171 research outputs found

    Have news reports on suicide and attempted suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic adhered to guidance on safer reporting? A UK-wide content analysis study

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    Background: Associations between sensational news coverage of suicide and increases in suicidal behaviour have been well documented. Amidst growing concern over the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide rates, it is especially important that news coverage adheres to recommended standards. Methods: We analysed the quality and content of print and online UK news reports of possible COVID-19 related suicides and suicide attempts in the first four months of the pandemic (N=285). Results: Most reports made explicit links between suicidal behaviour and the COVID-19 pandemic in the headline (65.5%), based on statements by family, friends or acquaintances of the deceased (60%). The impact of the pandemic on suicidal behaviour was most often attributed to feelings of isolation (27.4%), poor mental health (14.7%) and entrapment due to government-imposed restrictions (14.4%). Although rarely of poor overall quality, reporting was biased towards young people, frontline staff and relatively unusual suicides and, to varying degrees, failed to meet recommended standards (e.g. 41.1% did not signpost readers to sources of support). Limitations: This analysis cannot account for the impact of reporting on suicide. Conclusions: Careful attention must be paid to the quality and content of reports, especially as longer-term consequences of the pandemic develop

    The Medical Oncology resident mentor: situation and workload

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    Purpose: The Spanish Society for Medical Oncology (SEOM, for its acronym in Spanish) and the National Commission for the Specialty of Medical Oncology seek to highlight the important workload and unrecognized dedication entailed in working as a Medical Oncology (MO) resident mentor, as well as its relevance for the quality of teaching units and the future of the specialty. Materials and methods: The current situation and opinion regarding the activity of MO resident mentors was analyzed by reviewing the standing national and autonomic community regulations and via an online survey targeting mentors, residents, and physicians who are not MO mentors. The project was supervised by a specially designated group that agreed on a proposal containing recommendations for improvement. Results: Of the MO mentors, 90% stated that they did not have enough time to perform their mentoring duties. An estimated 172 h/year on average was dedicated to mentoring, which represents 10.1% of the total time. MO mentors dedicate an average of 6.9 h/month to these duties outside their workday. Forty-five percent of the mentors feel that their role is scantly recognized, if at all. Conclusions: The study reveals the substantial dedication and growing complexity of MO resident mentoring. A series of recommendations are issued to improve the conditions in which it is carried out, including the design of systems that adapt to the professional activity in those departments that have time set aside for mentoring tasks

    Headache yesterday in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: Surveys enquiring about burden of headache over a prior period of time (eg, 3 months) are subject to recall bias. To eliminate this as far as possible, we focused on presence and impact of headache on the preceding day (“headache yesterday”). METHODS: Adults (18-65 years) were surveyed from the general populations of Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, from a work-force population in Spain and from mostly non-headache patient populations of Austria, France and UK. A study of non-responders in some countries allowed detection of potential participation bias where initial participation rates were low. RESULTS: Participation rates varied between 11% and 59% (mean 27%). Non-responder studies suggested that, because of participation bias, headache prevalence might be overestimated in initial responders by up to 2% (absolute). Across all countries, 1,422 of 8,271 participants (15-17%, depending on correction for participation bias) had headache yesterday lasting on average for 6 hours. It was bad or very bad in 56% of cases and caused absence from work or school in 6%. Among those who worked despite headache, 20% reported productivity reduced by >50%. Social activities were lost by 24%. Women (21%) were more likely than men (12%) to have headache yesterday, but impact was similar in the two genders. CONCLUSIONS: With recall biases avoided, our findings indicate that headache costs at least 0.7% of working capacity in Europe. This calculation takes into account that most of those who missed work could make up for this later, which, however, means that leisure and social activities are even more influenced by headache

    Recent therapeutic advances in urothelial carcinoma : A paradigm shift in disease management

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    Altres ajuts: Pfizer.Management of first-line advanced urothelial carcinoma (UC) has consisted during the past three decades in the administration of platinum-based chemotherapy followed by observation. Despite moderate to high response rates to first-line treatment, most patients will relapse shortly after and the outcomes with subsequent therapies are poor with 5-year overall survival rates of 5% in the pre-immunotherapy era. Nonetheless, recent therapeutic developments including the paradigm shift of first-line maintenance therapy with avelumab after response or stabilization on platinum-based chemotherapy, along with the incorporation of new drug classes in further lines of treatment such as antibody drug-conjugates and fibroblast growth factor receptor inhibitors have reshaped the field leading to better outcomes in this patient population. This article reviews the current state of the art with an overview on UC management, recent advances, and the upcoming strategies currently in development in advanced UC with an insight into the biology of this disease

    Expert recommendations on the management of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer who progress after CHAARTED or LATITUDE

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    Objective: Our aim was to provide practical recommendations on the management of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who have progressed after docetaxel plus androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) or abiraterone plus ADT. Methods: Systematic literature review (SLR), nominal group meeting, and Delphi process. A panel of 12 experts was established who defined the scope, users, and sections of the document. We performed an SLR in order to assess the efficacy and safety of available drugs in patients with mCRPC. Abstracts from the American Society of Oncology and European Society for Medical Oncology meetings were also examined. The results were discussed during an expert meeting in which 14 recommendations were generated. The level of agreement with the recommendations was also tested by 13 additional experts following the Delphi process. Recommendations were voted by means of scores ranging from 0 (total disagreement) to 10 (total agreement). We defined agreement when at least 70% of the experts voted ¿7. Next, we assigned a level of evidence and grade to the recommendation using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Levels of Evidence, following which the final document was drafted. Results: The literature search did not find any articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Finally, 13 out of 14 recommendations were accepted after two Delphi rounds (two were modified after the first round). They pertain to general and individual case-based treatment recommendations. Conclusions: In mCRPC patients who have progressed after docetaxel or abiraterone plus ADT in the metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer setting, these recommendations may support treatment decision-making, due to the lack of evidence or other globally accepted sequencing algorithms

    Inflammaging and blood pressure profiles in late life: the screening for CKD among older people across Europe (SCOPE) study

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    The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a marker for systemic inflammation. Since inflammation plays a relevant role in vascular aging, the aim of this study was to investigate whether NLR is associated with blood pressure profiles in older adults. This study was performed within the framework of the SCOPE study including 2461 outpatients aged 75 years and over. Mean blood pressure values, namely systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and pulse pressure (PP) were investigated across tertiles of NLR. Change in blood pressure levels in 2 years of follow-up were compared across categories of baseline NLR. Data of 2397 individuals were used, of which 1854 individuals had hypertension. Mean values of blood pressure did not differ across categories of baseline NLR in individuals without hypertension. Individuals with hypertension with a high-range NLR had lower SBP and PP when compared to those in low-range NLR (mean difference SBP −2.94 mmHg, p = 0.032 and PP −2.55 mmHg, p = 0.030). Mean change in blood pressure in 2 years did only slightly differ in non-clinically relevant ranges, when compared across tertiles of baseline NLR. NLR as a marker of inflammaging was not associated with unfavorable blood pressure profiles in older individuals with or without hypertension

    The Eurolight project: the impact of primary headache disorders in Europe. Description of methods

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    The Eurolight project is the first at European Union level to assess the impact of headache disorders, and also the first of its scale performed by collaboration between professional and lay organizations and individuals. Here are reported the methods developed for it. The project took the form of surveys, by structured questionnaire, conducted in ten countries of Europe which together represented 60% of the adult population of the European Union. In Lithuania, the survey was population-based. Elsewhere, truly population-based studies were impractical for reasons of cost, and various compromises were developed. Closest to being population-based were the surveys in Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain. In Austria, France and UK, samples were taken from health-care settings. In addition in the Netherlands, Spain and Ireland, samples were drawn from members of national headache patient organizations and their relatives. Independent double data-entry was performed prior to analysis. Returned questionnaires from 9,269 respondents showed a moderate female bias (58%); of respondents from patients’ organizations (n = 992), 61% were female. Mean age of all respondents was 44 years; samples from patients’ organizations were slightly older (mean 47 years). The different sampling methods worked with differing degrees of effectiveness, as evidenced by the responder-rates, which varied from 10.8 to 90.7%. In the more population-based surveys, responder-rates varied from 11.3 to 58.8%. We conclude that the methodology, although with differences born of necessity in the ten countries, was sound overall, and will provide robust data on the public ill-health that results from headache in Europe

    Identification of COVID-19 patients at risk of hospital admission and mortality: a European multicentre retrospective analysis of mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin

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    Background: Mid-Regional pro-Adrenomedullin (MR-proADM) is an inflammatory biomarker that improves the prognostic assessment of patients with sepsis, septic shock and organ failure. Previous studies of MR-proADM have primarily focussed on bacterial infections. A limited number of small and monocentric studies have examined MR-proADM as a prognostic factor in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, however there is need for multicenter validation. An evaluation of its utility in predicting need for hospitalisation in viral infections was also performed. Methods: An observational retrospective analysis of 1861 patients, with SARS-CoV-2 confirmed by RT-qPCR, from 10 hospitals across Europe was performed. Biomarkers, taken upon presentation to Emergency Departments (ED), clinical scores, patient demographics and outcomes were collected. Multiclass random forest classifier models were generated as well as calculation of area under the curve analysis. The primary endpoint was hospital admission with and without death. Results: Patients suitable for safe discharge from Emergency Departments could be identified through an MR-proADM value of ≤ 1.02 nmol/L in combination with a CRP (C-Reactive Protein) of ≤ 20.2 mg/L and age ≤ 64, or in combination with a SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score < 2 if MR-proADM was ≤ 0.83 nmol/L regardless of age. Those at an increased risk of mortality could be identified upon presentation to secondary care with an MR-proADM value of > 0.85 nmol/L, in combination with a SOFA score ≥ 2 and LDH > 720 U/L, or in combination with a CRP > 29.26 mg/L and age ≤ 64, when MR-proADM was > 1.02 nmol/L. Conclusions: This international study suggests that for patients presenting to the ED with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, MR-proADM in combination with age and CRP or with the patient’s SOFA score could identify patients at low risk where outpatient treatment may be safe

    Enhanced pharmacological efficacy of sumatriptan due to modification of its physicochemical properties by inclusion in selected cyclodextrins

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    The study focused on the pharmacological action of sumatriptan, in particular its antiallodynic and antihyperalgesic properties, as an effect of cyclodextrinic inclusion of sumatriptan, resulting in changes of its physicochemical qualities such as dissolution and permeability through artificial biological membranes, which had previously been examined in vitro in a gastro-intestinal model. The inclusion of sumatriptan into β-cyclodextrin and 2-hydroxylpropylo-β-cyclodextrin by kneading was confirmed with the use of spectral (fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR); solid state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with magic angle spinning condition, 1H and 13C MAS NMR) and thermal (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)) methods. A precise indication of the domains of sumatriptan responsible for its interaction with cyclodextrin cavities was possible due to a theoretical approach to the analysis of experimental spectra. A high-performance liquid chromatography with a diode-array detector method (HPLC-DAD) was employed to determine changes in the concentration of sumatriptan during dissolution and permeability experiments. The inclusion of sumatriptan in complex with cyclodextrins was found to significantly modify its dissolution profiles by increasing the concentration of sumatriptan in complexed form in an acceptor solution compared to in its free form. Following complexation, sumatriptan manifested an enhanced ability to permeate through artificial biological membranes in a gastro-intestinal model for both cyclodextrins at all pH values. As a consequence of the greater permeability of sumatriptan and its increased dissolution from the complexes, an improved pharmacological response was observed when cyclodextrin complexes were applied