689 research outputs found

    Kepemilikan Saham oleh Buruh sebagai Upaya Penegakan Sistem Ekonomi Pancasila

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    This article discusses the conceptual idea in addressing the situation of workers in Indonesia who are perceived not to have the right to prosper in the work already owned. In economics, labours play an important role because they are the wheels in driving the production of goods and services. The unfilled labour rights to live prosperous is caused by the absence of their authority to contribute in determining a policy within a company. To overcome the imbalance of bargaining position between workers and employers, a regulation or policy is required to materialise access to share ownership within the company. By owning shares, workers have the right to convey ideas in determining company policy. In addition, labours will also easily access all company information including company report approval. It concludes that the ownership of shares by labours in the company is a necessity and an effort to realise Pancasila Economic System in order to fulfill the more substantive labour rights. Keywords: Share Ownership, Labours, Pancasila Economic Syste

    ANALISN RASIO KEUANGAN UNTUK MEMPREDIKSI PERTUMBUHAN LABA (Studi Kasus: Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Jakarta Periode 2001 sampai dengan 2005)

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    This research wants to examine the efects of working capital to Total Asset (WCTA), Current Liabilities To Inventory GLD, Operating Income to Total Assets qITD;, Tbtal Asset Turnover (L4T), Net Profit Margin (NPIz'I) dan Gross Proft Margin (GPM) to profit growth of mwtt'tfucture companyfhi t*rrjtfug technique used in this research is purposive sampling, with some criteria, those we: (I) the morufacture company listed in JSX tn research period and still operating consistenly in the research period; (2) the avaliable offinancial statement as thi rrrror"h period; (3) the manufacture eompcmy has not negative profit' The result of this research shows that the data hasfulfill the classical asumptia4 such cut: no multiiolinewity, no autocorcelation, na heteroscedasticity qnd distributed normally. From the regression analysis, foundthat partially Total Asset Turnover (fAT), Net Profit Matgin (NPM) snd Gross Profit Mrgin (GPAI) variable, hstte a positive significant to profii grorth of manufacture compary, while Working Caprtal b Total ettit ffCrut, Cunint Liabilities io Inventory GLD and Operating Income to Total Assets plfq doesnT have influence to prcft growth of manufacture company' Fram the research also funwn that those six variable (l(CT4, CLI OITL, ruT NPM, etd GpM simoultaneowly have an influence to profit growth of manufacture compoty- The prediction percmtage of those variable simoultaneously are 12,6

    Analysis of the Implementation of ISO 15489:2016 Record Management at Bank Indonesia Representative Offices

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    ISO 14598 has a national standard in archive management so that agencies can have a more organized procedure or system for handling archival documents. The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of ISO 15489: 2016-Record Management and find out the obstacles in Processing for Creating, Capturing, and Managing Records at Bank Indonesia, Bengkulu province. This research uses qualitative methods, data taken from the results of systematic observations, in-depth interviews with informants. The results of the study stated that Bank Indonesia had received a complaint of ISO 15489: 2016 but in its implementation there were still problems in filing and depreciation of archives. To respond to this problem, Bank Indonesia can check the BI-RMS application regularly so that it knows which files can be moved and destroyed, and archivists must record the files issued by each unit to avoid losing archives

    Eaching Learning Process Of Speaking To The Eight Grade Students At SMP N 2 Colomadu In 2011/ 2012 Academic Year

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    The research paper aims at describing the generally are teaching learning process of speaking and focused the objectives of the learning, the material of speaking, the teaching technique of speaking, the media in speaking, the procedure in teaching speaking activities, the evaluation, the problem faced by the teacher and the students. In this study, the writer employs a descriptive qualitative research which describes about the teaching learning process. The subject of this research is the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Colomadu. The writer takes 8A class as the subject on the study. Then, the methods of collecting data are observation, document, and interview. And the techniques for analyzing data are reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the research show that: 1) the objectives of learning, 2) the material of speaking, 3) the teaching technique of speaking are role play, discussion, and dialogue, 4) the varieties of teaching media are as follows: pictures and images, board, computer, video, radio, and tape recorder, 5) the procedure in teaching speaking activities the writer finds that the classroom procedure uses three phases namely: exploration, elaboration, and confirmation. The activities in exploration are asking question, giving explanation, and giving example of the text, in elaboration, the activities is makes a group and confirmation activities are giving explain material clearly in every meeting and giving the task as homework, 6) The evaluation, 7) problems faced by the teacher are managing the time, classroom management, and the students’ capability, 8) the problems faced by the students in speaking are limited vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and anxiety in the process

    Pengaruh Organizational Citizenship Behavior terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Keberhasilan organisasi dalam mewujudkan visi, misi dan tujuan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kinerja pegawai. Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Banyumas memiliki tugas pokok yakni melaksanakan pengumpulan, pendistribusian dan pendayagunaan zakat, infak, shadaqah, memerlukan pegawai yang mampu bekerja melebihi tanggungjawabnya secara formal. Perilaku bekerja diatas tanggung jawab formal ini dinamakan Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). Menurut Robbins dan Jugde, OCB merupakan perilaku pilihan yang tidak menjadi kewajiban kerja seorang pegawai, namun mendukung lingkungan psikologis dan berfungsi secara efektif guna mencapai tujuan organisasi. Maka dari itu organisasi harus mampu mengetahui penyebab timbulnya OCB guna meningkatkan kinerja pegawai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh OCB terhadap kinerja pegawai, pengaruh kepribadian terhadap OCB pegawai, kepuasan kerja terhadap OCB pegawai, motivasi kerja terhadap OCB pegawai, dan pengaruh bersama-sama antara kepribadian, kepuasan kerja, dan motivasi pegawai terhadap OCB pegawai. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian survey. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai Badan Amil Zakat Nasional Kabupaten Banyumas dengan jumlah 54 responden. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif asosiatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan anallisis data menggunakan analisis regresi ordinal menunjukkan bahwa: (1) OCB pegawai berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai sebesar 46,1 persen; (2) Kepribadian pegawai berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap OCB pegawai sebesar 57,7 persen; (3) Kepuasan kerja berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap OCB pegawai sebesar 42,5 persen; (4) Pengaruh motivasi pegawai terhadap OCB pegawai sebesar 28,7 persen; dan (5) Secara bersama-sama kepribadian, kepuasan kerja, dan motivasi pegawai berpengaruh terhadap OCB pegawai sebesar 66,1 persen. Semua variabel penelitian termasuk kategori sedang dan hipotesis dinyatakan diterima


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    ABSTRAK Pemilihan kepala daerah menjadi isu yang menarik pada setiap zaman, sudah banyak bermunculan tokoh-tokoh Islam yang menyusun konsep tentang pemilihan pemimpin di antaranya yaitu Al-Mawardi. Ia seorang tokoh ahli fikih terkemuka dari kalangan Madzhab Syafi‘i dan paling berpengaruh di bidang siyasah pada masa Daulah Abbasiyah hidup antara abad ke tiga hijriyah. Namun demikian meskipun di negara kita sudah dirumuskan undang- undang tersendiri mengenai pemilihan seorang pemimpin, alangkah baiknya dapat mengakomodasi pemikiran tokoh-tokoh Islam. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Pertama bagaimana analisis fikih siyasah terhadap pemikiran Al-Mawardi tentang pemilihan memimpin?. Kedua bagaimana relevansi pemikiran Al-Mawardi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 tahun 2016 tentang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah ingin menganalisis pemikiran Al-Mawardi tentang pemilihan pemimpin dan untuk mengetahui relevansi pemikiran Al-Mawardi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 tentang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah. Metode yang penulis gunakan adalah jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan sumber primer berupa buku Al-Ahkam As-Shulthaniyah karya Abu Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Mawardi dan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 tahun 2016 tentang pemilihan kepala daerah kemudian sumber skunder seperti buku buku, karya ilmiyah, artikel dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan pemilihan kepala daerah dan penujang lainya seperti sumber data tersier. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa menurut Al- Mawardi diwajibkan untuk memilih seorang pemimpimpin dalam suatu wilayah, sedangkan mekanisme pemilihan kepala daerah proses pengangkatanya dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu pertama pengangkatan dengan cara ditunjuk langsung melalui akad oleh khilafah, kedua pengangkatan yang dilakukan oleh wazir tafwidhi (pembantu khilafah bidang pemerintahan). Sedangkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 10 tahun 2016 seorang pemimpin dipilih secara lamgsung oleh rakyat. Adapun Relevansi antara pemikiran Al-Mawardi dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 10 tahun 2016 ialah mempunyai syarat dan karakteristik yang sama terhadap calon pemimpin yaitu bersifat adil, memiliki ilmu yang luas, sehat jasmani dan rohani. Perbedaanya hanya pada pemikiran Al-Mawardi ketentuan seorang pemimpin harus dari golongan suku Qurais. Adapun dalam mekanisme tidak terdapat relevansi. Kata kunci: Pemilihan, kepala daera

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Beasiswa Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product (Studi Kasus: STT Musi Palembang)

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    Technical High School Musi is Catholic universities that support the formation of the whole man through quality engineering education, professional and competitive both regionally, nationally and internationally. To achieve this vision, it takes students who have a high willingness and achievement, but often not all students who excel have a good economic capabilities. STT Musi him to provide scholarships for students who have achievements but constrained in terms of cost. The limited number of scholarships quota and the number of scholarship applicants make Puket III difficulty. Then one way to be applied by researchers in providing solutions to Puket III STT Musi is to implement "Decision Support System Acceptance Scholarship in STT Musi". In creating this application, the observer uses the methodology of sequential linear model development, UML software development, programming language Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Sever 2008 database. This application is expected to help Puket III in the decision to select scholarship recipients
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