1,734 research outputs found

    Cohomological finiteness conditions for elementary amenable groups

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    It is proved that every elementary amenable group of type FP∞FP_\infty admits a cocompact classifying space for proper actions

    Reconstrucción de neoglande con colgajo uretral para el tratamiento quirúrgico de calcifilaxis peniana

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa arteriolopatía urémica calcificante, también conocida como calcifilaxis, es una entidad caracterizada por la presencia de áreas de necrosis isquémica junto con extensas calcificaciones de la capa media de las arteriolas de la piel; la etiopatogenia es compleja, las formas de presentación y evolución son diversas. La calcifilaxis del pene es una entidad muy rara. El dolor y la ulceración del glande es una de sus manifestaciones clínicas iniciales, el diagnóstico en estas etapas es difícil de establecer y el manejo debe ser integral. El tratamiento médico seguido del manejo quirúrgico se establecerá de acuerdo a la etapa y evolución de la enfermedad.La reconstrucción aislada del glande se recomienda tras una amputación traumática o quirúrgica por alguna enfermedad benigna o maligna. El objetivo es conseguir una apariencia estética razonable, permitir una micción fisiológica y tratar de conservar la mayor cantidad de tejido eréctil. En pacientes con calcifilaxis peniana, el manejo quirúrgico convencional es radical y consiste en falectomía parcial o total según sea el caso. El manejo conservador ha sido reportado mediante la desbridación de las lesiones ulcerosas en pene, tratamiento local y vigilancia.Caso clínicoSe presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 59 años de edad con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento con hemodiálisis, hospitalizado por cuadro de 5 días de evolución con úlcera dolorosa en glande, refractaria a manejo analgésico. Se realizó biopsia escisional de la lesión con estudio histopatológico confirmando calcifilaxis. Se plantea a paciente falectomía parcial la cual rechaza por lo que se ofrece reconstrucción en un tiempo como opción terapéutica.ConclusiónUtilizar injertos o colgajos de piel para realizar la reconstrucción del pene en pacientes con calcifilaxis no representa una opción viable. Por su gran aporte vascular, la uretra representa una buena opción de reconstrucción en pacientes con calcifilaxis en etapa inicial. La selección y evaluación de los pacientes debe ser muy cautelosa para que los resultados estéticos y funcionales sean aceptables.AbstractIntroductionCalcific uremic arteriolopathy, also known as calciphylaxis, is an entity characterized by areas of ischemic necrosis with extensive calcifications of the middle layer of the skin arterioles. Its etiopathogenesis is complex and its forms of presentation and progression are diverse. Calciphylaxis of the penis is an extremely rare entity. Pain and ulceration of the glans penis are initial clinical manifestations and diagnosis at these stages is difficult. Management should be comprehensive. Medical treatment, followed by surgical management, is established according to disease stage and progression.Isolated reconstruction of the glans penis is recommended when there is traumatic amputation or a surgical one due to benign or malignant disease. The goal is to obtain a reasonably esthetic appearance, to have physiologic micturition, and to spare the greatest amount of erectile tissue possible. Conventional surgical management in patients with penile calciphylaxis is radical and consists of partial or total phallectomy, depending on the case. Conservative management through ulcerous penile lesion debridement, local treatment, and surveillance has been reported.Case reportA 59-year-old man with chronic renal insufficiency in hemodialysis treatment was hospitalized for symptoms of 5-day progression of a painful ulcer on the glans penis that was refractory to analgesics. An excisional biopsy of the lesion was taken and the histopathologic study confirmed calciphylaxis. Partial phallectomy was suggested to the patient, but he rejected it, and so single stage reconstruction was offered as a therapeutic option.ConclusionThe use of skin grafts or flaps for penile reconstruction in patients with calciphylaxis is not a viable option. Because of its large blood supply, the urethra is a good reconstruction option in patients with initial-stage calciphylaxis. Patient selection and evaluation must be carried out with great care in order to have acceptable functional and esthetic results

    Profile and reproductive roles of seminal plasma melatonin of boar ejaculates used in artificial insemination programs

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    Melatonin (MLT) is present in seminal plasma (SP) of mammalian species, including pigs, and it is credited with antioxidant properties. This study aims to identify the sources of variation and the role of boar SP MLT on sperm quality and functionality and in vivo fertilizing ability of liquid-stored semen doses used in AI programs. The SP MLT was measured using an ELISA kit in a total of 219 ejaculates collected from 76 boars, and reproductive records of 5,318 AI sows were recorded. Sperm quality was assessed according to motility (computer-aided sperm analysis) and viability (cytometry evaluation). Sperm functionality was assessed according to the cytometric determination of intracellular H2O2 generation, total and mitochondrial O2- production, and lipid peroxidation in liquid AI semen samples stored at 17°C over 144 h. The concentration of SP MLT differed among seasons (P < 0.01) and day length periods (P < 0.001) of the year, demonstrating that the ejaculates collected during the increasing day length period (9.80 ± 1.38 pg/mL, range: 2.75–21.94) had lower SP MLT concentrations than those collected during the decreasing day length period (16.32 ± 1.67 pg/mL, range: 5.02–35.61). The SP MLT also differed (P < 0.001) among boars, among ejaculates within boar, and among portions within the ejaculate, demonstrating that SP from the first 10 mL of sperm-rich ejaculate fraction (SRF) exhibited lower MLT concentrations than post-SRF. The SP MLT was negatively related (P < 0.001) to mitochondrial O2- production in viable sperm. The SP MLT did not differ among AI boars (n = 14) hierarchically grouped according to high and low fertility outcomes. In conclusion, SP MLT concentration in AI boars varies depending on the season of ejaculate collection and differs among boars, ejaculates within boar, and portions within ejaculate. The SP MLT may act at the mitochondrial level of sperm by reducing the generation of O2-. However, this antioxidant role of SP MLT was not reflected in sperm quality or in vivo fertility outcomes of AI semen doses

    Influence of pork liver drying on ferrochelatase activity for zinc protoporphyrin formation

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    Pork liver contains an endogenous enzyme, ferrochelatase (FeCH), which catalyses the formation of zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP), a natural pigment of great interest for the meat industry. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of pork liver drying (from −10 to 70 °C), as a stabilisation method, on the FeCH activity (EA) and the apparent concentration (ECapp). Drying temperatures close to room conditions (from 10 to 20 °C) allowed to preserve well the ECapp, while the EA was slightly lower (−15.2%) than in raw liver. However, when drying was conducted at extreme conditions (−10 and 70 °C), the lowest values of ECapp and EA were manifested. Therefore, the drying process at moderate temperatures close to room conditions (10 - 20 °C) was considered to be an effective method for FeCH preservation since it was possible to stabilise the liver and the loss of FeCH activity was minimised.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influencia de la micronización y el origen de la harina de soja en los redimientos productivos en lechones destetados

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    La harina de soja (HS) es la fuente de proteína de elección en dietas para cerdos. La HS contiene diversos factores anti nutricionales (FAN), tales como los inhibidores de tripsina (IT; Huisman y Jansman, 1991) y los oligosacáridos (Clarke y Wiseman, 2005) que afectan al crecimiento y limitan los niveles de inclusión en dietas para lechones. El procesado térmico del haba y su composición (De Coca Sinova et al., 2008) afectan al contenido de nutrientes así como la respuesta de los animales a su inclusión en piensos. Morgan et al. (1984) y Dilger et al. (2004) han demostrado que un aumento en el contenido de fibra bruta de la dieta o de la HS utilizada disminuye la digestibilidad de los nutrientes en monogástricos y De Coca et al. (2008) observaron una relación lineal entre el contenido de proteína bruta (PB) y la digestibilidad de los aminoácidos en HS. Por lo tanto, la inclusión de HS de alto contenido en PB (AP-HS) en sustitución de HS de menor contenido proteico (BP-HS) podría mejorar el crecimiento de los lechones. Los concentrados de soja (CPS) tienen un alto contenido en PB y bajo contenido de fibra bruta y en FAN (Shon et al., 1994). Por lo tanto, la sustitución de HS por CPS, podría mejorar el rendimiento de los cerdos al destete. Los efectos del tamaño medio de partícula (GMD) del pienso sobre el crecimiento es un tema de debate (Goodband et al., 1995). La mayoría de estudios llevados a cabo con cereales han encontrado una relación directa positiva entre la GMD y el índice de conversión (IC) en cerdos (Goodband y Hines, 1988; Healy et al., 1994). Sin embargo, los resultados disponibles sobre los efectos de la molturación fina de la HS sobre la productividad en lechones son escasos y no concordantes (Fastinger y Mahan, 2003; Lawrence et al., 2003; Valencia et al., 2008). El objetivo de este experimento fue evaluar los efectos de la inclusión de diferentes tipos de soja en los que variaba el contenido de PB y el tamaño de partícula sobre el crecimiento de los lechones

    Ultrasound intensification of Ferrochelatase extraction from pork liver as a strategy to improve ZINC-protoporphyrin formation

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    [EN] The enzyme Ferrochelatase (FeCH), which is naturally present in pork liver, catalyses the formation of Zincprotoporphyrin (ZnPP), a natural pigment responsible for the typical color of dry-cured Italian Parma ham. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using high power ultrasound in continuous and pulsed modes to intensify the extraction of the enzyme FeCH from pork liver. US application during FeCH extraction led to an improved enzymatic activity and further increase in the formation of ZnPP. The optimal condition tested was that of 1 min in continuous US application, in which time the enzymatic activity increased by 33.3 % compared to conventional extraction (30 min). Pulsed US application required 5 min treatments to observe a significant intensification effect. Therefore, ultrasound is a potentially feasible technique as it increases the catalytic activity of FeCH and saves time compared to the conventional extraction methodThe authors acknowledge the financial support from the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) and Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)" in Spain (Project RTA2017-00024-C04-03). The authors acknowledge the contribution of the undergraduate student Jose V. Pedrero-Gonzalez to the experimental work.Abril-Gisbert, B.; Sanchez-Torres, E.; Bou, R.; Garcia-Perez, J.; Benedito Fort, JJ. (2021). Ultrasound intensification of Ferrochelatase extraction from pork liver as a strategy to improve ZINC-protoporphyrin formation. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 78:1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105703S177

    Opportunities for neurodevelopmental plasticity from infancy through early adulthood

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    Multiple and rapid changes in brain development occur in infancy and early childhood that undergird behavioral development in core domains. The period of adolescence also carries a second influx of growth and change in the brain to support the unique developmental tasks of adolescence. This special section documents two core conclusions from multiple studies. First, evidence for change in brain-based metrics that underlie cognitive and behavioral functions are not limited to narrow windows in development, but are evident from infancy into early adulthood. Second, the specific evident changes are unique to challenges and goals that are salient for a respective developmental period. These brain-based changes interface with environmental inputs, whether from the child's broader ecology or at an individual level.The title for this Special Section is The Developing Brain: Evidence for Plasticity during Childhood and Adolescence, edited by Amanda E. Guyer, Koraly Perez-Edgar, and Eveline A. CronePathways through Adolescenc

    Water desorption isotherms of pork liver and thermodynamic properties

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    [EN] For the first time, the relationship between equilibrium moisture content and water activity is reported for the desorption process in pork liver. For that purpose, a standardized conductivity hygrometer was used at four different temperatures (0, 10, 30 and 50 degrees C) over a wide range of water activity (0.999-0.103). Five models frequently found in the literature (GAB, Oswin, Henderson, Hasley and Ratti) were considered for the purposes of describing the experimental desorption. The GAB model emerged as the best option (explained variance 96.6%) for the physical and mathematical description of the water desorption isotherms in pork liver. The computed isosteric heat, entropy and Gibbs energy illustrated the high water-sorbent affinity, because of a considerable availability of strong sorption sites at low moisture contents. The reported experimental desorption isotherms, and modeling results, are essentials for the optimal design of the drying process of pork liver, which is a necessary step for the further research addressing the extraction of the protein fraction from the dried product. Extraction and isolation of the protein fraction from pork liver could be considered a reasonable strategy considering the demand of protein materials and the high-environmental impact of the meat industry.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the "Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO)" and "Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)" in Spain (Project RTA 2017-00024-C04-03). Eduardo A. Sanchez-Torres acknowledges the FPU PhD contract (FPU18/01439) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.Sanchez-Torres, E.; Abril-Gisbert, B.; Benedito Fort, JJ.; Bon Corbín, J.; Garcia-Perez, J. (2021). Water desorption isotherms of pork liver and thermodynamic properties. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 149:1-10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.11185711014

    2009-2010 Drake Memorial Library Annual Report

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    The 2009-2010 annual report of Drake Memorial Library of The College at Brockport, as compiled by Mary Jo Orzech, Bob Cushman, Pam O\u27Sullivan and Jennifer Smathers with contributions from the Drake Faculty and Staff
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