57 research outputs found

    First measurement of jet mass in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC

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    This letter presents the first measurement of jet mass in Pb-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV and root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV, respectively. Both the jet energy and the jet mass are expected to be sensitive to jet quenching in the hot Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) matter created in nuclear collisions at collider energies. Jets are reconstructed from charged particles using the anti-k(T) jet algorithm and resolution parameter R = 0.4. The jets are measured in the pseudorapidity range |eta(jet)| <0.5 and in three intervals of transverse momentum between 60 GeV/c and 120 GeV/c. The measurement of the jet mass in central Pb-Pb collisions is compared to the jet mass as measured in p-Pb reference collisions, to vacuum event generators, and to models including jet quenching. It is observed that the jet mass in central Pb-Pb collisions is consistent within uncertainties with p-Pb reference measurements. Furthermore, the measured jet mass in Pb-Pb collisions is not reproduced by the quenching models considered in this letter and is found to be consistent with PYTHIA expectations within systematic uncertainties. (C) 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    J/psi production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

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    We report measurements of the inclusive J/psi yield and average transverse momentum as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dNch/d.in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)= 5.02 TeVwith ALICE at the LHC. The observables are normalised to their corresponding averages in non-single diffractive events. An increase of the normalised J/psi yield with normalised dN(ch)/d(eta), measured at mid-rapidity, is observed at mid-rapidity and backward rapidity. At forward rapidity, a saturation of the relative yield is observed for high charged-particle multiplicities. The normalised average transverse momentum at forward and backward rapidities increases with multiplicity at low multiplicities and saturates beyond moderate multiplicities. In addition, the forward-to-backward nuclear modification factor ratio is also reported, showing an increasing suppression of J/psi production at forward rapidity with respect to backward rapidity for increasing charged-particle multiplicity. (C) 2017 The Author. Published by Elsevier B. V.Peer reviewe

    Multiplicity dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    none1019siIn this letter, the production of deuterons and anti-deuterons in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV is studied as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Production yields are measured at mid-rapidity in five multiplicity classes and as a function of the deuteron transverse momentum (p(T)). The measurements are discussed in the context of hadron-coalescence models. The coalescence parameter B-2, extracted from the measured spectra of (anti-)deuteronsand primary (anti-)protons, exhibits no significant p(T)-dependence for p(T) < 3 GeV/c, in agreement with the expectations of a simple coalescence picture. At fixed transverse momentum per nucleon, the B-2 parameter is found to decrease smoothly from low multiplicity pp to Pb-Pb collisions, in qualitative agreement with more elaborate coalescence models. The measured mean transverse momentum of (anti-)deuterons in pp is not reproduced by the Blast-Wave model calculations that simultaneously describe pion, kaon and proton spectra, in contrast to central Pb-Pb collisions. The ratio between the p(T)-integrated yield of deuterons to protons, d/p, is found to increase with the charged-particle multiplicity, as observed in inelastic pp collisions at different centre-of-mass energies. The d/p ratios are reported in a wide range, from the lowest to the highest multiplicity values measured in pp collisions at the LHC. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.VnoneAcharya, S.; Acosta, F. T.; Adamova, D.; Adhya, S. P.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Aiola, S.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Alfaro Molina, R.; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andrews, H. A.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Anson, C.; Anticic, T.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anwar, R.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arratia, M.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bagnasco, S.; Bailhache, R.; Bala, R.; Baldisseri, A.; Ball, M.; Baral, R. C.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartalini, P.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Batzing, P. C.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, J. L.; Bearden, I. G.; Bedda, C.; Behera, N. K.; Belikov, I; Bellini, F.; Bello Martinez, H.; Bellwied, R.; Beltran, L. G. E.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berenyi, D.; Bertens, R. A.; Berzano, D.; Betev, L.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhatt, H.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, A.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, R.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bonomi, G.; Bonora, M.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Borri, M.; Botta, E.; Bourjau, C.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broker, T. A.; Broz, M.; Brucken, E. J.; Bruna, E.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Buhler, P.; Buncic, P.; Busch, O.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Buxton, J. T.; Caffarri, D.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Capon, A. A.; Carnesecchi, F.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Castro, A. J.; Casula, E. A. R.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chang, B.; Chang, W.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Chowdhury, T.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Cormier, T. M.; Morales, Y. Corrales; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crkovska, J.; Crochet, P.; Cuautle, E.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dabrowski, D.; Dahms, T.; Dainese, A.; Damas, F. P. A.; Dani, S.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, D.; Das, I; Das, S.; Dash, A.; Dash, S.; Dashi, A.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; de Conti, C.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Pasquale, S.; De Souza, R. D.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deisting, A.; Deloff, A.; Delsanto, S.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Dillenseger, P.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Djuvsland, O.; Dobrin, A.; Domenicis Gimenez, D.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Duggal, A. K.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Ehlers, R. J.; Elia, D.; Engel, H.; Epple, E.; Erazmus, B.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Eum, J.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Feldkamp, L.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Festanti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Floris, M.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Francisco, A.; Frankenfeld, U.; Fronze, G. G.; Fuchs, U.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; Girard, M. Fusco; Gaardhoje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gajdosova, K.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gay Ducati, M. B.; Germain, M.; Ghosh, J.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaessel, P.; Gomez Coral, D. M.; Ramirez, A. Gomez; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Zamora, P.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Graham, K. L.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, A.; Grigoryan, S.; Gronefeld, J. M.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guernane, R.; Guerzoni, B.; Guittiere, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, I. B.; Haake, R.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamar, G.; Hamid, M.; Hamon, J. C.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Hayashi, S.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herghelegiu, A.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hilden, T. E.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Hosokawa, R.; Hota, J.; Hristov, P.; Huang, C.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hussain, N.; Hussain, T.; Hutter, D.; Hwang, D. S.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Inaba, M.; Ippolitov, M.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadhav, M. B.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Janik, M. A.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez; Jin, M.; Jones, P. G.; Jusko, A.; Kalinak, P.; Kalweit, A.; Kang, J. H.; Kaplin, V; Kar, S.; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khan, S. A.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kielbowicz, M. M.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, D.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, H.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kindra, K.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, C.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Klewin, S.; Kluge, A.; Knichel, M. L.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kofarago, M.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konopka, P. J.; Konyushikhin, M.; Koska, L.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Kravcakova, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Krueger, M.; Kryshen, E.; Krzewicki, M.; Kubera, A. M.; Kucera, V; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P. G.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, S.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kurepin, A.; Kurepin, A. B.; Kushpil, S.; Kvapil, J.; Kweon, M. J.; Kwon, Y.; La Pointe, S. L.; La Rocca, P.; Lai, Y. S.; Langoy, R.; Lapidus, K.; Lardeux, A.; Larionov, P.; Laudi, E.; Lavicka, R.; Lazareva, T.; Lea, R.; Leardini, L.; Lee, S.; Lehas, F.; Lehner, S.; Lehrbach, J.; Lemmon, R. C.; Leon Monzon, I; Levai, P.; Li, X.; Li, X. L.; Lien, J.; Lietava, R.; Lim, B.; Lindal, S.; Lindenstruth, V; Lindsay, S. W.; Lippmann, C.; Lisa, M. A.; Litichevskyi, V; Liu, A.; Ljunggren, H. M.; Llope, W. J.; Lodato, D. F.; Loginov, V; Loizides, C.; Loncar, P.; Lopez, X.; Lopez Torres, E.; Luettig, P.; Luhder, J. R.; Lunardon, M.; Luparello, G.; Lupi, M.; Maevskaya, A.; Mager, M.; Mahmood, S. M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maire, A.; Majka, R. D.; Malaev, M.; Malik, Q. W.; Malinina, L.; Mal'Kevich, D.; Malzacher, P.; Mamonov, A.; Manko, V; Manso, F.; Manzari, V; Mao, Y.; Marchisone, M.; Mares, J.; Margagliotti, G., V; Margotti, A.; Margutti, J.; Marin, A.; Markert, C.; Marquard, M.; Martin, N. A.; Martinengo, P.; Martinez, J. L.; Martinez, M., I; Garcia, G. Martinez; Pedreira, M. Martinez; Masciocchi, S.; Masera, M.; Masoni, A.; Massacrier, L.; Masson, E.; Mastroserio, A.; Mathis, A. M.; Matuoka, P. F. T.; Matyja, A.; Mayer, C.; Mazzilli, M.; Mazzoni, M. A.; Meddi, F.; Melikyan, Y.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meninno, E.; Meres, M.; Mhlanga, S.; Miake, Y.; Micheletti, L.; Mieskolainen, M. M.; Mihaylov, D. L.; Mikhaylov, K.; Mischke, A.; Mishra, A. N.; Miskowiec, D.; Mitra, J.; Mitu, C. M.; Mohammadi, N.; Mohanty, A. P.; Mohanty, B.; Khan, M. Mohisin; Mondal, M. M.; Mordasini, C.; De Godoy, D. A. Moreira; Moreno, L. A. P.; Moretto, S.; Morreale, A.; Morsch, A.; Mrnjavac, T.; Muccifora, V; Mudnic, E.; Muehlheim, D.; Muhuri, S.; Mukherjee, M.; Mulligan, J. D.; Munhoz, M. G.; Muenning, K.; Munzer, R. H.; Murakami, H.; Murray, S.; Musa, L.; Musinsky, J.; Myers, C. J.; Myrcha, J. W.; Naik, B.; Nair, R.; Nandi, B. K.; Nania, R.; Nappi, E.; Naru, M. U.; Nassirpour, A. F.; Natal da Luz, H.; Nattrass, C.; Navarro, S. R.; Nayak, K.; Nayak, R.; Nayak, T. K.; Nazarenko, S.; De Oliveira, R. A. Negrao; Nellen, L.; Nesbo, S., V; Neskovic, G.; Ng, F.; Nielsen, B. S.; Nikolaev, S.; Nikulin, S.; Nikulin, V; Noferini, F.; Nomokonov, P.; Nooren, G.; Noris, J. C. C.; Norman, J.; Nyanin, A.; Nystrand, J.; Ogino, M.; Ohlson, A.; Oleniacz, J.; Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.; Oliver, M. H.; Onderwaater, J.; Oppedisano, C.; Orava, R.; Ortiz Velasquez, A.; Oskarsson, A.; Otwinowski, J.; Oyama, K.; Pachmayer, Y.; Pacik, V; Pagano, D.; Paic, G.; Palni, P.; Pan, J.; Pandey, A. K.; Panebianco, S.; Papikyan, V; Pareek, P.; Park, J.; Parkkila, J. E.; Parmar, S.; Passfeld, A.; Pathak, S. P.; Patra, R. N.; Paul, B.; Pei, H.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, X.; Pereira, L. G.; Da Costa, H. Pereira; Peresunko, D.; Perez, G. M.; Lezama, E. Perez; Peskov, V; Pestov, Y.; Petracek, V; Petrovici, M.; Pezzi, R. P.; Piano, S.; Pikna, M.; Pillot, P.; Pimentel, L. O. D. L.; Pinazza, O.; Pinsky, L.; Pisano, S.; Piyarathna, D. B.; Ploskon, M.; Planinic, M.; Pliquett, F.; Pluta, J.; Pochybova, S.; Podesta-Lerma, P. L. M.; Poghosyan, M. G.; Polichtchouk, B.; Poljak, N.; Poonsawat, W.; Pop, A.; Poppenborg, H.; Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.; Pozdniakov, V; Prasad, S. K.; Preghenella, R.; Prino, F.; Pruneau, C. A.; Pshenichnov, I; Puccio, M.; Punin, V; Puranapanda, K.; Putschke, J.; Quishpe, R. E.; Ragoni, S.; Raha, S.; Rajput, S.; Rak, J.; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Ramello, L.; Rami, F.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rasanen, S. S.; Rascanu, B. T.; Rath, R.; Ratza, V; Ravasenga, I; Read, K. F.; Redlich, K.; Rehman, A.; Reichelt, P.; Reidt, F.; Ren, X.; Renfordt, R.; Reshetin, A.; Revol, J-P; Reygers, K.; Riabov, V; Richert, T.; Richter, M.; Riedler, P.; Riegler, W.; Riggi, F.; Ristea, C.; Rode, S. P.; Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M.; Roed, K.; Rogalev, R.; Rogochaya, E.; Rohr, D.; Rohrich, D.; Rokita, P. S.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosas, E. D.; Roslon, K.; Rosnet, P.; Rossi, A.; Rotondi, A.; Roukoutakis, F.; Roy, A.; Roy, P.; Rueda, O., V; Rui, R.; Rumyantsev, B.; Rustamov, A.; Ryabinkin, E.; Ryabov, Y.; Rybicki, A.; Saarinen, S.; Sadhu, S.; Sadovsky, S.; Safarik, K.; Saha, S. K.; Sahoo, B.; Sahoo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Sahoo, S.; Sahu, P. K.; Saini, J.; Sakai, S.; Sambyal, S.; Samsonov, V; Sandoval, A.; Sarkar, A.; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, N.; Sarma, P.; Sarti, V. M.; Sas, M. H. P.; Scapparone, E.; Schaefer, B.; Schambach, J.; Scheid, H. S.; Schiaua, C.; Schicker, R.; Schmah, A.; Schmidt, C.; Schmidt, H. R.; Schmidt, M. O.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, N., V; Schmier, A. R.; Schukraft, J.; Schutz, Y.; Schwarz, K.; Schweda, K.; Scioli, G.; Scomparin, E.; Sefcik, M.; Seger, J. E.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sekihata, D.; Selyuzhenkov, I; Senyukov, S.; Serradilla, E.; Sett, P.; Sevcenco, A.; Shabanov, A.; Shabetai, A.; Shahoyan, R.; Shaikh, W.; Shangaraev, A.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, M.; Sharma, N.; Sheikh, A., I; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shirinkin, S.; Shou, Q.; Sibiriak, Y.; Siddhanta, S.; Siemiarczuk, T.; Silvermyr, D.; Simatovic, G.; Simonetti, G.; Singh, R.; Singhal, V; Sinha, T.; Sitar, B.; Sitta, M.; Skaali, T. B.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, N.; Snellings, R. J. M.; Snellman, T. W.; Sochan, J.; Soncco, C.; Song, J.; Songmoolnak, A.; Soramel, F.; Sorensen, S.; Sozzi, F.; Sputowska, I; Stachel, J.; Stan, I; Stankus, P.; Stenlund, E.; Stocco, D.; Storetvedt, M. M.; Strmen, P.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Sugitate, T.; Suire, C.; Suleymanov, M.; Suljic, M.; Sultanov, R.; Sumbera, M.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Suzuki, K.; Swain, S.; Szabo, A.; Szarka, I; Tabassam, U.; Takahashi, J.; Tambave, G. J.; Tanaka, N.; Tarhini, M.; Tarzila, M. G.; Tauro, A.; Tejeda Munoz, G.; Telesca, A.; Terrevoli, C.; Thakur, D.; Thakur, S.; Thomas, D.; Thoresen, F.; Tieulent, R.; Tikhonov, A.; Timmins, A. R.; Toia, A.; Topilskaya, N.; Toppi, M.; Torres, S. R.; Tripathy, S.; Tripathy, T.; Trogolo, S.; Trombetta, G.; Tropp, L.; Trubnikov, V; Trzaska, W. H.; Trzcinski, T. P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tsuji, T.; Tumkin, A.; Turrisi, R.; Tveter, T. S.; Ullaland, K.; Umaka, E. N.; Uras, A.; Usai, G. L.; Utrobicic, A.; Vala, M.; Valencia Palomo, L.; Valle, N.; van der Kolk, N.; van Doremalen, L. V. R.; Van Hoorne, J. W.; van Leeuwen, M.; Vande Vyvre, P.; Varga, D.; Vargas, A.; Vargyas, M.; Varma, R.; Vasileiou, M.; Vasiliev, A.; Doce, O. Vazquez; Vechernin, V.; Veen, A. M.; Vercellin, E.; Vergara Limon, S.; Vermunt, L.; Vernet, R.; Vertesi, R.; Vickovic, L.; Viinikainen, J.; Vilakazi, Z.; Baillie, O. Villalobos; Villatoro Tello, A.; Vino, G.; Vinogradov, A.; Virgili, T.; Vislavicius, V.; Vodopyanov, A.; Volkel, B.; Voelkl, M. A.; Voloshin, K.; Voloshin, S. A.; Volpe, G.; von Haller, B.; Vorobyev, I; Voscek, D.; Vrlakova, J.; Wagner, B.; Wang, M.; Watanabe, Y.; Weber, M.; Weber, S. G.; Wegrzynek, A.; Weiser, D. F.; Wenzel, S. C.; Wessels, J. P.; Westerhoff, U.; Whitehead, A. M.; Widmann, E.; Wiechula, J.; Wikne, J.; Wilk, G.; Wilkinson, J.; Willems, G. A.; Willsher, E.; Windelband, B.; Witt, W. E.; Wu, Y.; Xu, R.; Yalcin, S.; Yamakawa, K.; Yano, S.; Yin, Z.; Yokoyama, H.; Yoo, I-K; Yoon, J. H.; Yuan, S.; Yurchenko, V; Zaccolo, V; Zaman, A.; Zampolli, C.; Zanoli, H. J. C.; Zardoshti, N.; Zarochentsev, A.; Zavada, P.; Zaviyalov, N.; Zbroszczyk, H.; Zhalov, M.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhao, C.; Zherebchevskii, V; Zhigareva, N.; Zhou, D.; Zhou, Y.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, H.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zichichi, A.; Zimmermann, M. B.; Zinovjev, G.; Zurlo, N.Acharya, S.; Acosta, F. T.; Adamova, D.; Adhya, S. P.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Aggarwal, M. M.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Aiola, S.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Albuquerque, D. S. D.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Alfaro Molina, R.; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andrews, H. A.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Anson, C.; Anticic, T.; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anwar, R.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arratia, M.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bagnasco, S.; Bailhache, R.; Bala, R.; Baldisseri, A.; Ball, M.; Baral, R. C.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartalini, P.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Batzing, P. C.; Bauri, D.; Bazo Alba, J. L.; Bearden, I. G.; Bedda, C.; Behera, N. K.; Belikov, I; Bellini, F.; Bello Martinez, H.; Bellwied, R.; Beltran, L. G. E.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berenyi, D.; Bertens, R. A.; Berzano, D.; Betev, L.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhatt, H.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bianchi, A.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, R.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bonomi, G.; Bonora, M.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Borri, M.; Botta, E.; Bourjau, C.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broker, T. A.; Broz, M.; Brucken, E. J.; Bruna, E.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Buhler, P.; Buncic, P.; Busch, O.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Buxton, J. T.; Caffarri, D.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Capon, A. A.; Carnesecchi, F.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Castro, A. J.; Casula, E. A. R.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chang, B.; Chang, W.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Chowdhury, T.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Cormier, T. M.; Morales, Y. Corrales; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crkovska, J.; Crochet, P.; Cuautle, E.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dabrowski, D.; Dahms, T.; Dainese, A.; Damas, F. P. A.; Dani, S.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, D.; Das, I; Das, S.; Dash, A.; Dash, S.; Dashi, A.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; de Conti, C.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Pasquale, S.; De Souza, R. D.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deisting, A.; Deloff, A.; Delsanto, S.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Dillenseger, P.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Djuvsland, O.; Dobrin, A.; Domenicis Gimenez, D.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Duggal, A. K.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Ehlers, R. J.; Elia, D.; Engel, H.; Epple, E.; Erazmus, B.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Eum, J.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Feldkamp, L.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Festanti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Floris, M.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Francisco, A.; Frankenfeld, U.; Fronze, G. G.; Fuchs, U.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; Girard, M. Fusco; Gaardhoje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gajdosova, K.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gay Ducati, M. B.; Germain, M.; Ghosh, J.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaessel, P.; Gomez Coral, D. M.; Ramirez, A. Gomez; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Zamora, P.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Graham, K. L.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, A.; Grigoryan, S.; Gronefeld, J. M.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guernane, R.; Guerzoni, B.; Guittiere, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, I. B.; Haake, R.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamar, G.; Hamid, M.; Hamon, J. C.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Hayashi, S.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herghelegiu, A.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hilden, T. E.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Hosokawa, R.; Hota, J.; Hristov, P.; Huang, C.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hussain, N.; Hussain, T.; Hutter, D.; Hwang, D. S.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Inaba, M.; Ippolitov, M.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadhav, M. B.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Janik, M. A.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez; Jin, M.; Jones, P. G.; Jusko, A.; Kalinak, P.; Kalweit, A.; Kang, J. H.; Kaplin, V; Kar, S.; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khan, S. A.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kielbowicz, M. M.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, D.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, H.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, J.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kindra, K.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, C.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Klewin, S.; Kluge, A.; Knichel, M. L.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Kofarago, M.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konopka, P. J.; Konyushikhin, M.; Koska, L.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Krav

    J/psi production as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV

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    We report measurements of the inclusive J/ψ yield and average transverse momentum as a function of charged-particle pseudorapidity density dNch/dη in p–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02TeV with ALICE at the LHC. The observables are normalised to their corresponding averages in non-single diffractive events. An increase of the normalised J/ψ yield with normalised dNch/dη, measured at mid-rapidity, is observed at mid-rapidity and backward rapidity. At forward rapidity, a saturation of the relative yield is observed for high charged-particle multiplicities. The normalised average transverse momentum at forward and backward rapidities increases with multiplicity at low multiplicities and saturates beyond moderate multiplicities. In addition, the forward-to-backward nuclear modification factor ratio is also reported, showing an increasing suppression of J/ψ production at forward rapidity with respect to backward rapidity for increasing charged-particle multiplicity

    Multiplicity dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in pp collisions at 1as=7TeV

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    In this letter, the production of deuterons and anti-deuterons in pp collisions at 1as = 7 TeV is studied as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity with the ALICE detector at the LHC. Production yields are measured at mid-rapidity in five multiplicity classes and as a function of the deuteron transverse momentum (pT). The measurements are discussed in the context of hadron\u2013coalescence models. The coalescence parameter B2, extracted from the measured spectra of (anti-)deuterons and primary (anti-)protons, exhibits no significant pT-dependence for pT < 3 GeV/c, in agreement with the expectations of a simple coalescence picture. At fixed transverse momentum per nucleon, the B2 parameter is found to decrease smoothly from low multiplicity pp to Pb\u2013Pb collisions, in qualitative agreement with more elaborate coalescence models. The measured mean transverse momentum of (anti-)deuterons in pp is not reproduced by the Blast-Wave model calculations that simultaneously describe pion, kaon and proton spectra, in contrast to central Pb\u2013Pb collisions. The ratio between the pT-integrated yield of deuterons to protons, d/p, is found to increase with the charged- particle multiplicity, as observed in inelastic pp collisions at different centre-of-mass energies. The d/p ratios are reported in a wide range, from the lowest to the highest multiplicity values measured in pp collisions at the LHC

    Tools to evaluate estrogenic potency of dietary phytoestrogens: A consensus paper from the eu thematic network "Phytohealth" (QLKI-2002-2453)

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    Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plantderived polyphenols with estrogenic potency. They are ubiquitous in diet and therefore, generally consumed. Among Europeans, the diet is rich in multiple putative phytoestrogens including flavonoids, tannins, stilbenoids, and lignans. These compounds have been suggested to provide beneficial effects on multiple menopause-related conditions as well as on development of hormone-dependent cancers, which has increased the interest in products and foods with high phytoestrogen content. However, phytoestrogens may as well have adverse estrogenicity related effects similar to any estrogen. Therefore, the assessment of estrogenic potency of dietary compounds is of critical importance. Due to the complex nature of estrogenicity, no single comprehensive test approach is available. Instead, several in vitro and in vivo assays are applied to evaluate estrogenic potency. In vitro estrogen receptor (ER) binding assays provide information on the ability of the compound to I) interact with ERs, II) bind to estrogen responsive element on promoter of the target gene as ligand-ER complex, and III) interact between the co-activator and ERs in ligand-dependent manner. In addition, transactivation assays in cells screen for ligand-induced ERmediated gene activation. Biochemical in vitro analysis can be used to test for possible effects on protein activities and E-screen assays to measure (anti)proliferative response in estrogen responsive cells. However, for assessment of estrogenicity in organs and tissues, in vivo approaches are essential. In females, the uterotrophic assay is applicable for testing ERa agonistic and antagonistic dietary compounds in immature or adult ovariectomized animals. In addition, mammary gland targeted estrogenicity can be detected as stimulated ductal elongation and altered formation of terminal end buds in immature or peripubertal animals. In males, Hershberger assay in peri-pubertal castrated rats can be used to detect (anti)androgenic/ (anti)estrogenic responses in accessory sex glands and other hormone regulated tissues. In addition to these short-term assays, sub-acute and chronic reproductive toxicity assays as well as two-generation studies can be applied for phytoestrogens to confirm their safety in long-term use. For reliable assessment of estrogenicity of dietary phytoestrogens in vivo, special emphasis should be focused on selection of the basal diet, route and doses of administration, and possible metabolic differences between the species used and humans. In conclusion, further development and standardization of the estrogenicity test methods are needed for better interpretation of both the potential benefits and risks of increasing consumption of phytoestrogens from diets and supplements