414 research outputs found

    Falta de imigrantes: um aspecto do atraso nordestino

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    Estudos recentes sobre as origens das desigualdades entre as re-giões brasileiras tem focalizado sobretudo a segunda metade do sé culo dezenove (1). Nesta época transpiraram o crescimento rápido de uma forte economia cafeeira no centro-sul, e a estagnação de uma economia açucareira outrora saudável no Nordeste .

    Ficando livre: as alforrias em Campinas no século XIX

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    Através da análise de 2.093 cartas de alforria levantadas em Campinas, para o período de 1798 a 1888, pretende-se estudar o alforriado "padrão", tal como apresentado pela historiografia sobre o tema. Analisam-se as caracterÍsticas do alforriado (sexo, cor etc.) e da alforria (onerosa ou gratuita). Conclui-se que enquanto a maioria da população escrava era masculina, negra, crioula, em idade produtiva e sem profissão qualificada, as alforrias registradas eram na maior parte de escravas mulatas, crioulas, muito jovens ou muito velhas e empregadas no serviço doméstico. Esse quadro modificou-se nas últimas décadas da escravidão, aproximando-se o padrão do alforriado ao da população escrava.The purpose of this work is to study the "standard" freedman as he is presented by the historiography, through the analysis of 2.093 cartas de alforria found in Campinas in the 1798-1888 period. The characteristics of the freedman are studied (sex, colour etc), as well as the characteristics of the manumissions (freely given or purchased). The conclusions are that while most slaves were male, black, creole, adults of working age and unskilled, the manumissions registered were mostly of female, mulatto, Creole slaves, very young or very old and working in domestic services. This picture changed in the last decades of slavery, when the characteristics of the freedmen became similar to those of the slave population

    A abolição da escravatura - o processo nas fazendas de açúcar em Pernambuco

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    O objetivo desta pesquisa é discutir o problema da mão-de-obra na região açucareira nordestina durante o século XIX. Após uma investigação cuidadosa, o autor estabelece a variação na composição do trabalho nas plantações e seu custo, através de uma estimativa dos salários reais no período. Sua conclusão básica é que a transição do trabalho escravo para o livre foi bem mais estável e suave do que antes se supunha. Além disso, as possibilidades de substituição e os arranjos institucionais (tipo parceria) garantiram que continuasse baixo o custo do trabalho c assim, não alterado o próprio controle dos fazendeiros sobre a estrutura da produção

    Falta de imigrantes: um aspecto do atraso nordestino

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    Estudos recentes sobre as origens das desigualdades entre as re-giões brasileiras tem focalizado sobretudo a segunda metade do sé culo dezenove (1). Nesta época transpiraram o crescimento rápido de uma forte economia cafeeira no centro-sul, e a estagnação de uma economia açucareira outrora saudável no Nordeste

    The extinct, giant giraffid Sivatherium giganteum: skeletal reconstruction and body mass estimation

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    Sivatherium giganteum is an extinct giraffid from the Plio–Pleistocene boundary of the Himalayan foothills. To date, there has been no rigorous skeletal reconstruction of this unusual mammal. Historical and contemporary accounts anecdotally state that Sivatherium rivalled the African elephant in terms of its body mass, but this statement has never been tested. Here, we present a three-dimensional composite skeletal reconstruction and calculate a representative body mass estimate for this species using a volumetric method. We find that the estimated adult body mass of 1246 kg (857—1812 kg range) does not approach that of an African elephant, but confirms that Sivatherium was certainly a large giraffid, and may have been the largest ruminant mammal that has ever existed. We contrast this volumetric estimate with a bivariate scaling estimate derived from Sivatherium's humeral circumference and find that there is a discrepancy between the two. The difference implies that the humeral circumference of Sivatherium is greater than expected for an animal of this size, and we speculate this may be linked to a cranial shift in centre of mass

    Isoscalar short-range current in the deuteron induced by an intermediate dibaryon

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    A new model for short-range isoscalar currents in the deuteron and in the NN system is developed; it is based on the generation of an intermediate dibaryon which is the basic ingredient for the medium- and short-range NN interaction which was proposed recently by the present authors.This new current model can very well describe the experimental data for the three basic deuteron observables of isoscalar magnetic type, viz. the magnetic moment, the circular polarization of the photon in the npdγnp\to d\gamma process at thermal neutron energies and the structure function B up to Q2^2=60 fm2^{-2}.Comment: LaTex, 22 pages with 8 figure

    The sero-epidemiology of Coxiella burnetii (Q fever) across livestock species and herding contexts in Laikipia County, Kenya

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    Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Query fever (Q fever), is among the most highly infectious zoonotic pathogens transmitted among livestock, with chronic effects challenging to veterinary and medical detection and care systems. Transmission among domestic livestock species can vary regionally due to herd management practices that determine which livestock species are raised, whether or not livestock are in contact with wildlife, and the susceptibility of these livestock to infection. To explore how different livestock management practices are associated with the risk of infection in multispecies environments, we carried out a comparative study of three types of herd management systems in the central Kenyan county of Laikipia: agro‐commercial, mixed conservancy/commercial, and smallholder ranches. We tested C. burnetii antibody seroprevalence in four common livestock species. Across all management types, the highest seroprevalence was in camels (20%), followed by goats (18%), sheep (13%), and cattle (6%). We observed a lower odds of testing seropositive for young compared to adult animals (adjusted OR = 0.44 [95% CI 0.24, 0.76]), and for males compared to females (adjusted OR = 0.52 [95% CI 0.33, 0.80]). Animals from mixed conservancy/commercial and smallholder operations had a higher odds of testing seropositive compared to animals from agro‐commercial ranches (adjusted OR = 5.17 [95% CI 2.71, 10.44] and adjusted OR = 2.21 [95% CI 1.17, 4.43] respectively). These data suggest that herd management practices might affect the transmission dynamics of C. burnetiiin arid African ecosystems like those seen in Kenya where several transmission modes are possible, risk of drought has promoted new livestock species such as camels, and multiple wildlife species may co‐occur with livestock on the landscape. Further longitudinal studies are needed to disentangle the mechanisms underlying these patterns, and further explore transmission patterns between wildlife, domestic animal, and human populations