73 research outputs found

    Conformal properties of hypermultiplet actions in six dimensions

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    We consider scale-invariant interactions of 6D N=1 hypermultiplets with the gauge multiplet. If the canonical dimension of the matter scalar field is assumed to be 1, scale-invariant lagrangians involve higher derivatives in the action. Though scale-invariant, all such lagrangians are not invariant with respect to special conformal transformations and their superpartners. If the scalar canonical dimension is assumed to be 2, conformal invariance holds at the classical, but not at the quantum level.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Renormalizable supersymmetric gauge theory in six dimensions

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    We construct and discuss a 6D supersymmetric gauge theory involving four derivatives in the action. The theory involves a dimensionless coupling constant and is renormalizable. At the tree level, it enjoys N = (1,0) superconformal symmetry, but the latter is broken by quantum anomaly. Our study should be considered as preparatory for seeking an extended version of this theory which would hopefully preserve conformal symmetry at the full quantum level and be ultraviolet-finite.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures. An arithmetic error in the calculation of the coefficient of the beta function is corrected. Its sign (corresponding to the Landau zero situation) stays the same as in the earlier version

    Low-energy structure of the even-A 96−104 Ru isotopes via g-factor measurements

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    The transient-field-perturbed angular correlation technique was used with Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics to perform a systematic measurement of the g factors of the first excited 21+ states in the stable even-A isotopes Ru96-104. The measurements have been made relative to one another under matched kinematic conditions and include a measurement of g(21+)=+0.47(3) in Ru96

    Interrupted time series study found mixed effects of the impact of the Bavarian smoke-free legislation on pregnancy outcomes

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    In 2007 the German government passed smoke-free legislation, leaving the details of implementation to the individual federal states. In January 2008 Bavaria implemented one of the strictest laws in Germany. We investigated its impact on pregnancy outcomes and applied an interrupted time series (ITS) study design to assess any changes in preterm birth, small for gestational age (primary outcomes), and low birth weight, stillbirth and very preterm birth. We included 1,236,992 singleton births, comprising 83,691 preterm births and 112,143 small for gestational age newborns. For most outcomes we observed unclear effects. For very preterm births, we found an immediate drop of 10.4% (95%CI − 15.8, − 4.6%; p = 0.0006) and a gradual decrease of 0.5% (95%CI − 0.7, − 0.2%, p = 0.0010) after implementation of the legislation. The majority of subgroup and sensitivity analyses confirm these results. Although we found no statistically significant effect of the Bavarian smoke-free legislation on most pregnancy outcomes, a substantial decrease in very preterm births was observed. We cannot rule out that despite our rigorous methods and robustness checks, design-inherent limitations of the ITS study as well as country-specific factors, such as the ambivalent German policy context have influenced our estimation of the effects of the legislation

    PYTHIA 6.4 Physics and Manual

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    The PYTHIA program can be used to generate high-energy-physics `events', i.e. sets of outgoing particles produced in the interactions between two incoming particles. The objective is to provide as accurate as possible a representation of event properties in a wide range of reactions, within and beyond the Standard Model, with emphasis on those where strong interactions play a role, directly or indirectly, and therefore multihadronic final states are produced. The physics is then not understood well enough to give an exact description; instead the program has to be based on a combination of analytical results and various QCD-based models. This physics input is summarized here, for areas such as hard subprocesses, initial- and final-state parton showers, underlying events and beam remnants, fragmentation and decays, and much more. Furthermore, extensive information is provided on all program elements: subroutines and functions, switches and parameters, and particle and process data. This should allow the user to tailor the generation task to the topics of interest.Comment: 576 pages, no figures, uses JHEP3.cls. The code and further information may be found on the PYTHIA web page: http://www.thep.lu.se/~torbjorn/Pythia.html Changes in version 2: Mistakenly deleted section heading for "Physics Processes" reinserted, affecting section numbering. Minor updates to take into account referee comments and new colour reconnection option

    Measurement of the partial widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks

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    Using the entire OPAL LEP1 on-peak Z hadronic decay sample, Z -> qbarq gamma decays were selected by tagging hadronic final states with isolated photon candidates in the electromagnetic calorimeter. Combining the measured rates of Z -> qbarq gamma decays with the total rate of hadronic Z decays permits the simultaneous determination of the widths of the Z into up- and down-type quarks. The values obtained, with total errors, were Gamma u = 300 ^{+19}_{-18} MeV and Gamma d = 381 ^{+12}_{-12} MeV. The results are in good agreement with the Standard Model expectation.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Letts.

    Oncoplastic Breast Consortium consensus conference on nipple-sparing mastectomy

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    Purpose Indications for nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) have broadened to include the risk reducing setting and locally advanced tumors, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the use of NSM. The Oncoplastic Breast Consortium consensus conference on NSM and immediate reconstruction was held to address a variety of questions in clinical practice and research based on published evidence and expert panel opinion. Methods The panel consisted of 44 breast surgeons from 14 countries across four continents with a background in gynecology, general or reconstructive surgery and a practice dedicated to breast cancer, as well as a patient advocate. Panelists presented evidence summaries relating to each topic for debate during the in-person consensus conference. The iterative process in question development, voting, and wording of the recommendations followed the modified Delphi methodology. Results Consensus recommendations were reached in 35, majority recommendations in 24, and no recommendations in the remaining 12 questions. The panel acknowledged the need for standardization of various aspects of NSM and immediate reconstruction. It endorsed several oncological contraindications to the preservation of the skin and nipple. Furthermore, it recommended inclusion of patients in prospective registries and routine assessment of patient-reported outcomes. Considerable heterogeneity in breast reconstruction practice became obvious during the conference. Conclusions In case of conflicting or missing evidence to guide treatment, the consensus conference revealed substantial disagreement in expert panel opinion, which, among others, supports the need for a randomized trial to evaluate the safest and most efficacious reconstruction techniques