20 research outputs found

    京都大学防災研究所(研究所紹介パンフレット) 2015

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    京都大学防災研究所(研究所紹介パンフレット) 2017

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    Linear Sigma Models in QCD and S3 Symmetry for Neutrinos

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    This thesis has two parts with different topics in particle physics. In part I, we consider various linear sigma models and their applications to scalar mesons. It is shown that the tree amplitude for ππ scattering in the minimal linear sigma model has an exact expression which induces an infinite geometric series in which the pattern for both the I = 0 and I = 2 s-wave scattering lengths to orders p2p^2, p4p^4 and p6p^6 seems to agree with chiral perturbation theory predictions. The model is then gauged to study the mass differences between the vector meson and the axial vector meson as a possibly useful template for the role of a light scalar in QCD as well as for (at a different scale) an effective Higgs sector for some recently proposed walking technicolor models. The model is applied to the s-wave pion-pion scattering in QCD. Both the near threshold region and (with an assumed unitarization) the global region up to about 800 MeV are considered. It is noted that there is a little tension between the choice of bare sigma mass parameter for describing these two regions. By including the parity reversed partner we study a simple two Higgs dou-blet model which reflects, in a phenomenological way, the idea of compositeness for the Higgs sector. It is relatively predictive. In one scenario, it allows for a hidden usual Higgs particle in the 100 GeV region and a possible dark matter candidate. Poles in unitarized [pi pi] scattering amplitude are studied in a generalized linear sigma model which contains two scalar nonets (one of quark-antiquark type and the other of diquark-antidiquark type) and two corresponding pseu- doscalar nonets. It is shown that a reasonable agreement with experimental data is obtained up to about 1 GeV. Some comparison is made to the situation in the usual SU(3) linear sigma model with a single scalar nonet. We show that the mixing of two bare nonets, one of which is of quark- antiquark type and the other of two quark- two antiquark type is, before chiral symmetry breaking terms are included, only possible for three flavors. Specif ically, our criterion would lead one to believe that scalar and pseudoscalar states containing charm would not have four quark admixtures. We also discuss some aspects associated with the possibility of getting new experi- mental information about scalars from semileptonic decays of heavy charged mesons into an isosinglet scalar or pseudoscalar plus leptons. In part II we explore a predictive model based on permutation symmetry S3 for the masses and mixing matrix of three Majorana neutrinos. At zeroth order the model yielded degenerate neutrinos and a generalized tribimaximal mixing matrix. We first study the effects of the perturbation which violates S3 but preserves the well known (23) interchange symmetry. This is done in the presence of an arbitrary Majorana phase ψ which serves to insure the degeneracy of the three neutrinos at the unperturbed level. At this order the mass splitting was incorporated and the tribimaximal mixing matrix emerged with very small corrections but with a zero value for the parameter s13. Next a different, assumed weaker, perturbation is included which gives a non zero value for s13 and further corrections to other quantities. These corrections are worked out and their consequences discussed under the simplifying assumption that the conventional CP violation phase vanishes. It is shown that the existing measurements of the parameter s23 provide strong bounds on s13 in this model

    Disaster Prevention Research Institute[DPRI], Kyoto University Handbook 2018-2019

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    所長より A message from the Director [3]1. 概要 Profile [4]理念 Mission statement [4]沿革 History [4]教職員数/学生等数/財務 Number of faculty and staff members/Number of students/Finance [6]2. 組織・メンバー People [7]DPRIフェロー/名誉教授 DPRI Fellows/List of Professors Emeritus [7]組織 Organization [8]総合防災研究グループ Integrated Arts and Sciences for Disaster Reduction Research Group [10]地震・火山研究グループ Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation Research Group [15]地盤研究グループ Geohazards Research Group [22]大気・水研究グループ Atmosphere-Hydrosphere Research Group [25]技術室 Division of Technical Affairs [33]研究企画推進室 Research Planning and Promotion Office [33]広報出版企画室 Publications Office [33]3. 研究 Research [34]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業採択一覧[2017年度] KAKENHI: Adopted research projects [FY 2017] [34]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業受入額 KAKENHI: Amount received [35]大型研究プロジェクト Major research projects [36]主要な災害調査 Major investigations of the natural disasters [35]4. 共同利用・共同研究 Joint usage/research [36]共同利用・共同研究拠点 Joint Usage/Research Center [36]自然災害研究協議会 Natural Disaster Research Council [NDRC] [37]共同利用施設 Shared facilities [38]共同研究・研究集会 Collaborative research meetings [41]5. 国際交流 International exchange [42]国際交流協定 Academic exchange agreements [42]海外からの来訪・招へい研究者 Visitors from abroad [44]外国人教員・研究員等 Research staff from abroad [44]国際研究集会 International Research Meetings [44]海外受託・共同研究 International collaborative/entrusted researchs projects [44]GADRI事務局 GADRI Secretariat [45]6. 教育 Education [46]大学院協力講座 Affiliations with graduate schools [46]優秀発表賞 Award for best student presentations [47]サイエンスコミュニケーターの養成 Training program for DPRI Science Communicators [47]7. 社会連携 Cooperation with the society [48]京大ウィークス/宇治キャンパス公開 Kyoto University Weeks/Uji Open Campus [48]京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会 DPRI Annual Meeting [48]京都大学防災研究所公開講座 DPRI Open Lecture Series [48]展示 Exhibition [48]来訪対応 Guided tours and lectures for visitors [49]広報媒体 Public relations [49]主要な受賞 List of major awards received by faculty [49]8. アクセス Access [50]隔地施設一覧 Research facilities [50]京都大学宇治キャンパスマップ/時刻表 Uji Campus map/Timetables [51

    Disaster Prevention Research Institute[DPRI], Kyoto University Handbook 2019-2020

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    所長より A message from the Director [1]1. 概要 Profile [2]理念 Mission statement [2]沿革 History [2]教職員数/学生等数/財務 Number of faculty and staff members/Number of students/Finance [4]2. 組織・メンバー People [5]DPRIフェロー/名誉教授 DPRI Fellows/List of Professors Emeritus [5]組織 Organization [6]総合防災研究グループ Integrated Arts and Sciences for Disaster Reduction Research Group [8]地震・火山研究グループ Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation Research Group [14]地盤研究グループ Geohazards Research Group [21]大気・水研究グループ Atmosphere-Hydrosphere Research Group [24]技術室 Division of Technical Affairs [32]研究企画推進室 Research Planning and Promotion Office [32]広報出版企画室 Publications Office [32]3. 社会連携 Cooperation with the society [33]京大ウィークス/宇治キャンパス公開 Kyoto University Weeks/Uji Open Campus [33]京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会 DPRI Annual Meeting [33]京都大学防災研究所公開講座 DPRI Open Lecture Series [33]広報媒体 Public relations [33]4. 国際交流 International exchange [34]国際交流協定 Academic exchange agreements [34]海外からの招へい研究者 Visiting reserchers from abroad [36]外国人教員・研究員・職員 Staff from abroad [36]国際研究集会 International research meetings [36]GADRI事務局 GADRI Secretariat [37]5. 研究 Research [38]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業採択一覧[2019年度] KAKENHI : Adopted research projects [FY 2019] [38]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業受入額 KAKENHI: Amount received [39]大型研究プロジェクト Major research projects [39]主要な災害調査 Major investigations of the natural disasters [39]主要な受賞 List of major awards received by faculty [39]6. 共同利用・共同研究 Joint usage/research [40]自然災害に関する総合防災学の共同利用・共同研究拠点 Joint Usage/Research Center for Inregrated Disaster Science [40]自然災害研究協議会 Natural Disaster Research Council [NDRC] [41]共同利用施設 Shared facilities [42]共同研究・研究集会 Collaborative research meetings [45]7. 教育 Education [46]大学院協力講座 Affiliations with graduate schools [46]優秀発表賞 Award for best student presentations [47]サイエンスコミュニケーターの養成 Training program for DPRI Science Communicators [47]8. アクセス Access [47]隔地施設一覧 Research facilities [48]京都大学宇治キャンパスマップ/時刻表 Uji Campus map/Timetables [49

    Catalog 2017-2018 Disaster Prevention Research Institute[DPRI], Kyoto University

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    所長より A message from the Director [1]概要 Profile [2]理念 Mission statement [2]沿革 History [2]教職員数/学生等数/財務 Number of faculty and staff members/ Number of students/ Finance [4]組織・メンバー People [5]DPRIフェロー/名誉教授 DPRI Fellows/List of Professors Emeritus [5]組織 Organization [6]総合防災研究グループ Integrated Arts and Sciences for Disaster Reduction Research Group [8]地震・火山研究グループ Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Mitigation Research Group [13]地盤研究グループ Geohazards Research Group [20]大気・水研究グループ Atmosphere-Hydrosphere Research Group [23]技術室 Division of Technical Affairs [31]研究企画推進室 Research Planning and Promotion Office [31]広報出版企画室 Publications Office [31]研究 Research [32]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業採択一覧[2016年度] KAKENHI: Adopted research projects [FY 2016] [32]日本学術振興会科学研究費助成事業受入額 KAKENHI: Amount received [33]大型研究プロジェクト Major research projects [33]主要な災害調査 Major investigations of the natural disasters [33]共同利用・共同研究 Joint usage/research [34]共同利用施設 Shared facilities [34]共同研究・研究集会 Collaborative research meetings [38]共同利用・共同研究拠点 Joint Usage/Research Center [39]国際交流 International exchange [40]国際交流協定 Academic exchange agreements [40]海外からの来訪者 Visitors from abroad [42]外国人教員・研究員等 Research staff from abroad [42]国際共同研究 International collaborative research projects [42]国際研究集会 International Research Meetings [42]海外受託・共同研究 International collaborative/entrusted researchs projects [42]GADRI事務局 GADRI Secretariat [43]教育 Education [44]大学院協力講座 Affiliations with graduate schools [44]優秀発表賞・研究奨励賞 Award for best student presentations [45]サイエンスコミュニケーターの養成 Training program for DPRI Science Communicators [45]社会連携 Cooperation with the society [46]京大ウィークス/宇治キャンパス公開 Kyoto University Weeks/Uji Open Campus [46]京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会 DPRI Annual Meeting [46]京都大学防災研究所公開講座 DPRI Open Lecture Series [46]展示 Exhibition [46]来訪対応 Guided tours and lectures for visitors [47]広報媒体 Public relations [47]主要な受賞 List of major awards received by faculty [47]アクセス Access [48]隔地施設一覧 Research facilities [48]京都大学宇治キャンパスマップ Uji Campus map [49

    HI intensity mapping and cross-correlation science with HIRAX.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Abstract available in PDF

    Planck 2018 results. XII. Galactic astrophysics using polarized dust emission

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    We present 353 GHz full-sky maps of the polarization fraction p, angle \u3c8, and dispersion of angles S of Galactic dust thermal emission produced from the 2018 release of Planck data. We confirm that the mean and maximum of p decrease with increasing NH. The uncertainty on the maximum polarization fraction, pmax=22.0% at 80 arcmin resolution, is dominated by the uncertainty on the zero level in total intensity. The observed inverse behaviour between p and S is interpreted with models of the polarized sky that include effects from only the topology of the turbulent Galactic magnetic field. Thus, the statistical properties of p, \u3c8, and S mostly reflect the structure of the magnetic field. Nevertheless, we search for potential signatures of varying grain alignment and dust properties. First, we analyse the product map S 7p, looking for residual trends. While p decreases by a factor of 3--4 between NH=1020 cm 122 and NH=2 71022 cm 122, S 7p decreases by only about 25%, a systematic trend observed in both the diffuse ISM and molecular clouds. Second, we find no systematic trend of S 7p with the dust temperature, even though in the diffuse ISM lines of sight with high p and low S tend to have colder dust. We also compare Planck data with starlight polarization in the visible at high latitudes. The agreement in polarization angles is remarkable. Two polarization emission-to-extinction ratios that characterize dust optical properties depend only weakly on NH and converge towards the values previously determined for translucent lines of sight. We determine an upper limit for the polarization fraction in extinction of 13%, compatible with the pmax observed in emission. These results provide strong constraints for models of Galactic dust in diffuse gas

    An account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1884.

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    Receipts and Expenditures. [2482] Year ending 30 June 1884; Indian expenses

    Kelowna Courier

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