54 research outputs found

    Comparison of anadromous and landlocked Atlantic salmon genomes reveals signatures of parallel and relaxed selection across the Northern Hemisphere

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    Most Atlantic salmon (Salmo salarL.) populations follow an anadromous life cycle, spending early life in freshwater, migrating to the sea for feeding, and returning to rivers to spawn. At the end of the last ice age similar to 10,000 years ago, several populations of Atlantic salmon became landlocked. Comparing their genomes to their anadromous counterparts can help identify genetic variation related to either freshwater residency or anadromy. The objective of this study was to identify consistently divergent loci between anadromous and landlocked Atlantic salmon strains throughout their geographical distribution, with the long-term aim of identifying traits relevant for salmon aquaculture, including fresh and seawater growth, omega-3 metabolism, smoltification, and disease resistance. We used a Pool-seq approach (n = 10-40 individuals per population) to sequence the genomes of twelve anadromous and six landlocked Atlantic salmon populations covering a large part of the Northern Hemisphere and conducted a genomewide association study to identify genomic regions having been under different selection pressure in landlocked and anadromous strains. A total of 28 genomic regions were identified and includedcadm1on Chr 13 andppargc1aon Chr 18. Seven of the regions additionally displayed consistently reduced heterozygosity in fish obtained from landlocked populations, including the genes gpr132, cdca4, and sertad2 on Chr 15. We also found 16 regions, includingigf1on Chr 17, which consistently display reduced heterozygosity in the anadromous populations compared to the freshwater populations, indicating relaxed selection on traits associated with anadromy in landlocked salmon. In conclusion, we have identified 37 regions which may harbor genetic variation relevant for improving fish welfare and quality in the salmon farming industry and for understanding life-history traits in fish.Peer reviewe

    DNA damage and health effects in juvenile haddock exposed to sediment or produced water associated PAHs

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    Tilstandsundersøkelsene i Nordsjøen har det siste tiår vist gentoksiske effekter (DNA-addukter) i fisk samlet inn i områder med offshore olje- og gassvirksomhet. Kilden og identiteten til de gentoksiske forbindelsene har til nå ikke blitt identifisert. Målsetningen for prosjektet har vært å studere dannelsen av DNA-skade i hyse som utsettes for ulike petrogene eller pyrogene polyaromatiske hydrokarboner (PAH). Målet har vært å identifisere kildene til forurensningen som medfører DNA-addukter observert i hyse fanget rundt oljefeltene i Nordsjøen. Dannelsen av DNA-skade over tid i hyse under kronisk eksponering for PAH og andre oljehydrokarboner fra følgende kilder er blitt studert: Ekstrakter av produsert vann (Statfjord A); destillasjonsfraksjoner av råolje fra Gullfaks (representere oljebasert borevæske); pyrogene PAH. Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene av studiene på DNA addukter i hyse og et utvalg av andre biologiske effektparametre.The Condition Monitoring in the North Sea the last ten years have documented genotoxic effects (DNA adduct) in fish collected in areas with extensive offshore oil and gas activity. However, the source and identity of genotoxic compound has not been identified. The objective of this project has been to study the formation of DNA damage in haddock exposed to petrogenic or pyrogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from different sources: Extracts of produced water (Statfjord A); distillation fractions of crude oil from Gullfaks (representing oil based drilling mud); pyrogenic PAH This report presents all the results from the study on DNA adducts and a selection of other biological effect parameters

    Loss of stra8 Increases Germ Cell Apoptosis but Is Still Compatible With Sperm Production in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)

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    Entering meiosis strictly depends on stimulated by retinoic acid 8 (Stra8) gene function in mammals. This gene is missing in a number of fish species, including medaka and zebrafish, but is present in the majority of fishes, including Atlantic salmon. Here, we have examined the effects of removing stra8 on male fertility in Atlantic salmon. As in mammals, stra8 expression was restricted to germ cells in the testis, transcript levels increased during the start of puberty, and decreased when blocking the production of retinoic acid. We targeted the salmon stra8 gene with two gRNAs one of these were highly effective and produced numerous mutations in stra8, which led to a loss of wild-type (WT) stra8 expression in F0 salmon testis. In maturing stra8 crispants, the spermatogenetic tubuli were partially disorganized and displayed a sevenfold increase in germ cell apoptosis, in particular among type B spermatogonia and spermatocytes. The production of spermatogenic cysts, on the other hand, increased in maturing stra8 crispants. Gene expression analysis revealed unchanged (lin28a, ret) or reduced levels (egr1, dusp4) of transcripts associated with undifferentiated spermatogonia. Decreased expression was recorded for some genes expressed in differentiating spermatogonia including dmrt1 and ccnd2 or in spermatocytes, such as ccna1. Different from Stra8-deficient mammals, a large number of germ cells completed spermatogenesis, sperm was produced and fertilization rates were similar in WT and crispant males. While loss of stra8 increased germ cell apoptosis during salmon spermatogenesis, crispants compensated this cell loss by an elevated production of spermatogenic cysts, and were able to produce functional sperm. It appears that also in a fish species with a stra8 gene in the genome, the critical relevance this gene has attained for mammalian spermatogenesis is not yet given, although detrimental effects of the loss of stra8 were clearly visible during maturation.publishedVersio

    Pituitary Gonadotropin Gene Expression During Induced Onset of Postsmolt Maturation in Male Atlantic Salmon: In Vivo and Tissue Culture Studies

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    Precocious male maturation causes reduced welfare and increased production costs in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture. The pituitary produces and releases follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh), the gonadotropin triggering puberty in male salmonids. However, little is known about how Fsh production is regulated in Atlantic salmon. We examined, in vivo and ex vivo, transcriptional changes of gonadotropin-related genes accompanying the initial steps of testis maturation, in pituitaries of males exposed to photoperiod and temperature conditions promoting maturation (constant light and 16°C). Pituitary fshb, lhb and gnrhr2bba transcripts increased in vivo in maturing males (gonado-somatic index > 0.1%). RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis using pituitaries from genetically similar males carrying the same genetic predisposition to mature, but differing by responding or not responding to stimulatory environmental conditions, revealed 144 differentially expressed genes, ~2/3rds being up-regulated in responders, including fshb and other pituitary hormones, steroid-related and other puberty-associated transcripts. Functional enrichment analyses confirmed gene involvement in hormone/steroid production and gonad development. In ex vivo studies, whole pituitaries were exposed to a selection of hormones and growth factors. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gnrh), 17β-estradiol (E2) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) up-regulated gnrhr2bba and lhb, while fshb was up-regulated by Gnrh but down-regulated by 11-KT in pituitaries from immature males. Also pituitaries from maturing males responded to Gnrh and sex steroids by increased gnrhr2bba and lhb transcript levels, but fshb expression remained unchanged. Growth factors (inhibin A, activin A and insulin-like growth factor 1) did not change gnrhr2bba, lhb or fshb transcript levels in pituitaries either from immature or maturing males. Additional pituitary ex vivo studies on candidates identified by RNAseq showed that these transcripts were preferentially regulated by Gnrh and sex steroids, but not by growth factors, and that Gnrh/sex steroids were less effective when incubating pituitaries from maturing males. Our results suggest that a yet to be characterized mechanism up-regulating fshb expression in the salmon pituitary is activated in response to stimulatory environmental conditions prior to morphological signs of testis maturation, and that the transcriptional program associated with this mechanism becomes unresponsive or less responsive to most stimulators ex vivo once males had entered pubertal developmental in vivo.publishedVersio

    Transcriptomic analyses of intestinal gene expression of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) fed diets with Camelina oil as replacement for fish oil

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    For aquaculture of marine species to continue to expand, dietary fish oil (FO) must be replaced with more sustainable vegetable oil (VO) alternatives. Most VO are rich in n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and few are rich in n-3 PUFA but Camelina oil (CO) is unique in that, besides high 18:3n-3 and n-3/n-6 PUFA ratio, it also contains substantial long-chain monoenes, commonly found in FO. Cod (initial weight ~1.4 g) were fed for 12 weeks diets in which FO was replaced with CO. Growth performance, feed efficiency and biometric indices were not affected but lipid levels in liver and intestine tended to increase and those of flesh, decrease, with increasing dietary CO although only significantly for intestine. Reflecting diet, tissue n-3 long-chain PUFA levels decreased whereas 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6 increased with inclusion of dietary CO. Dietary replacement of FO by CO did not induce major metabolic changes in intestine, but affected genes with potential to alter cellular proliferation and death as well as change structural properties of intestinal muscle. Although the biological effects of these changes are unclear, given the important role of intestine in nutrient absorption and health, further attention should be given to this organ in future

    Pituitary Gonadotropin Gene Expression During Induced Onset of Postsmolt Maturation in Male Atlantic Salmon: In Vivo and Tissue Culture Studies

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    Precocious male maturation causes reduced welfare and increased production costs in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) aquaculture. The pituitary produces and releases follicle-stimulating hormone (Fsh), the gonadotropin triggering puberty in male salmonids. However, little is known about how Fsh production is regulated in Atlantic salmon. We examined, in vivo and ex vivo, transcriptional changes of gonadotropin-related genes accompanying the initial steps of testis maturation, in pituitaries of males exposed to photoperiod and temperature conditions promoting maturation (constant light and 16°C). Pituitary fshb, lhb and gnrhr2bba transcripts increased in vivo in maturing males (gonado-somatic index > 0.1%). RNA sequencing (RNAseq) analysis using pituitaries from genetically similar males carrying the same genetic predisposition to mature, but differing by responding or not responding to stimulatory environmental conditions, revealed 144 differentially expressed genes, ~2/3rds being up-regulated in responders, including fshb and other pituitary hormones, steroid-related and other puberty-associated transcripts. Functional enrichment analyses confirmed gene involvement in hormone/steroid production and gonad development. In ex vivo studies, whole pituitaries were exposed to a selection of hormones and growth factors. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gnrh), 17β-estradiol (E2) and 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) up-regulated gnrhr2bba and lhb, while fshb was up-regulated by Gnrh but down-regulated by 11-KT in pituitaries from immature males. Also pituitaries from maturing males responded to Gnrh and sex steroids by increased gnrhr2bba and lhb transcript levels, but fshb expression remained unchanged. Growth factors (inhibin A, activin A and insulin-like growth factor 1) did not change gnrhr2bba, lhb or fshb transcript levels in pituitaries either from immature or maturing males. Additional pituitary ex vivo studies on candidates identified by RNAseq showed that these transcripts were preferentially regulated by Gnrh and sex steroids, but not by growth factors, and that Gnrh/sex steroids were less effective when incubating pituitaries from maturing males. Our results suggest that a yet to be characterized mechanism up-regulating fshb expression in the salmon pituitary is activated in response to stimulatory environmental conditions prior to morphological signs of testis maturation, and that the transcriptional program associated with this mechanism becomes unresponsive or less responsive to most stimulators ex vivo once males had entered pubertal developmental in vivo

    Genomic organization and gene expression of the multiple globins in Atlantic cod: conservation of globin-flanking genes in chordates infers the origin of the vertebrate globin clusters

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    Background The vertebrate globin genes encoding the α- and β-subunits of the tetrameric hemoglobins are clustered at two unlinked loci. The highly conserved linear order of the genes flanking the hemoglobins provides a strong anchor for inferring common ancestry of the globin clusters. In fish, the number of α-β-linked globin genes varies considerably between different sublineages and seems to be related to prevailing physico-chemical conditions. Draft sequences of the Atlantic cod genome enabled us to determine the genomic organization of the globin repertoire in this marine species that copes with fluctuating environments of the temperate and Arctic regions. Results The Atlantic cod genome was shown to contain 14 globin genes, including nine hemoglobin genes organized in two unlinked clusters designated β5-α1-β1-α4 and β3-β4-α2-α3-β2. The diverged cod hemoglobin genes displayed different expression levels in adult fish, and tetrameric hemoglobins with or without a Root effect were predicted. The novel finding of maternally inherited hemoglobin mRNAs is consistent with a potential role played by fish hemoglobins in the non-specific immune response. In silico analysis of the six teleost genomes available showed that the two α-β globin clusters are flanked by paralogs of five duplicated genes, in agreement with the proposed teleost-specific duplication of the ancestral vertebrate globin cluster. Screening the genome of extant urochordate and cephalochordate species for conserved globin-flanking genes revealed linkage of RHBDF1, MPG and ARHGAP17 to globin genes in the tunicate Ciona intestinalis, while these genes together with LCMT are closely positioned in amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae), but seem to be unlinked to the multiple globin genes identified in this species. Conclusion The plasticity of Atlantic cod to variable environmental conditions probably involves the expression of multiple globins with potentially different properties. The interspecific difference in number of fish hemoglobin genes contrasts with the highly conserved synteny of the flanking genes. The proximity of globin-flanking genes in the tunicate and amphioxus genomes resembles the RHBDF1-MPG-α-globin-ARHGAP17-LCMT linked genes in man and chicken. We hypothesize that the fusion of the three chordate linkage groups 3, 15 and 17 more than 800 MYA led to the ancestral vertebrate globin cluster during a geological period of increased atmospheric oxygen content

    Unexpected Interaction with Dispersed Crude Oil Droplets Drives Severe Toxicity in Atlantic Haddock Embryos

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    The toxicity resulting from exposure to oil droplets in marine fish embryos and larvae is still subject for debate. The most detailed studies have investigated the effects of water-dissolved components of crude oil in water accommodated fractions (WAFs) that lack bulk oil droplets. Although exposure to dissolved petroleum compounds alone is sufficient to cause the characteristic developmental toxicity of crude oil, few studies have addressed whether physical interaction with oil micro-droplets are a relevant exposure pathway for open water marine speices. Here we used controlled delivery of mechanically dispersed crude oil to expose pelagic embryos and larvae of a marine teleost, the Atlantic haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Haddock embryos were exposed continuously to two different concentrations of dispersed crude oil, high and low, or in pulses. By 24 hours of exposure, micro-droplets of oil were observed adhering and accumulating on the chorion, accompanied by highly elevated levels of cyp1a, a biomarker for exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons. Embryos from all treatment groups showed abnormalities representative of crude oil cardiotoxicity at hatch (5 days of exposure), such as pericardial and yolk sac edema. Compared to other species, the frequency and severity of toxic effects was higher than expected for the waterborne PAH concentrations (e.g., 100% of larvae had edema at the low treatment). These findings suggest an enhanced tissue uptake of PAHs and/or other petroleum compounds from attached oil droplets. These studies highlight a novel property of haddock embryos that leads to greater than expected impact from dispersed crude oil. Given the very limited number of marine species tested in similar exposures, the likelihood of other species with similar properties could be high. This unanticipated result therefore has implications for assessing the ecological impacts of oil spills and the use of methods for dispersing oil in the open sea

    Targeted Mutagenesis in Atlantic Salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i> L.) Using the CRISPR/Cas9 System Induces Complete Knockout Individuals in the F0 Generation

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    <div><p>Understanding the biological function behind key proteins is of great concern in Atlantic salmon, both due to a high commercial importance and an interesting life history. Until recently, functional studies in salmonids appeared to be difficult. However, the recent discovery of targeted mutagenesis using the CRISPR/Cas9 (clustered regularly interspaced palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated) system enables performing functional studies in Atlantic salmon to a great extent. We used the CRISPR/Cas9 system to target two genes involved in pigmentation, <i>tyrosinase</i> (<i>tyr</i>) and <i>solute carrier family 45, member 2</i> (<i>slc45a2</i>). Embryos were assayed for mutation rates at the 17 somite stage, where 40 and 22% of all injected embryos showed a high degree of mutation induction for <i>slc45a2</i> and <i>tyr</i>, respectively. At hatching this mutation frequency was also visible for both targeted genes, displaying a graded phenotype ranging from complete lack of pigmentation to partial loss and normal pigmentation. CRISPR<i>slc45a2</i>/Cas9 injected embryos showing a complete lack of pigmentation or just a few spots of pigments also lacked wild type sequences when assaying more than 80 (<i>slc45a2</i>) sequence clones from whole embryos. This indicates that CRISPR/Cas9 can induce double-allelic knockout in the F0 generation. However, types and frequency of indels might affect the phenotype. Therefore, the variation of indels was assayed in the graded pigmentation phenotypes produced by CRISPR/Cas9-<i>slc45a2</i>. The results show a tendency for fewer types of indels formed in juveniles completely lacking pigmentation compared to juveniles displaying partial pigmentation. Another interesting observation was a high degree of the same indel type in different juveniles. This study shows for the first time successful use of the CRISPR/Cas9 technology in a marine cold water species. Targeted double-allelic mutations were obtained and, though the level of mosaicism has to be considered, we demonstrate that F0 fish can be used for functional studies in Atlantic salmon.</p></div