245 research outputs found

    Blunt Traumatic Hernia of Diaphragm With Late Presentation

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    Background: Diaphragmatic hernia after blunt trauma is an uncommon and often undiagnosed condition. Objectives: We aimed to review patients who presented with delayed blunt traumatic hernia of diaphragm. Patients and Methods: In this retrospective study, the medical records of six patients treated for blunt diaphragmatic hernias who were admitted to Kashan Shahid Beheshti hospital between June 2007 and June 2011 were analyzed. Results: Six patients with mean age of 41 years were included in the study. Male to female ratio was 2:1. Mean duration between trauma and admission to the hospital was 6.5 years (2 – 26 years). Five patients had left-sided diaphragmatic hernia. Chest X-ray was obtained from all patients which was diagnostic in 50 percent of the cases (n = 4). Additional diagnostic imaging with computerized tomography (CT) was used in six patients and upper gastrointestinal (GI) contrast study was performed in one patient. All patients underwent thoracotomy incision. Mesh repair was utilized in one patient. The mean hospitalization time was 14.1 days. There was one postoperative death (16.7%). Conclusions: Late presentation of blunt diaphragmatic hernia is an uncommon and challenging situation for the surgeon. Prompt diagnosis and treatment prevent serious morbidity and mortality associated with complications such as gangrene and perforation of herniated organ

    The effects of dried tomato pomace and a multipleenzyme mixture supplementation (Rovabio ExcelTM) on performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of dried tomato pomace (DTP) and a multienzyme preparation supplementation (Rovabio ExcelTM) on the performance and carcass quality of broiler chickens. A 4 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments comprising 4 dietary DTP levels (0, 8, 16 and 24%) with and without enzyme supplementation was used. Each diet was fed to 4 replicates pens of 8 broiler chicks from 1 to 42 days posthatch as a coarse mash. The addition of DTP up to 16% to broiler diets did not significantly affect feed intake (FI), body weight gain (BWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) during starter (1 to 21 days), growing (22 to 42 days) and entire experimental (1 to 42 days) periods. Inclusion of 24% DTP into the diet significantly decreased FI at starter and entire experimental periods. Also, inclusion of 24% DTP into the diets significantly decreased BWG and increased FCR at all periods. Birds fed the diets supplemented with Rovabio ExcelTM had significantly higher BWG during the starter and entire experimental periods. No significant effect of enzyme addition was observed on FI and FCR. The dietary treatments with or without enzyme did not significantly affect mortality. The 8% DTP-fed group had comparable carcass weight, carcass yield, yield of breast, thigh, abdominal fat, heart, liver and gizzard with those of control group. The higher levels of DTP significantly decreased carcass weight and yield, yield of breast and thigh when compared to the control group. Enzyme supplementation significantly increased carcass weight and yield of abdominal fat. No significant interactions between the DTP and enzyme were observed for performance parameters and carcass characteristics. These results demonstrate that supplementation of DTP up to 8% to broiler diets had no significant adverse effects on performance parameters and carcass characteristics. The enzyme had a significant effect on BWG, carcass weight and yield of abdominal fat.Key words: Dried tomato pomace, enzyme, performance, carcass quality, broiler

    Perineuronal Net Formation and the Critical Period for Neuronal Maturation in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus

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    In leptin-deficient ob/ob mice, obesity and diabetes are associated with abnormal development of neurocircuits in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC)1, a critical brain area for energy and glucose homoeostasis2,3. Because this developmental defect can be remedied by systemic leptin administration, but only if given before postnatal day 28, a critical period for leptin-dependent development of ARC neurocircuits has been proposed4. In other brain areas, critical-period closure coincides with the appearance of perineuronal nets (PNNs), extracellular matrix specializations that restrict the plasticity of neurons that they enmesh5. Here we report that in humans and rodents, subsets of neurons in the mediobasal aspect of the ARC are enmeshed in PNN-like structures. In mice, these neurons are densely packed into a continuous ring that encircles the junction of the ARC and median eminence, which facilitates exposure of ARC neurons to the circulation. Most of the enmeshed neurons are both γ-aminobutyric acid-ergic and leptin-receptor positive, including a majority of Agouti-related-peptide neurons. Postnatal formation of the PNN-like structures coincides precisely with closure of the critical period for maturation of Agouti-related-peptide neurons and is dependent on input from circulating leptin, because postnatal ob/ob mice have reduced ARC PNN-like material that is restored by leptin administration during the critical period. We conclude that neurons crucial to metabolic homoeostasis are enmeshed in PNN-like structures and organized into a densely packed cluster situated circumferentially at the ARC–median eminence junction, where metabolically relevant humoral signals are sensed

    Actin and microtubules drive differential aspects of planar cell polarity in multiciliated cells

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    Actin dynamics are required for proper cilia spacing, global coordination of cilia polarity, and coordination of metachronic cilia beating, whereas cytoplasmic microtubule dynamics are required for local coordination of polarity between neighboring cilia

    Topographical analysis of the subependymal zone neurogenic niche

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    The emerging model for the adult subependymal zone (SEZ) cell population indicates that neuronal diversity is not generated from a uniform pool of stem cells but rather from diverse and spatially confined stem cell populations. Hence, when analysing SEZ proliferation, the topography along the anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes must be taken into account. However, to date, no studies have assessed SEZ proliferation according to topographical specificities and, additionally, SEZ studies in animal models of neurological/psychiatric disorders often fail to clearly specify the SEZ coordinates. This may render difficult the comparison between studies and yield contradictory results. More so, by focusing in a single spatial dimension of the SEZ, relevant findings might pass unnoticed. In this study we characterized the neural stem cell/progenitor population and its proliferation rates throughout the rat SEZ anterior-posterior and dorsal-ventral axes. We found that SEZ proliferation decreases along the anterior-posterior axis and that proliferative rates vary considerably according to the position in the dorsal-ventral axis. These were associated with relevant gradients in the neuroblasts and in the neural stem cell populations throughout the dorsal-ventral axis. In addition, we observed spatially dependent differences in BrdU/Ki67 ratios that suggest a high variability in the proliferation rate and cell cycle length throughout the SEZ; in accordance, estimation of the cell cycle length of the neuroblasts revealed shorter cell cycles at the dorsolateral SEZ. These findings highlight the need to establish standardized procedures of SEZ analysis. Herein we propose an anatomical division of the SEZ that should be considered in future studies addressing proliferation in this neural stem cell niche.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    LRIG1 is a gatekeeper to exit from quiescence in adult neural stem cells

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    Adult neural stem cells (NSCs) must tightly regulate quiescence and proliferation. Single-cell analysis has suggested a continuum of cell states as NSCs exit quiescence. Here we capture and characterize in vitro primed quiescent NSCs and identify LRIG1 as an important regulator. We show that BMP-4 signaling induces a dormant non-cycling quiescent state (d-qNSCs), whereas combined BMP-4/FGF-2 signaling induces a distinct primed quiescent state poised for cell cycle re-entry. Primed quiescent NSCs (p-qNSCs) are defined by high levels of LRIG1 and CD9, as well as an interferon response signature, and can efficiently engraft into the adult subventricular zone (SVZ) niche. Genetic disruption of Lrig1 in vivo within the SVZ NSCs leads an enhanced proliferation. Mechanistically, LRIG1 primes quiescent NSCs for cell cycle re-entry and EGFR responsiveness by enabling EGFR protein levels to increase but limiting signaling activation. LRIG1 is therefore an important functional regulator of NSC exit from quiescence

    Monitoring of Cochlodinium sp for shrimp farms in Hormozgan Province

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    The Blooming due to the some species of phytoplanktons especially Dynoflagellates has made some problems for water ecosystems and aquaculture. In this study, the density of phytoplanktons specially Cochlodinium sp. and also environmental factors such as temperature, pH, dissolved Oxygen, and transparency were recorded two weekly in 18 stations of Hormozgan province, Iran in order to monitoring of the possibility of phytoplankton blooming. During six months monitoring, the target phytoplankton, Cochlodinium sp was not observed in shrimp farms. But, other phytoplanktons and zooplanktons were observed as follow: 13 genus of phytoplankton and six genuses of zooplanktons has found in ponds, main water channel and sea. The diatoms with 10 genuses had the highest abundance and Dynoflagellates with 3 genuses had the lowest abundance and blue-green phytoplankton with one genus was in lowest group. Totally, diatoms with 77%, Dynoflagellate with 15% and blue-green alga with 8% abundance were the main populations of planktons in the studied area