60 research outputs found


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    A clinical case of histiocytosis X, rarely found in the practice of a dermatovenereologist, is described, the pathognomonic clinical symptoms of this dermatosis, including skin lesions, that occur in 50 to 80 % of cases of all forms are displayed. The modern classification of histiocytosis, pathogenetic mechanisms of development and clinic of histiocytosis Х are given. Particular attention is paid to diagnostic methods, the necessity of interaction of narrow specialists (dermatovenerologists, hematologists, oncologists, pulmonologists) is underlined

    Crustal and Upper Mantle Velocity Model along the DOBRE-4 Profile from North Dobruja to the Central Region of the Ukrainian Shield : 1. Seismic Data

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    For studying the structure of the lithosphere in southern Ukraine, wide-angle seismic studies that recorded the reflected and refracted waves were carried out under the DOBRE-4 project. The field works were conducted in October 2009. Thirteen chemical shot points spaced 35-50 km apart from each other were implemented with a charge weight varying from 600 to 1000 kg. Overall 230 recording stations with an interval of 2.5 km between them were used. The high quality of the obtained data allowed us to model the velocity section along the profile for P-and S-waves. Seismic modeling was carried out by two methods. Initially, trial-and-error ray tracing using the arrival times of the main reflected and refracted P-and S-phases was conducted. Next, the amplitudes of the recorded phases were analyzed by the finite-difference full waveform method. The resulting velocity model demonstrates a fairly homogeneous structure from the middle to lower crust both in the vertical and horizontal directions. A drastically different situation is observed in the upper crust, where the Vp velocities decrease upwards along the section from 6.35 km/s at a depth of 15-20 km to 5.9-5.8 km/s on the surface of the crystalline basement; in the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic deposits, it diminishes from 5.15 to 3.80 km/s, and in the Mesozoic layers, it decreases from 2.70 to 2.30 km/s. The sub-crustal Vp gradually increases downwards from 6.50 to 6.7-6.8 km/s at the crustal base, which complicates the problem of separating the middle and lower crust. The Vp velocities above 6.80 km/s have not been revealed even in the lowermost part of the crust, in contrast to the similar profiles in the East European Platform. The Moho is clearly delineated by the velocity contrast of 1.3-1.7 km/s. The alternating pattern of the changes in the Moho depths corresponding to Moho undulations with a wavelength of about 150 km and the amplitude reaching 8 to 17 km is a peculiarity of the velocity model.Peer reviewe

    The Large Hadron-Electron Collider at the HL-LHC

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    The Large Hadron-Electron Collider (LHeC) is designed to move the field of deep inelastic scattering (DIS) to the energy and intensity frontier of particle physics. Exploiting energy-recovery technology, it collides a novel, intense electron beam with a proton or ion beam from the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). The accelerator and interaction region are designed for concurrent electron-proton and proton-proton operations. This report represents an update to the LHeC's conceptual design report (CDR), published in 2012. It comprises new results on the parton structure of the proton and heavier nuclei, QCD dynamics, and electroweak and top-quark physics. It is shown how the LHeC will open a new chapter of nuclear particle physics by extending the accessible kinematic range of lepton-nucleus scattering by several orders of magnitude. Due to its enhanced luminosity and large energy and the cleanliness of the final hadronic states, the LHeC has a strong Higgs physics programme and its own discovery potential for new physics. Building on the 2012 CDR, this report contains a detailed updated design for the energy-recovery electron linac (ERL), including a new lattice, magnet and superconducting radio-frequency technology, and further components. Challenges of energy recovery are described, and the lower-energy, high-current, three-turn ERL facility, PERLE at Orsay, is presented, which uses the LHeC characteristics serving as a development facility for the design and operation of the LHeC. An updated detector design is presented corresponding to the acceptance, resolution, and calibration goals that arise from the Higgs and parton-density-function physics programmes. This paper also presents novel results for the Future Circular Collider in electron-hadron (FCC-eh) mode, which utilises the same ERL technology to further extend the reach of DIS to even higher centre-of-mass energies.Peer reviewe

    Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century: results of fundamental and applied research

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    The results of the main theoretical and experimental research carried out in the NAS of Ukraine in Institute of Geophysics and its departments - Carpathian Department (Lviv) and Poltava Gravimetric Observatory (Poltava) are given. These results were obtained within the framework of fulfillment of the scientific areas defined according to the NAS of Ukraine departmental issues in the years 2001-2013. The material is provided in the form of annotation summarizing scientific works published during this period in periodic national and international journals, monographs and materials of international scientific conferences on important issues of geological and geophysical sciences. The research geography has not been limited by the territory of Ukraine and includes many regions of the world (including the West Antarctic) with an aim of comparison of tectonic and geologic evolution of individual structures in Ukraine with the structures of other regions, which is an important part of the development of a strategy for mineral prospecting

    Integration of the Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine into world science

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    Internatіonal actіvіty of the Instіtute of Geophysіcs, NAS of Ukraіne, and іts structural subdіvіsіons (Poltava gravіty observatory, Geography sector, Geodynamіcs of explosіon sector and Carpathіan subdіvіsіon) durіng 1961-2010 has been consіdered from the vіew-poіnt of theіr іntegratіon іnto the world geophysіcal scіence. Partіcіpatіon of the Instіtute іn the executіon of researches іn the network of іnternatіonal complex scіentіfіc programs and projects on the study of deep structure of Central and East European terrіtory; the results of collaboratіon wіth many countrіes of the European contіnent, and also wіth some other countrіes (Indіa, Chіna, Vіetnam, Guіnea, Turkey etc.) are gіven. Integratіon of the Instіtute іnto the world scіentіfіc communіty gave the possіbіlіty of examіnatіon of Ukraіne’s basіc regіons (Ukraіnіan shіeld, Donbas, Dnіeper-Donets sedіmentary basіn, Ukraіnіan Carpath-іans, shelf of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov) deep structure at the up-to-date level and іn іncredіbly short terms, due to conductіng wіth the oversea scіentіfіc partners of the fіeld expedіtіonary research along the profіles, cros sіng the geologіcal structures whіch are examіned. Thus the geophysіcal statіons and equіpment were gіven to Ukraіne and served durіng expedіtіons by oversea colleagues. Vast materіal of scіentіfіc and practіcal value іs collected. Its processіng, іnterpretatіon and analysіs wіll gіve much іnterestіng and іmportant іnformatіon іn the fіeld of perfectіon of knowledge about the geologіcal structure of regіons perspectіve on mіnerals. Materіals obtaіned are wіdely presented іn the known іnternatіonal journals and joіnt monographs (publіshed іn London, Parіs, Berlіn, Moscow etc.), the evіdence of what can be seen from the references accompanyіng the artіcle


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    In the course of its business managers avoid notoriously risky projects and prefer reliable prudent decision. But under current conditions the activities of each business entity is associated with business risks, due to the insecurity and rapidly changing events of the environment


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    In order to improve the efficiency of decision making, it is necessary to identify latent and obvious factors affecting the performance of the "whole", as well as to obtain and synthesize information on their interrelationship and interdependence. When the possession of information about the factors and their interactions, can significantly improve the effectiveness of management decisions and as a result the overall efficiency of the company


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    KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a measure of success in a particular area or to the achievement of predefined tasks. KPI - is quantifiable indicator actually received (obtained) results