17 research outputs found

    Diagnostics of Central and Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Patients with Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy

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    This chapter is devoted to monitoring of central and autonomic nervous system (ANS) in patients with verified sepsis to recognize the specific functional and anatomic changes in the brain and its important autonomic centers which is named sepsis-associated encephalopathy (SAE). Fluctuation of conscience level from agitation to delirium and coma, muscle tone, and severity of pain syndrome is evaluated with different scales (SOFA, SAPS II, RASS, CAM-ICU, FOUR, PBSS, BPS, MRC, MAS, CNS). Multimodal neuromonitoring includes EEG, EPs, ENMG, cerebral oxymetry, saturation in the bulb of the jugular vein, TCD, and neuroimaging (MRI, PET). Dysfunction of autonomic brainstem structures is detected with variational cardiointervalometry, pupillometry, thermometry (peripheral and central), photoplethysmography assessment of perfusion index, quantitative assessment of muscle strength on the MRC scale and MAS, and diagnostics of the severity of the PSH syndrome. Monitoring data help clinicians to make decisions on SAE patient management tactics

    Частота инфекционных осложнений и особенности системного воспалительного ответа у больных с длительным нарушением сознания

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    Objective: investigate epidemiology of infectious complications, intensity of antibacterial therapy, and features of the systemic inflammatory response in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness.Materials and methods: retrospective case histories analysis of 102 patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness who were treated in the department of anesthesiology and intensive care of Polenov Neurosurgical Institute from 2010 to 2019.Results: during hospitalization all patients (100%) had signs of tracheobronchitis, 86 patients (84,3%) had urinary tract infection, 34 (33,3%) pneumonia, 10 patients (9,8%) meningoventriculitis, and in 9 (8,8%) cases sepsis was diagnosed. Identified bacterial complications required systemic antibacterial therapy. With an average length of hospital stay of 51±42 days, duration of antibiotic therapy was 37±41 days. One-component therapy was applied in half of the cases (54%), slightly less often (43,2%) treatment consisted of two antibiotics, in some cases patient’s condition required prescription of three antibiotics (2,8%). Even in the absence of a focus of infection, temperature and laboratory markers of inflammation in blood samples of patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness were higher than the reference values. CRP was increased with addition of any bacterial complications. Count of white blood cells significantly increased only in case of pneumonia and sepsis. Procalcitonin test was positive in 16,6% observations of urinary tract infection, 30,4% of pneumonia, and 28% of meningoventriculitis.Conclusion: most informative proinflammatory marker of bacterial complications in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness was CRP. Mild leukocyte response can be explained by immunosuppression in long-term ill patients. Limited value of procalcitonin test may be due to the insufficiency of the semi-quantitative method sensitivity with a threshold level of 0,5 ng/ml, as well as reduced proinflammatory response to local infection in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness as a result of massive antibacterial therapy, colonization of opportunistic microflora and presence of sympathicotonia (non-infectious systemic inflammatory reaction). Цель: изучить эпидемиологию инфекционных осложнений, интенсивность антибактериальной терапии и особенности системного воспалительного ответа у больных с длительным нарушением сознания.Материалы и методы: проведен ретроспективный анализ историй болезни 102 пациентов с длительным нарушением сознания, проходивших лечение в отделении анестезиологии-реанимации Российского научноисследовательского нейрохирургического института им. профессора А.Л. Поленова с 2010 по 2019 г.Результаты: у всех пациентов (100%) за время госпитализации присутствовали признаки трахеобронхита, у 86 больных (84,3%) была обнаружена инфекция мочевыводящих путей, у 34 (33,3%) – пневмония, у 10 (9,8%) – менинговентрикулит, у 9 (8,8%) – сепсис. Выявленные бактериальные осложнения потребовали назначения интенсивной антибактериальной терапии. При продолжительности пребывания больного в стационаре в среднем 51±42 дня продолжительность антибактериальной терапии составила в среднем 37±41 день. Однокомпонентная терапия проводилась в половине случаев (54%), чуть реже (43,2%) лечение состояло из двух антибактериальных препаратов, в отдельных случаях состояние больного требовало назначения трех антибактериальных препаратов (2,8%). Даже в отсутствие очага инфекции температура и лабораторные маркеры воспаления в крови у больных с длительным нарушением сознания были выше референсных показателей. СРБ увеличивался при присоединении всех бактериальных осложнений. Количество лейкоцитов достоверно повышалось только с развитием пневмонии и сепсиса. Прокальцитониновый тест был положительным в 16,6% случаев инфекций мочевыводящих путей, 30,4% пневмоний и 28% менинговентрикулитов.Заключение: наиболее информативным провоспалительным маркером в диагностике бактериальных осложнений у больных с длительным нарушением сознания оказался С-реактивный белок. Слабо выраженная лейкоцитарная реакция может объясняться иммуносупрессией у длительно болеющих пациентов. Ограниченная ценность прокальцитонина обусловлена недостаточной чувствительностью полуколичественного метода с пороговым уровнем 0,5 нг/мл, а также сниженным провоспалительным ответом на локальную инфекцию у пациентов с длительным нарушением сознания в результате массивной антибактериальной терапии, колонизации условно-патогенной флоры, наличия симпатикотонии (неинфекционной системной воспалительной реакции).

    Интракраниальные менингиомы: клинико-интраскопические и патоморфологические причины рецидивирования с учетом современных методов лечения (обзор литературы)

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    Introduction. Meningiomas are the second most common central nervous system (CNS) tumors in adults. most meningiomas are benign tumors. Anaplastic and atypical meningiomas account for 25% and have a high recurrence rate even after radical tumor resection and radiotherapy. The prognosis of patients with anaplastic meningiomas remains disappointing; most of them die within the first 2 to 5 years after surgery. Purpose: to discuss the challenges in diagnosis and treatment of recurrent meningiomas, to identify the causes of tumor progression, and to assess the clinical features and radiographic findings as well as specific pathomorphological and molecular genetic characteristics. material and methods. We searched for publications in the Pubmed, EMBASE, Cohrane Library and eLibrary databases published between January 2000 and January 2019 on the issue of recurrent intracranial meningiomas, in particular atypical and anaplastic meningiomas. Results. The review systematizes data on the prognostic factors for survival, relapse-free period, and disease progression. particular attention was paid to the radical resection of the tumor and the assessment of the grade of anaplasia. The current data on radiotherapy and drug therapy were presented.  the controversial issues of approaches to the assessment of morphological prognostic criteria were discussed. The current knowledge on the most common genetic mutations in meningiomas, the prospects for their study and use for targeted therapy were presented. Conclusion. The management of meningioma still presents some unresolved issues.  There are no optimal standards for diagnosis and treatment of patients with meningiomas that would take into account biological characteristics, including growth characteristics and molecular genetic profile. There are no clear prognostic criteria for recurrence and continuity in further management after surgical treatment, which affects the mortality rate and quality of life in this category of patients. New fundamental data that will determine a different strategy in the treatment of intracranial meningiomas are needed.Введение. Менингиомы – часто встречающиеся опухоли центральной нервной системы, у взрослых занимают 2-е место, уступая лишь глиомам. Большинство менингиом имеют доброкачественный характер течения. Анапластические и атипические менингиомы, которые составляют 25 %, имеют рецидивирующий тип течения заболевания даже после радикального удаления опухоли и проведения радиотерапии. Прогноз у больных с анапластическими менингиомами остается неутешительным, и большинство из них погибает в первые 2–5 лет после операции. Цель исследования – по литературным данным оценить состояние проблемы диагностики и лечения менингиом, имеющих рецидивирующие течение, выявить причины опухолевой прогрессии, особенности клинической картины, лучевой диагностики, специфики патоморфологических и молекулярно-генетических характеристик. Материал и методы. Осуществлен поиск печатных работ в базах данных Pubmed, EMBASE, Cohrane Library и eLibrary, опубликованных в период с января 2000 г. по январь 2019 г. по вопросу рецидивирования внутричерепных менингиом, в частности атипических и анапластических. Результаты. Систематизированы данные по прогностическим критериям диагностики менингиом, влияющим на выживаемость, безрецидивный период, прогрессирование процесса. Уделено внимание радикальности операции и оценке степени анаплазии. Представлены современные сведения о лучевой терапии и медикаментозном лечении, обсуждены результаты исследований по их эффективности. Затронуты спорные вопросы подходов в оценке морфологических прогностических критериев. Приведены последние сведения о наиболее часто встречающихся генетических мутациях в менингиомах, перспективах их изучения и использования для таргетнтной терапии. Заключение. Проблема ведения больных с менингиомами еще далека до своего окончательного решения, отсутствуют оптимальные стандарты диагностики и лечения пациентов с менингиомами, учитывающие биологические особенности, в том числе особенности роста, молекулярно-генетический профиль. Нет четких прогностических критериев рецидива и преемственности в дальнейшей курации после хирургического лечения, что влияет на уровень смертности и качество жизни данной категории пациентов

    Constraining modern day silicon cycling in Lake Baikal

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    Constraining the continental silicon cycle is a key requirement in attempts to understand both nutrient fluxes to the ocean and linkages between silicon and carbon cycling over different timescales. Silicon isotope data of dissolved silica (δ30SiDSi) are presented here from Lake Baikal and its catchment in central Siberia. As well as being the world's oldest and voluminous lake, Lake Baikal lies within the seventh largest drainage basin in the world and exports significant amounts of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean. Data from river waters accounting for c. 92% of annual river inflow to the lake suggest no seasonal alteration or anthropogenic impact on river δ30SiDSi composition. The absence of a change in δ30SiDSi within the Selenga Delta, through which 62% of riverine flow passes, suggest a net balance between biogenic uptake and dissolution in this system. A key feature of this study is the use of δ30SiDSi to examine seasonal and spatial variations in DSi utilisation and export across the lake. Using an open system model against deep water δ30SiDSi values from the lake, we estimate that 20-24% of DSi entering Lake Baikal is exported into the sediment record. Whilst highlighting the impact that lakes may have upon the sequestration of continental DSi, mixed layer δ30SiDSi values from 2003 and 2013 show significant spatial variability in the magnitude of spring bloom nutrient utilisation with lower rates in the north relative to south basin

    Severe neurological outcomes after very early bilateral nephrectomies in patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)

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    To test the association between bilateral nephrectomies in patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) and long-term clinical outcome and to identify risk factors for severe outcomes, a dataset comprising 504 patients from the international registry study ARegPKD was analyzed for characteristics and complications of patients with very early (� 3 months; VEBNE) and early (4�15 months; EBNE) bilateral nephrectomies. Patients with very early dialysis (VED, onset � 3 months) without bilateral nephrectomies and patients with total kidney volumes (TKV) comparable to VEBNE infants served as additional control groups. We identified 19 children with VEBNE, 9 with EBNE, 12 with VED and 11 in the TKV control group. VEBNE patients suffered more frequently from severe neurological complications in comparison to all control patients. Very early bilateral nephrectomies and documentation of severe hypotensive episodes were independent risk factors for severe neurological complications. Bilateral nephrectomies within the first 3 months of life are associated with a risk of severe neurological complications later in life. Our data support a very cautious indication of very early bilateral nephrectomies in ARPKD, especially in patients with residual kidney function, and emphasize the importance of avoiding severe hypotensive episodes in this at-risk cohort. © 2020, The Author(s)


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    The authors proposed to evaluate the quantity of anatomical intracranial reserve according to morphometric measurements in axial projection by means of helical computer tomography data of bitemporal distance, width of the tentorial opening, diameter of the foramen magnum and mutual correlation of these parameters in points. This method showed a high accuracy (92%) and predictive value (85%) in determination of terms and volume of complex treatment of 140 victims with craniocerebral injury, 120 patients with primary tumors of the brain and 110 patients with acute disorder of cerebral circulation


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    The retrospective analysis of surgical and rehabilitation treatment of 172 patients with neurotrauma was made. The patients were treated in Russian Polenov Neurosurgical Institute and Municipal hospital of St. Elizabeth in the period since 2009 till 2012. Rehabilitation of different types of neurotrauma presented the system of surgical and recovery methods of treatment, which should be used in a short term after damage. Means of internal cerebral decompression, including drainage of ecephalocoel and cerebral basal cistern and the tentoriotomy, should be used in acute period of craniocerebral trauma according to morphometric data of beam inspection. Management of wound by means of laser or LED radiation, SHWF-therapy, magnetic and electrostimulation were the effective methods of neurorehabilitation. It is noted, that 73 (43,4%) patients returned to a former employment rate among 172 victims, though 26 patients had a moderate invalidization. An average figures of Glasgow scale outcomes were 1,9±0,2


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    A retrospective analysis of diagnostics and surgical treatment was made in 440 patients with polytrauma, who were on the treatment in hospitals in Saint-Petersburg, Syktyvkar and Omsk during 2009–2012. The neurotrauma was the dominating damage. The patients were divided into two groups: the main and the control group, using the equal quantitative ratio according to the sex, age, circumstances of trauma and type of damages. The strategy of programmed multistage surgical treatment («damage control surgery») was used in the main group (220 patients, average age 31,7±5,2 years). The traditional strategy of treatment was applied in the control group (220 patients, average age 30,7±5,4 years). The damage control surgery allows the reduction of lethality in neurotrauma by 15,0% and improvement of social adaptation of patients by 12,7%