201 research outputs found

    General Centrality in a hypergraph

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    The goal of this paper is to present a centrality measurement for the nodes of a hypergraph, by using existing literature which extends eigenvector centrality from a graph to a hypergraph, and literature which give a general centrality measurement for a graph. We will use this measurement to say more about the number of communications in a hypergraph, to implement a learning mechanism, and to construct certain networks.Comment: 16 page

    Is external control important for internal control?

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    In cybernetics, the basic assumption is that systems aim for control.But what and how are they controlling? I dierentiate two categories ofcontrol: internal and external control. In external control, one starts fromoutside, and tries to determine the environment completely. While withinternal control, one's own aspirations are taken as a starting point, anduseful synergies with the environment are sought. I'll dene these con-cepts in cybernetic terms, and argue why they are not necessary related.There are two aspects in this dierence. The rst lies in the locality: isthere an aim for global control, or only for control in the immediate envi-ronment? There is also a dierence in what one tries to change. An agentcould adapt its links, or try to change either the methods or the goals ofits neighbors.Several of these cases will be further explored by giving an existing modelthat falls under this circumstances. All of these models will be put intoan overarching framework. The model of controllability is a model aboutglobal control, while the others model local control, based on neural net-works or perceptual control theory

    Pindmine tromboflebiit – kas ainult healoomuline haigus?

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    Pindmine veenitromboos (PVT) ei ole alati healoomuline haigus. Selle suhteliselt tavalise haiguse paremaks tundmiseks oleksid vajalikud adekvaatsed epidemioloogilised uuringud, et hinnata PVT esinemissagedust, riskitegureid, põhjuseks olevaid haigusseisundeid ja tüsistusi. Kindlasti oleks vaja ka ulatuslikke kliinilisi uuringuid, et võrrelda erinevate meditsiiniliste ravivõtete tõhusust ja ohutust. Iga üksiku PVT-patsiendi ravitulemus ja elukvaliteet saab tõenduspõhisele meditsiinile tuginemisest ainult paraneda. Eesti Arst 2009; 88(7−8):503−50

    The Influence of Brand Credibility towards Words of Mouth of Fashion Brand

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    This research tries to examine the factors influencing the positive word of mouth of Indonesian’s consumer towards fashion brand. The factors studied include brand credibility and brand-self connection as independent variables, brand-self connection and brand-social connection as the mediating variables, and memorial brand experience as the moderating variable. This study is quantitative research with data collection method using the electronic questionnaires of Google forms. This study uses 300 respondents of Prada Italian brand in Indonesia and the data is analyzed using structural equation modelling. The results show that brand credibility, brand self-connection, and brand social connection have a positive effect on word of mouth. Both brand self-connection and brand social connection mediate the influence of brand credibility on word of mouth. This study suggests that by preserving the relationships with consumers as well as consumer relationships with other consumers, managers would be able to produce more positive word of mouth

    Marketing Strategy Proposal for House of Dunna

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    The growth of Muslim fashion market, is affecting the increasing number of brand that sells Muslim apparels. Today, many people concern with the growth of Muslim fashion, both Muslim fashion producers and consumers. Moreover, Indonesia is planned to be one of the Muslim fashion center in the world. Many fashion businesses are seeing this as an opportunity as well as House of Dunna. House of Dunna is a new brand in Muslim fashion with it main products are party dress, and other products are daily apparel for semi-formal occasion. House of Dunna began the operations based on current STP and marketing strategy, but the profit and consumers targeted had not achieved. This condition is considered as problem for House of Dunna. Meanwhile House of Dunna already has differentiation strategies that are offered to customers as a value preposition. With these strategies, it is expected that House of Dunna be able to produce unique and qualified products compared to its competitors, it is also expected House of Dunna be able to achieve the targeted market share. The problem faced by House of Dunna can be solves by conducting internal and external factors analysis, and marketing mix analysis. The result can be used to propose the new marketing strategy and its implementation. The method that used in this research is exploratory through literature study and field research that supported by questionnaires. From the results of the research, the products that offered by House of Dunna has its own uniqueness and quality such as neatness of stitches, design qualities, and limited number of products, the offline-store is stated in a strategic location in the middle of fashion business street, but House of Dunna had not promote optimaly its products yet. Therefore, to face the tight competition in Muslim fashion, House of Dunna is needed to create a new marketing strategy, so it can be used to achieve the targets.  Keyword: Boutique, Muslim Fashion, Marketing Strateg

    Business Strategy Formulation for Multi Makmur Mandiri

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    Multi Makmur Mandiri is a company dealing in construction material trading and located in Garut Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. As of recent years, Multi Makmur Mandiri faced with requirement of management regeneration. In order to facilitate it Multi Makmur Mandiri changes its business entity status from sole proprietorship to limited partnership company in 2012. These two changes required the company to restructure its organization and readjust its business strategy in order to maintain and improve its competitive advantage. The process of formulating business strategy may be divided into three main phases; strategic analysis, strategic analysis output and strategy identification, selection and implementation During strategic analysis, external analysis and internal analysis in order to provide output which will be to identify opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses. These 4 elements would then be used to identify business strategy alternatives which would be selected based on predetermined criteria. The result of selection process would end as proposed business strategies and its implementation plan. This paper’s objective is to provide business strategies suitable with Multi Makmur Mandiri’s situation. These proposed business strategies are expected to help Multi Makmur Mandiri to maintain and improve its competitive advantage. The result of this strategy formulation is: a). Value proposition based on product line breadth; b). Organization structure building; c). Implementation of integrated information system. Keyword: strategic market management, business strategy, formulation, construction material, building material

    Generating Music with Extreme Passages using GPT-2

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    Volume with the Late-Breaking Abstracts submitted to the Evo* 2021 Conference, held online from 7 to 9 of April 2021. These papers present ongoing research and preliminary results investigating on the application of different approaches of Bioinspired Methods (mainly Evolutionary Computation) to different problems, most of them real world ones

    Penggunaan Chat GPT dalam Pembelajaran dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa SMK Negeri 1 Tengaran Kabupaten Semarang

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    This research aims to evaluate the effect of using Chat GPT on students' critical thinking skills in informatics learning. GPT chat, an artificial intelligence-based language model developed by OpenAI, has been used as a learning aid to explain complex concepts, provide feedback, and help complete informatics tasks. This research method uses a correlational design with a quantitative approach. The results of the research show that there is a difference or influence between students who use Chat GPT and those who do not, but the difference is not very significant on students' critical thinking abilities. This improvement is measured using standard critical thinking tests which include aspects of analysis, evaluation and inference. Data analysis shows that interactions with Chat GPT help students understand course material better, ask deeper questions, and develop stronger arguments. These findings indicate that ChatGPT not only functions as a learning aid but also as a catalyst for the development of critical thinking skills. The use of this technology can improve the quality of informatics learning and prepare students to face challenges in an increasingly digitally connected world. This research recommends the integration of GPT Chat in informatics learning to support and improve students' critical thinking abilities.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penggunaan Chat GPT terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dalam pembelajaran informatika. Chat GPT, sebuah model bahasa berbasis kecerdasan buatan yang dikembangkan oleh OpenAI, telah digunakan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran untuk menjelaskan konsep-konsep kompleks, memberikan umpan balik, dan membantu menyelesaikan tugas-tugas informatika. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain korelasional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan atau pengaruh pada siswa yang menggunakan Chat GPT dan yang tidak menggunakan namun perbedaannya tidak terlalu signifikan terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Peningkatan ini diukur menggunakan tes berpikir kritis standar yang mencakup aspek analisis, evaluasi, dan inferensi. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa interaksi dengan ChatGPT membantu siswa dalam memahami materi pelajaran dengan lebih baik, mengajukan pertanyaan yang lebih dalam, dan mengembangkan argumen yang lebih kuat. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa Chat GPT tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran tetapi juga sebagai katalisator untuk pengembangan keterampilan berpikir kritis. Penggunaan teknologi ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran informatika dan mempersiapkan siswa untuk menghadapi tantangan di dunia yang semakin terhubung secara digital. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan integrasi Chat GPT dalam dalam pembelajaran informatika untuk mendukung dan meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa

    Legislación y discursos de Evo Morales

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    Aktivitas Social Media di PT Hired Today Recruitment Solutions

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    Pandemi COVID-19 tengah menjadi fokus utama di setiap negara. Pandemi yang masih belum bisa diprediksi ujungnya berdampak ke keseluruhan sektor ekonomi, termasuk perihal lapangan pekerjaan. Untuk mengatasi tantangan tersebut, hadirnya situs job portal kini mempermudah proses pencarian kerja bagi para job seekers. Meski demikian, situs job portal juga perlu memaksimalkan social media miliknya, sama seperti brand atau perusahaan lain. Pemanfaatan social media secara maksimal oleh perusahaan/brand dapat meningkatkan visibilitas organik, meningkatkan traffic website, mendapatkan timbal balik/feedback dari konsumen, serta membantu memantau kompetitor. Salah satu situs job portal yang memaksimalkan fungsi social medianya adalah HiredToday. Pekerja magang melaksanakan kegiatan magang sebagai Social Media Intern di HiredToday selama 67 hari, mulai dari 16 Agustus sampai dengan 16 November 2021. Tujuan dari kegiatan magang ini adalah untuk memahami serta mempelajari alur kerja serta peran dari divisi social media dalam situs job portal; mengetahui tren konten di kalangan job seekers sebagai target tarket/target audience; familiar dengan masalah seputar social media dan cara mengatasinya; serta mendapatkan pengalaman kerja langsung yang tidak pekerja magang peroleh selama masa perkuliahan. Selama kegiatan magang, pekerja magang diberi kepercayaan untuk memegang empat social media milik HiredToday dari segi perencanaan konten, pembuatan konten, copywriting, dan perencanaan event. Setelah melaksanakan kegiatan magang, pekerja magang dapat dikatakan telah berhasil menyelesaikan tanggung jawab yang telah diberikan serta mendapatkan ilmu yang sejalan dengan tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan magang. Pekerja magang juga telah memberikan saran kepada HiredToday, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, dan mahasiswa yang akan melaksanakan magang selanjutnya
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