187 research outputs found

    Fortress of faith: the perception of Muslims in fifteenth century Spain

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    Because she\u27s my mom : an exploratory study of adult lesbian women\u27s understanding and management of relationships with mothers who reject their sexuality

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    This study explored the ways in which lesbian adult women, who have been rejected by their mothers because of their sexuality and maintain relationships with them, understand and manage those relationships as well as their motivation for maintaining the relationships. Since limited research has focused on adult lesbian women who have maintained a relationship with a mother who rejects their sexuality, a qualitative, exploratory study was chosen as an appropriate research design. This qualitative study used a flexible interview format comprised of semistructured, open-ended questions presented to 13 self-identified adult lesbian women who had been out to their mothers for at least two years and had maintained a relationship with them after they had rejected their sexuality. Participants were asked about the nature of their relationships with their mothers prior to disclosure of their sexuality, immediately following disclosure and at the time of the interview, about what impact their mothers\u27 rejection had on them, why they chose to maintain the relationship, and how they manage the tension in the relationship about their mothers\u27 rejection of their sexuality. The findings yielded diverse impacts on participants of rejection by their mothers, including difficulty in romantic relationships, questioning of their sexuality, and mental health issues. Participants also listed a variety of motivations for maintaining relationships with their mothers post-rejection, with many expressing that they value their connections to their families as a whole and that there are other aspects of their relationships with their mothers outside of their sexuality and mothers\u27 rejection. There was widespread consistency in the use of limited and avoidant communication with mothers as a way of managing the tension in the relationship about the participant\u27s sexuality. Suggestions for further research were described that may assist in the understanding of lesbian women\u27s relationships with mothers who reject their sexuality

    Hermanos y cofrades en la aljama de Toledo a principios del siglo XV

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    Between 1402 and 1414, the activity of the members of a confraternity related to the mosque of Tornerías, in Toledo, was registered by their leaders in Arabic proceedings. These records prove that Arabic was still currently used by Muslims in Castile at the beginning of the fifteenth century. This is the first Mudejar confraternity known to us. Lacking knowledge about their statutes, the records of their meetings provide interesting clues to their development. This article focuses on the linguistic features of the records, and will describe the confraternity members, functions, and their capacities to manage Toledan Muslims’ alms.Entre 1402 y 1414, la actividad de los miembros de una cofradía vinculada a la mezquita aljama de las Tornerías, en Toledo, quedó registrada por sus autoridades en actas escritas en árabe, demostrando así que éste no había sido olvidado en Castilla a principios del siglo XV. Es la primera cofradía estrictamente mudéjar que conocemos y, a falta de sus estatutos, las actas de sus reuniones facilitan interesantes datos para conocer su funcionamiento. Este artículo abordará las características lingüísticas de la fuente, y caracterizará la cofradía a partir de sus miembros, sus funciones,  y su capacidad para gestionar la limosna de los mudéjares toledanos

    La inscripción funeraria de época romana de la ermita de San Pedro. (Zegama, Gipuzkoa).

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    El descubrimiento de una nueva inscripción de época romana, funeraria, realizada sobre una lápida de arenisca supone una nueva fuente de conocimiento en el estudio de nuestro pasado, máxime cuando ésta se ha conservado dispuesta a los pies del altar de la ermita de San Pedro en Zegama

    La fortaleza medieval de Mendicute (Albiztur): estado actual

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    Con motivo de la donación por parte de un particular, a la S.C. Aranzadi, de unos interesantes materiales arqueológicos procedentes del castillo de Mendikute, iniciamos el pasado año un pequeño estudio sobre dicha fortaleza. En este artículo damos cuenta de la situación actual de la misma, así como de los estudios de los que anteriormente ha sido objeto por parte de autores como López de Mendizábal. Presentamos, así mismo, los diversos materiales que en sucesivas épocas han sido encontrados en el castillo e inmediaciones como material cerámico, metálico (monedas, armamento, clavos, objetos de adorno personal), lítico, óseo y vítreo, siendo de gran interés el material numismático. Se incluye también el comentario sobre las estructuras del castillo que actualmente pueden apreciarse en la cumbre del monte y que fueron objeto de trabajos de limpieza por parte de la organización de un campo de trabajo en el mes de Agosto de 1990. Todo ello nos lleva a la conclusión de la catalogación del castillo de Mendikute como de época claramente medieval.Particular batek Aranzadi Zientzi Elkarteari eginiko dohaintza zelaeta, Mendikuteko gaztelurik datozen material arkeologiko interesgarriz osatua, gotorleku horri buruzko ikerketa txiki bati ekin genion joan de urtean. Artikulu honetan gazteluaren egungo egoera aipatzen dugu, López de Mendizabal irakaslea bezalako autorek buruturiko azterlanen berri emanez. Halaber, gaztelu eta ingurunean garai desberdinetan aurkitu materialak aurkezten ditugu, hala nola zeramikazko materialak, metalezkoak (txanponak, armak, iltzeak, apaindura pertsonaleko objetuak), harrizkoak, hezurrezkoak eta beirazkoak, material numismatikoa interes handikoak delarik. Halaber, egun mendi tontorrean ikusgai diren gaztelu egiturei buruzko iruzkinak ematen dira, beraietan garbiketa lanak burutu ziren 1990eko Abuztuan zehar hartarako antolatu lan-kanpamenduaren bidez. Guzti horren ondorioz, Mendikuteko gaztelua argi eta garbi Erdi Aroko bezala katalogaturik geratu da.A cause de la donation d'un particulier à la S.C.Aranzadi de quelques materiaux trés intéresantes originaires du château de Mendikute, nous commençons des études sur cette château. Dans cet article nous commentons quel est la situatin actual de cette forteresse, de même des ètudes faites en avant pour divers auteurs comme López de Mendizabal. Nous présentons aussi des materiaux trouvés au château et aux environs: poterie, métal (monnaies, armement, pointes et garnitures), materiaux lithiques, osseux et vitrés. La numismatique c'est très intéressant. Nous commentons pareillement les structures du château lesquelles nous pouvons admirer actuellement au sommet de cette petit montagne grâce aux travaux de nettoyage qui nous avons fait au cours du mois d'août de 1990. Tout ça nous amène à la conclusion de cataloguer la forteresse de Mendikute à l'époque médiévale

    Association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents.

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    Association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Busto-Garrido, M.; Gutierrez-Castillo, D; Navas- Gonzalez, JR; Gutierrez-Bedmar, M; Gutierrez-Casares, JR; Martin-Lunar, MT; Rodríguez-Rosado, A; Pena-Andreu, JM. European Psychiatry 415(2017) 5221.Chronic irritability is the most frequently reported symptom in child and adolescent depression. The association of both has been linked with high rates of chronicity, comorbility and impairment. Objectives To study the association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescents. Methods We have studied 857 participants recruited from the only Child and Adolescent Mental Health Clinic in a catchment area of 122968 people under 18 (2004-2010). A sample of 677 participants (57 controls and 620 patients) was included to carry out a cross-sectional study. Chronic irritability was measured by a Visual Analog Scale (VAS irritability) -scored from 0 to 10-, and depressive symptoms by the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). The participants were categorized into controls and patients, and according to their chronic irritability (≤4 [I],5 [II] and ≥6 [III]). The mean of CDI score was calculated for each of the groups, adjusted by sex and age, and analyzed by ANCOVA. Results The following means were obtained from the controls: 13,71 (group I), 9,82 (group II) and 17,45 (group III). Regarding to the patients: 13,92 (group I), 11,54 (group II) and 15,64 (group III). A quadratic association (p <0,0015) was found between VAS irritability score and CDI score. Conclussions There is not a lineal association between chronic irritability and depressive symptoms in children and adolescent. High rates of depressive symptoms were associated both with high and low rates of irritability. Several questions remain unexplained about the status of irritability in psychiatry as Stringaris group has been pointed out. Disclosure statement I have no potential conflict of interest to discloseUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Exergy as a measure of sustainable retrofitting of buildings

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    This study presents a novel optimization methodology for choosing optimal building retrofitting strategies based on the concept of exergy analysis. The study demonstrates that the building exergy analysis may open new opportunities in the design of an optimal retrofit solution despite being a theoretical approach based on the high performance of a Carnot reverse cycle. This exergy-based solution is different from the one selected through traditional efficient retrofits where minimizing energy consumption is the primary selection criteria. The new solution connects the building with the reference environment, which acts as “an unlimited sink or unlimited sources of energy”, and it adapts the building to maximize the intake of energy resources from the reference environment. The building hosting the School of Architecture at the University of Navarra has been chosen as the case study building. The unique architectural appearance and bespoke architectural characteristics of the building limit the choices of retrofitting solutions; therefore, retrofitting solutions on the façade, roof, roof skylight and windows are considered in multi-objective optimization using the jEPlus package. It is remarkable that different retrofitting solutions have been obtained for energy-driven and exergy-driven optimization, respectively. Considering the local contexts and all possible reference environments for the building, three “unlimited sinks or unlimited sources of energy” are selected for the case study building to explore exergy-driven optimization: the external air, the ground in the surrounding area and the nearby river. The evidence shows that no matter which reference environment is chosen, an identical envelope retrofitting solution has been obtaine


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    Utility of MF-non coding region for measles molecular surveillance during post-elimination phase, Spain, 2017-2020

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    Background: In countries entering the post-elimination phase for measles, the study of variants by sequencing of 450 nucleotides of the N gene (N450) does not always allow the tracing of chains of transmission. Indeed, between 2017 and 2020, most measles virus sequences belonged to either the MVs/Dublin.IRL/8.16 (B3-Dublin) or the MVs/Gir Somnath.IND/42.16 (D8-Gir Somnath) variants. We evaluated the additional use of a non-coding region (MF-NCR) as a tool to enhance resolution and infer case origin, chains of transmission and characterize outbreaks. Methods: We obtained 115 high-quality MF-NCR sequences from strains collected from Spanish patients infected with either B3-Dublin or D8-Gir Somnath variants between 2017 and 2020, performed epidemiological, phylogenetic and phylodynamic analyses and applied a mathematical model to determine relatedness among identified clades. Results: Applying this model allowed us to identify phylogenetic clades potentially derived from concomitant importations of the virus rather than single chain of transmission, inferred based on only N450 and epidemiology data. In a third outbreak, we found two related clades that corresponded to two chains of transmission. Discussion: Our results show the ability of the proposed method to improve identification of simultaneous importations in the same region which could trigger enhanced contact tracing. Moreover, the identification of further transmission chains indicates that the size of import-related outbreaks was smaller than previously found, supporting the interpretation that endemic measles transmission was absent in Spain between 2017 and 2020. We suggest considering the use of the MF-NCR region in conjunction with the study of N450 variants in future WHO recommendations for measles surveillance.This work was supported by the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI15CIII/00023, PI19ICIII/0041). AG was funded by CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), ISCIII. CJ was funded by the ECDC/EUPHEM fellowship.S

    Enteroviruses in Spain: virological and epidemiological studies over 10 years (1988-97)

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    A total of 15,662 clinical samples were analysed for enterovirus (EV) isolation in cell cultures during a 10-year period (1988-97). Furthermore, 210 isolates of EV obtained in primary laboratories within Spain from patients with meningitis were characterized. The total number of EV typed was 758, including 727 non-polio EV and 31 Sabin-like (SL) polioviruses. Twenty-eight EV serotypes were represented. Echoviruses comprised 90% (653/727) of fully typed non-polio EV. The four most prevalent serotypes were echovirus 30, echovirus 9, echovirus 6 and echovirus 4. Echovirus 30 was the main serotype associated with meningitis. Echovirus 9 was the aetiological agent in 20 outbreaks of meningitis while the occurrence of echovirus 6 was localized in 1 year (1997). Coxsackieviruses A and B occurred in 3 and 7% of the non-polio EV respectively. Coxsackievirus B5 presented the relative greater abundance. This paper examines the epidemiology of EV in Spain to serotype level over a 10-year period with special attention to non-polio EV associated with meningitis.Dr I. Casas is a postdoctoral fellow supported by the Institute de Salud Carlos III, Becas de Perfeccionamiento (97/4165). We acknowledge the assistance provided by clinical colleagues in other virology laboratories: Gurutze Rubio (Cruces, Bilbao, Hospital), Nuria Rabella (Santa Cruz y San Pablo, Barcelona Hospital), Joaquin Otero (Doce de Octubre, Madrid Hospital). We also thank Raquel Noguerol, Hortensia del Pozo and Isidoro Bustillo for their technical assistance and an anonymous referee for many useful suggestions. This work was partially supported by Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grant FIS 96/0304.S