai dengan adanya reaksi enzimatik. Oleh karena itu, perlu teknologi pascapanen untuk memperpanjang umur simpan. Teknologi pengeringan vakum merupakan salah satu teknologi yang dapat menjaga kualitas hasil pengeringan, yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan teknologi pengeringan konvensional. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan kinetika pengeringan dan perubahan fisikokimia selama pengeringan dengan menggunakan teknologi vakum pada irisan mangga Manalagi. Pengeringan dilakukan menggunakan variasi tekanan vakum (200, 300, dan 400 mbar) dan pra-perlakuan (larutan asam sitrat, asam askorbat, dan air lemon yang dikombinasikan dengan larutan kalsium laktat). Terjadi penurunan kadar air seiring lama pengeringan vakum. Laju pengeringan rata-rata dengan rentang 0,07-0,08%bb/menit. Kinetika pengeringan diprediksi dengan menggunakan tiga model semi empiris dan didapatkan model Midilli sebagai model terbaik berdasarkan uji ketepatan. Berdasarkan ANOVA dua arah menunjukkan bahwa variasi pra-perlakuan dan tekanan memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap parameter kadar air, total padatan terlarut, kekerasan, dan warna. Nilai yang didapatkan hingga akhir proses pengeringan secara berturut-turut adalah 19,03-25,16%bb; 21,41-31,24%ËšBrix; 9,59-20,82 kgf; L* 44,92-69,99; a* 6,41-12,80; dan b* 27,43-43,17


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    Berisi overview sejarah perkembangan pemikiran ekonomi isla


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    This research aims to providing services that benefit customers. The purpose of this study was to examine customer satisfaction partially and simultaneously the role of customer service at PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Samarinda Branch Office 1. Instruments for collecting data in the form of questionnaires measured by Likert Scale.The sample in this study was 350 customers of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Samarinda Branch Office 1 which was carried out randomly using probability sampling techniques. The data analysis method was tested with Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) which included validity, reliability testing, simple regression analysis hypothesis testing via t test and analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2). This study consists of two hypotheses and the results of two hypotheses show that the role of Customer Service (X) has been shown to have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y). At PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Samarinda Branch 1. Keywords: The Role of Customer Service, Customer Satisfaction